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As a representative emerging financial market, the Chinese stock market is more prone to volatility because of investor sentiment. It is reasonable to use efficient predictive methods to analyze the influence of investor sentiment on stock price forecasting. This paper conducts a comparative study about the predictive performance of artificial neural network, support vector regression (SVR) and autoregressive integrated moving average and selects SVR to study the asymmetry effect of investor sentiment on different industry index predictions. After studying the relevant financial indicators, the results divide the Shenwan first-class industries into two types and show that the industries affected by investor sentiment are composed of young companies with high growth and high operative pressure and there are a great number of investment bubbles in those companies.  相似文献   

Effectively explaining and accurately forecasting industrial stock volatility can provide crucial references to develop investment strategies, prevent market risk and maintain the smooth running of national economy. This paper aims to discuss the roles of industry‐level indicators in industrial stock volatility. Selecting Chinese manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) and its five component PMI as the proxies of industry‐level indicators, we analyze the contributions of PMI on industrial stock volatility and further compare the volatility forecasting performances of PMI, macroeconomic fundamentals and economic policy uncertainty (EPU), by constructing the individual and combination GARCH‐MIDAS models. The empirical results manifest that, first, most of the PMI has significant negative effects on industrial stock volatility. Second, PMI which focuses on the industrial sector itself is more helpful to forecast industrial stock volatility compared with the commonly used macroeconomic fundamentals and economic policy uncertainty. Finally, the combination GARCH‐MIDAS approaches based on DMA technique demonstrate more excellent predictive abilities than the individual GARCH‐MIDAS models. Our major conclusions are robust through various robustness checks.  相似文献   

The success of any timing strategy depends on the accuracy of market forecasts. In this paper, we test five indices to forecast the 1‐month‐ahead performance of the S&P 500 Index. These indices reflect investor sentiment, current business conditions, economic policy uncertainty, and market dislocation information. Each model is used in a logistic regression analysis to predict the 1‐month‐ahead market direction, and the forecasts are used to adjust the portfolio's beta. Beta optimization refers to a strategy designed to create a portfolio beta of 1.0 when the market is expected to go up, and a beta of ?1.0 when a bear market is expected. Successful application of this strategy generates returns that are consistent with a call option or an option straddle position; that is, positive returns are generated in both up and down markets. Analysis reveals that the models' forecasts have discriminatory power in identifying substantial market movements, particularly during the bursting of the tech bubble and the financial crisis. Four of the five forecast models tested outperform the benchmark index.  相似文献   

In an uncertain world, decisions by market participants are based on expectations. Therefore, sentiment indicators reflecting expectations have a proven track record at predicting economic variables. However, survey respondents largely perceive the world through media reports. Here, we want to make use of that. We employ a rich dataset provided by Media Tenor International, based on sentiment analysis of opinion‐leading media in Germany from 2001 to 2014, transformed into several monthly indices. German industrial production is predicted in a real‐time out‐of‐sample forecasting experiment and media indices are compared to a huge set of alternative indicators. Media data turn out to be valuable for 10‐ to 12‐month horizon forecasts, which is in line with the lag between monetary policy announcements and their effect on industrial production. This holds in the period during and after the Great Recession when many models fail. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the transmission patterns of stock market movements between developed and emerging market economies by estimating a four‐variable VAR model. The underlying economic fundamentals and trade links are considered as possible determinants of differences in transmission patterns. The results of the impulse response functions and variance decompositions indicate that significant links exist between the stock markets of the USA and Mexico and weaker links between the markets of the USA, Argentina, and Brazil. Differences in the patterns of stock market responses are consistent with differences in trade flows. The response of emerging markets to a shock to the US market lasts longer than that of a developed market such as the UK. While no single emerging market can affect the US stock market, the combined effect of emerging markets on the US stock market is found to be statistically significant. These findings can be linked to differences in the speed of information processing and to the institutional structure governing the market. Overall the findings suggest that the transmission of stock market movements is in accord with underlying economic fundamentals rather than irrational contagion effects. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A variety of recent studies provide a skeptical view on the predictability of stock returns. Empirical evidence shows that most prediction models suffer from a loss of information, model uncertainty, and structural instability by relying on low‐dimensional information sets. In this study, we evaluate the predictive ability of various lately refined forecasting strategies, which handle these issues by incorporating information from many potential predictor variables simultaneously. We investigate whether forecasting strategies that (i) combine information and (ii) combine individual forecasts are useful to predict US stock returns, that is, the market excess return, size, value, and the momentum premium. Our results show that methods combining information have remarkable in‐sample predictive ability. However, the out‐of‐sample performance suffers from highly volatile forecast errors. Forecast combinations face a better bias–efficiency trade‐off, yielding a consistently superior forecast performance for the market excess return and the size premium even after the 1970s.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the determinants of the US dollar/euro within the framework of the asset pricing theory of exchange rate determination, which posits that current exchange rate fluctuations are determined by the entire path of current and future revisions in expectations about fundamentals. In this perspective, we innovate by conditioning on Fama–French and Carhart risk factors, which directly measures changing market expectations about the economic outlook, on new financial condition indexes and macroeconomic variables. The macro‐finance augmented econometric model has a remarkable in‐sample and out‐of‐sample predictive ability, largely outperforming a standard autoregressive specification. We also document a stable relationship between the US dollar/euro Carhart momentum conditional correlation (CCW) and the euro area business cycle. CCW signals a progressive weakening in economic conditions since June 2014, consistent with the scattered recovery from the sovereign debt crisis and the new Greek solvency crisis exploded in late spring/early summer 2015. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluate forecasting models of US business fixed investment spending growth over the recent 1995:1–2004:2 out‐of‐sample period. The forecasting models are based on the conventional Accelerator, Neoclassical, Average Q, and Cash‐Flow models of investment spending, as well as real stock prices and excess stock return predictors. The real stock price model typically generates the most accurate forecasts, and forecast‐encompassing tests indicate that this model contains most of the information useful for forecasting investment spending growth relative to the other models at longer horizons. In a robustness check, we also evaluate the forecasting performance of the models over two alternative out‐of‐sample periods: 1975:1–1984:4 and 1985:1–1994:4. A number of different models produce the most accurate forecasts over these alternative out‐of‐sample periods, indicating that while the real stock price model appears particularly useful for forecasting the recent behavior of investment spending growth, it may not continue to perform well in future periods. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper offers strong further empirical evidence to support the intrinsic bubble model of stock prices, developed by Froot and Obstfeld (American Economic Review, 1991), in two ways. First, our results suggest that there is a long‐run nonlinear relationship between stock prices and dividends for the US stock market during the period 1871–1996. Second, we find that the out‐of‐sample forecasting performance of the intrinsic bubbles model is significantly better than the performance of two alternatives, namely the random walk and the rational bubbles model. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined the link between international equity flows and US stock returns. Based on the results of tests of in‐sample and out‐of‐sample predictability of stock returns, we found evidence of a strong positive (negative) link between international equity flows and contemporaneous (one‐month‐ahead) stock returns. Our results also indicate that an investor, in real time, could have used information on the link between international equity flows and one‐month‐ahead stock returns to improve the performance of simple trading rules. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Following recent non‐linear extensions of the present‐value model, this paper examines the out‐of‐sample forecast performance of two parametric and two non‐parametric nonlinear models of stock returns. The parametric models include the standard regime switching and the Markov regime switching, whereas the non‐parametric are the nearest‐neighbour and the artificial neural network models. We focused on the US stock market using annual observations spanning the period 1872–1999. Evaluation of forecasts was based on two criteria, namely forecast accuracy and forecast encompassing. In terms of accuracy, the Markov and the artificial neural network models produce at least as accurate forecasts as the other models. In terms of encompassing, the Markov model outperforms all the others. Overall, both criteria suggest that the Markov regime switching model is the most preferable non‐linear empirical extension of the present‐value model for out‐of‐sample stock return forecasting. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between stock prices and commodity prices and whether this can be used to forecast stock returns. As both prices are linked to expected future economic performance they should exhibit a long‐run relationship. Moreover, changes in sentiment towards commodity investing may affect the nature of the response to disequilibrium. Results support cointegration between stock and commodity prices, while Bai–Perron tests identify breaks in the forecast regression. Forecasts are computed using a standard fixed (static) in‐sample/out‐of‐sample approach and by both recursive and rolling regressions, which incorporate the effects of changing forecast parameter values. A range of model specifications and forecast metrics are used. The historical mean model outperforms the forecast models in both the static and recursive approaches. However, in the rolling forecasts, those models that incorporate information from the long‐run stock price/commodity price relationship outperform both the historical mean and other forecast models. Of note, the historical mean still performs relatively well compared to standard forecast models that include the dividend yield and short‐term interest rates but not the stock/commodity price ratio. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance of GARCH model and its modifications, using the rate of returns from the daily stock market indices of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) including Composite Index, Tins Index, Plantations Index, Properties Index, and Finance Index. The models are stationary GARCH, unconstrained GARCH, non‐negative GARCH, GARCH‐M, exponential GARCH and integrated GARCH. The parameters of these models and variance processes are estimated jointly using the maximum likelihood method. The performance of the within‐sample estimation is diagnosed using several goodness‐of‐fit statistics. We observed that, among the models, even though exponential GARCH is not the best model in the goodness‐of‐fit statistics, it performs best in describing the often‐observed skewness in stock market indices and in out‐of‐sample (one‐step‐ahead) forecasting. The integrated GARCH, on the other hand, is the poorest model in both respects. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study the performance of recently developed linear regression models for interval data when it comes to forecasting the uncertainty surrounding future stock returns. These interval data models use easy‐to‐compute daily return intervals during the modeling, estimation and forecasting stage. They have to stand up to comparable point‐data models of the well‐known capital asset pricing model type—which employ single daily returns based on successive closing prices and might allow for GARCH effects—in a comprehensive out‐of‐sample forecasting competition. The latter comprises roughly 1000 daily observations on all 30 stocks that constitute the DAX, Germany's main stock index, for a period covering both the calm market phase before and the more turbulent times during the recent financial crisis. The interval data models clearly outperform simple random walk benchmarks as well as the point‐data competitors in the great majority of cases. This result does not only hold when one‐day‐ahead forecasts of the conditional variance are considered, but is even more evident when the focus is on forecasting the width or the exact location of the next day's return interval. Regression models based on interval arithmetic thus prove to be a promising alternative to established point‐data volatility forecasting tools. Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the role of macroeconomic and stock market variables in the dynamic Nelson–Siegel framework with the purpose of fitting and forecasting the term structure of interest rate on the Japanese government bond market. The Nelson–Siegel type models in state‐space framework considerably outperform the benchmark simple time series forecast models such as an AR(1) and a random walk. The yields‐macro model incorporating macroeconomic factors leads to a better in‐sample fit of the term structure than the yields‐only model. The out‐of‐sample predictability of the former for short‐horizon forecasts is superior to the latter for all maturities examined in this study, and for longer horizons the former is still compatible to the latter. Inclusion of macroeconomic factors can dramatically reduce the autocorrelation of forecast errors, which has been a common phenomenon of statistical analysis in previous term structure models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines short‐horizon exchange rate predictability and investigates whether stock returns contain information for forecasting daily exchange rate movements. Inspired by the uncovered equity parity condition, we show that stock return differentials have in‐sample and out‐of‐sample predictive power for nominal exchange rates with short horizons (1‐day‐ahead predictions). That is, stock markets inform us about exchange rate movements, at least in the case of high‐frequency data.  相似文献   

Using quantile regression this paper explores the predictability of the stock and bond return distributions as a function of economic state variables. The use of quantile regression allows us to examine specific parts of the return distribution such as the tails and the center, and for a sufficiently fine grid of quantiles we can trace out the entire distribution. A univariate quantile regression model is used to examine the marginal stock and bond return distributions, while a multivariate model is used to capture their joint distribution. An empirical analysis on US data shows that economic state variables predict the stock and bond return distributions in quite different ways in terms of, for example, location shifts, volatility and skewness. Comparing the different economic state variables in terms of their out‐of‐sample forecasting performance, the empirical analysis also shows that the relative accuracy of the state variables varies across the return distribution. Density forecasts based on an assumed normal distribution with forecasted mean and variance is compared to forecasts based on quantile estimates and, in general, the latter yields the best performance. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Successful market timing strategies depend on superior forecasting ability. We use a sentiment index model, a kitchen sink logistic regression model, and a machine learning model (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, LASSO) to forecast 1‐month‐ahead S&P 500 Index returns. In order to determine how successful each strategy is at forecasting the market direction, a “beta optimization” strategy is implemented. We find that the LASSO model outperforms the other models with consistently higher annual returns and lower monthly drawdowns.  相似文献   

A large literature has investigated predictability of the conditional mean of low‐frequency stock returns by macroeconomic and financial variables; however, little is known about predictability of the conditional distribution. We look at one‐step‐ahead out‐of‐sample predictability of the conditional distribution of monthly US stock returns in relation to the macroeconomic and financial environment. Our methodological approach is innovative: we consider several specifications for the conditional density and combinations schemes. Our results are as follows: the entire density is predicted under combination schemes as applied to univariate GARCH models with Gaussian innovations; the Bayesian winner in relation to GARCH‐skewed‐t models is informative about the 5% value at risk; the average realised utility of a mean–variance investor is maximised under the Bayesian winner as applied to GARCH models with symmetric Student t innovations. Our results have two implications: the best prediction model depends on the evaluation criterion; and combination schemes outperform individual models. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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