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To understand the role of calcium ions in thigmotaxis inParamecium caudatum, the effects of caffeine, ruthenium red and lanthanum (LaCl3) on thigmotaxis were examined. Thigmotaxis in the CNR mutant, which lacks voltage-dependent Ca2+-channels in the ciliary membrane, was also examined. Ruthenium red and LaCl3 suppressed thigmotaxis inP. caudatum, while caffeine enhanced it. The CNR mutant showed hardly any thigmotaxis. It can be thought that an increase in Ca2+ influx and the intraciliary concentration of Ca2+ ions induces thigmotaxis inParamecium.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of 14 strains from fiveChlorella species is rather insensitive towards cadmium. One strain (211-1a) ofC. saccharophila, however, was found to have a sensitivity towards this toxic heavy metal about 100 times higher than that of the other strains ofC. saccharophila.Acknowledgment. For excellent technical assistance I am indebted to Mrs U. Knoch and Mrs E. Weitemeyer.  相似文献   

Summary A bioassay was developed inHelix aspersa to study the effect of known endocrine centers on the twomonth-old gonad, using organ culture. The incorporation of14C leucine and3H fucose in the juvenile gonad almost doubled over control levels, in the presence of the brain and the dorsal bodies.  相似文献   

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) are unpalatable to various vertebrate predators because their larvae sequester bitter and emetic cardiac glycosides (CGs) from milkweed plants (Asclepias spp.). Here we show that the concentration of the defensive CGs decrease as individual butterflies age, regardless of the CGs' initial amounts or specific chemical structures. Consequently, individual monarch butterflies can change from being unpalatable models to palatable mimics during their lifetime. Since monarchs breed continuously over the spring and summer in North America, freshly emerged adult butterflies may serve as noxious models for older individuals which become automimics as they age.  相似文献   

Summary In cultures with efficient aeration a maximum cell concentration (MCC) of 6×105 cells/ml (defined medium) and 5.5×106 cells/ml (broth) can be reached. By culturing within Millicells with excess supply of medium and efficient removal of waste products a physical limit for MCC of about 13×106 cells/ml is reached.  相似文献   

Summary The morphotype, chromosome number and Feulgen-DNA content of bisexual and unisexual populations ofMacrobiotus pseudohufelandi were examined. Individuals of unisexual populations were triploid with ameiotic parthenogenesis. Their lowest Feulgen-DNA content is about three-fold that of sperm from a bisexual population. Egg shell shape also differs in the two types of population. However, the highest Feulgen-DNA content was the same (24 A.U.) in both diploid and triploid animals.Study funded by MPI grant.  相似文献   

dng1 is a Dictyostelium homologue of the mammalian tumor suppressor ING gene. DNG1 protein localizes in the nucleus, and has a highly conserved PHD finger domain found in chromatin-remodeling proteins. Both dng1 disruption and overexpression impaired cell proliferation. In dng1-null cells, the progression of differentiation was delayed in a cell-density-dependent manner, and many tiny aggregates were formed. Exogenously applied cAMP pulses reversed the inhibitory effect caused by dng1 disruption on the aggregation during early development, but formation of tiny aggregates was not restored. dng1-overexpressing cells acquired the ability to undergo chemotaxis to cAMP earlier and exhibited enhanced differentiation. These phenotypes were found to be coupled with altered expressions of early genes such as cAMP receptor 1 (car1) and contact site A (csA). Furthermore, disordered histone modifications were demonstrated in dng1-null cells. These results suggest a regulatory role of dng1 in the transition of cells from growth to differentiation.Received 29 December 2004; received after revision 24 May 2005; accepted 26 May 2005  相似文献   

Summary To obtain sporogonic stages of malaria free from microbial contaminants for in vitro studies,Anopheles stephensi were reared under sterile conditions using a mosquito cell line as larval food. The adult females, kept in sterile humidified containers and allowed to engorge on parasitemic hamsters, supported the sporogonic development of the rodent malarial parasitePlasmodium berghei. In 10 experiments, the proportion of infected mosquitoes varied from 0 to 92%, and the geometric mean number of oocysts per female mosquito from 2.5 to 58,6, with a range of 1 to 548. The average number of salivary gland sporozoites per infected mosquito was determined by direct sporozoite counts in the pooled homogenate of the thoraces of all female mosquitoes. In five experiments, it varied from 2.7×103 to 9.0×103. The sterile sporozoites, harvested on day 19 or 20 after the infective blood meal, were as infective for rodents as nonsterile ones.Supported in part by Public Health Service research grant AI 18345 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, by a grant from the Agency of International Development DSPE-5542-G-SS-3042-00, and by a Charles and Johanna Busch award.  相似文献   

Summary Production of aggregation pheromones by maleOryzaephilus surinamensis, O. mercator, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, andTribolium castaneum was enhanced by feeding on methoprene-treated oats, implicating juvenile hormone in control of pheromone production. Methoprene application to control insects in stored food products may cause enhanced pheromone production by these insects, thus drawing additional beetles into the treated product.Acknowledgments. We thank Dr. G. B. Staal of Zoëcon Corp. for a generous gift of methoprene. Particular thanks are due to J. Dodic for technical assistance. Research funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Science Council of British Columbia.  相似文献   

Summary When administered toDatura metel L. by foliar or root application, the new plant growth regulator phthalimide exercises a favorable effect on the vegetative growth and also stimulates the formation of tropane alkaloids.  相似文献   

Summary Mercuric acetate, at 5.0×10–5 M, stimulates the mobilization of total nitrogen and phosphate reserves from cotyledons during seedling growth inCicer arietinum cv H208 whereas it suppresses the same process at 2.5×10–4 M.Thanks are due to Dr D. Banerji for providing facilities and helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

Summary Diuron (DCMU) is inhibitory to the photoautotrophic and photoheterotrophic growth of the N2-fixing blue-green algaNostoc muscorum at concentrations of 1.0×10–5 M and 2.0×10–5 M, respectively. A mutant of this organism resistant to 5.0×10–5 M DCMU under its photoheterotrophic growth conditions, with the ability to utilize DCMU as a carbon and nitrogen source for growth, and complete inability to grow photoautotrophically has been isolated. With the apparent defect in its photosynthetic ability, it is suggested that theDCMU r mutant lacks the step inhibited by 1.0×10–5 M DCMU, and metabolizes DCMU by an existing enzyme system in the absence of such inhibition. That this enzyme may be glutamine synthetase (GS) is explained with the help of a L-methionine-DL-sulfoximine (MSO)-resistant mutant ofN. muscorum which is able to grow faster with 2.0×10–5 DCMU and is known to contain an altered GS.Thanks are due to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Complex, Govt. of India, New Delhi-110012, for appointing the author to the Scientists' Pool for undertaking researches on the physiological and genetic controls of nitrogen metabolism in blue-green algae, a part of which is presented in this literature.  相似文献   

Summary The proliferation of the mesenchyme of medium bud stage blastemas ofPleurodeles, measured by3H-thymidine incorporation and mitotic index, decreases about 40–50% under denervated conditions when cultivated in vitro for 4 days; epidermis is not affected in this case. Autoradiography of blastemas after3H-thymidine long term labeling shows that 3/4 of the mesenchymal cells and 1/4 of the epidermal cells are cycling when the blastema is innervated; there is no significant change of these percentages when the blastema is denervated. The results show, contrary to in vivo experiments, that denervation does not provoke an exiting from the cell-cycle but only lengthening of the cycle of the mesenchymal cells (probably of the G1 phase).  相似文献   

Summary Several quassinoids, obtained by isolation and derivatization fromSimaba multiflora andSoulamea soulameoides, were evaluated for growth inhibitory and insecticidal effects against the tobacco budworm (Heliothis virescens) and for antifeedant effects againstH. virescens and the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda). The relative activity of the quassinoids as insect growth inhibitors generally paralleled their known relative potency as antileukemic and cytotoxic agents.Phytochemical aspects of this work were supported by Contract CM-97295 with the Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Insects were kindly supplied by the agency of the United States Department of Agriculture at Brownsville, TX.  相似文献   

Summary Preliminary experiments carried out in the Granada province of Southern spain over three years and in three different habitats have shown that a single application of Ethrel (2 chloro-ethyl phosphonic acid) to the olive tree at the beginning of fruit formation is sufficient to reduce significantly attack byPrays oleae Bern. and subsequent damage to the fruit. At the same time the treatment did not cause any detrimental change to the trees and had no measurable effect on the activity of beneficial insects such as Chrysopids (Neuroptera), which are known to be importantP. oleae egg predators in the study area.  相似文献   

Summary Incubation of the calcium ionophore A23187 resulted in an increase in the median rate of juvenile hormone III release by corpora allata (CA) of both gregarious and solitarious adultLocusta migratoria females at 3, 5 and 8 days after fledging. At all 3 datapoints, the enhancement of release rates was highly significant for CA from gregarious females but not significant for CA from solitarious females.  相似文献   

Summary Trans-zeatin and indole-3-acetic acid were isolated, as the main components of the cytokinin and indole mixtures respectively from culture filtrates ofPseudomonas amygdali, the causal agent of hyperplastic bacterial canker of almond.  相似文献   

Summary The average duration of larval life in the anadromous lamprey,Geotria australis (the sole representative of the Geotriidae) is estimated as 41/4 years. Compared with other lampreys, the ammocoetes ofG. australis have a slow growth rate, increase in length during the year preceding metamorphosis and typically enter metamorphosis at a small mean length (<100 mm) and weight (<1.2 g).  相似文献   

Summary Taking advantage of a synthetic nutrient medium, we have studied which compounds phosphate-starvedTetrahymena thermophila can use as phosphate sources for growth and cell multiplication. Ortho-, trimeta- and -glycero-phosphate are good sources for both the wild type and a food-vacuoleless mutant; phosphorylcholine is used only by the wild type, and 2-aminoethyl phosphonic acid fails to serve as a phosphate source. Since at least two phosphatases are found in the extracellular fluid these results indicate thatTetrahymena can make use of extracellular digestion of nutrients.  相似文献   

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