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Seismic evidence for catastrophic slab loss beneath Kamchatka   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Levin V  Shapiro N  Park J  Ritzwoller M 《Nature》2002,418(6899):763-767
In the northwest Pacific Ocean, a sharp corner in the boundary between the Pacific plate and the North American plate joins a subduction zone running along the southern half of the Kamchatka peninsula with a region of transcurrent motion along the western Aleutian arc. Here we present images of the seismic structure beneath the Aleutian-Kamchatka junction and the surrounding region, indicating that: the subducting Pacific lithosphere terminates at the Aleutian-Kamchatka junction; no relict slab underlies the extinct northern Kamchatka volcanic arc; and the upper mantle beneath northern Kamchatka has unusually slow shear wavespeeds. From the tectonic and volcanic evolution of Kamchatka over the past 10 Myr (refs 3-5) we infer that at least two episodes of catastrophic slab loss have occurred. About 5 to 10 Myr ago, catastrophic slab loss shut down island-arc volcanic activity north of the Aleutian-Kamchatka junction. A later episode of slab loss, since about 2 Myr ago, seems to be related to the activity of the world's most productive island-arc volcano, Klyuchevskoy. Removal of lithospheric mantle is commonly discussed in the context of a continental collision, but our findings imply that episodes of slab detachment and loss are also important agents in the evolution of oceanic convergent margins.  相似文献   

Most island-arc magmatism appears to result from the lowering of the melting point of peridotite within the wedge of mantle above subducting slabs owing to the introduction of fluids from the dehydration of subducting oceanic crust. Volcanic rocks interpreted to contain a component of melt (not just a fluid) from the subducting slab itself are uncommon, but possible examples have been recognized in the Aleutian islands, Baja California, Patagonia and elsewhere. The geochemically distinctive rocks from these areas, termed 'adakites, are often associated with subducting plates that are young and warm, and therefore thought to be more prone to melting. But the subducting lithosphere in some adakite locations (such as the Aleutian islands) appears to be too old and hence too cold to melt. This implies either that our interpretation of adakite geochemistry is incorrect, or that our understanding of the tectonic context of adakites is incomplete. Here we present geochemical data from the Kamchatka peninsula and the Aleutian islands that reaffirms the slab-melt interpretation of adakites, but in the tectonic context of the exposure to mantle flow around the edge of a torn subducting plate. We conclude that adakites are likely to form whenever the edge of a subducting plate is warmed or ablated by mantle flow. The use of adakites as tracers for such plate geometry may improve our understanding of magma genesis and thermal structure in a variety of subduction-zone environments.  相似文献   

D Williams  G Phillips  R Sekuler 《Nature》1986,324(6094):253-255
When elements of a parallel network, such as the human brain, are extensively interconnected, the network can exhibit 'cooperative behaviour'. Such behaviour, which is characterized by order-disorder transitions, multi-stable states, and a form of memory called 'hysteresis', has been observed in human stereopsis and has motivated models of stereopsis that incorporate cooperative networks. More recently, cooperative phenomena have also been observed in human visual motion perception. This report strongly supports a cooperative interpretation of motion perception by demonstrating hysteresis in the perception of motion direction. The results agree quantitatively with a mathematical model incorporating nonlinear excitatory and inhibitory interactions among direction-selective elements.  相似文献   

为了利用有限元软件ADINA建立了焊接箍筋钢板—混凝土组合连梁数值计算模型,分别对嵌有8 mm,10 mm和12 mm钢板厚度的钢筋混凝土—钢板组合连梁的抗震性能进行计算分析。结果表明了连梁内的钢板厚度即含钢率对钢板—混凝土连梁的抗震性能具有显著的影响。连梁的抗震性能随着钢板含钢率的增大而改善。如果钢板厚度过小会导致连梁在地震时的延性和耗能性能不足;但若厚度过大会造成增大成本及施工难度增大等问题。为此,需要一个相对理想厚度的钢板,使钢板—混凝土连梁的抗震性能达到最优。  相似文献   

Cifelli RL 《Nature》1999,401(6751):363-366
The main groups of living mammals, marsupials and eutherians, are presumed to have diverged in the Early Cretaceous, but their early history and biogeography are poorly understood. Dental remains have suggested that the eutherians may have originated in Asia, spreading to North America in the Late Cretaceous, where an endemic radiation of marsupials was already well underway. Here I describe a new tribosphenic mammal (a mammal with lower molar heels that are three-cusped and basined) from the Early Cretaceous of North America, based on an unusually complete specimen. The new taxon bears characteristics (molarized last premolar, reduction to three molars) otherwise known only for Eutheria among the tribosphenic mammals. Morphometric analysis and character comparisons show, however, that its molar structure is primitive (and thus phylogenetically uninformative), emphasizing the need for caution in interpretation of isolated teeth. The new mammal is approximately contemporaneous with the oldest known Eutheria from Asia. If it is a eutherian, as is indicated by the available evidence, then this group was far more widely distributed in the Early Cretaceous than previously appreciated. An early presence of Eutheria in North America offers a potential source for the continent's Late Cretaceous radiations, which have, in part, proven difficult to relate to contemporary taxa in Asia.  相似文献   

新型平板夯实机运动机构的运动力学模型,从中推导出最简单的工程计算模型。提出了一种方便实用的进行夯机移动转场的方法.  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid in the last two decades to the physical and chemical processes as well as temporal-spatial variations of the lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. In order to provide insights into the geodynamics of this variation, it is necessary to thoroughly study the state and structure of the lithospheric crust and mantle of the North China Craton and its adjacent regions as an integrated unit. Based on the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle constrained from seismological studies, this paper presents various available geophysical results regarding the lithosphere thickness, the nature of crust-mantle boundary, the upper mantle structure and deformation characteristics as well as their tectonic features and evolution systematics. Combined with the obtained data from petrology and geochemistry, a mantle flow model is proposed for the tectonic evolution of the North China Craton during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic. We suggest that subduction of the Pacific plate made the mantle underneath the eastern Asian continent unstable and able to flow faster. Such a regional mantle flow system would cause an elevation of melt/fluid content in the upper mantle of the North China Craton and the lithospheric softening, which, subsequently resulted in destruction of the North China Craton in different ways of delamination and thermal erosion in Yanshan, Taihang Mountains and the Tan-Lu Fault zone. Multiple lines of evidence recorded in the crust of the North China Craton, such as the amalgamation of the Archean eastern and western blocks, the subduction of Paleo-oceanic crust and Paleo-continental residue, indicate that the Earth in the Paleoproterozoic had already evolved into the plate tectonic system similar to the present plate tectonics.  相似文献   

对大别山高压-超高压变质岩剥露地表的时间以及前陆盆地对郯庐断裂带起源的指示等重要问题进行了探讨。前陆盆地上三叠统至下-中侏罗统砂岩的端元组分分析结果指示了前陆盆地的物源区为大别造山带。砂岩成熟度从近断裂带处的1.54左右变化为远离断裂带处的5.4左右,反映了前陆沉积盆地中黄马青群及象山群应是直接来自大别造山带的原地沉积,也说明郯庐断裂带在晚三叠世时可能已经存在于大别山东缘。伊利石的结晶度多数介于0.24°~0.39°(Δ2θ),多型为2M型和1M 2M1型,指示了当时前陆沉积的热演化温度为190~320℃,从而反映了前陆沉积的最大原始埋深约为10 000 m。  相似文献   

目前,国际学术界普遍认同的萨满教研究的起点为欧洲民族学者于17世纪下半叶对西伯利亚地区萨满教所进行的调查和研究。随着萨满教研究向纵深展开,来自世界各地的民族志材料证明萨满教是一种普遍存在的宗教现象,并不局限于西伯利亚。居于北美的土著民族亦有着古老的萨满教传统,且积淀丰厚,与西伯利亚地区典型的萨满教既有相似之处也存在显著差别,丰富了萨满教的研究对象且扩大了其研究范围。就学界对北美萨满教的研究情况来看,国内国外差距明显,少有中国学者涉足这一领域,而来自美国、加拿大、法国和瑞典等国学者都进行过相关研究并取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

考虑几何非线性和均匀静态温度的影响,研究了具有初挠度的双层金属薄板在周期时变横向载荷作用下的混沌运动。采用Galerkin法得到含二次和三次非线性项的动力学方程,利用Melnikov函数法,从理论上给出系统发生混沌运动的临界条件。借助于计算机代数系统Maple进行定量搜索与模拟,并利用Poincaré映射和相平面轨迹以及时程曲线加以判断。结果表明,受热双层板在强迫振动时存在复杂的混沌运动。  相似文献   

Muttoni G  Erba E  Kent DV  Bachtadse V 《Nature》2005,434(7029):59-63
The fragmentation of Pangaea as a consequence of the opening of the Atlantic Ocean is documented in the Alpine-Mediterranean region by the onset of widespread pelagic sedimentation. Shallow-water sediments were replaced by mainly pelagic limestones in the Early Jurassic period, radiolarian cherts in the Middle-Late Jurassic period, and again pelagic limestones in the Late Jurassic-Cretaceous period. During initial extension, basin subsidence below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) is thought to have triggered the transition from Early Jurassic limestones to Middle-Late Jurassic radiolarites. It has been proposed that the transition from radiolarites to limestones in the Late Jurassic period was due to an increase in calcareous nannoplankton abundance when the CCD was depressed below the ocean floor. But in modern oceans, sediments below the CCD are not necessarily radiolaritic. Here we present palaeomagnetic samples from the Jurassic-Cretaceous pelagic succession exposed in the Lombardian basin, Italy. On the basis of an analysis of our palaeolatitudinal data in a broader palaeogeographic context, we propose an alternative explanation for the above facies tripartition. We suggest that the Lombardian basin drifted initially towards, and subsequently away from, a near-equatorial upwelling zone of high biosiliceous productivity. Our tectonic model for the genesis of radiolarites adds an essential horizontal plate motion component to explanations involving only vertical variations of CCD relative to the ocean floor. It may explain the deposition of radiolarites throughout the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern region during the Jurassic period.  相似文献   

Bintanja R  van de Wal RS 《Nature》2008,454(7206):869-872
The onset of major glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere about 2.7 million years ago was most probably induced by climate cooling during the late Pliocene epoch. These glaciations, during which the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets successively expanded and retreated, are superimposed on this long-term climate trend, and have been linked to variations in the Earth's orbital parameters. One intriguing problem associated with orbitally driven glacial cycles is the transition from 41,000-year to 100,000-year climatic cycles that occurred without an apparent change in insolation forcing. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the transition, both including and excluding ice-sheet dynamics. Difficulties in finding a conclusive answer to this palaeoclimatic problem are related to the lack of sufficiently long records of ice-sheet volume or sea level. Here we use a comprehensive ice-sheet model and a simple ocean-temperature model to extract three-million-year mutually consistent records of surface air temperature, ice volume and sea level from marine benthic oxygen isotopes. Although these records and their relative phasings are subject to considerable uncertainty owing to limited availability of palaeoclimate constraints, the results suggest that the gradual emergence of the 100,000-year cycles can be attributed to the increased ability of the merged North American ice sheets to survive insolation maxima and reach continental-scale size. The oversized, wet-based ice sheet probably responded to the subsequent insolation maximum by rapid thinning through increased basal-sliding, thereby initiating a glacial termination. Based on our assessment of the temporal changes in air temperature and ice volume during individual glacials, we demonstrate the importance of ice dynamics and ice-climate interactions in establishing the 100,000-year glacial cycles, with enhanced North American ice-sheet growth and the subsequent merging of the ice sheets being key elements.  相似文献   

关于北美大学实践教育体系的研究与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍北美的大学实践教育体系,重点论述了他们在对学生的工程应用和实践能力培养方面的力度和方法,提出了今后我们的大学教育也应从各个方面入手,加强对学生工程实践能力和创新能力的培养.  相似文献   

Surface seawater was collected for ~(226)Ra measurement in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre from July to October, 1999 and October to December, 2003. Combined with the historical data reported for this sea area, a declined trend of surface ~(226)Ra concentrations was observed since 1960s, indicating the ecosystem shift in response to global warming. On one side, the enhanced stratification of the upper water column resulting from global warming reduced the ~(226)Ra input from the depth, on the other, the temporal increase of biological production resulting from the climate-related ecosystem structure change strengthened the ~(226)Ra removal from the surface ocean. Both the physical and biological processes resulted in the decrease of surface ~(226)Ra concentrations in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. The temporal trend of surface ~(226)Ra concentrations was consistent with the trends of chlorophyll a, silicate, phosphate and primary production previously reported. This study provided ~(226)Ra evidence for the ecosystem shift under global change.  相似文献   

本文以车镇北带砂砾岩扇体油藏为研究对象,通过大量地震、钻井资料的综合分析,在下第三系沙四段-沙一段地层中划分出九个三级层序,建立了车镇地区沙河街组层序地层格架。综合运用了高分辨率地震处理解释方法,采用古地貌分析、地震属性预测和反演等一系列地震描述技术,建立了一套针对砂砾岩扇体油藏油气藏描述方法,预测了扇体的有利发育区。  相似文献   

欧美涉法文学作品不仅表现了人类社会法律文化的现象,更重要的是这些作品在人们的审美心理上,带来了独特的诗意想象和强有力的情感冲击。涉法文学的审美特征表现为运用诗意化的手段达到宣传理想正义的目的、运用内心冲突和陌生化手法来展现人性中善与恶的矛盾,来唤醒读者已经麻木的审美知觉等。  相似文献   

将模态推覆分析方法与用自适应的加载方式相结合,提出了一种改进的多模态静力推覆分析方法.运用模态推覆分析将多自由度体系解耦成每阶模态对应的单自由度体系,对于每阶模态下的推覆分析,当结构进入塑性阶段后,采用自适应的加载方式,得到每阶模态下结构的反应.将结构推至每阶振型下的目标位移,采用SRSS组合的方式得到结构的响应.对应每阶振型下推覆分析的目标位移采用非弹性能力谱方法来计算.对不同高度的多高层钢框架-混凝土核心筒混合结构在8度罕遇地震下抗震性能进行了评估.结果显示,本文的静力推覆分析所得的结构响应同非线性动力时程分析所得的结果吻合较好.  相似文献   

美国和北美地区使用的电网、荧光灯管、灯管预热方法与欧洲和国内有很大的差异,在该地区使用的荧光灯电子镇流器的要求与欧洲和国内也不同,除了在安全性上要符合UL935的要求,在电磁兼容性上符合FCC第47号法规第18章的要求外,在性能上还要符合美国国家标准AN-SIC82.11等的要求。在研究开发和生产时,要对这种美式荧光灯电子镇流器的主要性能要求进行分析,并了解达到这些要求的方法。  相似文献   

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