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Summary Two novel metabolites appearing mainly as conjugated form in the urine of rabbits fed nitrazepam have been isolated as deconjugated form. From the data of elemental and spectral analysis, the structure was confirmed as 2-amino-3-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzophenone (M-I) and 2-benzoyl-4-nitro-2-hydroxyacetanilide (M-II).  相似文献   

Riassunto È stato dimostrato che l'inoculazione endovenosa di virus Sindbis nel coniglio provoca formazione di interferone che viene liberato nel sangue ed escreto con le urine. L'interferone urinario sembra derivare quasi completamente dal siero, ha alti titoli ed ha le stesse proprietà fisico-chimiche e biologiche dell'interferone sierico.  相似文献   

Summary The organophosphate neurotoxin soman produced impairments in adrenocortical RNA and protein metabolism. Fasciculate and reticular cell RNA and protein contents were supporessed with sublethal to acutely lethal dosages (20, 30 and 40 g/kg, s.c.) during the acute excitatory phase of intoxication and at 6–8 h post injection. All three dosages produced ca 90% inactivation of plasma cholinesterase. A transient elevation of plasma corticosterone occurred with 20 g/kg soman whereas there was a protracted increase with 30 g/kg. Corticosterone was not significantly elevated with 40 g/kg, but death occurred at 13±4 min. Thus, the magnitude and/or nature of soman-induced metabolic impairments does not appear to prevent adrenal activation.Supported by US Army Medical Research and Development Command Contract DAMD 17-81-C-1202.  相似文献   

The organophosphate neurotoxin soman produced impairments in adrenocortical RNA and protein metabolism. Fasciculate and reticular cell RNA and protein contents were suppressed with sublethal to acutely lethal dosages (20, 30 and 40 micrograms/kg, s.c.) during the acute excitatory phase of intoxication and at 6-8 h post injection. All three dosages produced ca 90% inactivation of plasma cholinesterase. A transient elevation of plasma corticosterone occurred with 20 micrograms/kg soman whereas there was a protracted increase with 30 micrograms/kg. Corticosterone was not significantly elevated with 40 micrograms/kg, but death occurred at 13 +/- 4 min. Thus, the magnitude and/or nature of soman-induced metabolic impairments does not appear to prevent adrenal activation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ein im Urin hungernder oder kachektischer Personen vorhandener Faktor, führt bei Mäusen nach s.c. Injektion im Blut zur Senkung des Ketonkörperspiegels. Der Leberfettgehalt wird herabgesetzt und eine schwache, jedoch regelmässig auftretende Erhöhung des Blutzuckerspiegels herbeigeführt. Bei der Ratte hemmt der Faktorin vitro die Freisetzung von Fettsäuren aus dem epididymalen Fettgewebe. Er beeinflusst möglicherweise den im Harn hungernder Menschen vorhandenen lipid mobilizing factor antagonistisch.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach letaler Röntgenbestrahlung wurde eine Zunahme der Triglyceride, aber keine Veränderung der freien Fettsäuren im Kaninchenplasma gefunden. Eine Belastungsprobe mit I131 markierten Trioleins hat zu keiner Verhinderung der hepatischen Akkumulierung dieses Stoffes in den bestrahlten Tieren geführt. Der Befund weist darauf hin, dass nach Röntgenbestrahlung keine Störung des Fetttransportes aus dem Plasma resultiert, sondern dass die Lipämie eventuell durch abnorme Chylomicra zustande kommt.  相似文献   

4-14C-Progesterone and 4-14C-pregnenolone are metabolized in vitro by rabbit placenta, at day 15 and 28 of gestation, exclusively to compounds reduced in ring A (5) and at carbon 3 and 20.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Corticosteron-Gehalt des Rattenplasmas wurde durch BPV-Behandlung vorübergehend reduziert, obwohl die ACTH-Wirkung auf den Corticosteron-Spiegel im Plasma unverändert blieb.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of insulin was examined with emphasis on the alteration in the force-frequency relation. The results show that insulin does not change the time to peak tension nor the time of contraction. The inotropic effect was significant and did not depend upon the frequency of stimulation. However, there was a definite dependence of the magnitude of the inotropic effect on temperature. Previous studies have indicated that the inotropic effect is not a result of increased substrate availability or changes in cAMP phosphodiesterase activity. These results and those reported here are consistant with the hypothesis that insulin's inotropic effect is due to increases in intracellular Ca++.This work was supported by a grant from the U. S. Public Health Service HL-02285.  相似文献   

Summary In vagotomized rats, 2 weeks after surgery, the amplitude of the circadian rhythm of plasma corticosterone was extremely low, indicating that gastrointestinal activity may be in part involved in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal circadian rhythmicity.  相似文献   

T R Snow 《Experientia》1976,32(12):1550-1551
The effect of insulin was examined with emphasis on the alteration in the force-frequency relation. The results show that insulin does not change the time to peak tension nor the time of contraction. The inotropic effect was significant and did not depend upon the frequency of stimulation. However, there was a definite dependence of the magnitude of the inotropic effect on temperature. Previous studies have indicated that the inotropic effect is not a result of increased substrate availability or changes in cAMP phosphodiesterase activity. These results and those reported here are consistant with the hypothesis that insulin's inotropic effect is due to increases in intracellular Ca++.  相似文献   

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