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Zusammenfassung Es werden die Kennzeichen der Chromosomen vonRhinophylla fischeri, R. pumilio undCarollia castanea beschrieben. Für die GattungCarollia ist bei niedriger Diploidzahl (21 , 20 ) eine niedrige « nombre fondamental » (34–36) charakteristisch. Für die GattungRhinophylla wird eine grössere Diploidzahl (34–36) und eine grössere « nombre fondamental » (56–62) gefunden.

We thank Dr.C. J. Marinkelle andA. Cadena of the Universidad de Los Andes for assistance and facilities.Pvt. Genaro Lopez assisted with the field work. Dr.R. Strandtmann translated the summary. Supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. GB-8120.  相似文献   

Summary Anastácio da Cunha's definition of convergent series (Principios Mathematicos, Lisboa 1790, p. 106) was analysed by the Portuguese mathematician J. Vicente Gonçalves (Análise do Livro VIII dos Principios Mathematicos de José Anastácio da Cunha, Congresso do Mundo Português Vol. XII, Tomo I, Lisboa 1940, 123–140) and more recently by the historian A. P. Youschkevitch (J. A. da Cunha et les fondements de l'analyse infinitésimale Revue d'Histoire des Sciences Tomme XXVI, N. 1, 1973, 9–22). This latter author contests Gonçalves' claim to the effect that Cunha anticipated in his definition the well known criteria of convergence commonly attributed to A. Cauchy. However, Youschkevitch's otherwise deeper analysis is based primarily on a French translation of Principios published in Bordeaux in 1811. In this paper, that translation is shown to be misleading at crucial places. Cunha's definition is further analysed, and an interpretation in terms of the potential infinity is proposed which results in a redress of Cunha's originality in this matter.  相似文献   

Summary The author's purpose is to read the main work of Euclid with modern eyes and to find out what knowledge a mathematician of today, familiar with the works of V. D. Waerden and Bourbaki, can gain by studying Euclid's theory of magnitudes, and what new insight into Greek mathematics occupation with this subject can provide.The task is to analyse and to axiomatize by modern means (i) in a narrower sense Book V. of the Elements, i.e. the theory of proportion of Eudoxus, (ii) in a wider sense the whole sphere of magnitudes which Euclid applies in his Elements. This procedure furnishes a clear picture of the inherent structure of his work, thereby making visible specific characteristics of Greek mathematics.After a clarification of the preconditions and a short survey of the historical development of the theory of proportions (Part I of this work), an exact analysis of the definitions and propositions of Book V. of the Elements is carried out in Part II. This is done word by word. The author applies his own system of axioms, set up in close accordance with Euclid, which permits one to deduce all definitions and propositions of Euclid's theory of magnitudes (especially those of Books V. and VI.).In this way gaps and tacit assumptions in the work become clearly visible; above all, the logical structure of the system of magnitudes given by Euclid becomes evident: not ratio — like something sui generis — is the governing concept of Book V., but magnitudes and their relation of having a ratio form the base of the theory of proportions. These magnitudes represent a well defined structure, a so-called Eudoxic Semigroup with the numbers as operators; it can easily be imbedded in a general theory of magnitudes equally applicable to geometry and physics.The transition to ratios — a step not executed by Euclid — is examined in Part III; it turns out to be particularly unwieldy. An elegant way opens up by interpreting proportion as a mapping of totally ordered semigroups. When closely examined, this mapping proves to be an isomorphism, thus suggesting the application of the modern theory of homomorphism. This theory permits a treatment of the theory of proportions as developed by Eudoxus and Euclid which is hardly surpassable in brevity and elegance in spite of its close affinity to Euclid. The generalization to a classically founded theory of magnitudes is now self-evident.

Vorgelegt von J. E. Hofmann  相似文献   

Summary The preparation of the (18 11)-lactone of 5-3-ethylenedioxy-11-hydroxy-21-acetoxy-20-oxo-pregnen-18-oic acid (XV) is reported. Since this compound has previously been transformed into aldosterone, the reactions described represent the first partial synthesis of this important hormone from readily available 18-unsubstituted natural steroids.

Über Steroide, 163. Mitteilung; 162. Mitteilung vgl.P. Wieland, K. Heusler undA. Wettstein, Helv. chim. Acta43 (1960), im Druck; XV. Mitteilung überSynthesen in der Aldosteron-Reihe; XIV. Mitteilung vgl.J. Schmidlin undA. Wettstein, Helv. chim. Acta42, 2636 (1959).

Steroide und Sexualhormone, 215, Mitteilung; 214. Mitteilung vgl.B. Kamber, G. Cainelli, D. Arigoni undO. Jeger, Helv. chim. Acta43 (1960), im Druck.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Auf molekularer Basis wird die Energieübertragung und die Energieumsetzung in einem primären photosynthetischen System untersucht. Die Energieübertragung in den Pigmenten und im Chlorophyll-A wird mit der Energieübergangswahrscheinlichkeit und dem Diffusionsmodell eines intramolekularen «Exitons» mit Dipol-Dipol-Wechselwirkung behandelt. Bei einer Chlorophyllkonzentration von 0.1M/1 wird die Diffusionskonstante des «Exitons»D e 1.1 × 10–3 cm2/sec und seine Diffusionslängel e 250 Å. Als Energieumsetzung wird die Anregung eines – -Tripletts des Chlorophyll-A mit Hilfe eines paramagnetischen Metallenzyms vorgeschlagen und diskutiert.

This work was supported by grants from the Japanese Society for the Promote of Science. The author wishes to express his gratitude to ProfessorM. Kotani of Tokyo University and ProfessorK. Oomori and ProfessorG. Tomita for their encouragement.  相似文献   

Summary In addition to gibberellins A1, A5, A6 and A8 previously isolated fromPhaseolus coccineus L., the occurrence of gibberellin A3 and of 5 new gibberellin-like substances «Phaseolus -» was demonstrated. «Phaseolus» was proved to be a gibberellin bound to carbohydrates and ninhydrin-positive compounds.

Gibberelline, II. Mitteilung. — I. Mitt. sieheG. Sembdner, R. Gross undK. Schreiber, Exper.18, 584 (1962).  相似文献   

Summary Before examining de Moivre's contributions to the science of mathematics, this article reviews the source materials, consisting of the printed works and the correspondence of de Moivre, and constructs his biography from them.The analytical part examines de Moivre's contributions and achievements in the study of equations, series, and the calculus of probability. De Moivre contributed to the continuing development from Viète to Abel and Galois of the theory of solving equations by means of constructing particular equations, the roots of which can be written in the form . He also discovered the reciprocal equations. In the course of this work de Moivre discovered an expression equivalent to (cos +i sin ) n =cos n +i sin n and, following Cotes, he succeeded in expressing the nth roots of unity in trigonometric form.In the theory of series, de Moivre developed a polynomial theorem encom-passing Newton's binomial theorem and, in particular, a theorem of recurrent series useful in the calculus of probability.The demands of the calculus of probability led de Moivre to an approximation for the binomial coefficients for large values of n. The interaction between de Moivre and James Stirling, particularly in regard to the asymptotic series for log (n!), is treated at length. This work supplied the foundation for de Moivre's limit theorem for the binomial distribution.The calculus of probability, which occupied him from 1708 onward, became in time ever more the center of de Moivre's inquiries. Proceeding from contemporary collections of gambling exercises, de Moivre, by introducing an explicit measure of probability for the so-called Laplace experiments, found the beginnings of a theory of probability. De Moivre expanded the classic application of probability calculus to games of chance by addressing himself to the problem of annuities and by adopting Halley's work with its conception of Probability of life. De Moivre was the first to publish a mathematically formulated law for the decrements of life derived from mortality tables.
Abkürzungen a.a.O. am angegebenen Ort = Verweis auf das nach Verfassern alphabetisch geordnete Literaturverzeichnis. Eine vor a.a.O. in runden Klammern angegebene Zahl kennzeichnet die entsprechende Nummer der im Literaturverzeichnis aufgeführten Arbeiten eines Autors. - AC Ars conjectandi = Jakob Bernoulli (4) a.a.O. - AE Acta Eruditorum - a.S. alter Stil47 - BM Bibliotheca Mathematica - DMV Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung - JL Journal Literaire - MA Miscellanea Analytica, London 1730 - n.S. neuer Stil47 - PT Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - r.F. rekurrente Folge - r.R. rekurrente Reihe - SMA Miscellaneis Analyticis Supplementum, London 1730 - v. veröffentlicht (nur im Briefverzeichnis verwendet) Prof. Dr. Kurt Vogel zum 80. Geburtstag Vorgelegt von J. E. Hofmann  相似文献   

In intact tissue, [d-Ala2,MePhe4, Gly-ol5] enkephalin (10–5 M;-ligand), diminsihed short-circuit current (Isc) and increased water, Na+ and Cl net fluxes in vitro under open circuit conditions; it also inhibitedL-valine absorption andL-valine-dependent variations of short-circuit current (Isc, val). Naloxone (10–6 M) antagonized these effects. In the absence of the muscularis and myenteric plexus this enkephalin or morphine (-ligand) reduced Isc and Isc, val. These enkephalin effects occurred at different times. Different concentrations of enkephalin were tested for their effects on Isc, val. [d-Ala2,d-Leu5] enkephalin (mainly a -ligand) significantly decreased Isc but not Isc, val. The reduction ofL-valine absorption does not depend on the effects on basal ion transport. Interaction of opioids with-receptors located in the submucosal plexus and/or in the epithelial cell accounts for this reduction. This enkephalin effect seems to be at least partially under the control of the myenteric plexus.  相似文献   

Summary A strain ofStreptomyces griseus has been found to convert 4-3-keto steroids into the corresponding saturated 3-keto-5-compounds and, on prolonged incubation, into the 3-hydroxy-5-derivatives.

10. Mitt. über mikrobiologische Reaktionen; 9. Mitt. sieheJ. Urech, E. Vischer undA. Wettstein, Helv. chim. Acta43, 1077 (1960).

170. Mitt. über Steroide; 169. Mitt. sieheR. Neher undA. Wettstein, Helv. chim. Acta43, 1171 (1960).

Auszugsweise vorgetragen am VII. Internationalen Kongress für Mikrobiologie, Stockholm 1958.  相似文献   

In this essay, I examine the metaphysical and metalogical ramifications of Gottlob Frege's controversy with David Hilbert and Alwin Korselt, over Hilbert's Grundlagen der Geometrie. These ramifications include(1) Korselt's original appeals to general metatheoretic Deutungen (interpretations);(2) Hilbert's puzzling belief that whatever is consistent in some sense exists; and(3) Frege's semantic monist conviction that theoretical sense and reference (mathematical and other) must be eindeutig lösbar (uniquely solvable).My principal conclusions are(4) that Frege's position in (3) represented a pervasively dogmatic presumption that his newly discovered quantification theory must have a propositional metatheory (the True; the False); and(5) that this needless assumption adversely affected not only his polemic against the moderate semantic relativism of Hilbert and Korselt, but also his reception of type-theoretic ideas, and greatly facilitated his vulnerability to the sort of self-referential inconsistency Russell discovered in Grundgesetz V.These conclusions also seem to me to provide a conceptual framework for several of Frege's other arguments and reactions which might seem more particular and disparate. These include(6) his arbitrary restrictions on the range of second-order quantification, which undercut his own tentative attempts to give accounts of independence and semantic consequence;(7) his uncharacteristic hesitation, even dismay, at the prospect that such accounts might eventuate in a genuinely quantificational metamathematics, whose Gegenstände (objects) might themselves be Gedanken (thoughts); and, perhaps most revealingly(8) his otherwise quite enigmatic, quasi-stoic doctrine that genuine formal deduction must be from premises that are true.A deep reluctance to pluralize or iterate the transition from theory to meta-theory would also be consonant, of course, with Frege's vigorous insistence that there can be only one level each of linguistic Begriffe (concepts) and Gegenstände (objects). With hindsight, such an assumption may seem more gratuitous in the philosophy of language (where it contributed, I would argue, to Wittgenstein's famous transition to the mystical in 6.45 and 6.522 of the Tractatus); but its more implausible implications in this wider context seemed to emerge more slowly.In the mathematical test-case discussed here, however, such strains were immediately and painfully apparent; the first models of hyperbolic geometry were described some thirty years before Frege drafted his polemic against Hilbert's pioneering exposition. It is my hope that a careful study of Frege's lines of argument in this relatively straightforward mathematical controversy may suggest other, parallel approaches to the richer and more ambiguous problems of his philosophy of language.Niemand kann zwei Herren dienen. Man kann nicht der Wahrheit dienen und der Unwahrheit. Wenn die euklidische Geometrie wahr ist, so ist die nichteuklidische Geometrie falsch, und wenn die nichteuklidische wahr ist, so ist die euklidische Geometrie falsch.No one can serve two masters. One cannot serve truth and untruth. If Euclidean geometry is true, non-Euclidean geometry is false, and if non-Euclidean [geometry] is true, Euclidean geometry is false. Über Euklidische Geometrie [Frege 1969], p. 183.  相似文献   

Summary The-d-fucosidase and -l-fucosidase activities of digestive juice ofHelix pomatia have been studied.-d-fucosidase can be separated from-d-galactosidase by heat inactivation.  相似文献   

Résumé Des polyacides aminés ramifiés, avec des poids moléculaires approchant ceux des protéines, ont été préparés par la polymérisation des anhydrides des N-carboxyacides aminés en présence du polylysine qui sert comme un initiateur polyvalent. Les polypeptides ramifiés suivants sont décrits: poly-(, N-poly-dl-alanyl)-l-lysine (n 20,m 25), poly-(, N-polysarcosyl)-l-lysine (n 20,m 7) et poly-(, N-poly-l-lysyl)-l-lysine (n 30,m 15). Quelques propriétés chimiques et physicochimiques des polyacides aminés ramifiés ont été comparées avec celles de polyacides aminés linéaires preparés par initiation avec un amine monovalent.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Von den Blutzellen derPhallusia mamillata Cuvier zeigen nur die stark vakuolisierten (compartment cells) im UV-Licht eine stabile blaue Fluoreszenz ( max =5200 und 4600 Å). Sie ist in den Zellgranula lokalisiert. Bei den Blutzellen vonCiona intestinalis L. tritt dagegen eine gelbe Fluoreszenz ( max = 5900, 5200 und 4600 Å) auf, die nur von den Vanadocyten ausgeht. Diese Fluoreszenz, welche auch von den Testazellen der Oocyten gegeben wird, geht innerhalb einiger Minuten in die blaue Fluoreszenz über.

This work has been carried out in the Stazione Zoologica, Napoli (director Dr.P. Dohrn) and in the Istituto di Biologia Generale e Genetica della Università di Napoli (director Prof. Dr.B. de Lerma). —M. de Vincentiis wishes to thank Dr,P. Dohrn for placing at his disposal a working place of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma. —W. Rüdiger thanks sincerely the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bad Godesberg, for providing grants, and Prof. Dr.H.-J. Bielig for his interest.  相似文献   

Summary The synthesis of the antibiotic novobiocin is described. First the essential carbohydrate, the 3-O-carbamoylnoviose was synthesized fromd-glucose. A number of steps (1–6) led to the 3,5,6-tri-O-benzyl-2-O-methyl-d-galactono--lactone (6) which is characterized by the correct array of carbon atoms inherent to the noviose. Further transformations (7–15) finally yielded the carbohydrate. The problem of glycosidation is discussed in some detail. Glycosidation of a suitable aglycon precursor (18) with 2,3-O-carbonyl--noviosyl-chloride (22) proved possible and led to the isolation of an-glycoside (23) which was further transformed (24–28) into novobiocin.

Chemische Forschungsabteilung der F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. AG, Basel.

Vortrag Dr.B. P. Vaterlaus, gehalten an der Gordon Research Conference on Steroids and other Natural Products, 16.–20. Juli 1962, New Hampton, N.H., USA, und vor der Basler Chemischen Gesellschaft, 8. November 1962. Im Auszug:H. Spiegelberg,Synthèse du 3-O-carbamoylnoviose, sucre de la novobiocine, Symposium international de chimie organique, Bruxelles, 15. Juni 1962;J. Kiss,The Synthesis of Noviose and Allied Compounds, Birkbeck College (Univ. London), 23. Oktober 1962. Der vorliegende Aufsatz ist Gegenstand von Detailpublikationen in den Helv. chim. Acta, in Vorbereitung (1963).  相似文献   

Summary In isolated guinea-pig atria, the-adrenolytic isomerd(–)INPEA provoked a stronger prolongation of the refractory period (rp) than did the inactivel(+) isomer. The-adrenolytic drug MJ 1999 prolonged likewise the rp, although it caused no unspecific effect, i.e. an inhibition of contractile force. These observations lead to the conclusion that not only the unspecific local anaesthetic but also the specific-adrenolytic effect is of importance for the prolongation of rp.  相似文献   

Summary Tail regeneration in the absence of spinal cord was studied quantitatively in larval salamanders. Growth parameters were calculated according to the function =1/ny i /x i (Rao).The regeneration rate of despinalized tails was found to be approximatively half the normal rate in both the length and volume.The real nature of despinalized tail regenerates is discussed and two hypotheses are proposed for their explanation.

Travail exécuté grâce une subvention de la «DonationGeorges etAntoine Claraz, instituta et curataJohannis Schinz professoris auspiciis».  相似文献   

Résumé L'exo--(13) glucanasem isolée duBasidiomycete QM 806 a été utilisée avec succès pour l'analyse des polysaccharides de la paroi cellulaire de la levureSaccharomyces cerevisiae et pour la formation de protoplastes à partir deSaccharomyces cerevisiae etWickerhamia fluorescens.

Acknowledgments. We are indepted to MissE. Sigarlakie and MissE. Wespi for technical assistance during the course of this investigation.  相似文献   

Résumé Un nouveau diterpène tartessol (1) a été isolé de laSideritis grandiflora Salzm. (Labiées) est sa structure est proposée comme étantent-14-acétoxy-15-beyèren-18-ol.

Part XVIII in the series Studies on diterpenes from genusSideritis. For Part XVII seeT. G. de Quesada, B. Rodríguez andS. Valverde,Phytochemistry, in press.

The authors thank Dr.J. Borja, Botany Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Madrid, for the collection and botanical classification of the plant material and Dr.Juana Bellanato, Institute of Optics, C.S.I.C., Madrid, for the high resolution IR spectra.  相似文献   

Summary A new synthesis is described of a crystalline 7-methyl-doisynolic acid showing a strong estrogenic activity. This acid is probably identical with the stereoisomer C ofAnner andMiescher. Demethylation of this methoxyacid yields a new doisynolic acid of mp. 113–117° (hemihydrate).

XIII. MitteilungSynthetische Versuche in der Gruppe der östrogenen Hormone; XII. Mitteilung siehe Chem. listy50, 2004 (1956).  相似文献   

Summary The quantity of phyto-estrogens in red clover, hop, peas, and cabbage was estimated by titration on castrated female rats and infantile mice. The level of phytoestrogens was as follows: in hop 1050–2000/kg, in peas 4–6/kg, in cabbage 24/kg, and in red clover 6–9/kg. The author supposes that the sexual disorders described byRosenberger 14 in cows fed with cabbage, can be explained by the presence of phyto-estrogens in this plant.  相似文献   

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