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OntheDerivationofAngularGlintfromBackscatteringMeasurementsofEchoRelativePhase¥YinHongcheng;HuangPeikang;XiaoZhihe(AirForceRa...  相似文献   

numeroustransmutationsofnucleioccurredformatt6rputintheoutsideofsaidchamber.Themeasurescanthenbesolelynit6rpreted,intheabsenceofanyotherneutronsource,bythesynthesisoftheprotonsandelectronsintoneutronswhich,beingneutralcanescapethechamberandcausethemeasuredtransmutations.8.2VertheationsahatheBose--EinsteinCorrelation.ThemostimPOrtantindirectverificationofcoldfusion(l.le)hasbeenrecentlyachievedviatheoretical119]andphenomenological123]studiesontheBose--Einsteincorrelation.TheseresultsareimPOr…  相似文献   

To be a necessity for life issue as well as an important engine to country's economy, electricity has private and public goods properties simultaneously, leading it difficult to balance economic profit and social responsibility for a single state-owned cor- poration especially in large rural areas. In this paper, we suggest that occurrence of local company may provide us a new insight for this issue. Using objective programming model, we discuss different outcomes under competitive and cooperative situations. Our results suggest coopetitive relations among state company and local company would be a practical choice for achieving the economic profit and social duty simultaneously. Furthermore, tak- ing Sichuan province as a case, we investigate three types of coopetition relation between state company and local companies. Our findings suggest that coopetition strategy may lead to better solution to dealing with the conflicts between economic profit and social responsibility for both state-owned corporation and local electric power company.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a cyclic ?4-code with a parity-check matrix similar to that of Goethals code but in length 2m + 1, for all m ≥ 4. This code is a subcode of the lifted Zetterberg code for m even. Its minimum Lee weight is shown to be at least 10, in general, and exactly 12 in lengths 33, 65. The authors give an algebraic decoding algorithm which corrects five errors in these lengths for m = 5, 6 and four errors for m > 6.  相似文献   

Conventional OR/systems practice, it is argued in this paper, is based upon assumptions which make it unsuitable for guiding interventions in nontraditional organizations. Any methodology or method rests upon a social theory,upon craft knowledge, and upon a theory of how change can and should be brought about. Conventional OR/systems is not explicit about any of these matters. Reflecting on why conventional methods often fail to work with nontraditional organizations, however, enables us to get beneath the iceberg and unearth what is being taken for granted. It is then obvious that the nature of many organizations in the social economy requires a different type of practice. Soft OR/systems is a response to the failings of the traditional approach, but goes only some way toward meeting the criticisms.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONU.Parlitz used surrogate data analysis for unmaskingchaotic communication systems[1]. He thinks thatone possibility to i mprove the privacy of chaotic en-codingis to use (very) high di mensional chaotic at-tractors for encrypting a given message[2].Firstly, based on the active-passive decomposi-tion method, he decomposed a hyperchaotic systeminto transmitter and receiverx.1=-x2+ax1x.m= xm-1-xm+1, m =2,…,M-1x.M=ε+bxM( xM-1-d) (1)wherea=0·29, b=4, d=2,ε=0·1 . ForM=11 ,…  相似文献   

The Ackoff–Gharajedaghi Model of System Types distinguishes 3 fundamental empirical systems: deterministic, animate, and social, with regard to their purpose. It has been formulated as a meta-model to support understanding, selection, and formulation of management models and theories. It is argued here that this model is also valuable for the interpretation and design of actual, empirical business systems. A study of a malfunctioning business is presented and interpreted with the Ackoff–Gharajedaghi Model, which supports this argument. Additionally, the study shows a pragmatic value of the proposed Imperative of Goals Alignment for the design of business systems, which is an operationalization of the Ackoff–Gharajedaghi Model. Furthermore, the investigation illustrates the importance of clear goals and incentives in business design; and it supports the thesis of the Ackoff–Gharajedaghi Model that management models and theories, founded upon empirical observations of deterministic and animate systems, impose limitations on the design of business systems.  相似文献   

In this paper,a non-uniform,mixed type model for predicting the water quality of LakeBostan(Bositeng)is presented.With corresponding boundry conditions,three modes of predictionare made for the developmental tendency of mineralization.  相似文献   

Material incentive is the main motivation for solvers to attend crowdsourcing tasks. So raising the bidding success rate is benefit to inspire the solvers attendance' and increase the answering quality. This paper analyzes the effect of participation experience, task-fit capability, participation strategy and task attribute on the solvers bidding success by the solvers attending the series tasks of Tripadvisor. The results show that: 1) Participation times enrich the participation experiences and promote the bidding success, while bidding success times and last performances lower the bidding success because of the cognitive fixation; 2) The chance of bidding success will be increase when the solver own high task-fit capability; 3) The relationship between task submit sequence and bidding success is the type of reverse U shape, and the optimal submit sequence rate on the top of the reverse U shape; 4) Higher task difficulty lower bidding success, while higher task density easier bidding success.  相似文献   

Inthispaperwediscusstheasymptoticpropertiesforthehigher-ordermomentsof崐theorthogonalestimationfortheinversecorrelationfunction  相似文献   

With China's increased export of agricultural products, the influence of nontariff barriers, especially technical barriers to trade (TBT) is becoming more severe. In this paper, the hierarchical structure of the influence factors of TBT on agricultural products is designed. Then these influence factors are analyzed with the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Finally, countermeasures for the enterprises to tackle TBT axe put forward.  相似文献   

Most results of the traditional finance theory were based on the principle of no arbitrage opportunity exists. However, this condition is so weak that it can be easily satisfied, thus we introduce the principle of unallowable essential arbitrage to replace the traditional principle of no arbitrage opportunity exists as a standard for the financial market being perfect.  相似文献   

OntheGeometricModeloftheApportionmentProblemOntheGeometricModeloftheApportionmentProblem¥LIYanlin;YANGShoulian(DepartmentofMa...  相似文献   

SearchAlgorithmforDeterminingtheRangeofthePossibleCollisionofConverPolygons¥LiQinghua(DepartmentofComputerScienceandEngineeri...  相似文献   

The explanation and simulation of the natural and artificial intelligence are the central goals of the studies of Neuroscience, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. This paper first gives an introduction to the core topics and approaches in the study. Then, GAF--a general adaptive framework for neural system is proposed. Interdisciplinary discussions around the adaptation of the human nervous system are presented. Rules describing the theory of adaptation of the nervous system are provided.  相似文献   

1IntroductionTriplejumpisbothademandingandacomplicatedtrackandfieldevent.AlongjumperfaCesonephaseonly.AtriplejumpathletemustfaCemuchmorecomplicatedproblemsbothonthetechnicalsideandonthestrategyofthedistributionofhisorhereffortonthethreephases.Intriplejumptherearetworepresentativestyles:theRussianstyle(representedbyViktorSaneyevfrom1968to1976),andthePolishstyle(exhibitedinparticularbyJozefSchmidtinearly1960s).Thefirstoneisa"highjump"style,whichpushesthehoptothemostimportantposition.Thelatte…  相似文献   

This paper analyzed in depth the difference between the pricing of non- performing loan (NPL) securitization and that of ordinary asset securitization. It has explained the pricing thought and method of non-performing loan backed securities in connection with the particularity and complexity of non-performing loan and finally proposed some key problems which need to be emphasized during the pricing practice of non-performing loan backed securitization.  相似文献   

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