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The oral-facial-digital type I (OFD1) syndrome (OMIM 311200) is a human developmental disorder; affected individuals have craniofacial and digital abnormalities and, in 15% of cases, polycystic kidney. The disease is inherited as an X-linked dominant male-lethal trait. Using a Cre-loxP system, we generated knockout animals lacking Ofd1 and reproduced the main features of the disease, albeit with increased severity, possibly owing to differences of X inactivation patterns between human and mouse. We found failure of left-right axis specification in mutant male embryos, and ultrastructural analysis showed a lack of cilia in the embryonic node. Formation of cilia was defective in cystic kidneys from heterozygous females, implicating ciliogenesis as a mechanism underlying cyst development. In addition, we found impaired patterning of the neural tube and altered expression of the 5' Hoxa and Hoxd genes in the limb buds of mice lacking Ofd1, suggesting that Ofd1 could have a role beyond primary cilium organization and assembly.  相似文献   

Nephronophthisis (NPHP), an autosomal recessive cystic kidney disease, leads to chronic renal failure in children. The genes mutated in NPHP1 and NPHP4 have been identified, and a gene locus associated with infantile nephronophthisis (NPHP2) was mapped. The kidney phenotype of NPHP2 combines clinical features of NPHP and polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Here, we identify inversin (INVS) as the gene mutated in NPHP2 with and without situs inversus. We show molecular interaction of inversin with nephrocystin, the product of the gene mutated in NPHP1 and interaction of nephrocystin with beta-tubulin, a main component of primary cilia. We show that nephrocystin, inversin and beta-tubulin colocalize to primary cilia of renal tubular cells. Furthermore, we produce a PKD-like renal cystic phenotype and randomization of heart looping by knockdown of invs expression in zebrafish. The interaction and colocalization in cilia of inversin, nephrocystin and beta-tubulin connect pathogenetic aspects of NPHP to PKD, to primary cilia function and to left-right axis determination.  相似文献   

Fate-mapping experiments in the mouse have revealed that the primitive streak can be divided into three functional regions: the proximal region gives rise to germ cells and the extra-embryonic mesoderm of the yolk sac; the distal region generates cardiac mesoderm and node-derived axial mesendoderm; and the middle streak region produces the paraxial, intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm of the trunk. To gain insight into the mechanisms that mediate the assembly of the primitive streak into these functional regions, we have cloned and functionally identified the gene disrupted in the amnionless (amn) mouse, which has a recessive, embryonic lethal mutation that interferes specifically with the formation and/or specification of the middle primitive streak region during gastrulation. Here we report that the gene Amn encodes a novel type I transmembrane protein that is expressed exclusively in the extra-embryonic visceral endoderm layer during gastrulation. The extracellular region of the Amn protein contains a cysteine-rich domain with similarity to bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-binding cysteine-rich domains in chordin, its Drosophila melanogaster homolog (Short gastrulation) and procollagen IIA (ref. 3). Our findings indicate that Amn may direct the production of trunk mesoderm derived from the middle streak by acting in the underlying visceral endoderm to modulate a BMP signaling pathway.  相似文献   

BBS4 is one of several proteins that cause Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), a multisystemic disorder of genetic and clinical complexity. Here we show that BBS4 localizes to the centriolar satellites of centrosomes and basal bodies of primary cilia, where it functions as an adaptor of the p150(glued) subunit of the dynein transport machinery to recruit PCM1 (pericentriolar material 1 protein) and its associated cargo to the satellites. Silencing of BBS4 induces PCM1 mislocalization and concomitant deanchoring of centrosomal microtubules, arrest in cell division and apoptotic cell death. Expression of two truncated forms of BBS4 that are similar to those found in some individuals with BBS had a similar effect on PCM1 and microtubules. Our findings indicate that defective targeting or anchoring of pericentriolar proteins and microtubule disorganization contribute to the BBS phenotype and provide new insights into possible causes of familial obesity, diabetes and retinal degeneration.  相似文献   

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