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报道最近发现的华南地区湖南省芙蓉统(上寒武统)三维保存的古蠕虫骨片碎片。描述两个新的形态属和两个新的形态种:Hunanoscolex campus新属新种和Ornatoscolex hunanensis新属新种。大部分标本属于幼体阶段。Hunanoscolex campus体节宽度的巨大差异显示其处于生长发育阶段,因此可以对个体生长对表皮骨片形态的影响进行研究。虫体生长主要依靠增加单个体节中骨片的数量。位于同一排中的大骨板排列变得疏松。新增加的小骨板和微骨板大小和纹饰基本不变,但大骨板的纹饰可能存在变化。这些观察结果有助于更好地理解古蠕虫骨片的种内差异,从而可能提高形态种属分类的准确性。  相似文献   

记述了湖南花垣县排碧剖面寒武系花桥组上部灰岩中的开腔骨类化石。40余块形态多样的化石标本,包括具6-7+1型的Chancelloria altaica;4+0型Archiasterella sp.;和3+0型Allonnia sp.;以及形态奇特的开腔骨针Chancelloria sp.,与三叶虫、牙形石、腕足动物、软舌螺类等共生,时代属中寒武世晚期。与其他研究比较证明,这是迄今我国中寒武世晚期开腔骨类最高产出层位,也是世界上少数几个开腔骨类较高的产出层位之一。通过对开腔骨类骨片构造、保存环境及其地史地理分布的分析,认为开腔骨类是一类与海绵类有密切关系、已绝灭的后生动物,是一类生活于浅海环境的底栖固着型生物。  相似文献   

The fossils of Orsten-type preservation are as famous as Chengjiang Fauna in the world,but it was not until 2005 that the Orsten-type fossils represented by Skaraearida and Phosphatocopida were first reported to be found in western Hunan,South China. Here,we report the systematic paleontology of all the exquisitely preserved specimens belonging to Skaraearida.They were found at a same horizon of Upper Cambrian (Furongian) in Wangcun section,western Hunan,south China,assigned to a new species Skara huna- nensis herein.Skara hunanensis is characterized by small,soft-integumented,marine forms with slender,annulate body;labrum large and ventrocaudally directed;uniramous antennulae;biramous antennae and mandibulae;maxillas and maxillipeds of the same shape;all postantennular limbs join a short cephalic filter apparatus.The body has two tagmata:a cephalon with five pairs of well developed ap- pendages and a trunk composed of 11 ring-shaped conical segments.  相似文献   

Samples of black rock series collected from the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, northwestern Hunan Province, China, were analyzed for trace elements.The trace element geochemical characteristics of the ore layer (high enrichments of Ni, Mo, V, U, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Tl and Ba; high U/Th ratios and LREE-enriched patterns with positive Eu and Y anomalies) support the assumption that the Ni-Mo polymetallic layer is of submarine hydrothermal origin.High field strength elements (HFSE) and lithophile elements such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Li, Be, Rb, Cs, Th and Sc are remarkably higher in the upper unit than those in the lower unit of the Niutitang Formation.These features may reflect that hydrothermal contributions were diminished, and terrigenous constituents were increased in the sediments of the upper unit of the Niutitang Formation.  相似文献   

Abundant and well-preserved macroalgae fossils have been discovered in silty mudstones and shales from the Middle Cambrian of Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, China. CorallinaParaamphiroa siniansis gen. et sp. nov. in the Kaili Fm., is the earliest Corallina fossil, which usually coexists with other carbonaceous macroalgae fossils on the bedding planes of mudstone and shale and is different from the calcareous and phosphatized Precambrian-Cambrian thallus discovered in the Lower Cambrian of Siberia and the Doushantou phosphate rocks of Weng’an County, Guizhou Province, China. The discovery of calcified thallus in the Kaili Fm. bears great importance on the study of phylogeny and evolution of early calcareous macroalgae.  相似文献   

基于GM(1,1)灰色模型的湖南省人口规模预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口增长、资源耗竭、环境污染问题是当今社会面临的重大问题,而人口问题是实现人口、资源、环境可持续发展的前提.人口规模是否合理,对一个地区未来的资源、环境、经济与社会可持续发展影响深远.针对人口预测中信息不充分的特点,运用GM(1,1)灰色增长模型对湖南省2009年~2020年的人口规模做出了科学预测,在分析湖南省人口发展所面临问题的基础上,尝试性地提出了对策,为湖南省在新的历史机遇期科学地制定相关社会经济发展战略与规划、实现人口与资源环境的可持续发展提供参考.  相似文献   

TheLowerCambrianblackshalesequenceoccursinSouthChinaalonganarc parallellinearbeltex tendingmorethan 16 0 0km .Theseorganic richblackshalesformedinvariousmarineenvironmentsandtypicallycontainhigheramountsofmolybdenum ,nickel,vanadium ,andanumberofothereconomical lyimportantmetalsthandoanyothersedimentaryrocks[1,2 ] .Therefore ,thestudyoftheseblackshaleshasnotonlypaleoceangraphicimplicationbutalsoe conomicsignificance .Marinesedimentssuchasblackshalearecom plexmixturesofdetritalphasesandseawat…  相似文献   

变点颊脊隐翅虫群目前已知 10种 ,都生活在东亚和东南亚地区 (Smetana ,1998) ,其中 ,来自越南北部1种 ,尼泊尔 1种 ,日本 1种 ,中国 7种 .本文记述并图示中国四川一新种 ,卢氏颊脊隐翅虫 ,Quedius (Raphirus)luae ,该种与Q .(R .)jindrai相似 ,但除雄性外生殖器的差异外 ,腹部第 1背板两侧无金色毛簇 ,触角和足的颜色也与之有别 .  相似文献   

基于安徽省巢湖市狮子口剖面上泥盆统(法门阶)五通组的标本,对龙潭楔叶Sphenophyllum lungtanense Gothan et Sze的叶形和脉式等重要特征取得了新认识。华南晚泥盆世楔叶目的起源和演化分异模式不同于劳俄大陆的同类植物,它们兼有原始和进化的营养器官(枝状、线状或片状叶)和生殖器官(缺少或具有孢子叶),显示出较高的形态多样性和镶嵌演化。  相似文献   

The paleo oceanenvironmentalchangeduringthePrecambrian Cambriantransitionisakeyissuere latedtothecausesforanexplosiveradiationofdiffer entmetazoanphyladuringtheEarlyCambrianera .Thechemicalandisotopiccompositionsofmarinesed iments (carbonates ,phosphorites ,siliceousrocks ,andblackshales)recordthechangingcompositionandphysicalconditionsoftheseawaterinwhichtheserocksaccumulated .Organiccarbon richblackshalesfrommarineenvironmentsarecommonlyenrichedinanumberoftraceelementssuchasNi,Mo ,V ,Co ,…  相似文献   

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