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Summary Studying the effects that removal of the cerebellum and the frontal lobes had upon the phasic activities (PGO waves) of paradoxical sleep in the cat, it is shown that in this phase of the sleep-wakefulness cycle the cerebellum exerts an inhibitory action upon the amplitude of the GPO, while the frontal lobes influences the pattern of their discharges.This work was supported by Centro Nacional Ramon y Cajal de la Seguridad Social, Madrid, Spain.Acknowledgment. I am very grateful to Miss.M. Azuara for her technical assistance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der auf der präcolliculären Höhe dezerbrierten Katze verursacht Physostigmin oder Pilocarpin den sogenannten paradoxen Schlaf. Atropin hemmt diese Einwirkung des Physostigmins.  相似文献   

Résumé Le passage de la phase de sommeil avec ondes lentes à la phase ?paradoxale? et souvent aussi du sommeil paradoxal à l'éveil, sont accompagnés chez le rat d'un commencement ou d'une accentuation de l'activité dite ?spindling? dans l'écorce. Des changements phasiques de la fréquence des ondes ϑ dans l'hippocampe se produisirent pendant les périodes paradoxales. Nous n'avons pas remarqué de corrélations entre ces phénomènes.

This work was supported in part by the US Public Health Service (grant NB-01883) and in part by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (grant AF-AFOSR 246-63).  相似文献   

Single units were recorded in the bulbar reticular formation (BRF) of unrestrained, freely behaving Cats. In the ventromedial part of the BRF (n. reticularis magnocellularis, Mc) corresponding to the "bulbar inhibitory center", we have found a cluster of cells showing tonic activation highly selective to paradoxical sleep (PS). Furthermore, we have confirmed the presence of the same type of cells in the dorsomedial part of the BRF which corresponds to the medial part of the n. reticularis parvocellularis (Pc). The functional significance of these two groups of cells is discussed in terms of the postural atonia and the atonia of jaw closer muscles observed during PS.  相似文献   

In the rat, an ontogenetic study of theta rhythm during paradoxical sleep shows a clear evolution between the 14th and the 30th postnatal day. During this period, its mean frequency increases from 5 to 7 cycles per second, and its spectrum shows significant changes. These parameters (mean frequency and spectral components) of the theta rhythm could be a useful index of brain maturation in the rat.  相似文献   

Riassunto Durante il sonno desincronizzato del gatto, non si ha una vasodilatazione generalizzata a tutti i letti vascolari. Mentre il distretto mesenterico si dilata, quello muscolare si costringe. La vasodilatazione viscrale dipende da una diminuita attività simpatica; per la vasocostrizione muscolare, invece, bisogna pensare, oltre che a meccanismi nervosi, anche a fattori meccanici e metabolici.

This research has been sponsored by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Gruppo di Medicina Sperimentale), and by a PHS fellowship to D. B. Adams.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach selektiver Deprivation des paradoxalen Schlafes wurde der Spiegel des freien und gebundenen Glykogens in kortikalen und subkortikalen Hirnstrukturen der Katze bestimmt. Es wurde eine Intensitätskorrelation zwischen der paradoxalen Phasenaktivität einiger Strukturen und deren Veränderung der Glykogenfraktionen festgestellt. Der Gesamtglykogengehalt zeigt eine signifikante Senkung in Pons, Caudatus und Thalamus.  相似文献   

The pontine gigantocellular tegmental field (FTG) does not play any role in paradoxical sleep (PS) since the destruction of the cell bodies of the FTG with ka?nic acid does not alter PS in the Cat. Elimination of PS following electrolytic destruction of the ventrolateral pontine reticular formation can be explained by lesions of fibers connecting the region of the locus caeruleus and the bulbar reticular formation.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of diazepam on tonic (T) and phasic (P) components of the paradoxical-sleep hippocampal theta rhythm were studied in the rat. Results show that diazepam, a benzodiazepine analogue known to interfere with the putative neurotransmitter -aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the mammalian central nervous system, selectively abolishes P. They confirm previous data according to which sedative/anaesthetic drugs cause, an apparent dissociation of T and P of the paradoxical-sleep hippocampal theta rhythm. Moreover, they suggest a possible involvement of GABA in the neurochemical mechanisms underlying P in the rat.  相似文献   

Electrolytic lesions of the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum aimed at the locus coeruleus (LC) were performed bilaterally in 13 chronically implanted Rats. Following lesions, transient alterations of characteristic components of theta rhythm appeared. No shortening of duration of paradoxical sleep (PS) was observed. These results do not support the hypothesis that neurons of LC are directly involved in the production of theta rhythm during PS; moreover they seem not to be necessary to the normal appearance of this state of sleep.  相似文献   

Résumé Les types de cholinestérase et leur distribution dans le cervelet du chat ont été étudiés à l'aide d'un manomètre et d'une technique histochimique.Nos recherches démontrent que l'enzyme est presque exclusivement l'acétylcholinestérase et qu'elle est restreinte dans sa distribution à la couche des cellules granulaires du cortex du cervelet. Il y a des indices qu'un réseau des fibres se trouve sur la surface profonde et s'étend par la couche des cellules granulaires.  相似文献   

Résumé La distribution de l'acétylcholinestérase dans l'écorce, les noyaux centraux et les pédoncules du cervelet du chat a été étudiée à l'aide d'une technique histochimique. Les pédoncules de quatre chats ont été coupés et on a isolé l'écorce cérébelleuse d'un autre groupe de quatre chats. Ces expériences durèrent quelques jours. Les fibres moussues des pédoncules cérébelleux moyen et inférieur contiennent de l'acétylcholinestérase. Les cellules des noyaux cérébelleux centraux et leurs fibres dans les pédoncules cérébelleux supérieur et inférieur sont aussi colorées par l'acétylcholinestérase.   相似文献   

Cholinesterase in the cat cerebellar cortex, deep nuclei and peduncles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J W Phillis 《Experientia》1965,21(5):266-268

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