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Résumé La stimulation préganglionique à 60/sec pendant 4 min produit un épuisement des vésicules synaptiques et une réduction de 30% du contenu de l'acétylcholine. Après cette période de stimulation, on observe fréquemment l'enflure de l'éclatement des mitochondries aux extrémités des nerfs. Ces changements dans l'ultrastructure de ces dernières ne se sont pas encore montrés reversibles lorsque l'on laisse par la suite les ganglions se reposer pendant plusieurs minutes.

This research was supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

The neural network that controls the cardiovascular system ofAplysia adapts cardiovascular function to a variety of different physiological and behavioral situations. It (1) coordinates the cardiovascular system with the renal and respiratory systems; (2) modifies both systemic and regional blood flow during food-elicited arousal and feeding; and (3) changes the tension of longitudinal vascular muscle to adapt the arterial tree to changes in body shape. Indirect evidence suggests that the cardiovascular control circuit may also play a role in maintaining homeostasis during egg laying. Several putative neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, serotonin, R151 and R152 peptides, have been localized to identified neurons in this circuit.  相似文献   

Summary The concentration of GABA was determined in each ganglion ofAplysia kurodai by microassay. Highest concentration was observed in buccal ganglia.The authors are indebted to Miss C. Shimada for her skillful assistance and are also grateful to Dr. H. Koike in our institute for his advice to handleAplysia, to Dr. S. Ameniya, Misaki Marine Biology Station, University of Tokyo, for his support to get the animals.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung von Glutamat wurde auf das Membranpotential von Rückenmarkneuronen des Menschen und der Ratte in Gewebekultur untersucht. Entfernung der Natriumionen aus der extrazellulären Flüssigkeit führt zu einem Verschwinden der durch Glutamat erzeugten Depolarisation. Diese Befunde weisen darauf hin, dass Glutamat, welches eine vermutliche Überträgersubstanz im Rückenmarkist, die Permeabilität der Neuronenmembran für Natriumionen erhöht. Die Versuche zeigen ferner, dass die Gewebekultur ein ausgezeichnetes Modell ist zur Abklärung von ionalen Mechanismen, welche der Wirkung von Überträgersubstanzen im Zentralnervensystem zugrunde liegen.  相似文献   

The surround response mechanism in on-center X-cells in cat retina was found to be bimodally distributed and weak or nonexistent in the receptive field middle. An on-inhibition measure was used to assess surround mechanism gain.  相似文献   

Summary Locust ocellar retinal cells are innervated by giant second order cells, 2 mm long, which show discrete zones of integration along their course, including a major zone in the axonal length of the neuron. The complex synaptic arrangements which exist between higher-order afferent and efferent cells and these second order cells along their course suggests that transmission takes place by the electrotonic spread of slow potentials. The size and accessibility of these visual interneurons offers a unique preparation for examining mechanisms of graded synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Summary In the oocytes ofAplysia depilans it has been observed electronmicroscopically that gemmae or daughter-nucleoli separate from the nucleolus. These gemmae after having overcome the nuclear membrane, would aggregate together, even after transformation, into yolk globules. These observations seem to give plausibility to the hypothesis that there is a close relationship between production of ribonucleoproteic material by the nucleolus and yolk production.  相似文献   

Information processing along the course of a visual interneuron.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Locust ocellar retinal cells are innervated by giant second order cells, 2 mm long, which show discrete zones of integration along their course, including a major zone in the axonal length of the neuron. The complex synaptic arrangements which exist between higher-order afferent and efferent cells and these second order cells along their course suggests that transmission takes place by the electrotonic spread of slow potentials. The size and accessibility of these visual interneurons offers a unique preparation for examining mechanisms of graded synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Signal transduction mechanisms in plants: an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article provides an overview on recent advances in some of the basic signalling mechanisms that participate in a wide variety of stimulus-response pathways. The mechanisms include calcium-based signalling, G-protein-mediated-signalling and signalling involving inositol phospholipids, with discussion on the role of protein kinases and phosphatases interspersed. As a further defining feature, the article highlights recent exciting findings on three extracellular components that have not been given coverage in previous reviews of signal transduction in plants, extracellular calmodulin, extracellular ATP, and integrin-like receptors, all of which affect plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im zweiten Abdominalganglion der Indischen Stabheuschrecke (Carausius morosus Br.) wurden 600 ± 50 Neurone, 1000 ± 100 Gliazellen und 500 ± 30 Perineuriumzellen, zusammen etwa 2100 Zellen gezählt. Die Volumina des Ganglions, des Neuropilems und des Zellcortex betrugen etwa: 140 · 10–4 mm3, 75 · 10–4 mm3 und 65 · 10–4 mm3.  相似文献   

Summary In the visceral ganglion of Planorbis the postsynaptic neurones of the characterized dopamine neurone are connected by non-rectifying electrotonic junctions. The coupling, which is reduced by stimulation of the dopamine neurone and by applied dopamine, may be important in the generation of burst activity. Specialized areas of close apposition of membranes in the neuropile are considered to be the morphological correlate of electrotonic coupling.This work was supported by grants from the S. R. C. and M. R. C. to Dr G. A. Cottrell, whose help is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary The accumulation of3H-dopamine by synaptic vesicles from rat striatum was significantly stabilized in a membrane impermeant medium. The characteristics of dopamine accumulation by striatal vesicles were quite similar to those reported for dopamine accumulation by a whole brain vesicle preparation in the same medium, and were siginificantly different from the characteristics previously reported for vesicular accumulation of norepinephrine.Acknowledgments. This work was supported by grant NS 18752 (NIH) of the United States Public Health Service. Reprint requests to J. A. R.  相似文献   

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