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Summary Studies on the rate of development and reproduction ofHeliothis armigera Hbn. on 8 different food plants at 26±2°C revealed that cotton was the most suitable host and tomato and sorghum were the least suitable.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Gehalt an freien Aminosäuren von auf Rizinus-, Zizyphus- und Holzapfelblättern ernährten Larven und deren Puppen vonEuproctis fraterna wurde vergleichend untersucht. Zwischen den beiden Stadien werden massgebende Unterschiede festgestellt. Während die Gesamtmenge der Aminosäuren im Larven- und Puppenstadium der mit Rizinus ernährten Insekten ähnlich war, wurden in den Puppen anders ernährter Tiere bedeutend mehr Aminosäuren beobachtet als in Larven. -Aminobuttersäure kam nur im Larvenstadium vor.  相似文献   

Summary The exogeneous application of cobalt induces the differentiation of membrane complexes of the endoplasmic reticulum. After longer acting of cobalt these membranes are dilated and later destroyed. This fact can manifest itself also in some disturbances of the cell division.  相似文献   

The influence of N2-fixation on the carbon balance of leguminous plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Biological dinitrogen fixation by legume-rhizobia symbiosis is very important both from the economic and from the ecological point of view. Theoretically, the reduction of the N2-molecule to ammonia requires at least 16 ATP and 1.5 mg C per mg N fixed (Nfix). These values are difficult to determine in situ as this necessitates the determination of that part of root respiration which drives N2-fixation. New approaches to such determinations and the results obtained are described. The values vary, depending on the plant species studied, the developmental stage of the plants and the genetic variability of macro- (and micro-?) symbionts. The values range between 1.5 and 4 mg C/mg Nfix. In some species (e.g.Vicia faba L. cv. Fribo), the apparent CO2 assimilation is enhanced in order to meet this high energy need. In others (e.g.Pisum sativum L. cv. Grapis), root growth is restricted. Physiological criteria are discussed which allow an early diagnosis of the energetic efficiency of various combinations of macro-and microsymbionts as a basis for a selection in plant breeding.  相似文献   

Adult morphology ofTrichogramma is modified by environmental conditions during the preimaginal development. For instance, the low temperatures inducing diapause cause a decrease of the ratio length of longest seta on male flagellum/width of flagellum inT. evanescens. The species of the host also influences numerous body ratios. So, in females, the development of tibiae with regard to wings is more important withScotia ipsilon than withGalleria mellonella. These results confirm the necessity of performing comparative morphological studies on individuals reared in the same conditions.  相似文献   

Two experiments have been carried out to verify the effect of ethylene on the primary attraction ofPhloeotribus scarabaeoides under both laboratory and field conditions. The experiments were based on the enhancement of ethylene production by olive branches and trunks after the application of (2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid. Under laboratory conditions, the beetles' response was strongly stimulated on the treated branches. Under field conditions, the treatment aided the location of the olive wood by the flying beetles, and the attack density was significantly greater in the treated wood at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Résumé Durant le refroidissement du ganglion cervical supérieur perfusé du chat, la réaction de la membrane nictitante est notablement plus sensible aux stimulations de haute que de basse fréquence. Aux températures élevées, c'est l'inverse.L'influence de la fréquence des stimulations a aussi été perceptible lors des expériences, au cours desquelles le rendement de l'acétylcholine a été déterminé. A 37°C, le rendement s'accorît sensiblement lorsqu'on accélère le rythme de stimulation. A 20°C, cependant un nombre croissant de chocs préganglionnaires n'augmente pas le rendement total de l'acétylcholine.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden 5 Varietäten vonGlycine max. mit 2 toxinerzeugenden Aspergillusstämmen beimpft und auf ihre Aflatoxinbildung untersucht. Alle Varietäten lieferten Substrate, die zur Biosynthese messbarer Aflatoxinmengen durch beide Aspergillusstämme führten.

Acknowledgements. The authors are extremely grateful to Dr.C. Gopalan, Director National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, for his keen interest and valuable suggestions. The authors are also indebted to Dr.L. A. Goldblatt of New Orleans for the generou supply of pure aflatoxin standards; to Dr.S. Raghavendra Rao, Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, for the culture ofA. parasiticus (NRRL 2999) and to Dr.H. Murakami of Tokyo for the culture ofA. toxicarius (RIB 4002).  相似文献   

Summary Isocaloric and isovolemic amounts of protein (casein), fat (intralipid) and carbohydrate (saccharose) and an isovolemic control solution of water were administered intragastrically to conscious rats. The plasma CCK levels, determined by a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay, showed an increment of 6.3±0.6, 2.7±0.5, 1.7±0.4 and –0.9±0.4 pM, respectively (basal value 2.5±0.3 pM). The threshold increment of plasma CCK to stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion by exogenous CCK was found to be 1.5 pM. It is therefore concluded that casein is a potent stimulus for CCK secretion and pancreatic secretion, but that fat and even carbohydrate, although less potent, also produce a CCK increment above the threshold for pancreatic secretion.Supported by Grant IKW 86-16 from the Netherlands Cancer Foundation KWF.  相似文献   

Isocaloric and isovolemic amounts of protein (casein), fat (intralipid) and carbohydrate (saccharose) and an isovolemic control solution of water were administered intragastrically to conscious rats. The plasma CCK levels, determined by a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay, showed an increment of 6.3 +/- 0.6, 2.7 +/- 0.5, 1.7 +/- 0.4 and -0.9 +/- 0.4 pM, respectively (basal value 2.5 +/- 0.3 pM). The threshold increment of plasma CCK to stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion by exogenous CCK was found to be 1.5 pM. It is therefore concluded that casein is a potent stimulus for CCK secretion and pancreatic secretion, but that fat and even carbohydrate, although less potent, also produce a CCK increment above the threshold for pancreatic secretion.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung des Thymolepticums Prothiaden [10-(4-Methylpiperazino)-10, 11-dihydrobenzo(b, f)thiepin] auf die Oxydation des Pyruvats, Oxoglutarats und Succinats sowie auf die Aktivität der Hexokinase, Glucoso-6-phosphatase und Mg++-aktivierten, DNP-aktivierten und Mg++Na+-aktivierten, K+-stimulierten Adenosintriphosphatase (NaKA) wurde untersucht und mit der Wirkung von Chlorpromazin verglichen. Im allgemeinen weisen beide Substanzen ähnliche Eigenschaften auf, welche in einer relativen Unwirksamkeit gegenüber glykolytischen Enzymen, Hemmung der Pyruvatoxydation und starker NaKA-Hemmung bestehen.  相似文献   

Résumé On a démontré que l'antistine empêche in vitro l'effet glycogénolytique de l'histamine, bien qu'elle n'ait pas d'influence sur les actions glycogénolytiques de la noradrénaline, de la dopamine, de la sérotonine, du 3, 5-AMP cyclique et de son dérivé dibutirique. Ces résultats suggèrent l'existence de récepteurs particuliers pour les amines biogénique dans le tissue du cortex, du nucleus caudatus et du thalamus. De ces résultats on a conclu que, dans le cerveau du rat, l'adénocyclase pourrait être le récepteur histaminique.  相似文献   

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