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将中共"一大"开幕日作为中国共产党诞生日缺少历史证据。1920年8月在上海成立的中国共产党中心组指导和影响各地建立了共产主义小组,并通过发布党纲、派人和书信指导等形式领导和影响这些地方党组织;1920年共产国际实际已对中国共产党起指导作用,"一大"前已有了中国共产党全国组织,"一大"不是中国共产党的成立大会。有些研究者对中共成立于1920年观点的批驳缺乏根据,中国共产党成立于1920年。  相似文献   

High precision elevation measurements using DGPS were carried out along three representative tran- sects for the "Great Ear" area, a dry salt lake within the Lop Nor basin. Results indicate that the Lop Nor basin is only 5.2 m deep and its lowest point occurs at the center of the "Great Ear". In addition, the basin is asymmetric - steeper in the southwest (0.19‰) and gentler in the northeast (0.09‰). Points along the same "Great Ear" ring were found to have an identical elevation value, but different when from different ones (lower towards the center). The spacing of the "Great Ear" rings was found to be closely related with the surface steepness. The closer the "Great Ear" rings are spaced, the steeper the ground surface, and vice versa. These findings support the argument that the "Great Ear" rings are the former shoreline trails left behind by Lop Nor water during the last few episodes of recession towards its total dry up. A comprehensive analysis of the high precision elevation data, historical accounts, aerial and satellite photographs and imagery, and official topographic maps of the study area suggests that the "Great Ear" area in the Lop Nor basin was incorrectly mapped as being covered by a great body of water on the 1963 topographic maps. A re-interpretation of the 1958 aerial photographs and newer remote sensing imagery indicated that the "Great Ear" ring structure was already in place in 1958 and it continued to appear on the subsequent remote sensing data without any major changes. It is estimated that lake water in the "Great Ear" area of the Lop Nor basin disappeared between the late 1930s and early 1940s.  相似文献   

在现场规范及已有文献的基础上,提出了底部框剪上部砖墙多层房屋抗震设计中刚度强度双重控制的思想,阐述了其物理意义。通过对某7层底框多层砖房结构的弹塑性时程反应分析,说明刚度强度双重控制是必要的,有效的。  相似文献   

大学生课余体育锻炼时间的异变与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用模糊数学的方法,研究了大学生课余体育锻炼与学习和社会活动等方面之间的关系,从定性到定量对大学生课余体育锻炼时间安排方案进行了优选,明确了现阶段大学生课余体育锻炼时间的最优选择,并由此提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

虽然《文心雕龙》与《人间词话》立论的文化背景以及批评标准和思维模式有较大区别,但《文心雕龙.隐秀》篇与《人间词话》境界说对创造优秀文学作品的条件的要求却有一致性。王国维“有境界”是对刘勰“有秀有隐”的发展和具体化。  相似文献   

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