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Funato Y  Makino J  Hut P  Kokubo E  Kinoshita D 《Nature》2004,427(6974):518-520
Recent observations have revealed that an unexpectedly high fraction--a few per cent--of the trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) that inhabit the Kuiper belt are binaries. The components have roughly equal masses, with very eccentric orbits that are wider than a hundred times the radius of the primary. Standard theories of binary asteroid formation tend to produce close binaries with circular orbits, so two models have been proposed to explain the unique characteristics of the TNOs. Both models, however, require extreme assumptions regarding the size distribution of the TNOs. Here we report a mechanism that is capable of producing binary TNOs with the observed properties during the early stages of their formation and growth. The only required assumption is that the TNOs were initially formed through gravitational instabilities in the protoplanetary dust disk. The basis of the mechanism is an exchange reaction in which a binary whose primary component is much more massive than the secondary interacts with a third body, whose mass is comparable to that of the primary. The low-mass secondary component is ejected and replaced by the third body in a wide but eccentric orbit.  相似文献   

The size and albedo of the Kuiper-belt object (20000) Varuna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jewitt D  Aussel H  Evans A 《Nature》2001,411(6836):446-447
Observations over the last decade have revealed the existence of a large number of bodies orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune. Known as the Kuiper-belt objects (KBOs), they are believed to be formed in the outer reaches of the protoplanetary disk around the young Sun, and have been little altered since then. They are probably the source of short-period comets. The KBOs are, however, difficult objects to study because of their distance from earth, so even basic physical properties such as their sizes and albedos remain unknown. Previous size estimates came from assuming an albedo with the canonical value being 0.04. Here we report simultaneous measurements of the thermal emission and reflected optical light of the bright KBO (20000) Varuna, which allow us to determine independently both the size and the albedo. Varuna has an equivalent circular diameter of D = 900+129-145 km and a red geometric albedo of pR = 0.070+0.030-0.017. Its surface is darker than Pluto's, suggesting that it is largely devoid of fresh ice, but brighter than previously assumed for KBOs.  相似文献   

细长体绕流tertiary涡的形成与非对称过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨现代飞行器非对称流动中主涡的形成机理,利用染色线显示和荧光诱导激光片光技术,在北京航空航天大学1.2m水洞对细长体绕流过程进行了实验研究。结果表明,亚临界Re和大迎角零侧滑绕流时,细长体流场呈现复杂的非对称多涡流动现象。随着主涡的生成和发展,在模型背风侧再分离区诱导出一些次生结构,tertiary涡就是其中一种。沿着轴向,主涡发展成熟并依次脱落形成脱体涡,从主涡脱落点也依次产生新生主涡。其中,第1个新生涡由tertiary涡发展而来,而第2个和第3个新生涡则主要由分离剪切层卷绕生成。该文提出了tertiary涡演化为新生主涡的观点。  相似文献   

船舶会遇危险度的评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据对同海域航行的船舶,在会遇时不同的船长采用不同的最近会遇距离和最近会遇时间的分析,利用模糊数学评判模型,引入与船长相关的安全域,危险领域和避航领域构建危险度隶属函数,对来船构成本船的危险度进行客观有效的评价,为安全避让提供合理的依据。  相似文献   

采用有限元法建立实际200MW汽轮发电机组低压段转子-轴承系统非线性动力学方程,采用固定界面模态综合法对其进行降维计算,使系统由原来的112个自由度降为现在的8个自由度,从而显著的提高了数值计算分析的效率.基于椭圆瓦油膜力模型下的低压转子-轴承系统,采用Lung-Kutta法对降维后非线性动力学方程进行计算,分析了转子升降速过程的运动状态和分岔类型.  相似文献   

电化学修形齿轮齿面微观形貌与摩擦学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以电化学修形前后的齿面微观不平度高度的特性和形状特性进行了分析和测算,研究了电化学表面平滑化对齿面摩擦,齿面闪温及润滑状态的影响;证明电化学修形能延长齿轮的使用寿命。  相似文献   

为了研究仓壁材料性质、粒径对煤粉运动壁摩擦角的影响,用Jenike剪切测试仪,测试不同粒径煤试样在不锈钢板、碳钢板、环氧板3种常用仓壁材料上的运动壁摩擦力.结合Jenike松散物料流动理论,探讨了不同粒径煤试样运动壁摩擦系数的变化.结果表明:仓壁材料表面的粗糙度越大,煤粉的运动壁摩擦系数越大;材料刚度越大,煤粉的运动壁摩擦系数也越大;水分一定时,煤试样中小粒径煤粉含量越多,壁摩擦系数越大.同时,用离散单元法(DEM)对这一壁摩擦过程进行模拟研究.分析比较模拟结果和实验结果表明:数值模型能够有效模拟实验过程,仓壁材料粗糙度、刚度以及煤粉粒径对壁摩擦系数的影响规律与实验结果相同.  相似文献   

Tabor D  Walker JC 《Nature》1970,228(5267):137-139
The creep of polycrystalline ice in uniaxial compression has been studied over a very wide range of strain rates. The creep is far too slow to explain the friction of ice observed at very low sliding speeds, but experiments with single crystals show that sliding produces recrystallization at the interface, the ice presenting an orientation favourable to easy glide in directions tangential to the interface.  相似文献   

We introduce a new dynamical evolutionary algorithm(DEA) based on the theory of statistical mechanics and investigate the reconstruction problem for the nonlinear dynamical systems using observation data. The convergence of the algorithm is discussed. We make the numerical experiments and test our model using the two famous chaotic systems (mainly the Lorenz and Chen systems). The results show the relatively accurate reconstruction of these chaotic systems based on observational data can be obtained. Therefore we may conclude that there are broad prospects using our method to model the nonlinear dynamical systems.  相似文献   

Low-carbon steel plates were successfully subjected to normal friction stir processing(NFSP) in air and submerged friction stir processing(SFSP) under water, and the microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of the NFSP and SFSP samples were investigated. Phase transformation and dynamic recrystallization resulted in fine-grained ferrite and martensite in the processed zone. The SFSP samples had smaller ferrites(5.1 μm), finer martensite laths(557 nm), and more uniform distribution of martensite compared to the NFSP samples. Compared to the base material(BM), the microhardness of the NFSP and SFSP samples increased by 19.8% and 27.1%, respectively because of the combined strengthening effects of grain refinement, phase transformation, and dislocation. The ultimate tensile strengths(UTSs) of the NFSP and SFSP samples increased by 27.1% and 38.7%, respectively. Grain refinement and martensite transformation also improved the electrochemical corrosion properties of the low-carbon steel. Overall, the SFSP samples had better mechanical properties and electrochemical corrosion resistance than the NFSP samples.  相似文献   

The contact melting processes of phase change material (PCM) under a sliding plate, which is driven by the friction and temperature difference ΔT, are studied. By using film theory, the fundamental equations for the melting process are derived. The thickness of boundary layer, the pressure distribution inside boundary layer and the mass melting rate of PCM are also obtained with the numerical method. It is found that (1) the larger the temperature difference is, the larger the thickness of boundary layer and the mass melting rate are, and the more asymmetric the pressure distribution is; (2) the quicker the sliding velocity is, the larger the mass melting rate is, the flatter the thickness of boundary layer is, and the more symmetric the pressure distribution is; (3) the results of the contact melting driven together by the friction and temperature difference cannot be obtained by the addition of those driven respectively by the friction and temperature difference.  相似文献   

Helfand DJ  Tademaru E 《Nature》1977,267(5607):130-131
An examination of the kinematical properties of binary OB stars, binary X-ray sources and pulsars suggests an evolutionary sequence linking an apparent low-velocity class of pulsars to the binary nature of their extreme Population I progenitors.  相似文献   

研究了石墨在半金属摩擦材料中的粘着和润滑作用和不同含量人造石墨对摩擦性能包括摩擦系数,摩擦稳定性(摩擦系数随温度变化的稳定性)和体积磨损率的影响并与天然石墨进行了比较。由于石墨的粘着特征,石墨可以在一定摩擦温度范围内提高摩擦系数。作为润滑剂,石墨可以通过减弱摩擦材料和摩擦盘表面的粗糙峰之间的直接摩擦而有效降低磨损率。应用模糊综合评价原理,提出并验证了一个定量描述摩擦稳定性的新方法  相似文献   

The contact melting processes of phase change material (PCM) under a sliding plate, which is driven by the friction and temperature difference AT, are studied. By using film theory, the fundamental equations for the melting process are derived. The thickness of boundary layer, the pressure distribution inside boundary layer and the mass melting rate of PCM are also obtained with the numerical method. It is found that (1) the larger the temperature difference is, the larger the thickness of boundary layer and the mass melting rate are, and the more asymmetric the pressure distribution is; (2) the quicker the sliding velocity is, the larger the mass melting rate is, the flatter the thickness of boundary layer is, and the more symmetric the pressure distribution is; (3) the results of the contact melting driven together by the friction and temperature difference cannot be obtained by the addition of those driven respectively by the friction and temperature difference.  相似文献   

采用X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线能谱分析(EDAX)对分别使用低炭钢纤维、黄铜纤维和紫铜纤维增强的3种半金属摩擦材料与灰铸铁在不同温度下滑动摩擦形成的磨屑进行分析,并结合扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察摩擦材料表面形貌,分析材料的磨损特性,并对黄铜纤维和紫铜纤维增强的摩擦材料磨屑成分进行对比分析。XRD结果表明,钢纤维增强体系的摩擦材料磨屑中的主要相是α-Fe,BaSO4,FeCr2O4(或Fe3O4,Fe2O3);黄铜和紫铜纤维增强体系的磨屑中主要相除钢纤维体系中含有的相外,还含有Cu。EDAX分析的结果与X射线物相分析的基本一致,钢纤维增强材料磨屑中的Fe原子数分数达50%-60%,Cu,Ba,Ca和Al等元素的原子数分数为6%-10%。Fe原子含量均较高,在紫铜纤维增强的材料中其他元素的原子含量都比黄铜纤维增强的材料中的浓度低,说明紫铜纤维增强的摩擦材料的磨损比黄铜纤维增强的摩擦材料的小,填料不容易脱落,但紫铜纤维增强的摩擦材料对对偶造成的损伤较大。  相似文献   

当代服饰设计中的女红,通过发掘传统意象符号体系及其设计话语所蕴含的文化内涵与审美特征,并结合当代文化语境,不断探索其开拓与创新的路径。作为设计师,不仅需要从女红的意象符号体系及工艺中梳理其审美范式,抽绎出女红富有“魅力”的审美特征,同时需要立足于当代女红发展的多元“际遇”,阐释其符合当代文化情境的价值,探索其在当下融合文化传承、主体精神建构与促进产业经济发展于一体的多元文化价值体系,对其文化与艺术“魅力”作出具有前瞻性、开拓性的建构。  相似文献   

建立了汽车摩擦材料在摩擦过程中摩擦层形成的变时间步长的二维和三维元胞自动机模型,模拟了磨屑运动的变化状态与摩擦材料的表面形貌。用二维元胞自动机模型模拟了无磨损条件下摩擦材料表面的摩擦层的形成过程,可以得到磨屑沿摩擦力方向运动并聚集的图像。用三维元胞自动机模型模拟了有磨损时摩擦材料表面的摩擦层的形成过程,可以得到摩擦材料在不同厚度的磨屑运动和聚集的动态图像。通过元胞自动机模拟可以确定摩擦层形成的机制与磨屑的运动和受阻于钢纤维、陶瓷纤维或磨粒并聚集有关,也证明了在摩擦层的研究中元胞自动机法是一个理想的模拟方法。  相似文献   

目的 用激光连续方程研究激光系统的动力学行为.方法 根据Lamb半经典理论推导出激光连续方程,找到激光势的表达式.结果 用新的方法 研究了激光系统的动力学行为及混沌态.结论 激光连续方程是研究激光系统动力学行为新的有效方法 .  相似文献   

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