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Recent contributions of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Jacob T  Wahr J  Pfeffer WT  Swenson S 《Nature》2012,482(7386):514-518
Glaciers and ice caps (GICs) are important contributors to present-day global mean sea level rise. Most previous global mass balance estimates for GICs rely on extrapolation of sparse mass balance measurements representing only a small fraction of the GIC area, leaving their overall contribution to sea level rise unclear. Here we show that GICs, excluding the Greenland and Antarctic peripheral GICs, lost mass at a rate of 148?±?30?Gt?yr(-1) from January 2003 to December 2010, contributing 0.41?±?0.08?mm?yr(-1) to sea level rise. Our results are based on a global, simultaneous inversion of monthly GRACE-derived satellite gravity fields, from which we calculate the mass change over all ice-covered regions greater in area than 100?km(2). The GIC rate for 2003-2010 is about 30 per cent smaller than the previous mass balance estimate that most closely matches our study period. The high mountains of Asia, in particular, show a mass loss of only 4?±?20?Gt?yr(-1) for 2003-2010, compared with 47-55?Gt?yr(-1) in previously published estimates. For completeness, we also estimate that the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, including their peripheral GICs, contributed 1.06?±?0.19?mm?yr(-1) to sea level rise over the same time period. The total contribution to sea level rise from all ice-covered regions is thus 1.48?±?0.26?mm?(-1), which agrees well with independent estimates of sea level rise originating from land ice loss and other terrestrial sources.  相似文献   

Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Antarctic Vostok ice core provided compelling evidence of the nature of climate, and of climate feedbacks, over the past 420,000 years. Marine records suggest that the amplitude of climate variability was smaller before that time, but such records are often poorly resolved. Moreover, it is not possible to infer the abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from marine records. Here we report the recovery of a deep ice core from Dome C, Antarctica, that provides a climate record for the past 740,000 years. For the four most recent glacial cycles, the data agree well with the record from Vostok. The earlier period, between 740,000 and 430,000 years ago, was characterized by less pronounced warmth in interglacial periods in Antarctica, but a higher proportion of each cycle was spent in the warm mode. The transition from glacial to interglacial conditions about 430,000 years ago (Termination V) resembles the transition into the present interglacial period in terms of the magnitude of change in temperatures and greenhouse gases, but there are significant differences in the patterns of change. The interglacial stage following Termination V was exceptionally long--28,000 years compared to, for example, the 12,000 years recorded so far in the present interglacial period. Given the similarities between this earlier warm period and today, our results may imply that without human intervention, a climate similar to the present one would extend well into the future.  相似文献   

Positioned near the top of the food web, the dietary composition of Antarctic penguins and seals can be an excellent indicator of the regional food web and thus the status of the marine ecosystem. The dietary composition of modern penguins and seals has been well investigated; a long-term time series of data on penguin and seal diets, however, are rare. Such data, especially any predating the initiation of human harvesting of fish, whales and seals in Antarctica, are crucial for understanding and predicting responses of regional marine food webs to natural climate changes. Here we review recent progress on research of paleodietary change in Antarctic penguins and seals, specifically the Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) and Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella). These studies indicate that the dietary changes of penguins correspond quite well with fluctuations in climate and sea ice extent during the Holocene. The depleted δ15N ratios found in modern Adelie penguins support the "krill surplus hypothesis" in relation to historic human depletion of krilleating fish, seals and whales.  相似文献   

Mass and volume contributions to twentieth-century global sea level rise   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Miller L  Douglas BC 《Nature》2004,428(6981):406-409
The rate of twentieth-century global sea level rise and its causes are the subjects of intense controversy. Most direct estimates from tide gauges give 1.5-2.0 mm yr(-1), whereas indirect estimates based on the two processes responsible for global sea level rise, namely mass and volume change, fall far below this range. Estimates of the volume increase due to ocean warming give a rate of about 0.5 mm yr(-1) (ref. 8) and the rate due to mass increase, primarily from the melting of continental ice, is thought to be even smaller. Therefore, either the tide gauge estimates are too high, as has been suggested recently, or one (or both) of the mass and volume estimates is too low. Here we present an analysis of sea level measurements at tide gauges combined with observations of temperature and salinity in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans close to the gauges. We find that gauge-determined rates of sea level rise, which encompass both mass and volume changes, are two to three times higher than the rates due to volume change derived from temperature and salinity data. Our analysis supports earlier studies that put the twentieth-century rate in the 1.5-2.0 mm yr(-1) range, but more importantly it suggests that mass increase plays a larger role than ocean warming in twentieth-century global sea level rise.  相似文献   

从船侧倾斜拍摄图像中提取海冰密集度的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为消除提取海冰密集度时因摄影镜头倾斜造成图像变形可能引起的误差,基于摄影测量学原理,对倾斜拍摄引起的图像变形进行修正,建立从倾斜拍摄的图像中提取海冰密集度的精确方法和相应的简化算法.以2006年德国南极威德尔海冬季考察中获取的图像为例,讨论了现场观测时的系统标定方法和不同算法的计算结果.对比分析验证了图像变形修正的必要性,说明简化算法能够同时保证海冰密集度计算的精度和效率.  相似文献   

众多国家和地区对非常规水源利用一直给予研究和重视。冬季海冰覆盖条件下,融水质量变化特征不同于常规灌溉,研究和掌握其规律对咸水冰资源综合利用十分重要。利用冬季室外冰柱、土柱实验,以实时监测海冰消融全过程为手段,深入分析冬季覆冰条件下海冰融水水量及总盐动态变化。实验结果表明:融水量最大值出现在下午15时左右;覆盖海冰条件下,海冰消融入渗过程分为集中排盐、深度脱盐、淡水入渗三个阶段。实验结果可为冬季覆冰或咸水结冰灌溉提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Acritarchs are organic-walled cysts of unicellular pro- tists that cannot be assigned to any known group of or- ganisms. Most acritarchs are probably the resting cysts of marine eukaryotic phytoplankton. Because of their small size, abundance and diversity, as well as widespread distri- bution, acritarchs are very useful in biostratigraphic cor- relation, as well as paleobiogeographic and paleoenviron- mental studies. Furthermore, they represent the fossil re- cord of the base of the marine fo…  相似文献   

近十年我国海平面变化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统地回顾了2006—2015年我国在海平面变化规律、机制及影响领域的最新研究进展。分析了全球及区域海平面以及比容海平面在不同时间尺度上的变化规律;探讨了海平面的变化机制,海表热通量、淡水通量、环流、风应力以及Rossby波对不同区域海平面变化的动力及热力影响;采用统计方法和数值模拟等手段,对21世纪海平面变化进行了预测;同时海平面变化会影响海洋的动力过程(如潮波系统的变化),并进而对近海和海岸带环境产生重要影响(如海岸侵蚀、海水入侵和土地盐渍化、河口咸潮入侵、近岸低地淹没、红树林衰退等)。  相似文献   

利用航海雷达在辽东湾冰区石油平台上,现场实时进行海冰观测;雷达监测海冰系统,针对海冰类型识别及对应冰厚度、流冰漂移速度、方向、冰边缘线等要素进行观测;应用统计模式分类法,对雷达观测的海冰数据进行分类、验证,其海冰分类识别结果标准率达80%以上,同时开展现场流冰跟踪数值预报业务,检验了现场雷达海冰监测、数值预报的可行性和应用性.  相似文献   

Results of grain size analysis and rock magnetic measurements of core NP95-1 from Prydz Bay, Antarctica revealed two series of ice-rafted detritus layers, which correspond to cold climatic events, Younger Dryas and Heinrich event 1, occurring at about 11.7-10.3 and 14.3-13.6 kaB.P. respectively. Studies also show that the sequence of paleoclimatic changes in Antarctica can be correlated with that in other parts of the world, and that the millennia1 climate of the earth could change synchronously and globally. In addition, magnetic fabric analysis also shows a close relationship between paleoclimatic change and ocean circulation re-assemblage.  相似文献   

A pollen record of core PC-1 from the northern Okinawa Trough, East China Sea (ECS), provides information on vegetation and climate changes since 24 cal. kaBP. A total of 103 samples were palynologically analyzed at 8 cm intervals with a time resolution of 230 a. Four pollen zones are recognized: zone Ⅰ (812-715 cm, 24.2-21.1 cah kaBP), zone Ⅱ (715-451 cm, 21.1-15.2 cah kaBP), zone Ⅲ (451-251 cm, 15.2-0.8 cah kaBP), zone Ⅳ (251-0 cm, 10.8-0.3 cal. kaBP), corresponding to Late MIS 3, Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), deglaciation and Holocene, respectively. The LGM is characterized by the dominance of herbs, mainly Artemisia, and high pollen influx, implying an open vegetation on the ex- posed continental shelf and a cool and dry climate. The deglaciation is a climate warming stage with Pinus percentage increased and Artemisia percentage decreased and a rapid sea-level rise. The Holocene is characterized by predominance of tree pollen with rapid increase in Castanea-Castanopsis indicating the development of mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest and a warm, humid climate. Low pollen influx during the Holocene probably implies submergence of the continental shelf and retreat of the pollen source area. The vegetation indicated by pollen assemblage found in this upper zone is consistent with the present vegetation found in Kyushu, Japan. Originating from the humid mountain area of North Luzon of the Philippines, Tasmania and New Zealand, Phyllocladus with sporadic occurrence throughout PC-1 core probably suggests the influence of Palaeo-Kuroshio Current or intense summer monsoon. The observed changes in Pinus and Herbs percentage indicate fluctuations of the sea level, and high Pinus percentage corresponds to high sea level. Spectrum analysis of the pollen percentage record reveals many millennial-scale periodicities, such as periodicities of 6.8, 3.8, 2.2, 1.6 ka.  相似文献   

Bell RE  Studinger M  Tikku AA  Clarke GK  Gutner MM  Meertens C 《Nature》2002,416(6878):307-310
The subglacial Lake Vostok may be a unique reservoir of genetic material and it may contain organisms with distinct adaptations, but it has yet to be explored directly. The lake and the overlying ice sheet are closely linked, as the ice-sheet thickness drives the lake circulation, while melting and freezing at the ice-sheet base will control the flux of water, biota and sediment through the lake. Here we present a reconstruction of the ice flow trajectories for the Vostok core site, using ice-penetrating radar data and Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements of surface ice velocity. We find that the ice sheet has a significant along-lake flow component, persistent since the Last Glacial Maximum. The rates at which ice is frozen (accreted) to the base of the ice sheet are greatest at the shorelines, and the accreted ice layer is subsequently transported out of the lake. Using these new flow field and velocity measurements, we estimate the time for ice to traverse Lake Vostok to be 16,000-20,000 years. We infer that most Vostok ice analysed to date was accreted to the ice sheet close to the western shoreline, and is therefore not representative of open lake conditions. From the amount of accreted lake water we estimate to be exported along the southern shoreline, the lake water residence time is about 13,300 years.  相似文献   

Fang C  Smith P  Moncrieff JB  Smith JU 《Nature》2005,433(7021):57-59
Our understanding of the relationship between the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) and soil temperature affects our predictions of the impact of climate change on soil-stored carbon. One current opinion is that the decomposition of soil labile carbon is sensitive to temperature variation whereas resistant components are insensitive. The resistant carbon or organic matter in mineral soil is then assumed to be unresponsive to global warming. But the global pattern and magnitude of the predicted future soil carbon stock will mainly rely on the temperature sensitivity of these resistant carbon pools. To investigate this sensitivity, we have incubated soils under changing temperature. Here we report that SOM decomposition or soil basal respiration rate was significantly affected by changes in SOM components associated with soil depth, sampling method and incubation time. We find, however, that the temperature sensitivity for SOM decomposition was not affected, suggesting that the temperature sensitivity for resistant organic matter pools does not differ significantly from that of labile pools, and that both types of SOM will therefore respond similarly to global warming.  相似文献   

Raper SC  Braithwaite RJ 《Nature》2006,439(7074):311-313
The mean sea level has been projected to rise in the 21st century as a result of global warming. Such projections of sea level change depend on estimated future greenhouse emissions and on differing models, but model-average results from a mid-range scenario (A1B) suggests a 0.387-m rise by 2100 (refs 1, 2). The largest contributions to sea level rise are estimated to come from thermal expansion (0.288 m) and the melting of mountain glaciers and icecaps (0.106 m), with smaller inputs from Greenland (0.024 m) and Antarctica (- 0.074 m). Here we apply a melt model and a geometric volume model to our lower estimate of ice volume and assess the contribution of glaciers to sea level rise, excluding those in Greenland and Antarctica. We provide the first separate assessment of melt contributions from mountain glaciers and icecaps, as well as an improved treatment of volume shrinkage. We find that icecaps melt more slowly than mountain glaciers, whose area declines rapidly in the 21st century, making glaciers a limiting source for ice melt. Using two climate models, we project sea level rise due to melting of mountain glaciers and icecaps to be 0.046 and 0.051 m by 2100, about half that of previous projections.  相似文献   

To explain the lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations during glacial periods, it has been suggested that the productivity of marine phytoplankton was stimulated by an increased flux of iron-bearing dust to the oceans. One component of this theory is that iron-an essential element/nutrient for nitrogen-fixing organisms-will increase the rate of marine nitrogen fixation, fuelling the growth of other marine phytoplankton and increasing CO2 uptake. Here we present data that questions this hypothesis. From a sediment core off the northwestern continental margin of Mexico, we show that denitrification and phosphorite formation-processes that occur in oxygen-deficient upwelling regions, removing respectively nitrogen and phosphorus from the ocean-declined in glacial periods, thus increasing marine inventories of nitrogen and phosphorus. But increases in phosphorus were smaller and less rapid, leading to increased N/P ratios in the oceans. Acknowledging that phytoplankton require nitrogen and phosphorus in constant proportions, the Redfield ratio, and that N/P ratios greater than the Redfield ratio are likely to suppress nitrogen fixation, we suggest therefore that marine productivity did not increase in glacial periods in response to either increased nutrient inventories or greater iron supply.  相似文献   

以太湖为研究对象,综合采用Mann-Kendall突变检验和Morlet小波分析等方法,分析太湖1960—2018年水位数据,阐明太湖水文特征变化及其影响因素.结果表明:1960—2018年间太湖水位整体呈现缓慢上升趋势,极值水位波动幅度较强;年内水位受降雨分配的影响呈单峰型变化,汛期尤为明显;水位周期性显示稳定的时间尺度是9 a,变化强烈的时间尺度分别是22和28 a;气候变化和人类活动共同影响了太湖水位的变化,2000年前太湖水位对降水的响应十分敏感,而2000年后太湖水位受人为调控而趋于稳定;合理范围内的水位波动对整个流域的水资源调配和太湖的生态水文特征有重要影响,科学的水利工程调控有利于太湖湖泊生态系统的健康发展.研究结果可为太湖水情调控和湖泊生态系统管理提供理论参考和决策依据.   相似文献   

We have collected a suite ofPaleoloxodon naumanni-Coelodonta antiquitatis fossils from a river terrace profile between Xi’an and Xianyang cities in Guanzhong Area, Shaanxi Province. A detailed examination of the fossils, together with14C determinations and pollen analyses, have enabled us to reconstruct preliminary features of climate and environment changes and their evolutionary processes, within the last glacial maximum (LGM): about 20 ka ago, the climate was basically cool and wet, and was favourable for the existence ofPaleoloxodon naumanni-Coelodonta antiquitatis fauna. This was followed by a cold, dry phase which was no longer suitable for this type of faunal suite, causing the death of a large number of mammalian assemblages. The available evidence indicates the existence of cold-dry and cool-wet climate and environment fluctuations during the LGM. The cool-wet stage within the LGM reflects a Heinrich event occurring in the high latitude areas, proving the existence of a teleconnection between polar-high latitude areas and the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Xinjiang Autonomous Region is located in the arid area of westerly of China and there are many arguments about the changes of past temperature and moisture. Most of the lakes on the plain in northern Xinjiang are sealed lakes and terminal lakes. They can evidently reflect the changes in palaeoclimate. The palaeoenvironmental changes of some plain lakes in northern Xinjiang during the late Holocene will be analysed mainly based on the data of pollen, sedimentary facies, loss on ignition (LOI), susceptibility and grain size from the Sichang Lake, Dongdaohaizi Lake and Aibi Lake. Results reveal an assembled pattern of temperature and moisture dominated by cold-wet and warm-dry. In addition, the impact factor will be discussed.  相似文献   

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