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Smaglik P 《Nature》2005,435(7040):381

Aziz T  Stein J  Yogeshwar R 《Nature》2011,470(7335):457-459

Bojowald M 《Nature》2006,442(7106):988-990

悄然间,各大打车软件都上线了名为"专车"的功能,更高档的车辆、更人性化的服务,似乎一切都很美。然而,专车服务自上线以来却一直处于灰色地带。据《新华网》报道,仅上海"滴滴专车"平台上,就至少有3000辆专车正在运营。但是,上海现有的36家正规汽车租赁公司,没有一家与"滴滴专车"签订过任何合作协议。为何会出现这种矛盾的现象,个中缘由值得深思。或褒或贬的评论已经将专车服务推上了风口浪尖,它将何去何从,是被打上非法的"标签"彻底沉寂,还是顺利"扶正"引爆一个全新的市场?这就要看各方能不能够直面问题,合力而为了。  相似文献   

As directors are in charge of controlling and managing companies,the role of directors is essential for the development of thecompanies.However  相似文献   

作为英语常用句型之一,whether/if结构吸引了许多语言学家的注目。虽然二者在某些情况下可以互换使用,但是两者之间在形态句法方面也存在很大的差异。Larson(1985)对它从转换生成语法移位角度进行了分析,但是对if结构没有给予足够的论述。基于语料库的真实语料的分析之上,本文首先对whether/if结构分类,然后在HPSG的分析框架内对其词汇信息进行特征结构描写。分析显示,whether/if是在句法基部生成的补语算子,在生成过程中不存在移位。结果显示,HPSG的词汇主义分析视角因其简洁的分析框架比其他研究视角更可靠、更具有解释力。  相似文献   

Traditional manufacturers can take part in the sharing economy by renting products to consumers through sharing platforms. We develop an analytical framework consisting of two manufacturers and a sharing platform to study the effect of product sharing on competing manufacturers’ entry and pricing strategies. On the one hand, when the high-quality manufacturer works with the sharing platform, if the perceived quality of renting the high-quality product is larger than that of purchasing the low-quality product, it shows that the high-quality manufacturer will benefit and should enter the sharing market when the rental price is moderate. However, if the perceived quality of renting a high-quality product is smaller than that of purchasing a low-quality product, both manufacturers will always suffer losses; thus, the high-quality manufacturer should not provide sharing. Consequently, when the high-quality manufacturer chooses to share, the quality advantage should be maintained. On the other hand, when the low-quality manufacturer works with the sharing platform, it also finds that the low-quality manufacturer will always be better off from a moderate rental price. This implies that the low-quality OEM has more interest in offering product sharing if the perceived quality of renting high-quality product is smaller than that of purchasing low-quality product.  相似文献   

郁娆 《世界博览》2015,(7):76-79
生命中有些东西最好永远不要去触碰,比如毒品。太多案例证明它的可怕,太多人不知不觉陷入它的股掌,被折磨得面目全非方知后悔。这些电影,真实呈现了毒品与生命的纠缠,呼唤那些羔羊迷途知返。毒品如同一张巨大的网吸引着人们,总是有无数"成功人士"深陷其中,演艺明星也纷纷"fall in drug",在亲人朋友的泪水里和旁观者的叹息声中,都存在一个深深的疑问:他们究竟是怎样坠入毒  相似文献   

Klein G  Klein E 《Nature》2001,413(6854):365

Fact or fiction?     
Smaglik P 《Nature》2003,425(6954):219

Hersh W  Jacko JA  Greenes R  Tan J  Janies D  Embi PJ  Payne PR 《Nature》2011,470(7334):327-329

Boom, or bust?     
Check E 《Nature》2003,426(6967):598-601

Knight J 《Nature》2004,429(6989):236-237

Are lemmings prey or predators?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Turchin P  Oksanen L  Ekerholm P  Oksanen T  Henttonen H 《Nature》2000,405(6786):562-565
Large oscillations in the populations of Norwegian lemmings have mystified both professional ecologists and lay public. Ecologists suspect that these oscillations are driven by a trophic mechanism: either an interaction between lemmings and their food supply, or an interaction between lemmings and their predators. If lemming cycles are indeed driven by a trophic interaction, can we tell whether lemmings act as the resource ('prey') or the consumer ('predator')? In trophic interaction models, peaks of resource density generally have a blunt, rounded shape, whereas peaks of consumer density are sharp and angular. Here we have applied several statistical tests to three lemming datasets and contrasted them with comparable data for cyclic voles. We find that vole peaks are blunt, consistent with their cycles being driven by the interaction with predators. In contrast, the shape of lemming peaks is consistent with the hypothesis that lemmings are functional predators, that is, their cycles are driven by their interaction with food plants. Our findings suggest that a single mechanism, such as interaction between rodents and predators, is unlikely to provide the 'universal' explanation of all cyclic rodent dynamics.  相似文献   

正在中国,有机产品以"更安全、更健康、更美味"的形象,轻易获得了大众的认同,即便价格贵得离谱(中国有机食品和常规食品的价格差异远高于国外),也依然备受青睐。但学界关于有机食品的争论却从未停止过,有人认为"有机产品的抗氧化剂含量更高",有人则指出"科学试验并未证实有机食品更安全、健康和营养,所谓‘零污染’只是营销噱头"。  相似文献   

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