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Matter with a high energy density (>10(5)?joules per cm(3)) is prevalent throughout the Universe, being present in all types of stars and towards the centre of the giant planets; it is also relevant for inertial confinement fusion. Its thermodynamic and transport properties are challenging to measure, requiring the creation of sufficiently long-lived samples at homogeneous temperatures and densities. With the advent of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray laser, high-intensity radiation (>10(17)?watts per cm(2), previously the domain of optical lasers) can be produced at X-ray wavelengths. The interaction of single atoms with such intense X-rays has recently been investigated. An understanding of the contrasting case of intense X-ray interaction with dense systems is important from a fundamental viewpoint and for applications. Here we report the experimental creation of a solid-density plasma at temperatures in excess of 10(6) kelvin on inertial-confinement timescales using an X-ray free-electron laser. We discuss the pertinent physics of the intense X-ray-matter interactions, and illustrate the importance of electron-ion collisions. Detailed simulations of the interaction process conducted with a radiative-collisional code show good qualitative agreement with the experimental results. We obtain insights into the evolution of the charge state distribution of the system, the electron density and temperature, and the timescales of collisional processes. Our results should inform future high-intensity X-ray experiments involving dense samples, such as X-ray diffractive imaging of biological systems, material science investigations, and the study of matter in extreme conditions.  相似文献   

A novel approach to producing coherent hard X-ray based on the echo-enabled staged harmonic generation (EESHG) free-electron laser scheme is proposed. This scheme is not a simple cascaded echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG) but consists of an EEHG and a conventional high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG) like configuration, which also works in the EEHG principle. It is shown that fully coherent hard X-ray radiation can be obtained directly from a conventional VUV seed laser with reduced size and cost in c...  相似文献   

讨论近年出现的分析自由电子激光系统饱和状态性质的一种统计物理方法.对于自由电子激光系统激光增益达到饱和时的主要物理参数所满足的方程作了推演,进而基于统计物理方法利用Lynden-Bell熵函数和Mathematica程序进行了相关的数值计算和分析.为了对这一方法作验证和对比,通过直接数值模拟的方法分析了暖电子束入射情形下系统光强、聚束因子和粒子相空间分布的性质以及它们之间的对应关系,比较显示数值模拟结果与统计物理方法的相应结果一致.  相似文献   

研制出国内第一台用LD泵浦的NYAB自倍频激光器和双波长激光器。采用直接耦合方式进行端面泵浦。自倍频激光器产生 0.531 μm的绿色激光,基横模运转,阈值泵浦功率为 14.31 mW,输出功率达 2.2 mW,斜效率达 2.1%。双波长激光器同时产生 0.531 μm的绿色激光和 1.062 μm的近红外激光,基横模运转,阈值泵浦功率为14.81 mW,输出功率达 9.2 mW,斜效率达 7%。  相似文献   

The polarization properties of an evanescent-wave pumped Whispering Gallery Mode(WGM) fibre laser have been investigated. It is found that there are two kinds of polarization lasing beam emitting from the evanescent-wave pumped WGM fibre laser under two different pump conditions.When the pump beam is strictly along the axial direction of an optical fibre,the lasing emission is transverse electric wave and the electrical vectors at emitting points are along the radial direction of the fibre,which forms a spe...  相似文献   

Intense radiation from lasers has opened up many new areas of research in physics and chemistry, and has revolutionized optical technology. So far, most work in the field of nonlinear processes has been restricted to infrared, visible and ultraviolet light, although progress in the development of X-ray lasers has been made recently. With the advent of a free-electron laser in the soft-X-ray regime below 100 nm wavelength, a new light source is now available for experiments with intense, short-wavelength radiation that could be used to obtain deeper insights into the structure of matter. Other free-electron sources with even shorter wavelengths are planned for the future. Here we present initial results from a study of the interaction of soft X-ray radiation, generated by a free-electron laser, with Xe atoms and clusters. We find that, whereas Xe atoms become only singly ionized by the absorption of single photons, absorption in clusters is strongly enhanced. On average, each atom in large clusters absorbs up to 400 eV, corresponding to 30 photons. We suggest that the clusters are heated up and electrons are emitted after acquiring sufficient energy. The clusters finally disintegrate completely by Coulomb explosion.  相似文献   

将石英光纤浸入低折射率的染料溶液中,泵浦光沿光纤轴向耦合进入光纤并以全反射方式沿光纤轴向传播,泵浦光的消逝波激励染料分子产生增益.由于增益区域与回音壁模式的消逝场区域在空间很好的重叠,因此显著地提高了泵浦效率,增加了沿光纤轴向的增益长度.将一根直径为265μm的石英光纤浸入三段激光染料溶液中,在622~632,504~518和427~434nm的3个波长范围内同时获得回音壁模式的激光辐射.在消逝波激励及增益耦合方式下,实现了同一根光纤中红绿蓝三色的回音壁模式激光辐射,由此形成一种新型的三色回音壁模式光纤激光器.本文同时从实验和理论方面讨论了回音壁模式激光沿光纤轴向的产生长度随泵浦能量变化的关系.  相似文献   

X-ray lasers offer new capabilities in understanding the structure of biological systems, complex materials and matter under extreme conditions. Very short and extremely bright, coherent X-ray pulses can be used to outrun key damage processes and obtain a single diffraction pattern from a large macromolecule, a virus or a cell before the sample explodes and turns into plasma. The continuous diffraction pattern of non-crystalline objects permits oversampling and direct phase retrieval. Here we show that high-quality diffraction data can be obtained with a single X-ray pulse from a non-crystalline biological sample, a single mimivirus particle, which was injected into the pulsed beam of a hard-X-ray free-electron laser, the Linac Coherent Light Source. Calculations indicate that the energy deposited into the virus by the pulse heated the particle to over 100,000?K after the pulse had left the sample. The reconstructed exit wavefront (image) yielded 32-nm full-period resolution in a single exposure and showed no measurable damage. The reconstruction indicates inhomogeneous arrangement of dense material inside the virion. We expect that significantly higher resolutions will be achieved in such experiments with shorter and brighter photon pulses focused to a smaller area. The resolution in such experiments can be further extended for samples available in multiple identical copies.  相似文献   

A diode pumped intracavity frequency-doubled Nd: YVO4 laser emitting at 671 nm with a type-II noncritical phase-matched LBO crystal is reported. A maximum output power at 671 nm of 404 mW was obtained under an incident pump power of 5.16 W, with an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency up to 7.8%. The output power fluctuates less than 5% while the temperature change of the LBO crystal is maintained at ± 0.5 °C at the phase-matched temperature.  相似文献   

A diode pumped intracavity frequency-doubled Nd: YVO4 laser emitting at 671 nm with a type- n noncritical phase-matched LBO crystal is reported. A maximum output power at 671 nm of 404 mW was obtained under an incident pump power of 5.16 W, with an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency up to 7.8%. The output power fluctuates less than 5% while the temperature change of the LBO crystal is maintained at ±0.5℃ at the phase-matched temperature.  相似文献   

Synchrotrons have for decades provided invaluable sources of soft X-rays, the application of which has led to significant progress in many areas of science and technology. But future applications of soft X-rays--in structural biology, for example--anticipate the need for pulses with much shorter duration (femtoseconds) and much higher energy (millijoules) than those delivered by synchrotrons. Soft X-ray free-electron lasers should fulfil these requirements but will be limited in number; the pressure on beamtime is therefore likely to be considerable. Laser-driven soft X-ray sources offer a comparatively inexpensive and widely available alternative, but have encountered practical bottlenecks in the quest for high intensities. Here we establish and characterize a soft X-ray laser chain that shows how these bottlenecks can in principle be overcome. By combining the high optical quality available from high-harmonic laser sources (as a seed beam) with a highly energetic soft X-ray laser plasma amplifier, we produce a tabletop soft X-ray femtosecond laser operating at 10 Hz and exhibiting full saturation, high energy, high coherence and full polarization. This technique should be readily applicable on all existing laser-driven soft X-ray facilities.  相似文献   

等离子体射流产生的众多活性粒子中,氧原子是化学活性非常强的氧化剂,也是生成其他含氧活性粒子的基础,因此确定氧原子浓度及其时空分布对提高等离子体射流的应用效率具有重要意义.针对于此,本工作利用单电极等离子体射流产生了实心结构的等离子体羽,利用高分辨光谱仪采集了放电的发射光谱.结果表明,等离子体羽中确实含有氧原子等活性粒子.采用光化线强度法通过比较氧原子谱线(777.4 nm)和氩原子谱线(750.4 nm)的强度比研究了等离子体中氧原子浓度.结果表明:等离子体羽中的氧原子浓度随着距离喷口距离的增加先减小后增大;固定其他实验参数的情况下,氧原子浓度随着外加电压峰值和工作气体流量的增加而增大;当工作气体中掺入空气后,等离子体羽中氧原子浓度随着空气体积分数的增加先增大后减小.结合放电机制,对以上实验现象进行了定性分析,所得结果对于大气压等离子体射流的应用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

应用排列组合法可以推算原子光谱项,该文将此方法程序化,并计算了等价电子组态的原子光谱项,得到了满意的结果。  相似文献   

制备两对Λ型三能级原子最大纠缠态作为量子信道,采用(1,S)/(L,2)方案,构造16个么正变换矩阵,用非局域的么正变换和局域的测量代替非局域的联合测量,实现单个未知四能级原子态的隐形传输.  相似文献   

制备两对∧型三能级原子最大纠缠态作为量子信道,采用(1,S)/(L,2)方案,构造16个么正变换矩阵,用非局域的么正变换和局域的测量代替非局域的联合测量,实现单个未知四能级原子态的隐形传输.  相似文献   

研究了在室温工作下射频放电激励板条CO激光器的工作特性.采用81 MHz的射频放电,利用并联谐振技术获得均匀的射频放电.激光器电极大小为86 mm(宽)×700 mm(长),间距为1.7 mm.激光器谐振腔为输出耦合系数为8%的负支共焦谐振腔.研究了激光器的脉冲工作特性,以及不同脉冲情况下脉冲的时间特性.获得了峰值功率约为600 W的激光输出.测量了激光器输出的光谱特性以及输出功率稳定性.  相似文献   

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