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T-lymphocyte immunity is likely to be an important component of the immune defence against the AIDS virus, because helper T cells are necessary for the antibody response as well as the cytotoxic response. We have previously predicted two antigenic sites of the viral envelope protein gp120 likely to be recognized by T lymphocytes, based on their ability to fold as amphipathic helices, and have demonstrated that these are recognized by T cells of mice immunized with gp120 (ref. 1). A peptide corresponding to one of these sites can also be induce immunity in mice to the whole gp120 protein. Because many clinically healthy seropositive blood donors have already lost their T-cell proliferative response to specific antigen, we tested the response to these synthetic peptides of lymphocytes from 14 healthy human volunteers who had been immunized with a recombinant vaccinia virus containing the AIDS viral envelope gene and boosted with a recombinant fragment. Eight of the 14 responded to one peptide, and four to the other peptide, not included in the boost. These antigenic sites recognized by human T cells may be useful components of a vaccine against AIDS. We also found a correlation between boosting with antigen-antibody complexes (compared to free antigen) and higher stimulation indices, suggesting a more effective method of immunization.  相似文献   

Cloning human lymphocytes in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K W Choi  A D Bloom 《Nature》1970,227(5254):171-173

Bone remodelling and bone loss are controlled by a balance between the tumour necrosis factor family molecule osteoprotegerin ligand (OPGL) and its decoy receptor osteoprotegerin (OPG). In addition, OPGL regulates lymph node organogenesis, lymphocyte development and interactions between T cells and dendritic cells in the immune system. The OPGL receptor, RANK, is expressed on chondrocytes, osteoclast precursors and mature osteoclasts. OPGL expression in T cells is induced by antigen receptor engagement, which suggests that activated T cells may influence bone metabolism through OPGL and RANK. Here we report that activated T cells can directly trigger osteoclastogenesis through OPGL. Systemic activation of T cells in vivo leads to an OPGL-mediated increase in osteoclastogenesis and bone loss. In a T-cell-dependent model of rat adjuvant arthritis characterized by severe joint inflammation, bone and cartilage destruction and crippling, blocking of OPGL through osteoprotegerin treatment at the onset of disease prevents bone and cartilage destruction but not inflammation. These results show that both systemic and local T-cell activation can lead to OPGL production and subsequent bone loss, and they provide a novel paradigm for T cells as regulators of bone physiology.  相似文献   

L Lefran?ois  M J Bevan 《Nature》1985,314(6010):449-452
Plasma membrane glycoproteins of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are involved in the binding to and subsequent destruction of appropriate target cells. The electrophoretic profile of surface proteins of mature CTLs, particularly those of high relative molecular mass (Mr), is markedly different from that of naive peripheral T cells or non-cytolytic T cells, suggesting the possible involvement of these molecules in the activation of CTLs and/or in the lytic process itself. By generating monoclonal antibodies to cell-surface proteins of CTL clones, we have now detected CTL-specific modifications in one of these high-Mr membrane proteins, T200. Although forms of T200 are found on a wide variety of cell types, the neoantigenic determinants recognized by our antibodies are present exclusively on activated T cells and in high concentrations only on CTLs. Furthermore, the expression of the modifications recognized by our antibodies is influenced by soluble factors and also seems to have functional significance, as monoclonal antibodies specific for these novel epitopes block cytolytic activity.  相似文献   

B Fleischer 《Nature》1984,308(5957):365-367
Mature human T lymphocytes can be separated by monoclonal antibodies OKT4 and OKT8 according to their surface phenotypes into T4+T8- and T4-T8+ subsets. From short-term experiments using bulk cultures, the helper/inducer function has been assigned to the T4+T8- subset and the cytotoxic/suppressor function to the T4-T8+ subset. Thus if T lymphocytes are separated after stimulation in a mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR), the entire cytotoxic activity is found in the T4-T8+ fraction whereas the T4+T8- fraction shows no detectable cytotoxicity. If, however, T lymphocytes are cloned after MLR and grown in long-term culture, a surprisingly large fraction of T4+ T lymphocyte clones (TLC) shows cytotoxic activity. Here we report that T4+ TLC can acquire specific cytotoxicity during in vitro cultivation.  相似文献   

Cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) is a natural compound that mobilizes calcium ions in several eukaryotic cells. Although it can lead to the release of calcium ions in T lymphocytes, it has not been firmly established as a second messenger in these cells. Here, using high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, we show that stimulation of the T-cell receptor/CD3 (TCR/CD3) complex results in activation of a soluble ADP-ribosyl cyclase and a sustained increase in intracellular levels of cADPR. There is a causal relation between increased cADPR concentrations, sustained calcium signalling and activation of T cells, as shown by inhibition of TCR/CD3-stimulated calcium signalling, cell proliferation and expression of the early- and late-activation markers CD25 and HLA-DR by using cADPR antagonists. The molecular target for cADPR, the type-3 ryanodine receptor/calcium channel, is expressed in T cells. Increased cADPR significantly and specifically stimulates the apparent association of [3H]ryanodine with the type-3 ryanodine receptor, indicating a direct modulatory effect of cADPR on channel opening. Thus we show the presence, causal relation and biological significance of the major constituents of the cADPR/calcium-signalling pathway in human T cells.  相似文献   

Recognition of H-2 domains by cytotoxic T lymphocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
C Weyand  G J H?mmerling  J Goronzy 《Nature》1981,292(5824):627-629
The polymorphic major histocompatibility antigens (H-2) have a crucial role in the activation of antigen-specific T lymphocytes. Thus, H-2 antigens are not only recognized by allogenic lymphocytes leading to generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), but it has also been demonstrated that in syngeneic systems most T cells are only able to recognize foreign antigens in conjunction with their own MHC (major histocompatibility complex) antigens. This phenomenon, termed H-2 restriction, may be the key to our understanding to the biological function of MHC antigens. It is not clear whether recognition by T cells of H-2 on a molecular level is confined to particular domains on the H-2 molecule, nor whether the same polymorphic H-2 sites, which are characterized by antibodies, are recognized by allogeneic as well as by H-2 restricted syngeneic CTLs. Previous findings indicate the existence of at least two major polymorphic domains on the H-2Kk molecule as defined by antibodies. Here we show the existence of CTLs with specifity for these polymorphic domains, and the preferential recognition of a particular domain by both alloreactive as well as H-2 restricted CTLs.  相似文献   

Effect of prostaglandin E 1 on adjuvant arthritis   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
R B Zurier  F Quagliata 《Nature》1971,234(5327):304-305

Effect of prostaglandin E2 on adjuvant arthritis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
R L Aspinall  P S Cammarata 《Nature》1969,224(5226):1320-1321

An ideal vaccine should elicit a long lasting immune response against the natural parasite, both at the T- and B-cell level. The immune response should occur in all individuals and be directed against determinants that do not vary in the natural parasite population. A major problem in designing synthetic peptide vaccines is that T cells generally recognize peptide antigens only in association with one or a few of the many variants of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens. During the characterization of epitopes of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum that are recognized by human T cells, we analysed a sequence of the circumsporozoite protein, and found that synthetic peptides corresponding to this sequence are recognized by T cells in association with many different MHC class II molecules, both in mouse and in man. This region of the circumsporozoite protein is invariant in different parasite isolates. Peptides derived from this region should be capable of inducing T-cell responses in individuals of most HLA-DR types, and may represent good candidates for inclusion in an effective anti-malaria peptide vaccine.  相似文献   

Serine esterase in cytolytic T lymphocytes   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
M S Pasternack  C R Verret  M A Liu  H N Eisen 《Nature》1986,322(6081):740-743
The mechanisms that enable cytotoxic T lymphocytes (Tc cells) to destroy target cells are only vaguely understood. However, recent studies have identified in Tc cells and natural killer cells cytoplasmic granules that contain perforin, a cytolytic protein that resembles the ninth component of complement (C9). Antigen-specific lysis of target cells, traditionally ascribed solely to Tc cells, has now also been demonstrated in some T-helper cell (Th cell) lines, referred to here as T helper-killer or Th/c cells. We recently found a novel serine esterase that is present at greatly elevated levels in cloned murine Tc cell lines and one Th/c cell line, but not in two non-cytolytic Th cell lines. These findings suggest that the serine esterase is involved in cytolytic activity and that a variety of effector cells share a common cytolytic mechanism. To explore the role of the serine esterase in this process, we have been studying additional properties of the enzyme in murine T cells. We show here that it is a membrane-associated, disulphide-linked dimer, it has trypsin-like properties but is not a general protease, in density gradient centrifugation it sediments with perforin, it is secreted by Tc cells during their cytolytic attack on target cells, and antiserum to Tc-cell serine esterase reacts with the enzyme in Th/c cells.  相似文献   

Restricted recognition of beta 2-microglobulin by cytotoxic T lymphocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recognition of foreign antigen by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) is restricted by class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) products. Class I heavy chains (relative molecular mass (Mr) 45,000-48,000) are reversibly and noncovalently associated with beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2M, Mr = 12,000). Cells expressing human or murine class I heavy chains can exchange their native beta 2M for exogenously added free beta 2M, which is present in serum. Two allelic forms of beta 2M exist among the common laboratory mouse strains, beta 2M-A and beta 2M-B, which are represented in BALB and C57BL mice, respectively. The two forms differ at a single amino acid at position 85, the gene (beta 2m) is located on chromosome 2 linked to a minor histocompatibility (H) region, H-3. It has been proposed that one of the H-3 loci is identical with beta 2m, and that CTL raised across certain H-3 incompatibilities are actually specific for beta 2M. Here we describe CTL raised in such a combination which recognize endogenous as well as exogenous beta 2M-B in the context of H-2Kb. This represents a unique case of CTL recognition, as CTL usually recognize antigens inserted into the membrane, and it is the first molecular identification of the product of a minor H locus.  相似文献   

Active synthesis of immunoglobulin receptors for antigen by T lymphocytes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
G E Roelants  A Rydén  L B H?gg  F Loor 《Nature》1974,247(436):106-108

A novel serine esterase expressed by cytotoxic T lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M S Pasternack  H N Eisen 《Nature》1985,314(6013):743-745
Cytotoxic T (Tc) lymphocytes recognize and lyse target cells and are thought to serve as an important defence against viral infections and possibly against neoplasms. The nature of the receptors responsible for antigen recognition by these cells is becoming clearer, but the molecular mechanisms responsible for their cytolytic activity remain largely unknown. The possibility that proteases are involved in this process has been suggested by the effects of certain inhibitors. Here we demonstrate that clones of murine Tc cells possess considerable trypsin-like esterase activity when assayed by a sensitive colorimetric assay. This activity was blocked completely by two serine esterase inhibitors, diisopropylfluorophosphoridate (DFP) and phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (PMSF), but not by N alpha-tosyl lysyl chloromethyl ketone (TLCK). The use of 3H-DFP as an affinity-labelling reagent demonstrated that the esterase activity resides in a protein of relative molecular mass (Mr) 28,000 (28K). A wide variety of other lymphocytes, including those from thymus, spleen and lymph node, established lines of B cells and noncytotoxic T cells, and clones of T helper cells, had about 300-fold less esterase activity than the Tc-cell clones and far smaller amounts of the DFP-reactive 28K protein. However, in thymocytes the esterase activity increased 20-50-fold and the 28K protein became more prominent 4 days after these cells had been stimulated in vitro to generate Tc cells.  相似文献   

Activation of human T and B lymphocytes by polyclonal mitogens   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
M F Greaves  G Janossy  M Doenhoff 《Nature》1974,248(450):698-701

O R?tzschke  K Falk  K Deres  H Schild  M Norda  J Metzger  G Jung  H G Rammensee 《Nature》1990,348(6298):252-254
Virus-infected cells can be eliminated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), which recognize virus-derived peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules on the cell surface. Until now, this notion has relied on overwhelming but indirect evidence, as the existence of naturally processed viral peptides has not been previously reported. Here we show that such peptides can be extracted from virus-infected cells by acid elution. Both the naturally processed H-2-Db-restricted and H-2-Kd-restricted peptides from influenza nucleoprotein are smaller than the corresponding synthetic peptides, which have first been used to determine the respective CTL epitopes. As with minor histocompatibility antigens, occurrence of viral peptides seems to be heavily dependent on MHC class I molecules, because infected H-2d cells do not contain the H-2-Db-restricted peptide, and infected H-2b cells do not contain the H-2-Kd-restricted peptide. Our data provide direct experimental proof for the above notion on MHC-associated viral peptides on virus-infected cells.  相似文献   

Recognition of conformational determinants on H-2 by cytolytic T lymphocytes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
L A Sherman 《Nature》1982,297(5866):511-513

Peptide-dependent recognition of H-2Kb by alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
W R Heath  M E Hurd  F R Carbone  L A Sherman 《Nature》1989,341(6244):749-752
Antigen-specific T lymphocytes appear to recognize foreign antigens in the form of peptide fragments presented within the antigen-binding groove of class I or class II molecules encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Alloreactive T cells also show specificity for MHC molecules, and various reports suggest that residues of the MHC molecules constitute at least part of the ligand to which alloreactive T-cell receptors bind. The X-ray crystal structure of the human MHC class I molecule, HLA-A2, has provided evidence to strengthen the argument that MHC-bound self-peptide might also contribute to such recognition. We now provide direct evidence for this, showing that at least some alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte clones recognize peptide fragments derived from cytoplasmic proteins. We reasoned that if self-peptides were involved in allorecognition, then the sequence of some of these peptides could vary between species, resulting in species-restricted distribution of the relevant ligand(s). Several alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte clones specific for H-2Kb, expressed by the murine cell line EL4, did not lyse a human-cell transfectant expressing the H-2Kb molecule (Jurkat-Kb cells). However, these clones were able to lyse Jurkat-Kb cells sensitized by preincubation with an EL4 cytoplasmic extract cleaved by cyanogen bromide. The sensitizing activity from this extract was destroyed by protease and appeared to be due to a peptide consisting of 10 to 15 amino acids.  相似文献   

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