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近年来,美国,德国,西班牙,泰国等国在进一步促进中小企业的发展上出台了很多新的扶持政策,结合我国中小企业的状况和存在的问题,对我国制定和完善中小企业政策很有借助意义。  相似文献   

美国科学技术政策的历史沿革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国目前是全世界的经济、军事超级大国,其经济和军事的发展,最根本、最重要的原因是科学和技术,是美国历届政府对科学和技术的重视和善用,是有一套适时调整的正确并有效的科技政策。美国的国家技术政策有着比较久远的历史根源。从美国独立到目前两百多年,美国国家科技政策经历了几次历史性的变革。分析美国国家科技政策的沿革、现行科技政策,对我国的科技决策的科学化和先进化具有十分重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

美国能够成为世界头号科技大国,其科技政策功不可没。近年来,美国不断调整其科技政策以保证站在世界的最前列,这可以从美国在科技中投入的不断变化看出来。本文基于冷战结束至今美国在科技中投入的变化,分析了美国科技政策十几年来的变化特点。  相似文献   

2019年,世界主要经济体加强生物科技领域战略布局,尤其是在生物经济方面提出国家级规划与路线图,在项目部署方面重视前沿颠覆性技术。本文首先梳理了美国、加拿大、欧盟、英国等国家和地区发布的生物经济战略、实施路线图和相关的项目部署。随后对全球生物科技领域的重要进展进行总结,重点关注研发现状和生物技术与其他技术之间交叉融合的大趋势。研究发现,全球生物科技发展呈现以下五点趋势:生物多样性保护形势严峻;生物资源挖掘利用更加深入;新兴技术与工具的快速发展推动生物科学与技术向纵深发展;人类修饰生命创造生命的能力不断提升促进工程生物学应用的不断扩展;全球科技交叉融合日益凸显。最后,基于政策和研发趋势,本文提出了制定国家生物经济发展战略、调整和优化学科布局、支持核心技术研发、制定和完善产业扶持政策等建议,以促进我国生物科技领域的创新发展。  相似文献   

以世界知识产权组织(WIPO)近年来发布的《全球创新指数报告》《世界知识产权指标》《世界知识产权报告》为基础,进一步解读国际技术创新发展趋势与特点;基于对WIPO报告的系统分析结果,对比近20年来中国与美国、英国、德国、法国、日本五大科技强国在知识产权与技术创新方面的变化趋势,揭示我国的知识产权发展与创新的进步与差距。最后,针对我国知识产权促进技术创新发展的不足与短板,提出进一步加强知识产权赋能创新驱动发展的方向性建议与展望:营造促进创新高效转化的政策制度环境,激励高质量、原创性知识产权创造供给;提高知识产权全球化治理能力,完善中国特色知识产权治理体系,促进知识产权与国家经济社会全面融合发展;充分发挥知识产权智库支撑作用,重视和强化知识产权与区域创新政策的战略研究。  相似文献   

本文分析了美国90年代以来科技政策的发展过程,认为可分为三个阶段,并对每个阶段美国的科技政策及其背景,研究开发的技术重点与科技发展有拳重大计划作了介绍,把重点放在了对美国布什新政府的科技政策的论述上。最后,文章在就美国科技政策演变过程对我国的启示进行了讨论,并指出了对于美国当前科技政策中的国防科技内涵,我国在科技政策中应控制出相应的策略。  相似文献   

知识产权作为同科技、经济高度相关的垄断性权利,已逐步成为美国转移内部结构性矛盾、遏制中国科技创新与经济发展的重要手段。对美国国会知识产权相关提案内容进行分析,有助于把控美国知识产权政策走向、分析对华潜在风险、提前制定应对措施并将风险所带来的损失可能性降至最低。本文通过对美国国会2021年共计三十件与知识产权议题相关提案的内容进行梳理与分析,发现相关提案内容给我国带来国际舆论导向、影响力边缘化、技术封锁、自由商贸阻碍等现实风险。对此,我国应认清美国对华强硬政策背后的必然性,就美国国会与知识产权相关提案对我国的潜在风险进行常态性、时效性、系统性、全面性的监控;对外持续推动多边主义发展、继续加强对外开放,并以学术交流、国际组织为阵地,构建中国对外话语体系;对内树立红线管理意识,将美国对华战略目别汇分,并始终将自我发展视为第一要义。  相似文献   

二战后美国科技政策的演变以及对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文分析了美国二战后科技政策的演变过程,认为可以分为五个阶段。文章介绍了每个阶段美国的科技政策及其背景,研究开发的技术重点,研究开发经费情况,与科技发展有关的重大计划,与科技政策有关的相关法律。重点介绍了美国现政府的科技政策及其对美国经济的影响,最后,文章还就美国科技政策及其演变过程对我国的启示进行了讨论。  相似文献   

在21世纪来临之际,新加坡政府为了使中小企业更具活力和经得起知识经济的考验,根据国内外形势变化的情况,以及中小企业生存,发展的需求,适时制定了《新加坡中小企业21世纪10年发展计划》(SME21)。本文指出这一计划设定的三大目标实际可行,它的实施将可以协助新加坡中上企业的提升,转型及外国业者建立伙伴关系,加速中小企业的成长,特别是,新加坡政府在计划中积极鼓励中小企业通过国际互联网交易的目标,将大大推动中小企业勇于改变传统经营模式,选择崭新的商业模式,为迎合知识经济时代的步伐,本文提出对我国的4点启示,强化政府对中小企业的扶持力度,制定我国中小企业21世纪发展战略规划,加快建立中小企业管理和服务新机制,增强中小企业的开拓创新能力。  相似文献   

美国政府近年的重点创新领域是氢燃料技术、卫生信息技术和宽带技术。去年,美国总统布什公布了一系列鼓励美国新一代创新的具体措施——以政策促进清洁和可靠能源的使用,向人们提供更好的保健,增加美国各地区的高速互联网接入。通过给美国工人提供最好的技术和培训,以确保美国经济在世界上仍然最具柔性、最先进、最富有生产力。透过白宫发表的这个文件,我们可以一窥美国现政府在民用技术方面的政策。  相似文献   

企业资本结构理论关于企业价值与资本结构的论述是以成熟资本市场为前提,而能在公开资本市场上融资的一般为大型企业:我国于2004年开辟了中小企业板块,使得部分中小企业可以在资本市场上融资,资本结构理论是否适用于这类企业,本文以中小企业板上市公司为对象对中小企业资本结构与企业价值关系进行实证研究.  相似文献   

俄罗斯科技对外合作态势与中国当前对俄科技合作对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科技全球化伴随着经济全球化而来,已经成为不可阻挡的时代潮流,迫切要求中国与俄罗斯加大科技合作力度,为此首先要研究俄罗斯科技对外合作态势,主要表现为:适应国内外科学技术发展的实际情况,确定对外科技合作的长期战略目标;积极加强对外科技合作的政策安排,采取有效形式推进对外科技合作事业;对外科技合作事业全面展开,注重依据利益原则分层次地加以推进。我们掌握俄罗斯对外科技合作进程,才能使中国及早采取相应的操作对策,把对俄科技合作放在重要位置,采取激励政策提高对俄罗斯科技合作水平,按照国际规则来加强科技合作,在分配知识产权时保障创造性利益,切实加强企业之间的科技交流与合作,从而推动科技合作与经贸合作紧密地结合起来。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to answer the question of how the economic cycle affects the stability and efficiency of business failure prediction models, using bootstrap replacement method for validation. We analyse 2228 Spanish small and medium‐sized enterprises for the period 2001–2009, and divide it into three different phases of the economic cycle (growth, crisis, recession). We find that the structure and the ability of business failure prediction models are different according to the economic cycle. These findings are relevant for the debate on the most suitable financial ratios when developing business failure prediction models and to pose their accuracy level in these prediction models. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

China is a populous country that is facing serious aging problems due to the single‐child birth policy. Debate is ongoing whether the liberalization of the single‐child policy to a two‐child policy can mitigate China's aging problems without unacceptably increasing the population. The purpose of this paper is to apply machine learning theory to the demographic field and project China's population structure under different fertility policies. The population data employed derive from the fifth and sixth national census records obtained in 2000 and 2010 in addition to the annals published by the China National Bureau of Statistics. Firstly, the sex ratio at birth is estimated according to the total fertility rate based on least squares regression of time series data. Secondly, the age‐specific fertility rates and age‐specific male/female mortality rates are projected by a least squares support vector machine (LS‐SVM) model, which then serve as the input to a Leslie matrix model. Finally, the male/female age‐specific population data projected by the Leslie matrix in a given year serve as the input parameters of the Leslie matrix for the following year, and the process is iterated in this manner until reaching the target year. The experimental results reveal that the proposed LS‐SVM‐Leslie model improves the projection accuracy relative to the conventional Leslie matrix model in terms of the percentage error and mean algebraic percentage error. The results indicate that the total fertility ratio should be controlled to around 2.0 to balance concerns associated with a large population with concerns associated with an aging population. Therefore, the two‐child birth policy should be fully instituted in China. However, the fertility desire of women tends to be low due to the high cost of living and the pressure associated with employment, particularly in the metropolitan areas. Thus additional policies should be implemented to encourage fertility.  相似文献   

This paper describes an economic and statistical approach to modeling and forecasting municipal solid waste generation in the US energy supply. It begins with a discussion of the historical developments in the waste to energy industry over the last 25 years. Then a model is developed to provide energy policy makers with an analytical framework for understanding the relationships between the solid waste industry and the waste to energy industry. The model is tested empirically using data at the national level. The model's forecasts are compared with projections made by the US Environmental Protection Agency  相似文献   

Summary Intratumoral injection of an artificial radioactive isotope (radiozinc), suspended in a solution of pectin: The author has previously reported on a method, which consists in the utilization of an artificial radioactive isotope for the production oflocalized biological radiation effects, by means of intraperitoneal injections of radiozinc (Zn63) suspended in a suitably prepared solution of pectin. This procedure was applied to a small number of cases of cancer of the ovaries, with severe peritoneal extension, and yielded rather interesting therapeutic effects in these particularly bad conditions. Evidently this method can be applied also to malignant fumors of cavitary organs, such as the urinary bladder etc.The author investigated further, whether this procedure would also be suitable for interstitial radiotherapy, as previously presumed. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections of the same suspension of radiozinc in pectin were thus performed on rabbits and were not followed by any diffusion of radioactivity outside the injected areas, as shown both by autoradiographs and controls of blood specimens with a counter. For the purpose of preliminary clinical investigation two cases of extended cancer of the uterine cervix recieved injections of 15 millicuries of radiozinc suspended in pectin within the tumor and its immediate surroundings (these cases were also submitted to the usual X-ray and radium-therapy). Specimens of blood and urine were checked with a counter and showed practically no radioactivity. Distinct fibrinous spots were observed a tew days later at the points of injection. This special form of interstitial radiotherapy will presumably gain some practical significance, as it offers the advantage that no foreign bodies have to be inserted in tissues as it is the case with radium needles and radon seeds, pectin being very well tolerated and resorbed by living tissues.  相似文献   

The dichotomous characterization of the business cycle in recessions and expansions has been central in the literature over the last 50 years. However, there are various reasons to question the adequacy of this dichotomous, recession/expansion approach for our understanding of the business cycle dynamics, as well as for the prediction of future business cycle developments. In this context, the contribution of this paper to the literature is twofold. First, since a positive rate of growth at the level of economic activity can be considered as the normal scenario in modern economies due to both population and technological growth, it proposes a new non‐parametric algorithm for the detection and dating of economic acceleration periods, trend or normal growth periods, and economic recessions. Second, it uses an ordered probit framework for the estimation and forecasting of these three business cycle phases, applying an automatized model selection approach using monthly macroeconomic and financial data on the German economy. The empirical results show that this approach has superior out‐of‐sample properties under real‐time conditions compared to alternative probit models specified individually for the prediction of recessions and/or economic accelerations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中小科技企业由于自身的一些特点,如创建初期的风险较高、自身的资产规模较小、经营体制不健全、盈利能力差等,加上现阶段我国又缺乏必要的信用担保体系等的限制,使得其获得国有商业银行贷款的可能性不大。在这种情况下,众多中小科技企业寄希望于直接融资这一渠道上。本文试对中小科技企业在香港创业板市场上市筹备中的难点问题进行深入分析,希望有助于更多的科技企业成功上市。  相似文献   

The characteristics of scientific revolutions and by the same token the question of which events in the history of science deserve the name of revolutionary are controversial themes in the philosophy of science. An issue of disagreement is the question of whether or not events in which only parts of a paradigm are overthrown can truly be called a revolution, or if this term is to be reserved for the developments in which a wholesale replacement of ideas takes place. In this paper Kuhn's latest attempt to state a principle for distinguishing revolutionary developments will be reviewed, and it will be argued that certain developments entailing only partial replacements of the paradigm can be called revolutionary. The discovery of fission will serve as case study to illustrate this idea.  相似文献   

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