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1.INTRODUCTION Thevisualsecretsharingschemeisoneofthesecret sharingschemes[1]inwhichthesecretinformationis animagethatconsistsofacollectionofblackand whitepixels[2].Thesharedimages,eachofwhich consistsofacollectionofblackandwhitepixels,are distributedtotheparticipants,andthesecretinfor mationcanberecovereddirectlybyprintingeach sharedimageontransparencyandstackingthemto gether.KogaandYamamotohaveproposedtheex tendedschemeforcolorandgray scaleimage[3].Be sidesthresholdscheme.arbitraryv…  相似文献   

Special secret sharing scheme with the function of assignment   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1 .INTRODUCTIONSecret sharing is an i mportant method to realize theinformation safety and data encryption. It is also afundamental protocol and tool in the multi-party set-ting. Nowit has been applied to many applicationssuch as electronic election, digital cash and so on.The concept of secret sharing was invented indepen-dently by Shamir and Blakleyin 1979 ,which originalmotivation is to cope with the problemon the safetyof key management . And the basic ideainit is to di-vide the secr…  相似文献   

分布式环境下一种实用的先应式秘密共享方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对不具有同步时钟模型且主机间不存在可靠通信通道的现实的分布式网络应用场合,通过引入可由协议事件和系统中各主机本地时钟双重驱动的时间片的概念,定义了异步模型下先应式秘密共享的运行状态及其转换过程,给出了异步环境中一种实用有效的先应式秘密共享方法.同时基于消息的冗余传输机制和认证应答机制,设计了一个消息可靠传输协议,用于在主动链路攻击存在的情况下保证协议参与方之间消息的正确传输.分析表明,提出的方法是正确完善的,且具有较高的通信性能和计算性能.  相似文献   

针对现有的基于双线性对的安全机制都假设在整个Ad hoc网络生存期内系统都是安全的,而基于该假设的Ad hoc网络并不安全的问题。重新定义了Ad hoc网络的攻击者模型,对传统的主动秘密共享方案进行了扩充,提出了基于双线性对的Ad hoc网络主动秘密共享方案,周期性地更新系统私钥的影子和网络节点的私钥,以提高网络安全机制的安全性和鲁棒性,并对其安全性和鲁棒性进行证明。结论表明,基于双线性对的密码体制非常适合建立实用的、轻量级的Ad hoc网络的安全机制。  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION Secret sharing is an important method to realize the information safety and data encryption in the crypt- ography field. It is also a fundamental protocol and tool in the multi-party setting. Now it has been applied to many applications such as electronic election, dig- ital cash and so on. The concept of secret sharing was invented independently by Shamir and Blakley in 1979, which original motivation is to cope with the problem on the safety of key management. And the b…  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The growing importance of electronic commerce (for short e-commerce) and the increasing applications in this area have led researches into studying methods on how to perform safe and secure online business through the Internet. Consider such a scenario (see Fig.1), where A is a merchant and B is a buyer. A ’s product iA is an electronic goods (such as software, mp3, movie etc.). B wants to use his electronic coin to buy A ’s product through network. A p…  相似文献   

Because the intrinsic characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks(MANETs) cause several vulnerabilities,anonymous routing protocols attract much more attention in secure mobile ad hoc networks for the purposes of security and privacy concerns.Until recently,lots of anonymous routing protocols have been proposed.However,most of them are single path or use one path at a time,and the multipath schemes can not thwart both the passive attacks and active attacks simultaneously.Thus an anonymous multipath routing protocol based on secret sharing is proposed.The protocol provides identity anonymity,location anonymity,data and traffic anonymity by employing cryptograph technology and secret sharing in MANET communication process.Meanwhile,a hash function is introduced to detect active attacks in the data transmission process.The protocol can effectively thwart various passive attacks and reduce the successful probability of active attacks(such as interception and physical destroy attacks).Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides a reasonably good level of network security and performance.  相似文献   

退化失效阈值是影响设备剩余寿命预测的重要因素。针对现有剩余寿命预测方法忽略失效阈值随机性影响的问题,提出考虑随机失效阈值的设备剩余寿命在线预测方法。首先,基于带测量误差与随机效应的非线性Wiener过程构建设备退化模型;其次,采用极大似然估计(maximum likelihood estimation, MLE)算法估计退化模型参数与随机失效阈值分布系数;然后,在考虑随机失效阈值的基础上推导出设备剩余寿命的概率密度函数(probability density function, PDF),并基于Bayesian原理实时更新退化模型参数,实现对剩余寿命的在线预测。最后,将该方法应用于陀螺仪剩余寿命在线预测分析,结果表明该方法能够有效提高剩余寿命预测的精度与准确性。  相似文献   

结合基于可验证秘密共享技术的安全多方计算和知识证明,提出了一种计算安全的分布式会议密钥分配方案,该方案具有结构简单、安全性强等特点。分析表明,即使方案中实施密钥分配的服务器组中有部分服务器为入侵者成功控制,会议的所有诚实用户仍可得到关于会议的正确的密钥;在Diffie HellmenDecisional问题假设下,任何窃听者均无法得到有关会议密钥的任何信息,在随机Oracle模型下,主动攻击者也无法成功进行任何假冒。实验表明,该方案效率较高,有着较强的实用性。  相似文献   

基于区间数群决策矩阵的专家权重确定方法及其算法实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对专家偏好信息为区间数群决策矩阵的多属性群决策问题,提出了一种专家权重确定方法并利用自适应迭代算法实现。首先,给出了区间数和专家群决策矩阵的定义。然后,使用加权几何系数法计算专家综合权重,并通过比较专家个体与专家群体决策矩阵的偏差距离计算出专家的客观权重,经过多次迭代后得到稳定的专家客观权重与专家综合权重。最后,实例验证了该算法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

The design and performance analysis of networked control systems with random network delay in the forward channel is proposed, which are described in a state-space form. A new control scheme is used to overcome the effects of network transmission delay, which is termed networked predictive control (NPC). Furthermore, three different ways to choose control input are discussed and the performances are analyzed, respectively. Both real-time simulations and practical experiments show the effectiveness of the control scheme.  相似文献   

调和变权缓冲算子及其作用强度比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统缓冲算子不能实现作用强度的微调, 从而导致缓冲作用效果过强或过弱的问题, 构造了调和变权弱化缓冲算子(VWHWBO) 和调和变权强化缓冲算子(VWHSBO), 研究了该类缓冲算子调节度与可变权重之间的关系, 比较了调和变权缓冲算子与算术变权缓冲算子、几何变权缓冲算子的作用强度, 并探讨了该类缓冲算子的优化问题. 结果表明, 该类缓冲算子对序列的调节度是可变权重的单调增函数, 在控制作用强度方面的灵活性要明显优于传统缓冲算子; 算术变权缓冲算子、几何变权缓冲算子与调和变权缓冲算子的弱化算子和强化算子的作用强度都是依次递减的. 最后, 以我国能源消费总量的预测问题为例验证了调和变权缓冲算子的有效性与优越性, 以及三算子的作用强度.  相似文献   

关联规则挖掘中阈值协调器的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对动态的关联规则挖掘中阈值的合理设置问题,提出了一种阈值协调算法(TCA算法),以克服传统的主观经验设置阈值的局限。通过设计一个用于处理动态关联规则挖掘过程中矛盾规则的阈值协调器,以计算矛盾域为基础,动态调节阈值,求得规则的一个基本的阈值区间,达到客观设置阈值的目的。给出了该方法的具体步骤,通过实验证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

供应链信息共享效益分配及实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对由1个供应商,n个零售商组成的二级供应链中的零售商销售量信息共享产生的效益,提出了使用联盟博弈以合理地将其分配的方法。首先求出了信息共享产生的效益,然后通过Shapley值对效益进行分配。考虑了存在和不存在边际效益递减的两种情况。研究发现,存在边际效益递减时,零售商具有更强烈的参与联盟的动机。通过实证说明了结论的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种未经相移只采用实值权的均匀圆阵的去相干波束形成算法.均匀圆阵在模式空间中被转换为一虚拟线阵,利用此虚拟线阵的特殊阵列模型结构可构造一特殊矩阵,使其秩只与信源个数有关.该特殊矩阵的虚部所张成的空间包含干扰信号子空间,所以得到干扰信号子空间的正交补空间.利用此干扰信号子空问的正交补空间可以构造出一实值权向量.该算法不需空间平滑就可以抑制相干干扰,较传统的空间平滑算法具有更小的计算量,且在小快拍数下就能收敛且性能稳定.仿真结果显示出算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对合作研发中研发能力和谈判能力对利益分配和研发模式的影响,运用纳什谈判解,构建了存在双边道德风险的合作研发联合生产模型.研究表明:合作研发实现的净收益随参与方研发能力的增强而增大.分析了合作双方研发能力和谈判能力对最优线性分配比例的影响,得到以下结论:一方所得分配比例随自身研发能力的增强而增大,随对方研发能力的增强而减小,但与双方的谈判能力无关.考察了研发模式的选择与研发能力的关系:只有当合作研发能实现正的合作净剩余时,企业才会采用合作研发的模式;当研发能力差距悬殊时,实力较弱一方应将研发业务外包给实力较强一方.  相似文献   

提出了卫星信号丢失情况下在已知环境中高精度自主导航系统的重构方案与具体实现方法。在通常情况下自主导航系统采取INS/GPS基本组合方法,在GPS信号无效时,采用基于模糊规则的系统自主切换方法实施备用导航方案。设计了源于即时定位与制图在线制图思想的地图匹配辅助高精度自主导航实现方案,详细论述了自主导航系统重构方法和算法设计。通过实测数据,针对此方案在GPS信号不同覆盖情况下进行了计算机仿真,给出改进方案与传统方法的实际路试对比结果,具有实际工程意义。  相似文献   

The convergence and stability analysis for two end-to-end rate-based congestion control algorithms with unavoidable random loss in packets are presented, which can be caused by, for example, errors on wireless links. The convergence rates of these two algorithms are analyzed by linearizing them around their equilibrium points, since they are globally stable and can converge to their unique equilibrium points. Some sufficient conditions for local stability in the presence of round-trip delay are obtained based on the general Nyquist criterion of stability. The stability conditions can be considered to be more general. If random loss in the first congestion control algorithm is not considered, they reduce to the local stability conditions which have been obtained in some literatures. Furthermore, sufficient conditions for local stability of a new congestion control algorithm have also been obtained if random loss is not considered in the second congestion control algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the optimal and suboptimal deconvolution problems for discrete-time systems with random delayed observations. When the random delay is known online, i.e., time stamped, the random delayed system is reconstructed as an equivalent delay-free one by using measurement reorganization technique, and then an optimal input white noise estimator is presented based on the stochastic Kahnan filtering theory. However, tb_e optimal white-noise estimator is timevarying, stochastic, and doesn't converge to a steady state in general. Then an alternative suboptimal input white-noise estimator with deterministic gains is developed under a new criteria. The estimator gain and its respective error covariance-matrix information are derived based on a new suboptimal state estimator. It can be shown that the suboptimal input white-noise estimator converges to a steady-state one under appropriate assumptions.  相似文献   

制造业之间的产能不均导致了许多潜在的浪费,为使现存资源得到更高效的利用,物联网平台可以帮助制造商双方进行信息对接,克服产能不均的限制,实现资源共享.本文以两个制造商为研究对象,探讨双方进行产品转移的最优决策问题,建立了碳配额和减排双重约束的利润优化模型.在两种情景下(双方碳配额都充足,一方充足一方不足)分别讨论了制造业之间产能共享的优化决策,并通过数值分析进行验证.结果表明:配额不足能促进企业的积极减排.产能充足的企业的减排成本及碳价格对双方资源共享的条件有直接的影响.在企业减排成本接受范围内,产能充足的企业的减排有利于其竞争优势的提高.  相似文献   

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