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Every moment of every day somewhere on Earth a wildfire burns. Generally three conditions are needed to cause such a wildfire: fuel, ignition, and favorable cli-mate characterized by certain critical temperature, hu- midity and oxygen content, etc. Occurr…  相似文献   

Methane is an important greenhouse gas, and its atmospheric concentration has nearly tripled since pre-industrial times. The growth rate of atmospheric methane is determined by the balance between surface emissions and photochemical destruction by the hydroxyl radical, the major atmospheric oxidant. Remarkably, this growth rate has decreased markedly since the early 1990s, and the level of methane has remained relatively constant since 1999, leading to a downward revision of its projected influence on global temperatures. Large fluctuations in the growth rate of atmospheric methane are also observed from one year to the next, but their causes remain uncertain. Here we quantify the processes that controlled variations in methane emissions between 1984 and 2003 using an inversion model of atmospheric transport and chemistry. Our results indicate that wetland emissions dominated the inter-annual variability of methane sources, whereas fire emissions played a smaller role, except during the 1997-1998 El Ni?o event. These top-down estimates of changes in wetland and fire emissions are in good agreement with independent estimates based on remote sensing information and biogeochemical models. On longer timescales, our results show that the decrease in atmospheric methane growth during the 1990s was caused by a decline in anthropogenic emissions. Since 1999, however, they indicate that anthropogenic emissions of methane have risen again. The effect of this increase on the growth rate of atmospheric methane has been masked by a coincident decrease in wetland emissions, but atmospheric methane levels may increase in the near future if wetland emissions return to their mean 1990s levels.  相似文献   

Sea-level fluctuations during the last glacial cycle   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
The last glacial cycle was characterized by substantial millennial-scale climate fluctuations, but the extent of any associated changes in global sea level (or, equivalently, ice volume) remains elusive. Highstands of sea level can be reconstructed from dated fossil coral reef terraces, and these data are complemented by a compilation of global sea-level estimates based on deep-sea oxygen isotope ratios at millennial-scale resolution or higher. Records based on oxygen isotopes, however, contain uncertainties in the range of +/-30 m, or +/-1 degrees C in deep sea temperature. Here we analyse oxygen isotope records from Red Sea sediment cores to reconstruct the history of water residence times in the Red Sea. We then use a hydraulic model of the water exchange between the Red Sea and the world ocean to derive the sill depth-and hence global sea level-over the past 470,000 years (470 kyr). Our reconstruction is accurate to within +/-12 m, and gives a centennial-scale resolution from 70 to 25 kyr before present. We find that sea-level changes of up to 35 m, at rates of up to 2 cm yr(-1), occurred, coincident with abrupt changes in climate.  相似文献   

对流层垂直臭氧分布变化量对生物质燃烧响应的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 采用区域气候模式与大气化学模式相连接的模式系统,模拟研究了对流层垂直臭氧分布变化量对东南亚生物质燃烧排放源强变化的响应程度.结果表明,源区对流层臭氧垂直积分浓度对燃烧源强变化十分敏感,下游区次之.特别是在对流层的中低层影响最显著,但对源区臭氧的贡献比下游区要大得多.在对流层中高层,源区和下游区受影响程度相当.对流层低层源区臭氧增加的时间超前下游区,超前的时间随高度的增加而减小,而在对流层中层出现滞后现象,到对流层高层臭氧最大值出现的时间相同.  相似文献   

Global mean temperature changes during the last millennium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A synthetic study is made on the global or hemispheric mean temperature series for the last millennium worked out by Mann et al., Jones et al., Crowley and Lowery, and Briffa. The global mean temperature series reconstructed by using proxy data at 30 sites by Wang et al. and simulations from AD 1000 to 2000 by energy balance model are described and compared with the series of others. Wang's series gives greater variability and shows the highest correlation coefficient (0.83) with the simulation results. Uncertainties in the reconstructions and simulations are discussed. The errors in reconstructing a global mean temperature series according to 30 sites as used in the research are estimated. Wang's series indicate that temperature average for the 11th century is higher than the mean of the last millennium. It infers that the Medieval Warm Period predominated to some extent over the globe. However, the 20th century is no doubt the warmest century during the last millennium.  相似文献   

Surface ocean conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean could hold the clue to whether millennial-scale global climate change during glacial times was initiated through tropical ocean-atmosphere feedbacks or by changes in the Atlantic thermohaline circulation. North Atlantic cold periods during Heinrich events and millennial-scale cold events (stadials) have been linked with climatic changes in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and South America, as well as the Indian and East Asian monsoon systems, but not with tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures. Here we present a high-resolution record of sea surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific derived from alkenone unsaturation measurements. Our data show a temperature drop of approximately 1 degrees C, synchronous (within dating uncertainties) with the shutdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during Heinrich event 1, and a smaller temperature drop of approximately 0.5 degrees C synchronous with the smaller reduction in the overturning circulation during the Younger Dryas event. Both cold events coincide with maxima in surface ocean productivity as inferred from 230Th-normalized carbon burial fluxes, suggesting increased upwelling at the time. From the concurrence of equatorial Pacific cooling with the two North Atlantic cold periods during deglaciation, we conclude that these millennial-scale climate changes were probably driven by a reorganization of the oceans' thermohaline circulation, although possibly amplified by tropical ocean-atmosphere interaction as suggested before.  相似文献   

本文重点研究提出了银在灼烧除汞时损失的原因及对策,并据此拟定了氯化钠熔矿后,不经任何分离,直接用双硫腙萃取光度法测定银的改进方法。  相似文献   

剪切和摩擦滑动的视电阻率变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
剪切和摩擦滑动是地壳介质受力和运动的主要方式之一,岩石力学对此作过大量实验研究,但有关岩石电阻率变化的剪切和摩擦滑动实验,却做得非常少。目前国内、外仅能见到屈指可数的几篇文章。美国Brace在完整岩样破裂后继续实验,测定了岩样摩擦滑动时的电阻率变化,结果发现一旦断层形成,电阻率随应  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, under the auspicious impetus of two international research programs, the “Past Global Changes” (PAGES) and the “Climate Variability and Pre- dictability” (CLIVAR), massive research work has been carried out on climate and environment changes over the past 2000 years[1-3]. But majority of the studies has been centered on obtaining various kinds of climatic proxy data (such as historical documents, tree rings, ice cores, lake cores) and focused on the reconstruction of…  相似文献   

河南三门峡王官剖面与甘肃武威沙沟剖面捕捉到了末次间冰期向末次冰期转换时期发生于72 ka前后持续时间约为2 ka的一暖性回返事件,两剖面的冬、夏季风替代指标对该暖性回返事件的反应在时间上大致同步(其时间段约为71~73 ka,在71.4~72.1 ka前后该暖性回返事件最强盛),暗示该暖性回返事件在东亚季风区可能是一普遍存在的气候突变事件.鉴于该暖性回返事件在全球其他地区的海洋、陆地、冰芯记录中也有较普遍的反映,我们认为该事件很可能是一次发生于气候转型期的全球普遍存在的暖性突变事件.  相似文献   

There is limited knowledge with regard to the consumption of ethylene (C2H4) and methane (CH4) in volcanic forest soils containing low microbial carbon-to-organic carbon ratio, and to the responses of both consumptions to nitrogen and carbon additions. Temperate volcanic forest surface soils under three forest stands (e.g. Pinus sylvestris L., Cryptomeria japonica and Quercus serrata) were used to compare CH4 and C2H4 consumption by forest soils, and to study the effects of nitrogen sources and glucose on both consumptions. There was a good parallel between CH4 and C2H4 consumption by for- est soils, but mineralization reduced CH4 consumption rather than C2H4 consumption in forest soils, particularly in a Pinus forest soil. The stimulatory effect of glucose addition on both CH4 and C2H4 consumption by forest soils was increased by increasing the pre-incubation period after glucose addi- tion, and a largest stimulation occurred in the Pinus forest soil. The addition of KNO3-N at the rate of 100 μg·g1 significantly reduced the consumptions of both C2H4 and CH4 by forest soils (P≤0.05). In the presence of urea plus dicyandiamide, the consumption rates of C2H4 and CH4 by forest soils were higher than those in the KNO3-N and urea-N treated soils at the same N rate (P≤0.05), but were similar to those of the control. Hence, under experimental conditions, there was a strong inhibitory effect of NO3 rather than NH4 addition on the CH4 and C2H4 consumption in these forest soils. When amount of the added NO3-N increased up to more than 2―3 times the soil initial NO3-N concentrations, both C2H4 and CH4 consumption rates were reduced to 10%―20% of the rates in soils without nitrate addition. By comparing the three forest stands, it was shown that there was a smallest effective concentration of the added nitrate that could inhibit C2H4 and CH4 consumption in the Pinus forest soil, which indicated that C2H4 and CH4 consumption of the soil was more sensitive to NO3-N addition.  相似文献   

The last interglacial period (about 125,000 years ago) is thought to have been at least as warm as the present climate. Owing to changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun, it is thought that insolation in the Northern Hemisphere varied more strongly than today on seasonal timescales, which would have led to corresponding changes in the seasonal temperature cycle. Here we present seasonally resolved proxy records using corals from the northernmost Red Sea, which record climate during the last interglacial period, the late Holocene epoch and the present. We find an increased seasonality in the temperature recorded in the last interglacial coral. Today, climate in the northern Red Sea is sensitive to the North Atlantic Oscillation, a climate oscillation that strongly influences winter temperatures and precipitation in the North Atlantic region. From our coral records and simulations with a coupled atmosphere-ocean circulation model, we conclude that a tendency towards the high-index state of the North Atlantic Oscillation during the last interglacial period, which is consistent with European proxy records, contributed to the larger amplitude of the seasonal cycle in the Middle East.  相似文献   

近50年海表温度的多时间尺度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据1951~1999年完整可靠的海表温度(SST)资料,利用墨西哥帽小波和Morlet小波变换分析近50 a SST的突变点以及多时间尺度结构.结果表明,两种小波都十分明显,并有效地揭示了近50 aSST的不同层次的奇异点及其多时间尺度精细结构.Nino各海区的海温距平(ΔTss)序列具有多层次的时间尺度结构,存在着准4 a,4~10 a和20 a左右尺度的周期变化,24 a左右的较大时间尺度和8个月以下的小时间尺度周期信号较弱.Nino各海区的SST变化表现为多层次多时间尺度的冷暖结构特征;近50 a海温总的变化趋势变暖.  相似文献   

Abrupt events within the Linxia Yuanbu loess section in the western Loess Plateau in China were investigated. The climatic proxy index of the content of mean grain-size and >4 μm grain-size fraction of the section was used as a climatic indicator, and a moving average method was applied in the statistical analysis to extract the abrupt events recorded in the section. It was found that the loess of the last glaciation recorded not only the abrupt events teleconnected with the high-latitude North Atlantic and Greenland regions but also as many as 15 abrupt events in addition to the Heinrich (H) and Younger Dryas (YD) events. This indicates that abrupt climate changes were typical of the climate changes occurring in the Loess Plateau during the last glaciation. The widely recognized mechanisms of the abrupt climate changes, including the heat transfer theory of the North Atlantic Ocean, the atmospheric circulation theory, and the theory of the interaction between low-latitude ocean and the atmosphere remains to be discussed. Perhaps this problem could be resolved by revealing the relation between the evolution of the features of the East Asian monsoon climate and the climate in the surrounding areas. Through a detailed study of the features of the Heinrich and YD events, criteria on which the abrupt events recorded in the loess could be distinguished were tentatively defined. The events were associated with a large grain size, high carbonate content, high lightness, low susceptibility, low redness and low yellowness. In addition, the variation amplitude of the adjacent peak and valley on the curve of the content of the mean grain-size and >40 μm grain-size fraction was larger than 3.4 μm and the content of >40 μm grain-size fraction was larger than 2.0 μm. Lastly, the length of the variation time was less than 500 years. If all these criteria were met, the event was viewed as an abrupt event.  相似文献   

Climate instability in the Yili region, Xinjiang during the last glaciation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The climate is influenced by westerlies year in year out and the aeolian loess is widespread in the Yili region, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Through the study of the loess section with a thickness of 21.5 m, much useful information about climatic change in this region during the last glaciation was gotten. Grain size analysis of loess samples in the section showed that the climatic change in the Yili region was of instability during the last glaciation and similar to those of the North Atlantic Ocean and Greenland. In correspondence with the Heinrich events, the percentage of the size fraction of loess with grain size less than 10 μm decreased in cold stadials in the Yili region. This result suggests that the westerly wind be strengthened during the cold periods. Compared with the stadials, the content of the loess with grain size less than 10 μm was increased in interstadials, which indicated that the strength of the westerly wind was weakened. It is obvious that the climate was instable not only in the North Atlantic Ocean and polar regions, but also in other areas of Northern Hemisphere during the last glaciation.  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations were significantly lower during glacial periods than during intervening interglacial periods, but the mechanisms responsible for this difference remain uncertain. Many recent explanations call on greater carbon storage in a poorly ventilated deep ocean during glacial periods, but direct evidence regarding the ventilation and respired carbon content of the glacial deep ocean is sparse and often equivocal. Here we present sedimentary geochemical records from sites spanning the deep subarctic Pacific that--together with previously published results--show that a poorly ventilated water mass containing a high concentration of respired carbon dioxide occupied the North Pacific abyss during the Last Glacial Maximum. Despite an inferred increase in deep Southern Ocean ventilation during the first step of the deglaciation (18,000-15,000 years ago), we find no evidence for improved ventilation in the abyssal subarctic Pacific until a rapid transition approximately 14,600 years ago: this change was accompanied by an acceleration of export production from the surface waters above but only a small increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. We speculate that these changes were mechanistically linked to a roughly coeval increase in deep water formation in the North Atlantic, which flushed respired carbon dioxide from northern abyssal waters, but also increased the supply of nutrients to the upper ocean, leading to greater carbon dioxide sequestration at mid-depths and stalling the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Our findings are qualitatively consistent with hypotheses invoking a deglacial flushing of respired carbon dioxide from an isolated, deep ocean reservoir, but suggest that the reservoir may have been released in stages, as vigorous deep water ventilation switched between North Atlantic and Southern Ocean source regions.  相似文献   

热裂解生物质炭产业化:秸秆禁烧与绿色农业新途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 秸秆处理是当前中国农业与环境面临的重大挑战.分析了秸秆处理与禁烧存在的机制性困难,认为秸秆处理需要从市场经济规律寻求产业化解决途径,关键是能源利用下养分资源重回农业循环;介绍了生物质限氧热裂解新技术特点及其在秸秆处理中的优势,讨论了其产业主要产品--生物质炭的土壤和农业功效,分析了秸秆气炭联产多产品产业链的产业化前景,提出秸秆热裂解生物质炭产业化提供了既处理秸秆废弃物又促进农业增产优质安全的新技术选择,形成了以生物质炭土壤施用和生物质炭基肥料生产应用为中心的绿色农业新途径.建议国家进一步构建和完善秸秆禁烧大环境下秸秆处理补贴政策,加大秸秆收储配套服务,强化树立已经初现的秸秆生物质热裂解产业优势,通过绿色农业市场化发展带动解决秸秆问题,服务中国可持续农业.  相似文献   

Sikes EL  Samson CR  Guilderson TP  Howard WR 《Nature》2000,405(6786):555-559
Marine radiocarbon (14C) dates are widely used for dating oceanic events and as tracers of ocean circulation, essential components for understanding ocean-climate interactions. Past ocean ventilation rates have been determined by the difference between radiocarbon ages of deep-water and surface-water reservoirs, but the apparent age of surface waters (currently approximately 400 years in the tropics and approximately 1,200 years in Antarctic waters) might not be constant through time, as has been assumed in radiocarbon chronologies and palaeoclimate studies. Here we present independent estimates of surface-water and deep-water reservoir ages in the New Zealand region since the last glacial period, using volcanic ejecta (tephras) deposited in both marine and terrestrial sediments as stratigraphic markers. Compared to present-day values, surface-reservoir ages from 11,900 14C years ago were twice as large (800 years) and during glacial times were five times as large (2,000 years), contradicting the assumption of constant surface age. Furthermore, the ages of glacial deep-water reservoirs were much older (3,000-5,000 years). The increase in surface-to-deep water age differences in the glacial Southern Ocean suggests that there was decreased ocean ventilation during this period.  相似文献   

Klaholz BP  Myasnikov AG  Van Heel M 《Nature》2004,427(6977):862-865
Termination of protein synthesis by the ribosome requires two release factor (RF) classes. The class II RF3 is a GTPase that removes class I RFs (RF1 or RF2) from the ribosome after release of the nascent polypeptide. RF3 in the GDP state binds to the ribosomal class I RF complex, followed by an exchange of GDP for GTP and release of the class I RF. As GTP hydrolysis triggers release of RF3 (ref. 4), we trapped RF3 on Escherichia coli ribosomes using a nonhydrolysable GTP analogue. Here we show by cryo-electron microscopy that the complex can adopt two different conformational states. In 'state 1', RF3 is pre-bound to the ribosome, whereas in 'state 2' RF3 contacts the ribosome GTPase centre. The transfer RNA molecule translocates from the peptidyl site in state 1 to the exit site in state 2. This translocation is associated with a large conformational rearrangement of the ribosome. Because state 1 seems able to accommodate simultaneously both RF3 and RF2, whose position is known from previous studies, we can infer the release mechanism of class I RFs.  相似文献   

We have used the China Homogenized Historic Temperature dataset and some long-term station series of the neighbor countries from CRUTEM3, a 5°×5° gridded dataset of monthly mean temperature since 1900, to provide a 107-year record of surface tem-perature trends and variability. We derived a comprehensive set of uncertainty estimates to accompany the data: measurement and sampling errors, uncertainties in temperature bias estimates, and uncertainties arising from limited observational coverage on large-scale averages have all been estimated. We reanalysed the temperature changes during the period of record. The best estimates of trends for 1900–2006 with uncertainties at 95% confidence range are about 0.09±0.017°C/decade for the year as a whole, and 0.14±0.021°C/decade, 0.11±0.021°C/decade, 0.04±0.017°C/decade, and 0.07±0.017°C/decade for winter, spring, summer and autumn respectively. For 1954–2006, the trends for annual, winter, spring, summer and autumn are: 0.26±0.032°C/decade, 0.35±0.046°C/decade, 0.25±0.051°C/decade, 0.16±0.037°C/decade and 0.22±0.055°C/decade. Winter saw the most significant warming trend in both 1900–2006 and 1954–2006, while during the most recent period (the satellite era, 1979–2006), all the seasons show similar warming trends: 0.45±0.13°C/decade, 0.51±0.11°C/decade, 0.52±0.16°C/decade, 0.37±0.10°C/decade and 0.50±0.16°C/decade for annual, winter, spring, summer and autumn. Trends arising from urbanization have been evaluated as less than 5% of the total warming trend for 1951–2001, so this bias was not removed.  相似文献   

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