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The TrkH/TrkG/KtrB proteins mediate K(+) uptake in bacteria and probably evolved from simple K(+) channels by multiple gene duplications or fusions. Here we present the crystal structure of a TrkH from Vibrio parahaemolyticus. TrkH is a homodimer, and each protomer contains an ion permeation pathway. A selectivity filter, similar in architecture to those of K(+) channels but significantly shorter, is lined by backbone and side-chain oxygen atoms. Functional studies showed that TrkH is selective for permeation of K(+) and Rb(+) over smaller ions such as Na(+) or Li(+). Immediately intracellular to the selectivity filter are an intramembrane loop and an arginine residue, both highly conserved, which constrict the permeation pathway. Substituting the arginine with an alanine significantly increases the rate of K(+) flux. These results reveal the molecular basis of K(+) selectivity and suggest a novel gating mechanism for this large and important family of membrane transport proteins.  相似文献   

Oldham ML  Khare D  Quiocho FA  Davidson AL  Chen J 《Nature》2007,450(7169):515-521
The maltose uptake system of Escherichia coli is a well-characterized member of the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily. Here we present the 2.8-A crystal structure of the intact maltose transporter in complex with the maltose-binding protein, maltose and ATP. This structure, stabilized by a mutation that prevents ATP hydrolysis, captures the ATP-binding cassette dimer in a closed, ATP-bound conformation. Maltose is occluded within a solvent-filled cavity at the interface of the two transmembrane subunits, about halfway into the lipid bilayer. The binding protein docks onto the entrance of the cavity in an open conformation and serves as a cap to ensure unidirectional translocation of the sugar molecule. These results provide direct evidence for a concerted mechanism of transport in which solute is transferred from the binding protein to the transmembrane subunits when the cassette dimer closes to hydrolyse ATP.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of bacterial multidrug efflux transporter AcrB   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
Murakami S  Nakashima R  Yamashita E  Yamaguchi A 《Nature》2002,419(6907):587-593
AcrB is a major multidrug exporter in Escherichia coli. It cooperates with a membrane fusion protein, AcrA, and an outer membrane channel, TolC. We have determined the crystal structure of AcrB at 3.5 A resolution. Three AcrB protomers are organized as a homotrimer in the shape of a jellyfish. Each protomer is composed of a transmembrane region 50 A thick and a 70 A protruding headpiece. The top of the headpiece opens like a funnel, where TolC might directly dock into AcrB. A pore formed by three alpha-helices connects the funnel with a central cavity located at the bottom of the headpiece. The cavity has three vestibules at the side of the headpiece which lead into the periplasm. In the transmembrane region, each protomer has twelve transmembrane alpha-helices. The structure implies that substrates translocated from the cell interior through the transmembrane region and from the periplasm through the vestibules are collected in the central cavity and then actively transported through the pore into the TolC tunnel.  相似文献   

Hattori M  Tanaka Y  Fukai S  Ishitani R  Nureki O 《Nature》2007,448(7157):1072-1075
The magnesium ion Mg2+ is a vital element involved in numerous physiological processes. Mg2+ has the largest hydrated radius among all cations, whereas its ionic radius is the smallest. It remains obscure how Mg2+ transporters selectively recognize and dehydrate the large, fully hydrated Mg2+ cation for transport. Recently the crystal structures of the CorA Mg2+ transporter were reported. The MgtE family of Mg2+ transporters is ubiquitously distributed in all phylogenetic domains, and human homologues have been functionally characterized and suggested to be involved in magnesium homeostasis. However, the MgtE transporters have not been thoroughly characterized. Here we determine the crystal structures of the full-length Thermus thermophilus MgtE at 3.5 A resolution, and of the cytosolic domain in the presence and absence of Mg2+ at 2.3 A and 3.9 A resolutions, respectively. The transporter adopts a homodimeric architecture, consisting of the carboxy-terminal five transmembrane domains and the amino-terminal cytosolic domains, which are composed of the superhelical N domain and tandemly repeated cystathionine-beta-synthase domains. A solvent-accessible pore nearly traverses the transmembrane domains, with one potential Mg2+ bound to the conserved Asp 432 within the pore. The transmembrane (TM)5 helices from both subunits close the pore through interactions with the 'connecting helices', which connect the cystathionine-beta-synthase and transmembrane domains. Four putative Mg2+ ions are bound at the interface between the connecting helices and the other domains, and this may lock the closed conformation of the pore. A structural comparison of the two states of the cytosolic domains showed the Mg2+-dependent movement of the connecting helices, which might reorganize the transmembrane helices to open the pore. These findings suggest a homeostasis mechanism, in which Mg2+ bound between cytosolic domains regulates Mg2+ flux by sensing the intracellular Mg2+ concentration. Whether this presumed regulation controls gating of an ion channel or opening of a secondary active transporter remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The magnesium ion, Mg2+, is essential for myriad biochemical processes and remains the only major biological ion whose transport mechanisms remain unknown. The CorA family of magnesium transporters is the primary Mg2+ uptake system of most prokaryotes and a functional homologue of the eukaryotic mitochondrial magnesium transporter. Here we determine crystal structures of the full-length Thermotoga maritima CorA in an apparent closed state and its isolated cytoplasmic domain at 3.9 A and 1.85 A resolution, respectively. The transporter is a funnel-shaped homopentamer with two transmembrane helices per monomer. The channel is formed by an inner group of five helices and putatively gated by bulky hydrophobic residues. The large cytoplasmic domain forms a funnel whose wide mouth points into the cell and whose walls are formed by five long helices that are extensions of the transmembrane helices. The cytoplasmic neck of the pore is surrounded, on the outside of the funnel, by a ring of highly conserved positively charged residues. Two negatively charged helices in the cytoplasmic domain extend back towards the membrane on the outside of the funnel and abut the ring of positive charge. An apparent Mg2+ ion was bound between monomers at a conserved site in the cytoplasmic domain, suggesting a mechanism to link gating of the pore to the intracellular concentration of Mg2+.  相似文献   

AcrB is a principal multidrug efflux transporter in Escherichia coli that cooperates with an outer-membrane channel, TolC, and a membrane-fusion protein, AcrA. Here we describe crystal structures of AcrB with and without substrates. The AcrB-drug complex consists of three protomers, each of which has a different conformation corresponding to one of the three functional states of the transport cycle. Bound substrate was found in the periplasmic domain of one of the three protomers. The voluminous binding pocket is aromatic and allows multi-site binding. The structures indicate that drugs are exported by a three-step functionally rotating mechanism in which substrates undergo ordered binding change.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of a dUTPase.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The enzyme dUTPase catalyses the hydrolysis of dUTP and maintains a low intracellular concentration of dUTP so that uracil cannot be incorporated into DNA. dUTPase from Escherichia coli is strictly specific for its dUTP substrate, the active site discriminating between nucleotides with respect to the sugar moiety as well as the pyrimidine base. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of E. coli dUTPase determined by X-ray crystallography at a resolution of 1.9 A. The enzyme is a symmetrical trimer, and of the 152 amino acid residues in the subunit, the first 136 are visible in the crystal structure. The tertiary structure resembles a jelly-roll fold and does not show the 'classical' nucleotide-binding domain. In the quaternary structure there is a complex interaction between the subunits that may be important in catalysis. This possibility is supported by the location of conserved elements in the sequence.  相似文献   

Heavy-metal homeostasis and detoxification is crucial for cell viability. P-type ATPases of the class IB (PIB) are essential in these processes, actively extruding heavy metals from the cytoplasm of cells. Here we present the structure of a PIB-ATPase, a Legionella pneumophila CopA Cu(+)-ATPase, in a copper-free form, as determined by X-ray crystallography at 3.2 ? resolution. The structure indicates a three-stage copper transport pathway involving several conserved residues. A PIB-specific transmembrane helix kinks at a double-glycine motif displaying an amphipathic helix that lines a putative copper entry point at the intracellular interface. Comparisons to Ca(2+)-ATPase suggest an ATPase-coupled copper release mechanism from the binding sites in the membrane via an extracellular exit site. The structure also provides a framework to analyse missense mutations in the human ATP7A and ATP7B proteins associated with Menkes' and Wilson's diseases.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Zhang Y  Ha Y 《Nature》2006,444(7116):179-180
Escherichia coli GlpG is an integral membrane protein that belongs to the widespread rhomboid protease family. Rhomboid proteases, like site-2 protease (S2P) and gamma-secretase, are unique in that they cleave the transmembrane domain of other membrane proteins. Here we describe the 2.1 A resolution crystal structure of the GlpG core domain. This structure contains six transmembrane segments. Residues previously shown to be involved in catalysis, including a Ser-His dyad, and several water molecules are found at the protein interior at a depth below the membrane surface. This putative active site is accessible by substrate through a large 'V-shaped' opening that faces laterally towards the lipid, but is blocked by a half-submerged loop structure. These observations indicate that, in intramembrane proteolysis, the scission of peptide bonds takes place within the hydrophobic environment of the membrane bilayer. The crystal structure also suggests a gating mechanism for GlpG that controls substrate access to its hydrophilic active site.  相似文献   

Channels and transporters of the ClC family cause the transmembrane movement of inorganic anions in service of a variety of biological tasks, from the unusual-the generation of the kilowatt pulses with which electric fish stun their prey-to the quotidian-the acidification of endosomes, vacuoles and lysosomes. The homodimeric architecture of ClC proteins, initially inferred from single-molecule studies of an elasmobranch Cl(-) channel and later confirmed by crystal structures of bacterial Cl(-)/H(+) antiporters, is apparently universal. Moreover, the basic machinery that enables ion movement through these proteins-the aqueous pores for anion diffusion in the channels and the ion-coupling chambers that coordinate Cl(-) and H(+) antiport in the transporters-are contained wholly within each subunit of the homodimer. The near-normal function of a bacterial ClC transporter straitjacketed by covalent crosslinks across the dimer interface and the behaviour of a concatemeric human homologue argue that the transport cycle resides within each subunit and does not require rigid-body rearrangements between subunits. However, this evidence is only inferential, and because examples are known in which quaternary rearrangements of extramembrane ClC domains that contribute to dimerization modulate transport activity, we cannot declare as definitive a 'parallel-pathways' picture in which the homodimer consists of two single-subunit transporters operating independently. A strong prediction of such a view is that it should in principle be possible to obtain a monomeric ClC. Here we exploit the known structure of a ClC Cl(-)/H(+) exchanger, ClC-ec1 from Escherichia coli, to design mutants that destabilize the dimer interface while preserving both the structure and the transport function of individual subunits. The results demonstrate that the ClC subunit alone is the basic functional unit for transport and that cross-subunit interaction is not required for Cl(-)/H(+) exchange in ClC transporters.  相似文献   

TRAUB W 《Nature》1956,178(4534):649-650

在水热条件下,以Co(NO3)·6H2O、环丙沙星、对羟基苯甲酸为反应物,得到了晶体(C41H44F2N8O15).晶体的晶胞参数为a=10.0226(4)(A),b=13.4560(5)(A),c=16.3134(6)(A),α=98.030(2)°β=92.944(2)°,γ=111.008(2)°,V=2021.4(2)A3,Z=2,Dc=1.523 mg/m3.  相似文献   

A Camerman  D Mastropaolo  I Karle  J Karle  N Camerman 《Nature》1983,306(5942):447-450
The crystal structure of leucine-enkephalin has been determined in a crystal form that has four independent enkephalin molecules and much water and dimethylformamide solvent in the asymmetric unit. All four enkephalins have extended peptide backbones with the Tyr, Phe and Leu side chains above and below the plane of the backbone. There is evidence that this extended conformation may provide an acceptable model for enkephalin binding to opiate mu-receptors.  相似文献   

Lin SM  Tsai JY  Hsiao CD  Huang YT  Chiu CL  Liu MH  Tung JY  Liu TH  Pan RL  Sun YJ 《Nature》2012,484(7394):399-403
H(+)-translocating pyrophosphatases (H(+)-PPases) are active proton transporters that establish a proton gradient across the endomembrane by means of pyrophosphate (PP(i)) hydrolysis. H(+)-PPases are found primarily as homodimers in the vacuolar membrane of plants and the plasma membrane of several protozoa and prokaryotes. The three-dimensional structure and detailed mechanisms underlying the enzymatic and proton translocation reactions of H(+)-PPases are unclear. Here we report the crystal structure of a Vigna radiata H(+)-PPase (VrH(+)-PPase) in complex with a non-hydrolysable substrate analogue, imidodiphosphate (IDP), at 2.35?? resolution. Each VrH(+)-PPase subunit consists of an integral membrane domain formed by 16 transmembrane helices. IDP is bound in the cytosolic region of each subunit and trapped by numerous charged residues and five Mg(2+) ions. A previously undescribed proton translocation pathway is formed by six core transmembrane helices. Proton pumping can be initialized by PP(i) hydrolysis, and H(+) is then transported into the vacuolar lumen through a pathway consisting of Arg?242, Asp?294, Lys?742 and Glu?301. We propose a working model of the mechanism for the coupling between proton pumping and PP(i) hydrolysis by H(+)-PPases.  相似文献   

Y Kanai  M A Hediger 《Nature》1992,360(6403):467-471

Dong C  Huang F  Deng H  Schaffrath C  Spencer JB  O'Hagan D  Naismith JH 《Nature》2004,427(6974):561-565
Fluorine is the thirteenth most abundant element in the earth's crust, but fluoride concentrations in surface water are low and fluorinated metabolites are extremely rare. The fluoride ion is a potent nucleophile in its desolvated state, but is tightly hydrated in water and effectively inert. Low availability and a lack of chemical reactivity have largely excluded fluoride from biochemistry: in particular, fluorine's high redox potential precludes the haloperoxidase-type mechanism used in the metabolic incorporation of chloride and bromide ions. But fluorinated chemicals are growing in industrial importance, with applications in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and materials products. Reactive fluorination reagents requiring specialist process technologies are needed in industry and, although biological catalysts for these processes are highly sought after, only one enzyme that can convert fluoride to organic fluorine has been described. Streptomyces cattleya can form carbon-fluorine bonds and must therefore have evolved an enzyme able to overcome the chemical challenges of using aqueous fluoride. Here we report the sequence and three-dimensional structure of the first native fluorination enzyme, 5'-fluoro-5'-deoxyadenosine synthase, from this organism. Both substrate and products have been observed bound to the enzyme, enabling us to propose a nucleophilic substitution mechanism for this biological fluorination reaction.  相似文献   

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