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Nanoscale or colloidal particles are important in many realms of science and technology. They can dramatically change the properties of materials, imparting solid-like behaviour to a wide variety of complex fluids. This behaviour arises when particles aggregate to form mesoscopic clusters and networks. The essential component leading to aggregation is an interparticle attraction, which can be generated by many physical and chemical mechanisms. In the limit of irreversible aggregation, infinitely strong interparticle bonds lead to diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA). This is understood as a purely kinetic phenomenon that can form solid-like gels at arbitrarily low particle volume fraction. Far more important technologically are systems with weaker attractions, where gel formation requires higher volume fractions. Numerous scenarios for gelation have been proposed, including DLCA, kinetic or dynamic arrest, phase separation, percolation and jamming. No consensus has emerged and, despite its ubiquity and significance, gelation is far from understood-even the location of the gelation phase boundary is not agreed on. Here we report experiments showing that gelation of spherical particles with isotropic, short-range attractions is initiated by spinodal decomposition; this thermodynamic instability triggers the formation of density fluctuations, leading to spanning clusters that dynamically arrest to create a gel. This simple picture of gelation does not depend on microscopic system-specific details, and should thus apply broadly to any particle system with short-range attractions. Our results suggest that gelation-often considered a purely kinetic phenomenon-is in fact a direct consequence of equilibrium liquid-gas phase separation. Without exception, we observe gelation in all of our samples predicted by theory and simulation to phase-separate; this suggests that it is phase separation, not percolation, that corresponds to gelation in models for attractive spheres.  相似文献   

Themosteffectivemethodforpreparingultrafineparticleisgasevaporationtechnique,whichhasbeenwidelyusedforproducingmetalultrafineparticles.[1]Inthisway,thesizeofobtainedparticleswouldchangewiththeatomicweightofcoolcondensinggas,evenatsamegaspressure.[2]D…  相似文献   

The detection of electron antineutrinos produced by natural radioactivity in the Earth could yield important geophysical information. The Kamioka liquid scintillator antineutrino detector (KamLAND) has the sensitivity to detect electron antineutrinos produced by the decay of 238U and 232Th within the Earth. Earth composition models suggest that the radiogenic power from these isotope decays is 16 TW, approximately half of the total measured heat dissipation rate from the Earth. Here we present results from a search for geoneutrinos with KamLAND. Assuming a Th/U mass concentration ratio of 3.9, the 90 per cent confidence interval for the total number of geoneutrinos detected is 4.5 to 54.2. This result is consistent with the central value of 19 predicted by geophysical models. Although our present data have limited statistical power, they nevertheless provide by direct means an upper limit (60 TW) for the radiogenic power of U and Th in the Earth, a quantity that is currently poorly constrained.  相似文献   

微波耦合效率(Pi-Pr)/Pi是微波离子源的重要参数,它与磁场强度和分布关系密切。通过对比实验研究了不同等离子体离子腔尺寸、不同引入窗厚度时对微波耦合效率的影响,当离子腔尺寸为100mm,窗厚度为30mm时,耦合效率为100%(磁场分布在最佳模式)。此外还研究了耦合效率与真空度的关系,通过二极多孔引出电极引出系统引出离子,其引出电压为1.8kV,引出束流为30mA。  相似文献   

Experimental investigation was conducted for the dynamic response of a real spherical explosive chamber that can simulate 200 m deepwater explosive loaded 10 g TNT equivalent. The vibration characteristics and dynamic strength of the chamber were analyzed by measuring the strain profiles of six characteristic points on the chamber. The research results revealed the rule of the dynamic response of the chamber on different ex- plosive loads and static pressures. It provides references for the design and development of the chamber to simu- late deepwater explosion.  相似文献   

本文介绍了中子诱发轻带电粒子出射核反应(n,lcp)研究的科学意义、研究方法和实验难点,对国际与国内的相关研究情况进行了比较全面的综述.对国际上基于n_TOF,LANSCE,ORELA和GELINA等中子源所进行的有关实验研究工作进行了系统的介绍,对国内的实验研究进行了全面介绍,对北京大学团队多年来基于4.5 MV静电加速器以及近年来基于北京HI-13串列加速器、中国散裂中子源反角白光中子源CSNS Back-n等中子源上所开展的实验研究工作进行了重点介绍.最后对国内今后在该研究方向的发展做了展望.  相似文献   

以枯草芽孢杆菌全培养液对O/W型乳状液进行破乳效能研究.通过正交试验对枯草芽孢杆菌的发酵条件进行优化,以实现最优破乳效果.结果表明,培养温度25℃、摇床转数140 r/min、培养基pH值7.0、接菌量6%、培养时间24 h,枯草芽胞杆菌培养液中细菌生长量最高.相同培养条件,培养时间20 h,全培养液对模型乳状液的破乳效率最高,室温下48 h排油率100%.该破乳菌培养液具有良好抗酸能力及热稳定性.培养液pH值在中性及酸性范围内,枯草芽胞杆菌培养液排油率在60%以上.碱性增强至pH值为10培养液几乎丧失破乳能力.45~90℃热处理会使破乳剂破乳效率稍有降低,温度增至100℃破乳活性反而增加.100 mL O/W型原油废水中加入5 mL的枯草芽孢杆菌全培养液,30 min后排油量为62.056 mg/L,优于化学破乳剂.  相似文献   

As a solid foam stabilizer, spherical silica particles with diameters ranging from 150 to 190 nm were prepared via an improved Stöber method and were subsequently modified using three different silane coupling agents to attain the optimum surface hydrophobicity of the particles. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra and the measured contact angles were used to characterize the surface properties of the prepared particles. The foam stability was investigated by the foam drainage half-life and the expansion viscoelastic modulus of the liquid film. The results demonstrate that all of the modified silica nanoparticles effectively improve the foam stability. The surface hydrophobicity of the modified particles is found to be a key factor influencing the foam stability. The optimum contact angle of the particles lies in the approximate range from 50° to 55°. The modifier molecular structure used can also influence the stabilizing foam property of the solid particles. The foam system stabilized by (CH3)2SiCl2-modified silica particles exhibits the highest stability; its drainage half-life at maximum increases by 27% compared to that of the blank foam system and is substantially greater than those of the foam systems stabilized by KH570- and KH550-modified particles.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous reactions on the surface of fine particles in the atmosphere   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Fine particles play an important role in the atmosphere. Research on heterogeneous reactions on the surface of fine particles is one of the frontier areas of atmospheric science. In this paper, physical and chemical characteristics of fine particles in the atmosphere and the interactions between trace gases and fine particles are described, methods used in heterogeneous reactions research are discussed in detail, progress in the study of heterogeneous reactions on the surface of fine particles in the atmosphere is summarized, existing important questions are pointed out and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

在133.32Pa压强的Ar,N2两种不同气体中制备了以Fe90B10为母材的超细微粒.两种微粒的粒径、形态基本一致,但晶化程度及磁性很不一样.通过化学滴定法对两种微粒进行的Fe含量分析表明二者差别很大.在两种冷凝气体中制取的微粒的组份差别可能是因为不同气体对熔体的活度系数影响不同所致  相似文献   

煤粉颗粒中挥发份的析出对煤的燃烧过程有着重要的影响。当煤粉颗粒进入高温的燃烧室时,首先受热析出挥发份,所以,挥发份的析出方式直接影响颗粒的运动和弥散。本文用数值模拟的方法,特别是用我国数学家华罗庚、王元发明的数论网格方法对不同直径的颗粒从不同数量的小孔中喷射出挥发份的情形进行了研究。结果表明,挥发份的喷射直接影响颗粒的运动和弥散,但挥发份的喷射速度分布和它从颗粒表面喷出时的喷射孔的数目对颗粒的运动和弥散无明显的影响。  相似文献   

本文采用边界值方法求解强声发生器加压室波动方程,构建强声发声器类比电路模型,仿真分析加压室出口频率响应特性;结果表明:高频范围内,强声发生器加压室将产生高次波,导致加压室出口频率响应失真;通过设计不同加压室出口位置与半径,可抑制加压室出口处频率响应失真。  相似文献   

非球形颗粒旋风分离特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了考察非球形颗粒的分离特征,采用对比试验的方法,以非球形的硅微粉和球形的粉煤灰为介质,测量其分离特性。结果表明:对于这两种颗粒,分离效率均随入口气速增加先升高后下降,压降随入口气速的增加持续上升,且分离效率和压降均随温度升高而降低;尽管硅微粉的密度更大、颗粒偏粗,但在相同条件下,其分离效率却比更轻、更细的粉煤灰的低,且压降也更低,原因在于硅微粉所形成的灰层在器壁上"滑动"困难,器壁摩擦损失较大,会削弱旋流强度,导致离心分离能力下降,加上非球形颗粒在离心沉降过程中的绕流阻力更大,故分离效率变得更低。对于压降,虽然器壁摩擦损失增大会导致压降升高,但旋流强度的减弱又使旋转动能耗散减少,压降降低,综合结果是分离硅微粉时压降比分离粉煤灰时的低。  相似文献   

A size-specific aerosol dynamic model is set up to predict the evolution of particle number concentration within a chamber. Particle aggregation is based on the theory of Brownian coagulation, and the model not only comprises particle loss due to coagulation, but also considers the formation of large particles by collision. To validate the model, three different groups of chamber experiments with SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) are conducted. The results indicate that the advantage of the model over the past simple size bin model is its provision of detailed information of size spectrum evolution, and the results can be used to analyze the variations of number concentration and CMD (Count Median Diameter). Furthermore, some aerosol dynamic mechanisms that cannot be measured by instrument can be analyzed by the model simulation, which is significant for better understanding the removal and control mechanisms of ultrafine particles.  相似文献   

NaClO4 aerosol particles with diameter of 5-20 microns are deposited on the ZnSe substrate. An FTIR-ATR chamber on the ZnSe substrate is set up to observe the structural changes of NaClO4 aerosol particles at crystallization relative humidity (CRH) and deliquescence relative humidity (DRH). With the decrease of RH (relative humidity) from 96% to 24% in the efflorescence process, the absorbance of O-H stretching band of the aerosol solutions continuously decreases. A sudden decrease of the water peak is observed at RH20%, where solid particles form. Very small amount of residual interfacial water, with two weak peaks at 3602 and 3533 cm^-1, can still be resolved in the FTIR-ATR spectra of the solid particles. In the deliquescence process of the same sample, little spectral changes are observed when the value of RH varies from 5% to 29%. Before the abrupt increase of the O-H stretching band at the DRH of about RH46%, a pre-deliquescence process is observed, i.e. in the RH range between 33% and 46%, there is really a slow absorbance increase for the peak area of O-H stretching band. The O-H stretching band shows an arciform O-H en- velope, totally different from not only the FTIR-ATR spectra of ClO4^- solutions either under supersaturated state or in diluted state, but also the characteristic of the residually interfacial water discussed in the efflorescence process. Such kind of water is considered as pure water, indicating that small amount of water aggregates in the microspaces of solid aerosol particles due to the capillary cohesion effect. When the RH arrives at RH44%, two weak shoulders at 3384 and 3260 cm^-1 can be resolved, and the solid NaClO4 particles begin to be dissolved by increasing capillary cohesion water. The spectral characteristic of the v3-ClO4^- band also shows the transition from solid particles to mainly solvated ClO4^- ions.  相似文献   

A Das  C D Gilbert 《Nature》1999,399(6737):655-661
Neurons in primary visual cortex (V1) respond differently to a simple visual element presented in isolation from when it is embedded within a complex image. This difference, a specific modulation by surrounding elements in the image, is mediated by short- and long-range connections within V1 and by feedback from other areas. Here we study the role of short-range connections in this process, and relate it to the layout of local inhomogeneities in the cortical maps of orientation and space. By measuring correlation between neuron pairs located in optically imaged maps of V1 orientation columns we show that the strength of local connections between cells is a graded function of lateral separation across cortex, largely radially symmetrical and relatively independent of orientation preferences. We then show the contextual influence of flanking visual elements on neuronal responses varies systematically with a neuron's position within the cortical orientation map. The strength of this contextual influence on a neuron can be predicted from a model of local connections based on simple overlap with particular features of the orientation map. This indicates that local intracortical circuitry could endow neurons with a graded specialization for processing angular visual features such as corners and T junctions, and this specialization could have its own functional cortical map, linked with the orientation map.  相似文献   

根据热力学活度理论得出在气体蒸发中合金超细微粒与母材的组份关系对Fe-Si和Fe-Pd两个典型的实验结果进行了分析,理论和实验表明,在一定的加热温度和气体压强下,二元超细微粒与母材的组份关系不但与各元素的饱和蒸气压有关,而且还与母材处于蒸发前的熔体状态时度系数有关,在非等浓度蒸发时,超细微粒的组份还与熔体的偏析性质及蒸发过程有关。  相似文献   

氘-氘和氘-氚随钻中子孔隙度测井探测特性对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为考察在随钻中子孔隙度测井中用氘-氘(D-D)脉冲源替代氘氚(D-T)源的可行性,利用蒙特卡罗模拟方法,对比分析使用两种脉冲源时测井仪器的热中子空间分布、零源距区域、地层孔隙度灵敏度以及探测深度等探测特性.研究结果表明,D-D与D-T源相比,虽然在水平或大斜度井段对地层界面的分辨能力稍低一点,但是两者的零源距区的上限值、近源距和探测深度都大致相等,且D-D源对地层孔隙度的灵敏度更高、使用时更安全,在随钻脉冲中子孔隙度测井中可以得到更好的使用.  相似文献   

毫米波云雷达与地基微波辐射计联合反演云微物理参数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用地基微波辐射计与毫米波云雷达进行主被动遥感联合探测,从理论上能够更准确地反演云微物理参数。分别以2010年7月于广东阳江和2015年3月于江苏南京进行的联合观测试验所获取的数据为例,对其中的层状云、层积云个例进行联合反演微物理参数的试验和分析,获取云演变过程中微物理参数和其他环境场物理量的变化特征。结果表明:1云雷达-微波辐射计联合反演法反演的云微物理参数与基于雷达反射率因子的经验法有较好的一致性,与实测经验值相比,结果比较可靠;2在层状云发展初始阶段,凝结增长作用在云体中上部位置起主要作用,碰并作用主要导致云滴粒子的显著增长和云层垂直方向的延展;在垂直上升速度较大的层积云中,云滴粒子通过碰并作用增长;3低层湿区高度与大范围层状云系出现的高度较为一致,抬升作用和水汽通量的辐合为云的产生提供了动力和水汽条件。  相似文献   

研究了电场处理污泥分离短程化.通过实验考察了污泥沉降效果受污泥浓度MLSS、电极入水深度L和电压U等因素的影响.由正交实验确定了污泥沉降效率的最佳条件.结果表明,MLSS=3.7g/L、L=15cm、U=53V时,所得到的污泥沉降效果较好,沉降效率η=46.2%,促沉效果随MLSS的增大而变差,L为量筒液面总高度50%左右时促沉效果较好,浓度不同对应的最佳沉降时的电压也不同.经过电场处理后的出水水质比未经处理的要好,且活菌数量较未处理时要多一些.  相似文献   

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