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Summary We found no overall correlation between mitochondrial swelling and PDG activity under many different conditions. We conclude that augmented PDG activity in acidosis is not related, at least to any great extent, to increased anion permeability produced by mitochondrial swelling.Acknowledgments. Supported by NIH Grant AM 15458. The authors wish to express their appreciation to Betty Mendelson, Susan Dreux, and Patti Werr for secreterial assistance.  相似文献   

We found no overall correlation between mitochondrial swelling and PDG activity under many different conditions. We conclude that augmented PDG activity in acidosis is not related, at least to any great extent, to increased anion permeability produced by mitochondrial swelling.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aktive Glutaminase I wurde in Meerschweinchen- und Kaninchenleber, in Nierengewebsextrakten und in Mitochondrienpräparaten der erwähnten Organe bei pH 7,2 nachgewiesen.dl-Glutaminsäure bewirkte eine ausgesprochene Hemmung des Enzyms nach Zusatz von Phosphat. In hypertonischer Sukrosenährlösung lässt sich eine Aktivierung durch Phosphatzusatz gewöhnlich nicht nachweisen, selbst nicht beim pH-Optimum 7,2, es sei denn bei sehr hohen Phosphatkonzentrationen.  相似文献   

Riassunto L'Autore ha studiato l'influenza della concentrazione degli ioni Ca++ e Mg++ sull'ATPasi degli atri e dei ventricoli di cuore di cavia. Tale attività è maggiore a pH 9,2 che a pH 6,8. Mentre il Ca++ influisce differenziando decisamente le attività degli atri da quelle dei ventricoli, il Mg++ accentua piuttosto una differenza tra la parte destra e la sinistra. Il calore distrugge quasi completamente l'attività enzimatica dopo una permanenza a 60° per 20 min.  相似文献   

Summary The oral administration of 0.4% taurine in drinking water for 14 consecutive days showed the following hepatic effects in male guinea pig. The percentage of tauro-conjugated biliary bile acids was increased from 17.2–54.2%; the ratio liver weight/body weight was increased, and fatty change was induced. Liver triglyceride concentration was accordingly increased; diglyceride and phosphatidylcholine concentrations were reduced by the treatment, while phosphatidylethanolamine level was not affected. These changes suggest an adverse effect of taurine administration on phosphatidylcholine hepatic synthesis.  相似文献   

The oral administration of 0.4% taurine in drinking water for 14 consecutive days showed the following hepatic effects in male guinea pig. The percentage of tauro-conjugated biliary bile acids was increased from 17.2-54.2%; the ratio liver weight/body weight was increased, and fatty change was induced. Liver triglyceride concentration was accordingly increased; diglyceride and phosphatidylcholine concentrations were reduced by the treatment, while phosphatidylethanolamine level was not affected. These changes suggest an adverse effect of taurine administration on phosphatidylcholine hepatic synthesis.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Von der Voraussetzung ausgehend, dass alles Histamin in den Mastzellen lokalisiert ist, wurde berechnet, dass jede Mastzelle in Aorta, Trachea, Uterus und Jejunum des Meerschweinchens 25–34 µµg Histamin-Base enthält. Die anaphylaktische Freisetzung des Histamins war proportional der Verminderung des Mastzellengehaltes und wurde zu 12–17 µµg/Mastzelle berechnet. Jejunum gab keine anaphylaktische Reaktion.  相似文献   

Accumulation of cadmium in organs of guinea pigs after subchronic oral cadmium treatment (1 mg Cd/animal/24 h) was in the following order: kidneys > liver > heart > testes > brain. The preventive effects of high doses of ascorbic acid (AA) against cadmium deposition were more pronounced in the testes, heart and brain, and in the kidney only after short-term cadmium treatment. Ascorbic acid had no protective effect on cadmium accumulation in the liver.  相似文献   

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