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An Erratum has been published for this article in Journal of Forecasting 22(6‐7) 2003, 551 The Black–Scholes formula is a well‐known model for pricing and hedging derivative securities. It relies, however, on several highly questionable assumptions. This paper examines whether a neural network (MLP) can be used to find a call option pricing formula better corresponding to market prices and the properties of the underlying asset than the Black–Scholes formula. The neural network method is applied to the out‐of‐sample pricing and delta‐hedging of daily Swedish stock index call options from 1997 to 1999. The relevance of a hedge‐analysis is stressed further in this paper. As benchmarks, the Black–Scholes model with historical and implied volatility estimates are used. Comparisons reveal that the neural network models outperform the benchmarks both in pricing and hedging performances. A moving block bootstrap is used to test the statistical significance of the results. Although the neural networks are superior, the results are sometimes insignificant at the 5% level. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

If past prices can successfully predict future price movements, it would contradict the notion of weak‐form market efficiency. Return predictability can be assessed via a variety of random walk statistical tests or via the application of mechanical trading rules. Findings of return predictability and state of market efficiency are compared by applying a battery of popular random walk statistical tests and a large set of mechanical trading rules to a family of equity indexes in Asia–Pacific equity markets over a 20‐year period of time. Inferences drawn from different random walk based econometric tests of market efficiency often disagree among themselves and tend to exaggerate the extent of predictability in returns. Testing of return predictability via a set of mechanical trading rules allows one to account for a possible data snooping bias, error measurements due to nonsynchronous trading and market frictions such as trading costs. Persistent predictability of returns that cannot be explained by the combination of data snooping bias, nonsynchronicity bias and moderate level of transaction costs is found in just two emerging equity markets in the region. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between the Australian real estate and equity market between 1980 and 1999. The results from this study show three specific outcomes that extend the current literature on real estate finance. First, it is shown that structural shifts in stock and property markets can lead to the emergence of an unstable linear relationship between these markets. That is, full‐sample results support bi‐directional Granger causality between equity and real estate returns, whereas when sub‐samples are chosen that account for structural shifts the results generally show that changes within stock market prices influence real estate market returns, but not vice versa. Second, the results also indicate that non‐linear causality tests show a strong unidirectional relationship running from the stock market to the real estate market. Finally, from this empirical evidence a trading strategy is developed which offers superior performance when compared to adopting a passive strategy for investing in Australian securitized property. These results appear to have important implications for managing property assets in the funds management industry and also for the pricing efficiency within the Australian property market. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we verify the existence of predictability in the Brazilian equity market. Unlike other studies in the same sense, which evaluate original series for each stock, we evaluate synthetic series created on the basis of linear models of stocks. Following the approach of Burgess (Computational Finance, 1999; 99, 297–312), we use the ‘stepwise regression’ model for the formation of models of each stock. We then use the variance ratio profile together with a Monte Carlo simulation for the selection of models with potential predictability using data from 1 April 1999 to 30 December 2003. Unlike the approach of Burgess, we carry out White's Reality Check (Econometrica, 2000; 68, 1097–1126) in order to verify the existence of positive returns for the period outside the sample from 2 January 2004 to 28 August 2007. We use the strategies proposed by Sullivan, Timmermann and White (Journal of Finance, 1999; 54, 1647–1691) and Hsu and Kuan (Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2005; 3, 606–628) amounting to 26,410 simulated strategies. Finally, using the bootstrap methodology, with 1000 simulations, we find strong evidence of predictability in the models, including transaction costs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple empirical approach to modeling and forecasting market option prices using localized option regressions (LOR). LOR projects market option prices over localized regions of their state space and is robust to assumptions regarding the underlying asset dynamics (e.g. log‐normality) and volatility structure. Our empirical study using 3 years of daily S&P500 options shows that LOR yields smaller out‐of‐sample pricing errors (e.g. 32% 1‐day‐out) relative to an efficient benchmark from the literature and produces option prices free of the volatility smile. In addition to being an efficient and robust option‐modeling and valuation tool for large option books, LOR provides a simple‐to‐implement empirical benchmark for evaluating more complex risk‐neutral models. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forecasts of interest rates for different maturities are essential for forecasts of asset prices. The growth of derivatives markets coupled with the development of complex theories of the term structure of interest rates have provided forecasters with a rich array of variables for predicting interest rates and yield spreads. This paper extends previous work on forecasting future interest rates and yield spreads using market data for T-bills, T-Notes, and Treasury Bond spot and futures contracts. The information conveyed in technical models that use market data is also assessed, using a recent innovation in interest rate modelling, the maximum smoothness approach. Forecasts from this model are compared with predicted yields and yield spreads derived from futures prices as well as with those of the random walk model. The results show some evidence of market segmentation, with more arbitrage evident for nearby maturities. Market participants appear to show a greater degree of consensus on short-term interest rates than on longer-term interest rates. There is some indication that forecasts from the futures markets are marginally better than those provided by those of the maximum-smoothness approach, consistent with the informational advantages of futures markets. Finally, futures and maximum-smoothness market forecasts are shown to outperform those of the random walk model.© 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines whether simple measures of Canadian equity and housing price misalignments contain leading information about output growth and inflation. Previous authors have generally found that the information content of asset prices in general, and equity and housing prices in particular, are unreliable in that they do not systematically predict future economic activity or inflation. However, earlier studies relied on simple linear relationships that would fail to pick up the potential nonlinear effects of asset price misalignments. Our results suggest that housing prices are useful for predicting GDP growth, even within a linear context. Meanwhile, both stock and housing prices can improve inflation forecasts, especially when using a threshold specification. These improvements in forecast performance are relative to the information contained in Phillips‐curve type indicators for inflation and IS‐curve type indicators for GDP growth. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a novel way to estimate the out‐of‐sample predictive ability of a trading rule. Usually, this ability is estimated using a sample‐splitting scheme, true out‐of‐sample data being rarely available. We argue that this method makes poor use of the available data and creates data‐mining possibilities. Instead, we introduce an alternative.632 bootstrap approach. This method enables building in‐sample and out‐of‐sample bootstrap datasets that do not overlap but exhibit the same time dependencies. We show in a simulation study that this technique drastically reduces the mean squared error of the estimated predictive ability. We illustrate our methodology on IBM, MSFT and DJIA stock prices, where we compare 11 trading rules specifications. For the considered datasets, two different filter rule specifications have the highest out‐of‐sample mean excess returns. However, all tested rules cannot beat a simple buy‐and‐hold strategy when trading at a daily frequency. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a new methodology for filtering and forecasting the latent variance in a two‐factor diffusion process with jumps from a continuous‐time perspective. For this purpose we use a continuous‐time Markov chain approximation with a finite state space. Essentially, we extend Markov chain filters to processes of higher dimensions. We assess forecastability of the models under consideration by measuring forecast error of model expected realized variance, trading in variance swap contracts, producing value‐at‐risk estimates as well as examining sign forecastability. We provide empirical evidence using two sources, the S&P 500 index values and its corresponding cumulative risk‐neutral expected variance (namely the VIX index). Joint estimation reveals the market prices of equity and variance risk implicit by the two probability measures. A further simulation study shows that the proposed methodology can filter the variance of virtually any type of diffusion process (coupled with a jump process) with a non‐analytical density function. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Because of their natural adherence to the climate and pronounced seasonal cycles, prices of field crops constitute an interesting field for exploring seasonal time series models. We consider quarterly prices of two major cereals: barley and wheat. Using traditional in‐sample fit and moving‐window techniques, we investigate whether seasonality is deterministic or unit‐root stochastic and whether seasonal cycles have converged over time. We find that seasonal cycles in the data are mainly deterministic and that evidence on common cycles across countries differs for the two commodities. Out‐of‐sample prediction experiments, however, yield a ranking with respect to accuracy that does not match the statistical in‐sample evidence. Parametric bootstrap experiments establish that the observed mismatch is indeed an inherent and systematic feature. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As a consequence of recent technological advances and the proliferation of algorithmic and high‐frequency trading, the cost of trading in financial markets has irrevocably changed. One important change, known as price impact, relates to how trading affects prices. Price impact represents the largest cost associated with trading. Forecasting price impact is very important as it can provide estimates of trading profits after costs and also suggest optimal execution strategies. Although several models have recently been developed which may forecast the immediate price impact of individual trades, limited work has been done to compare their relative performance. We provide a comprehensive performance evaluation of these models and test for statistically significant outperformance amongst candidate models using out‐of‐sample forecasts. We find that normalizing price impact by its average value significantly enhances the performance of traditional non‐normalized models as the normalization factor captures some of the dynamics of price impact. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The forecasting of prices for electricity balancing reserve power can essentially improve the trading positions of market participants in competitive auctions. Having identified a lack of literature related to forecasting balancing reserve prices, we deploy approaches originating from econometrics and artificial intelligence and set up a forecasting framework based on autoregressive and exogenous factors. We use SARIMAX models as well as neural networks with different structures and forecast based on a rolling one-step forecast with reestimation of the models. It turns out that the naive forecast performs reasonably well but is outperformed by the more advanced models. In addition, neural network approaches outperform the econometric approach in terms of forecast quality, whereas for the further use of the generated models the econometric approach has advantages in terms of explaining price drivers. For the present application, more advanced configurations of the neural networks are not able to further improve the forecasting performance.  相似文献   

Recent studies on bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressive (AR) model provide simulation findings when the lag order is known. In practical applications, however, the AR lag order is unknown or can even be infinite. This paper is concerned with prediction intervals for AR models of unknown or infinite lag order. Akaike's information criterion is used to estimate (approximate) the unknown (infinite) AR lag order. Small‐sample properties of bootstrap and asymptotic prediction intervals are compared under both normal and non‐normal innovations. Bootstrap prediction intervals are constructed based on the percentile and percentile‐t methods, using the standard bootstrap as well as the bootstrap‐after‐bootstrap. It is found that bootstrap‐after‐bootstrap prediction intervals show small‐sample properties substantially better than other alternatives, especially when the sample size is small and the model has a unit root or near‐unit root. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the transmission patterns of stock market movements between developed and emerging market economies by estimating a four‐variable VAR model. The underlying economic fundamentals and trade links are considered as possible determinants of differences in transmission patterns. The results of the impulse response functions and variance decompositions indicate that significant links exist between the stock markets of the USA and Mexico and weaker links between the markets of the USA, Argentina, and Brazil. Differences in the patterns of stock market responses are consistent with differences in trade flows. The response of emerging markets to a shock to the US market lasts longer than that of a developed market such as the UK. While no single emerging market can affect the US stock market, the combined effect of emerging markets on the US stock market is found to be statistically significant. These findings can be linked to differences in the speed of information processing and to the institutional structure governing the market. Overall the findings suggest that the transmission of stock market movements is in accord with underlying economic fundamentals rather than irrational contagion effects. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of the bias‐corrected bootstrap for interval forecasting of an autoregressive time series with an arbitrary number of deterministic components. We use the bias‐corrected bootstrap based on two alternative bias‐correction methods: the bootstrap and an analytic formula based on asymptotic expansion. We also propose a new stationarity‐correction method, based on stable spectral factorization, as an alternative to Kilian's method exclusively used in past studies. A Monte Carlo experiment is conducted to compare small‐sample properties of prediction intervals. The results show that the bias‐corrected bootstrap prediction intervals proposed in this paper exhibit desirable small‐sample properties. It is also found that the bootstrap bias‐corrected prediction intervals based on stable spectral factorization are tighter and more stable than those based on Kilian's stationarity‐correction. The proposed methods are applied to interval forecasting for the number of tourist arrivals in Hong Kong. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forecast intervals typically depend upon an assumption of normal forecast errors due to lack of information concerning the distribution of the forecast. This article applies the bootstrap to the problem of estimating forecast intervals for an AR(p) model. Box-Jenkins intervals are compared to intervals produced from a naive bootstrap and a bias-correction bootstrap. Substantial differences between the three methods are found. Bootstrapping an AR(p) model requires use of the backward residuals which typically are not i.i.d. and hence inappropriate for bootstrap resampling. A recently developed method of obtaining i.i.d. backward residuals is employed and was found to affect the bootstrap prediction intervals.  相似文献   

This paper is a counterfactual analysis investigating the consequences of the formation of a currency union for Canada and the USA: whether outputs increase and prices decrease if these countries form a currency union. We use a two‐country cointegrated model to conduct the counterfactual analysis, where the conditional forecasts are generated based on the Gaussian assumption. To deal with structural breaks and model uncertainty, conditional forecasts are generated from different models/estimation windows and the model‐averaging technique is used to combine the forecasts. We also examine the robustness of our results to parameter uncertainty using the wild bootstrap method. The results show that forming the currency union would probably boost the Canadian economy, whereas it would not have significant effects on US output or Canadian and US price levels. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

选取2007~2011年披露研发投入且数据完整的1695家上市公司为研究样本,利用层次回归分析,实证检验了高管股权激励对RD资本化与费用化价值相关性的影响作用。研究结果表明:高管股权激励不仅是RD资本化投入与股票价格的半调节变量,同时,高管股权激励也是RD费用化投入与股票价格的半调节变量;通过高管股权激励,可以解决监管RD活动中信息不对称和风险性等问题,使企业实现股东价值最大化。  相似文献   

This paper examines small sample properties of alternative bias‐corrected bootstrap prediction regions for the vector autoregressive (VAR) model. Bias‐corrected bootstrap prediction regions are constructed by combining bias‐correction of VAR parameter estimators with the bootstrap procedure. The backward VAR model is used to bootstrap VAR forecasts conditionally on past observations. Bootstrap prediction regions based on asymptotic bias‐correction are compared with those based on bootstrap bias‐correction. Monte Carlo simulation results indicate that bootstrap prediction regions based on asymptotic bias‐correction show better small sample properties than those based on bootstrap bias‐correction for nearly all cases considered. The former provide accurate coverage properties in most cases, while the latter over‐estimate the future uncertainty. Overall, the percentile‐t bootstrap prediction region based on asymptotic bias‐correction is found to provide highly desirable small sample properties, outperforming its alternatives in nearly all cases. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a new specification of the BEKK model, where its parameters are estimated with the use of closing and additionally low and high prices. In an empirical application, we show that the use of additional information related to low and high prices in the formulation of the BEKK model improved the estimation of the covariance matrix of returns and increased the accuracy of covariance and variance forecasts based on this model, compared with using closing prices only. This analysis was performed for the following three most heavily traded currency pairs in the Forex market: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, and GBP/USD. The main result obtained in this study is robust to the applied forecast evaluation criterion. This issue is important from a practical viewpoint, because daily low and high prices are available with closing prices for most financial series.  相似文献   

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