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Separation of a lipophilic extract of a soft coral,Sinularia sp., assayed by enhancement of glucose transport in rat adipocytes, gave farnesyl 4-O--D-arabinopyranosyl--D-arabinopyranoside-2,2,3-triacetate (1a) whose structure was determined by spectroscopy. Enhancers of glucose transport may be useful for the prevention and treatment of diabetic disorders.  相似文献   

Summary Brianolide (1), a new antiinflammatory diterpenoid of the briarein class, possessing a substituent at C-12 (R), has been isolated from the Okinawan gorgonianBriareum sp. Its structure has been established from spectral data in conjunction with a single crystal X-ray analysis.  相似文献   

A new 9,11-secosteroid, stellettasterol (1) was isolated from a Japanese marine sponge,Stelletta sp.; its structure was determined by spectroscopic analysis. All NMR signals of1 were unambiguously assigned by application of various 2D NMR techniques. Stellettasterol exhibited antifungal activity againstMortieralla ramannianus.Part 62 of the Bioactive Marine Metabolites series. Part 61: Fusetani, N., Takahashi, M., and Matsunaga, S., Tetrahedron, in press.  相似文献   

Summary A new azulene pigment, 2,3-dihydrolinderazulene, has been isolated along with guaiazulene and linderazulene as bioactive metabolites from the gorgonianAcalycigorgia sp.  相似文献   

Summary A novel bromine-containing pyrrole compound, hymenidin, has been isolated from the Okinawan marine spongeHymeniacidon sp. as a potent antagonist of serotonergic receptors and its structure elucidated using spectral data.  相似文献   

Summary BacteriaVibro sp. isolated from the spongeDysidea sp. were shown to biosynthesize brominated diphenyl ethers. We identified one of the bacterial brominated metabolites using gas liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry to compare this product with standard 3,5-dibromo-2-(3,5-dibromo-2-methoxyphenoxy)phenol. The latter has been isolated from ethanol extracts of the spongeDysidea sp.  相似文献   

Summary A new sulfated polyhydroxy benzaldehyde has been isolated from extracts of the temperate colonial ascidianPolyclinum planum. The structure of the new metabolite was solved by an X-ray crystallographic study. The highest concentration of this metabolite was found in the zooid-rich outer layers of this ascidian suggesting that it may represent a potential chemical defense against predators.  相似文献   

Summary Luffolide (4) is a minor metabolite of the spongeLuffariella sp. from Palau. The structure of luffolide was determined by single crystal X-ray analysis. Luffolide is relatively unstable and undergoes a complex cyclization reaction to give the hexacyclic products5 and6. Luffolide (4) has some of the anti-inflammatory properties of manoalide (1): this may help to define the chemical reaction between manoalide (1) and phospholipase A2.All crystallographic calculations were done on a PRIME 9950 computer operated by the Cornell Chemistry Computing Facility. Principal programs employed were: FOBS, a data reduction program by G.D. Van Duyne, Cornell University, 1987; MULTAN 80, and RANTAN 80, systems of computer programs for the automatic solution of crystal structures from X-ray diffraction data (locally modified to perform all Fourier calculations including Patterson syntheses) written by P. Main, S. E. Hull, L. Lessinger, G. Germain, J. P. Declercq and M. M. Woolfson, University of York, England, 1980 BDLS, an, anisotropic block diagonal least squares refinement written by K. Hirotsu, E. Arnold, and G. D. Van Duyne, Cornell University, 1987; PLUTO 78, a locally modified crystallographic illustration program by W. D. S. Motherwell, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 1978; and BOND, a program to calculate molecular parameters and prepare tables written by K. Hirotsu and G. Van Duyne, Cornell University, 1985.Acknowledgment. We thank the Government of the Republic of Palau for a scientific research permit. We thank Dr Klaus Rützler, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. for identifying the sponge and Mary Kay Harper for performing additional bioassays. This research was supported by grants from the Sea Grant College Programs of California [Projects R/MP-30 to DJF) and R/MP-31 (to RSJ)] and New York (to JC) and the National Institutes of Health (CA 24487 to JC).  相似文献   

Summary A novel sphingosine derivative, symbioramide, has been isolated from the laboratory-cultured dinoflagellateSymbiodinium sp. as a sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+-ATPase activator, and its structure elucidated to be1 on the basis of spectral and chemical means.Acknowledgments. We thank Ms M. Hamashima and Ms A. Muroyama for their technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary A new cyclic peroxide, plakorin, which is a potent sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Caa+-ATPase activator has been isolated from the Okinawan marine spongePlakortis sp., its structure was elucidated on the basis of spectral data.Acknowledgments. We thank Ms M. Hamashima and Ms A. Muroyama for their technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary The maximal unloaded shortening velocity (Vmax) of smooth muscle cells isolated from the pedal retractor muscle ofMytilus was more than twice as large as that of the whole muscle, suggesting the presence of extracellular components which resist the contraction of the whole muscle. The Vmax of the isolated cells was almost constant at cell lengths ranging between 0.5 and 0.8310 (10, optimal length for tension generation) indicating that the intracellular resistance to contraction is negligible within this range of lengths.  相似文献   

A part of the gene coding for a halophilic serine protease from a halophilic archaeumHaloferax mediterranei R4 was amplified by PCR and its 672 nucleotide sequence was determined. Tentative translation to the amino acid sequence suggested that the enzyme was quite similar to halolysin produced by another halophilic archaeum strain 172P1. Nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA encoding genes from 9 halophilic archaea were determined. Alignment of 19 sequences known so far showed that there are more than 20 positions carrying bases or deletions specific for each halobacterial genus:Halobacterium, Haloarcula, Haloferax, andHalococcus.  相似文献   

Summary A new bromotyrosine-derived alkaloid with antileukemic activity, purealidin A (5), has been isolated from the Okinawan marine spongePsammaplysilla purea and its chemical structure elucidated on the basis of the spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

Summary The wound-debriding activity of various types of proteolytic enzymes and proteases from Antarctic krill (multi-enzyme system consisting of both endo- and exopeptidases) was evaluated. The results, based on the enzymatically acieved weight reduction of a necrotic animal material (excised rat skin) in vitro, clearly showed that the multi-enzyme system (krill) had a higher degrading activity than the single enzyme preparation, or that with only a few enzymes. The debriding effect of the krill enzymes was markedly related to the enzyme concentration, resulting in 70–100% substrate degradation after 24 h. The digesting capacity of trypsin reached about 50%, but an increase in concentration of this enzyme did not substantially influence its overall activity. The effect of streptokinase-streptodornase, collagenase and plasmin-desoxyribonuclease was weak (10–20% digested).  相似文献   

Summary Males ofPodisus fretus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) release a long-range attractant pheromone containing linalool (49.0%), (E)-2-hexenal (34.5%), benzyl alcohol (12.0%), nerolidol (2.0%),-terpineol (1.1%), and traces of several other compounds. The eastern yellowjacket,Vespula maculifrons (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), is attracted to artificial pheromones forP. fretus and for the sympatric species,Podisus maculiventris.The authors thank Mr T.J. Henry of the USDA Systematic Entomology Laboratory and Dr J.E. McPherson, Southern Illinois University, for examining the pentatomid species and Dr A.S. Menke, USDA-SEL, for determining the yellowjacket species. We also thank S. Wilzer for technical assistance. Mention of a company name does not imply endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro applications of juvenile hormone III and a juvenile hormone analogue, methoprene, were made to mitochondria isolated from dorsal longitudinal flight muscles of adultLocusta migratoria L. Both compounds completely inhibited oxygen consumption at the highest concentrations used. At lower concentrations, state 3 respiration and respiratory control were reduced but the ADP/O ratio was largely unaffected.  相似文献   

A homologue of the chaperonin protein of the HSP60 family has not been shown so far inDrosophila. Using an antibody specific to HSP60 family protein in Western blotting and immunocytochemistry, we showed that a 64-kDa polypeptide, homologous to the HSP60, is constitutively present in all tissues ofDrosophila melanogaster throughout the life cycle from the freshly laid egg to all embryonic, larval and adult stages. A 64-kDa polypeptide reacting with the same antibody in Western blots is present in all species ofDrosophila examined. Using Western blotting in conjunction with35S-methionine labeling of newly synthesized proteins and immuno-precipitation of the labeled proteins with HSP60-specific antibody, it was shown that synthesis of the 64-kDa homologue of HSP60 is appreciably increased by heat shock only in the Malpighian tubules, which are already known to lack the common HSPs.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied, using the freeze-etching technique, the cytomembranes of the flat cystenae, regularly interposed between the cristalline sheets of ribosomes, inside the ribosomal bodies of the hibernating lizardLacerta sicula. The results show the presence, on the protoplasmic face (PF), of numerous IMPs (intramembrane particles) which can be separated into two populations. The flatter ones appear to be arranged in a regular pattern, with the support of the optical diffraction analysis, can be correlated with the disposition of the ribosomes in the cristalline sheets.6 October 1986  相似文献   

A new lysozyme (cv-lysozyme 2) with a MALDI molecular mass of 12 984.6 Da was purified from crystalline styles and digestive glands of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and its cDNA sequenced. Quantitative real time RT-PCR detected cv-lysozyme 2 gene expression primarily in digestive gland tissues, and in situ hybridization located cv-lysozyme 2 gene expression in basophil cells of digestive tubules. Cv-lysozyme 2 showed high amino acid sequence similarity to other bivalve mollusk lysozymes, including cv-lysozyme 1, a lysozyme recently purified from C. virginica plasma. Differences between cv-lysozyme 2 and cv-lysozyme 1 molecular characteristics, enzymatic properties, antibacterial activities, distribution in the oyster body and site of gene expression indicate that the main role of cv-lysozyme 2 is in digestion. While showing that a bivalve mollusk employs different lysozymes for different functions, findings in this study suggest adaptive evolution of i type lysozymes for nutrition. Received 30 August 2006; received after revision 14 October 2006; accepted 6 November 2006  相似文献   

Summary Paracelsin, a hemolytic and membrane active polypeptide antibiotic of the peptaibol class which is excreted by the moldTrichderma reesei, was obtained by a simplified and isolation procedure utilziing hydrophobic adsorber resin. Investigation by13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and circular dichroism revealed considerable helical portions in solution, and the very recently accomplished sequence determination of paracelsin allows the discussion of the results with regard to the closely related analogues, alamethicin and suzukacillin. A selective cleavage of the peptide was achieved by careful treatment with various acids, and a buffer of pH 8.25 and of high ionic strength made possible the quantitative determination of the C-terminal phenylalaninol released by means of ion-exchange chromatography. The significance of the production of paracelsin and related mycotoxins of the peptaibol class, exhibiting various kinds of biological activity, is discussed with respect to the extensive effort being made towards biotechnological applications of species, strains and cellulolytically highly active mutants of the fungusTrichoderma.Presented in part at the 5th European Symposium on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins, Hannover, August 29–September 2, 1983 and a lecture given at Ciby-Geigy/Basel in March 1984.Acknowledgment. We thank I. Ackermann for excellent and skilled technical assistance and gratefully acknowledge the help of R. Ratz for support in CD spectroscopy.  相似文献   

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