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提出了一个用原子与腔场纠缠态作为量子信道,非贝尔态测量和腔量子电动力学技术实现弱相干态的隐形传送的方案,分析了平均光子数对传送相干态的影响,发现平均光子数在0.25附近时效果最佳.该方案的最大优点是在某种程度上可以避免退相干现象.  相似文献   

提出了一个用4粒子团簇态作为量子信道传输量子态信息以实现双向通信的方案.在该方案中,通信双方Alice和Bob事先共享一个4粒子团簇态.在通信过程中:首先,将4粒子团簇态与双方要传递的量子态信息共同构成系综态;然后,Alice和Bob分别对自己拥有的部分粒子作Bell基的联合测量,并把测量结果通过经典信道告诉对方;最后,Alice和Bob根据对方公布的测量结果,作相应的幺正变换,就可以在自己的粒子上重现对方要传送的量子态信息.这样就达到了实现量子态的双向通信的目的.  相似文献   

利用GHZ态作为量子信道,再辅以经典信道传送经GHZ态测量后的信息,便可实现量子位的秘密共享.基于上述思想,充分利用六粒子GHZ纠缠态的相关性,通过1次Bell基测量、4次单粒子测量和相应的幺正变换,从而实现了4个量子位的秘密共享方案.  相似文献   

由于制备与传输中的环境耦合,现实中的纠缠态大部分是非最大纠缠态.在研究现有量子受控传递方案的基础上,提出了一种利用非最大纠缠态作为量子通道来几率地传输三粒子部分纠缠态的量子控制方案.在该方案中,选择量子通道中的一个粒子作为控制粒子,发送者进行一次Bell基测量和2次Hadamard门测量;控制者实施一次Hadamard门测量,并将他们的测量结果利用经典信道发给接收者;接收者根据他们的测量结果进行适当的幺正变换以及一些必要的投影测量就能得到待传的未知量子态.该方案是一种基于非最大纠缠态的几率受控的隐形传态方案,可以应用于远程量子计算、远程量子克隆、量子远程控制等.  相似文献   

利用大失谐的原子-腔场相互作用和Bell态测量,提出了一个量子隐形传态方案。在这个方案中,两个具有相同振幅和相对位相的压缩真空态的任意相干叠加态被传送。为了实现这个方案,一个最大纠缠压缩真空态被用来作为量子信道。这个量子隐形传态方案成功的几率是0.5。  相似文献   

在纠缠相干态的隐形传态过程中,使用双模光子数测量和奇偶态测量2种粒子数测量方案,得到的平均保真度存在较大差异.据此对使用非最大纠缠相干态作为量子信道时,2种测量方法得到的平均保真度进行了对比.结果显示:相较于双光子数测量,用奇偶态粒子数测量方案时,隐形传态的平均保重度有了较大提高.  相似文献   

根据大失谐条件下原子–腔场相互作用的特点,讨论了一个制备纠缠相干态的方法,提出了一个利用两能级原子与腔场相干态相互作用实现纠缠浓缩的方案。在这个方案中,2个具有相同振幅但有着π相位差的相干光|α〉和|-α〉构成的纠缠态光场被用来作为量子信道,通过利用两能级原子与腔场的相互作用以及两模正交态测量实现了这个纠缠浓缩的过程。结果表明:对于纠缠相干态,无论其初始的纠缠是多么微弱,利用这种方法总有一定的几率可以从部分纠缠态中提取出最大纠缠态。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种以团簇态为量子信道的受控超密编码方案.研究结果表明:通过调节测量角的取值,监控者可以控制发送者和接收者之间的信息发送量,并且可以控制发送者和接收者之间量子信道的纠缠度.  相似文献   

使用4粒子纠缠态作为量子信道,在对4粒子纠缠态的纠缠系数方面并没有做确切要求的前提下,完成了未知3粒子纠缠态的隐形传态.在传输过程中,发送方对2对粒子进行Bell测量并公布结果,然后再对4粒子中的一个粒子作Hadamard操作之后,也对其进行测量,且将测量结果通过经典信道公布.接收方引进2个辅助粒子并实施一次控制非操作,再进行一组适当的幺正变换,便可实现未知3粒子纠缠态的概率量子隐形传态.  相似文献   

实现量子态的隐形传送,尤其是多比特的量子态的隐形传送在量子信息领域中具有非常重要的作用。本文提出了一种用一个三原子和相干态腔场的纠缠态作为量子信道,隐形传送三比特的未知原子态的方案。  相似文献   

Cook RL  Martin PJ  Geremia JM 《Nature》2007,446(7137):774-777
Quantum mechanics hinders our ability to determine the state of a physical system in two ways: individual measurements provide only partial information about the observed system (because of Heisenberg uncertainty), and measurements are themselves invasive-meaning that little or no refinement is achieved by further observation of an already measured system. Theoretical methods have been developed to maximize the information gained from a quantum measurement while also minimizing disturbance, but laboratory implementation of optimal measurement procedures is often difficult. The standard class of operations considered in quantum information theory tends to rely on superposition-basis and entangled measurements, which require high-fidelity implementation to be effective in the laboratory. Here we demonstrate that real-time quantum feedback can be used in place of a delicate quantum superposition, often called a 'Schr?dinger cat state', to implement an optimal quantum measurement for discriminating between optical coherent states. Our procedure actively manipulates the target system during the measurement process, and uses quantum feedback to modify the statistics of an otherwise sub-optimal operator to emulate the optimal cat-state measurement. We verify a long-standing theoretical prediction and demonstrate feedback-mediated quantum measurement at its fundamental quantum limit over a non-trivial region of parameter space.  相似文献   

在两光子自由空间量子隐形传态实验方案中,设计了一套远程光符合的电子学系统,系统最小符合时间窗口约2ns.整个系统包括编码、解码、延时、高压驱动、符合、计数等模块.此系统实现了将实验中的经典信息和量子信息耦合在一起并通过自由空间传送到另一端进行在线符合来判定纠缠光子对.系统中编码模块将Alice端Bell基测量结果的时间标记信息和通道信息叠加在一起,通道信息的编码使用了奇偶校验和汉明码来降低事例丢失率和出错率,解码模块则分离出经典的时间标记信息和通道信息并做相应操作.完成了800m距离的两光子自由空间量子隐形传态实验,实验结果表明用本系统进行远程的实验是可行的.  相似文献   

Because of inversion symmetry and particle exchange, all constituents of homonuclear diatomic molecules are in a quantum mechanically non-local coherent state; this includes the nuclei and deep-lying core electrons. Hence, the molecular photoemission can be regarded as a natural double-slit experiment: coherent electron emission originates from two identical sites, and should give rise to characteristic interference patterns. However, the quantum coherence is obscured if the two possible symmetry states of the electronic wavefunction ('gerade' and 'ungerade') are degenerate; the sum of the two exactly resembles the distinguishable, incoherent emission from two localized core sites. Here we observe the coherence of core electrons in N(2) through a direct measurement of the interference exhibited in their emission. We also explore the gradual transition to a symmetry-broken system of localized electrons by comparing different isotope-substituted species--a phenomenon analogous to the acquisition of partial 'which-way' information in macroscopic double-slit experiments.  相似文献   

Sillanpää MA  Park JI  Simmonds RW 《Nature》2007,449(7161):438-442
As with classical information processing, a quantum information processor requires bits (qubits) that can be independently addressed and read out, long-term memory elements to store arbitrary quantum states, and the ability to transfer quantum information through a coherent communication bus accessible to a large number of qubits. Superconducting qubits made with scalable microfabrication techniques are a promising candidate for the realization of a large-scale quantum information processor. Although these systems have successfully passed tests of coherent coupling for up to four qubits, communication of individual quantum states between superconducting qubits via a quantum bus has not yet been realized. Here, we perform an experiment demonstrating the ability to coherently transfer quantum states between two superconducting Josephson phase qubits through a quantum bus. This quantum bus is a resonant cavity formed by an open-ended superconducting transmission line of length 7 mm. After preparing an initial quantum state with the first qubit, this quantum information is transferred and stored as a nonclassical photon state of the resonant cavity, then retrieved later by the second qubit connected to the opposite end of the cavity. Beyond simple state transfer, these results suggest that a high-quality-factor superconducting cavity could also function as a useful short-term memory element. The basic architecture presented here can be expanded, offering the possibility for the coherent interaction of a large number of superconducting qubits.  相似文献   

提出利用一个三粒子部分纠缠GHZ态作为量子信道,实现三粒子GHZ态从发送者传送给两个接收者中任意一个的概率隐形传态方案.若发送者进行一次Bell测量和两次Hadamard门操作后,想得到所需传送的三粒子GHZ态的接收者端引进两个辅助粒子,进行两次控制-非操作,同时根据另一个接收者对手中粒子进行Hadamard门操作后的测量结果实施一个适当的幺正变换,可以一定的概率成功地隐形传送三粒子GHZ态.此方案可推广至隐形传送k粒子GHZ态,这时也只要用一个三粒子GHZ态作为量子信道,但想得到所需传送的k粒子GHZ态的接收者端需引进(k-1)个辅助粒子,进行(k-1)次控制-非操作.  相似文献   

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