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Summary For the osazone reaction of the reducing sugars, the following mechanism is suggested: the initially formed phenylhydrazone is converted with aniline into the N-glycoside. Aniline arises from disproportional decomposition of phenylhydrazine. The N-glycoside undergoes an Amadori-rearrangement to 1-deoxy-1-amino-2-ketose derivative. From this is formed the phenylhydrazone. The latter is converted by dehydrogenation and transamination into the phenylosazone.  相似文献   

Summary Three reactions, the 11- and the 21-hydroxylation as well as the oxydation of the angular carbon 18, are specific for the adrenals. All other enzymatic steps in the biosynthesis of steroidhormones have been demonstrated in some other tissues also. Cofactors for the hydroxylation of steroids are reduced pyridinenucleotides. They seem to be necessary to activate molecular oxygen.The extra-adrenal metabolism of adrenal hormones occurs mainly in the liver. Four principal reactions are known: the reduction of the 4-3-on-, the 11-keto-, and the 20-keto-group as well as the conjugation of steroids with glucuronid acid. Evidence is given that the liver is the main target of corticosteroid action.  相似文献   

Résumé La transmission expérimentale de la salive du Phylloxéra peut stimuler les jeunes feuilles de la vigne se trouvant encore dans la phase de végétation à former des galles. A cet égard, l'endopolyploidisation du tissu foliaire qui est exposé à la stimulation de la formation gallicole prouve un événement fondamental de la cécidogenèse.  相似文献   

Summary The results of new researches about the föhn in the Swiss Alps in connection with the theory ofH. von Ficker show that the energy of the cyclonic föhn has two sources: the pressure gradient and the baroclinic field. This is caused by the isobaric differences of temperature between the Alps and the free atmosphere in the lee. The result is a current with a descending component in the lee. At the beginning, the descent of the föhn is due to the outstreaming of the cold air on the ground. In its further development the energy of the föhn increases so much as to sweep the cold air off the valleys.The development of föhn in an anticyclonic system ist also explained. Furthermore the two kinds of föhn are discussed in regard to their climatological influences.

Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of ascorbigen in various organs of kohlrabi during vegetation suggests that ascorbigen probably plays a part in the metabolism of the indole growth-substances of numerous Brassicacae.  相似文献   

Summary It may be supposed that the somatic and generative apospory of the genusPotentilla is due to different factors and that these factors have a quantitative effect.  相似文献   

Résumé Nous avons pu montrer, en bloquant le système nerveux périphérique par une méthode opératoire ou au moyen de substances pharmacologiques (spécialement du curare), que la réaction de position typique des poissons aux champs électriques est déclenchée par une excitation directe des muscles correspondants. La réaction la plus forte s'observe lorsque l'axe sagittal des animaux est perpendiculaire à la direction du champ. Chez des animaux narcotisés ou privés du système vestibulaire, de même que chez les Soles et quelques autres poissons, les lignes de force du champ devraient donc être verticales pour déclencher une réaction galvanotactique semblable. Nous savons en effet par l'anatomie et par la physiologie des mouvements qu'aucune réaction galvanotactique nepeut résulter de contractions du ventre et du dos. Le «Tetrodon», dont la nage n'est pas commandée par les groupes musculaires du tronc, ne manifeste aucune réaction galvanotactique.  相似文献   

Summary Purified elastase prepared by adsorption on synthetic zeolite in proper concentrations causes the coagulation of blood. Elastase was found to have no direct coagulative action on purified fibrinogen. Its coagulating action is due to the fact that it reacts with prothrombin to form thrombin. The reaction between prothrombin and elastase is independent of the presence of either platelets, thromboplastin or Ca-ions.  相似文献   

Summary Two possibilities for the action of radiations on biological objects are still remaining: the effect by radiation-hits and the action by photochemical or radiochemical effects. By means of irradiating well-known chemical «model-substances» one may be able to decide between these two possibilities and to understand the biological primary effect of radiations.Both of the theoretical perceptions are discussed and compared with the empirical facts. It is shown that in all well examinated cases of radiation effects upon biological elements or chemical systems, water or an other diluting is of essential importance. Radiation-energy is conducted from point of absorption to point of action by means of electronic transport or diffusion. Diffusion seems much more probable in biological systems.  相似文献   

Summary The suggestion is put forward that the polymerisation and ATP-splitting in actin are independent processes and that perhaps fats and lipoids are concerned in ATP-actin binding. (A comparison is made between the strength of ATP-binding of different actins.)  相似文献   

Summary I. Tarcsay's modification of Piotrowski's ten Rorschach signs for the diagnosis of organic and endogenous psychoses was tested on the Rorschach records of 105 genuine epileptics, 50 schizophrenics, 50 psychopaths, and 22 neurotics. The signs were found to give a positive diagnosis of psychosis in about 80% of the true cases of psychoses, but also in 45% of the psychopaths and neurotics, so that they hardly can be used for differential diagnosis. Tarcsay's schizophrenia signs and the neurosis signs of Miale and Harrower-Erickson proved to have still less diagnostic value.  相似文献   

Summary Bradford andDavies did not succeed in demonstrating with their indicator-experiments that free hydrochloric acid is formed without a precursor in the oxyntic cells of the gastric mucosa. The free hydrochloric acid, as shown by them, is formed as an artefact owing to the action of the indicator.  相似文献   

Summary The reactions of the lipoid activator and different thrombokinases, both alone and together with sphingosine-containing plasma, are described. In connection with the results reported, the possible significance of the physiological substances for the physiopathology of blood clotting, and the generation of plasma thrombokinase, is discussed.   相似文献   

Résumé Des plantules de Pisum sont cultivées aseptiquement en milieu synthétique. A la lumière, elles synthétisent plus de facteurs du groupe de l'acide folique, déterminés par voie microbiologique, et plus d'acide ascorbique qu'à l'obscurité. L'adjonction d'acide ascorbique au milieu des plantes cultivées à l'obscurité compense partiellement l'absence de lumière.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative chemical determination of nucleic acid shows that no loss of nucleic acid occurs on fixation with formalin andCarnoy's solution (24 or 2 h at room temperature) and after dehydration and embedding of the tissues. Small amounts of protein were shown in the fixative solution.

Ausgeführt mit Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

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