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Summary The sulphation of Carbobenzoxyglucosamine by chlorosulphonic acid resulted in formation ofN-carbobenzoxyglucosamine-4,6-disulphate. UDP-galactosamine 4-sulphate and glucosamine 4,6-disulphate were the competitive inhibitors of arylsulphatase B. Arylsulphatase B can hydrolyze UDP-galactosamine 4-sulphate and glucosamine 4,6-disulphate but not galactosamine 6-sulphate.The work was done at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, and the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.  相似文献   

Summary Soluble arylsulphatase purified from growing bones of rats was fractionated into 3 components with mol. wt of 32,000–36,000, and characteristics similar to arylsulphatase B of other tissues. Serum strongly inhibited the 2nd component, slightly activated the 3rd and had no effect on the 1st.Grants of the National Research Council for Medical Sciences and Sigrid Jusélius Foundation, Finland.Acknowledgement. The authors are grateful to Mrs P. Peronius for her skillful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Seeds ofZornia diphylla possess a complex type of dormancy which is of great survival value for the species. Seeds show polymorphism. The optimum temperature for germination explains the cause of its distribution in the tropics. The grazing and scraping promotes the vegetative growth.The author is grateful to Dr.R. Sahai and Dr.R. S. Tripathi, Gorakhpur University, for guidance and to Dr.Y. B. Singh, Principal, and Dr.G. C. Srivastava, Head Dept. Botany, for encouragement and facilities. Thanks are due to my colleagues late SriP. N. Gupta, SriJ. Abraham, SriF. Abbasi, and Dr.A. B. Sinha for their cooperation.  相似文献   

Summary Two normal diploid control cell lines and a heteroploid malignant transformed cell line from B(a) P treated hamster embryo cell cultures were established. The 14-month-old B(a)P transformed cell line grew 8-times faster than the 20-month-old control cell line. The control cell line showed normal diploid chromosome complement in 93% cells and heteroploidy in 7% cells while B(a)P treated line showed 83% heteroploid cells and only 17% diploid cells. This is the first report on the establishment of diploid hamster cell cultures grown for extended period. Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the French Ministry of Quality of Life, by the Institut National de la Santé et Recherche Médicale, by the S.E.I.T.A. and by Contract No. 12-14-7001-297 of the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Administered by the Athens, Georgia Area, Richard B. Russell Agricultural Research Center, Athens, Georgia 30604, USA. We thank Mr.B. R. Sharma, Mr.E. J. Radin, Dr.R. Hakim and Dr.Ved Brat for their help during this work.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis, dass in Erwachsenen der Gyrus superior temporalis auf der rechten Hirnseite breiter ist als auf der linken, während in Kleinkindern beide Gyri gleich breit sind.

We thank Children's Hospital and Winnipeg General Hospital for brains,B. Bell for photography,B. Rollwagen for statistics,D. Parkinson andT. V. N. Persaud for suggestions, andW. Penfield for permission to publish the analysis of his data.  相似文献   

Résumé Plusieurs dérivés thiol et deux antioxidants inhibent la bronchoconstriction chez le cobaye, une partie de l'hypotension chez le lapin et la libération de «rabbit aorta contracting substance» (RCS) dues à la bradykinine Il est proposé que les effets communs à la bradykinine, à la SRS-A, SRS-C et à l'acide arachidonique, qui sont bloqués par des antiinflammatoires, acides, et par les dérivés thiol, sont dus à la formation de RCS, constituée par des péroxydes cicliques analogues aux précurseurs instables des prostaglandines E 2 et F 2 alpha.

We thank MrsB. Charpentier andC. Bellevrat for technical help, Prof.H. Clauser andJ. R. Vane and DrH. O. J. Collier for comments and DrS. H. Ferreira for advice concerning the superfusion technique and for BPP9. Squibb provided BPP5. This work is part of a thesis leading to the degree of Docteur-ès-Sciences, Orsay (B.B.V.).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Anwesenheit von Dopamin und Noradrenalin im Bienen- und Wespengift wurde durch Fluoreszenzmikroskopie, Dünnschichtchromatographie und Spectrophotofluorimetrie nachgewiesen. Der Dopamin-Gehalt eines Stiches genügt, um die Herztätigkeit eines Insekts zu beschleunigen, was auch die Verteilung der giftigen Bestandteile zu den Wirkungsstellen beeinflussen kann.

This work was supported by O.N.R. Grant No. AR-305-807 to Dr.B. I. Shapiro. The technical assistance of MissE. King and Mrs.M. Goldstone is acknowledged, as is the advice and encouragement drawn fromB. I. Shapiro andI. M. Cooke.  相似文献   

Summary Spirostomum was treated extracellularly and intracellularly with a range of metabolites to investigate the intracellular regulation of cyclic calcium movements. The results indicate, close links between calcium movements and mitochondrial metabolism.We are grateful to Dr.A. Gaudemar, Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelle, Gif-sur-Yvette, France for a gift of bongkrekic acid, to Dr.D. C. Aldridge, Biochemistry Dept., I. C. I. Ltd., Macclesfield, U. K. for a gift of avenceolide and toE. M. Ettienne for many hours of discussion. Dr.R. B. Hawkes is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit doppelt markiertem Glycin konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Kohlenstoffatom der Methylgruppe viel besser als das Kohlenstoffatom der Karboxylgruppe in die Isoprengruppe des Ophiobolins B ausCochiobolus miyabeanus eingebaut wird. Die Radioaktivität wird in Ophiobolin B eingebaut, wenn die folgenden Verbindungen verwendet werden: [3-14C]-Serin, [14C-Methyl]-Sarcosin, [14C-Methyl]-Methionin, und [14C] Formate.

a)Studies on Biosynthesis. Part V. for Part IV, seeM. Anchel, A. K. Bose, K. S. Khanchandani andP. T. Funke, Phytochem.9, 2135 (1970). b) Presented in part at the 3rd Natural Products Symposium, University of West Indies, Jamaica, January 1970.

The support of this research by Stevens Institute of Technology is gratefully acknowledged. We wish to thank Dr.J. H. Davis and Prof.L. Z. Pollara for their interest and encouragement and Drs.H. Levy, P. T. Funke, M. S. Manhas, P. K. Bhattacharyya andM. Anchel for valuable discussions and help with some of the experiments. We are particularly thankful to Dr.L. Canonica for providing us with cultures ofCochiobolus miyabeanus that made our work on ophiobolin B possible.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Harnausscheidung von Nebennierenrinden-Steroiden bei 8 schizophrenen Patienten vor und während der Behandlung mit allmählich ansteigenden Dosen von Reserpin. Eine statistisch nachweisbare Verringerung der Nebennieren-rindenfunktion wurde während der Behandlung mit Reserpin beobachtet. Eine kritische Betrachtung dieser Ergebnisse wird vorgenommen.

The authors wish to thank ProfessorsJ. Elkes andS. Zuckerman for their keen interest and support in this study.A. B. Kar is on deputation from the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, under the Colombo Plan. The technical assistance of MissAnne Overton and MissSheila Green is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung B. L. van der Waerden zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet Vorgelegt von B. L. van der Waerden  相似文献   

Summary Neonatal albino rats treated with 6-hydroxydopamine revealed depletion of rhodopsin and monoamine oxidase in their retinas.Acknowledgments. The author wishes to dedicate this paper to his family for their continuous support and to ProfessorsA. K. S. Ho andD. B. Meyer for their understanding and friendship.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis, dass die Chromatophoren vonOctopus vulgaris bei Inkubation mit Cytochalasin B strukturelle Veränderungen zeigen. Eine signifikante Zunahme von Pigmentkörnern ausserhalb des Pigmentbehälters ist festzustellen. Es wird angenommen, dass Cytochalasin B einen Mechanismus stört, der normalerweise Zusammenhalt und Verteilung der Pigmentgranula koordiniert.

Acknowledgements. The study was supported by the Swiss National Foundation, grant No. 3.8520.72. I wish to thank ProfessorJ. Z. Young for the cytochalasin B and Dr.A. Millonig for the DMSO.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach Anlage eines portocavalen Shunts bei 53 Sprague-Dawley-Ratten wurde in 47% aller Fälle eine Harnsäure-Urolithiasis beobachtet. Das Vorkommen war bei den Ratten am häufigsten (94%), die mehr als einen Monat überlebten und postoperativ an Gewicht verloren.

Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Dr.K. Lauber of the Department of Medical Chemistry and to Prof.H. Fleisch of the Department of Pathophysiology of the University of Berne for performing the chemical analyses. The technical assistance of MissM. Kappeler and MissB. Schütz is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

Summary An ethanol-inhalation technique was used to determine a potential relationship between dopamine and central nervous effects produced by alcohol. Bothl-DOPA and intracranially injected dopamine resulted in attenuation of ethanol-induced withdrawal convulsion scores, whereas, haloperidol, a known dopaminergic blocker was found to significantly increase convulsion scores.We thankB. Wiggins, S. Elston andRaul Marin for technical help. The work was supported gy NIH, Air Force Office of Scientific Research and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Grants. Dr.Blum is also a recipient of the Career Teacher Award, Grant No. 1-T01-D100290-01.  相似文献   

Résumé L'auteur décrit quatre souches deKlebsiella pneumoniae du type capsulaire B lysogènes pour les bactériophages actifs pour une autre souche du même type.

I am grateful to ProfessorsD. G. Catcheside andJ. P. Duguid, Drs.B. H. Park, I. Ørskov, J. Papavassiliou andY. Hamon for encouragement, information and bacterial strains. This work was begun at the Microbiology Department, University of Birmingham, while the author held an award from the Agricultural Research Council.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Sauerstoffverbrauch genetisch fettleibiger Ratten ist auffallend niedriger als derjenige von Normalratten (littermates), die nach Hypothalamusverletzung fettleibig wurden.

J.Mayer, R. E.Russell, M. W.Bates and M. M.Dickie, Endocrinology56, 318 (1952).

The author thanks Dr. E. B.Astwood for his continuing support and encouragement.  相似文献   

Summary The results indicate that renomedullary deficiency induced by renal artery clipping might contribute to the development of renal hypertension.Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Dr.B. B. Lozzio for constant help and encouragement. Supported by the American Heart Association grant No. 74-831.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Vorgelegt von H. Freudenthal und B. L. van der Waerden  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Färbbarkeit der DNS mit dem Feulgenreagens nimmt mit steigendem pH des Reagens zu. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass die verstärkte Reaktion alle 3 Bestandteile des gebräuchlichen Fuchsins betrifft.

The author wishes to record his sincere appreciation to Prof.B. R. Seshachar for providing facilities to carry out this investigation. This work was supported in part by a research grant (GM 10499) from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service, to Prof.B. P. Kaufmann.  相似文献   

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