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在河北省曲阳石炭一二叠纪地层中发现古植物化石29属62种,包括真蕨纲和种子蕨纲、楔叶纲、石松纲、瓢叶纲、苏铁纲、种子化石、科达纲、银杏纲.此古植物群华夏植物群的特点明显,纵向上可划分成5个古植物组合;演化具有阶段性,组合的变化与古地理6个演化阶段相适应.  相似文献   

Origin and evolution of new genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organisms have variable gcnome sizes and contain different numbers of genes. This difference demonstrates that new gene origination is a fundamental process in evolutionary biology. Though the study of the origination of new genes dated back more than half a century ago, it is not until the 1990s when the first young genejingwei was found that empirical investigation of the molecular mechanisms of origination of new genes became possible. In the recent years, several young genes were identified and the studies on these genes have greatly enriched the knowledge of this field. Yet more details in a general picture of new genes origination are to be clarified. We have developed a systematic approach to searching for young genes at the genomic level, in the hope to summarize a general pattern of the origination and evolution of new genes, such as the rate of new gene appearance, impact of new genes on their host genomes, etc.  相似文献   

为研究赣江河流沉积物的物质来源及源区地壳生长和演化规律,对已报道年龄的123个赣江河流沉积物碎屑锆石中的80个代表性锆石开展Lu-Hf同位素组成分析。研究表明:赣江碎屑锆石年龄分布特征与华夏地块的年龄分布非常一致,表明赣江沉积物主要来源于华夏地块;结合Hf同位素分析结果,能够反映源区华夏地块的形成与演化历史。新太古代锆石的εHf(t)值近似为0,表明该时期发生了强烈的壳幔混合作用;中-新元古代锆石εHf(t)值既有正值也有负值,说明源区物质既有古老地壳物质的再循环,也有新生地壳物质的加入;显生宙以来,εHf(t)值绝大多数为负值,且对应的两阶段模式年龄以古元古代-中元古代的年龄为主,说明显生宙以来的岩浆活动主要来源于古元古代-中元古代新生地壳的再造,直接来源于亏损地幔的物质很少。2.1~1.1 Ga是华夏地块地壳生长的主要阶段,此阶段形成的物质构成现今华夏地块全部地壳物质的80%以上。  相似文献   

中国古代蹴鞠的起源、发展及消亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代的蹴鞠具有对抗性、竞技性,娱乐性和健身性。从蹴鞠发展的历史来看,汉唐时期,由于具有竞技性、健身性和娱乐性,蹴鞠得到了广泛普及和发展。到了宋代,无论在技术水平上还是在普及程度上蹴鞠都达到了顶峰,人们对蹴鞠健身性能的认识进一步加深。元代以后,蹴鞠的娱乐性越来越突出,其他三种特性逐渐减弱,蹴鞠运动逐渐衰微以至消亡。这种结果与蹴鞠积极的社会功能的丧失直接相关。  相似文献   

尼泊尔南部多热带成分,北部多高山植物,表现出明显的垂直分带.种子植物1451属,5000种,属于热带的科数不少,但属种不多.反之,亚热带成分则有较多的属和种.裸子植物只有雪松Cedrus是特有.有花植物仅61属不见于中国,特有属只有14属.60%的种与滇、藏共有.热带成分与云南较密切,亚热带成分则与西藏的最接近. 喜马拉雅植物区系只有4000万年的历史.区系成分基本上是华夏的.少数与北极、北美、日本“间断分布”的成分也是华夏的,尼泊尔及喜马拉雅植物区系是华夏植物区系的后裔,而不是传统上所说的,是中国植物区系的摇篮.  相似文献   

Main characteristics of the Permian redbed gymnmprms in North China have been summarized: dominant peltasperms and conifers, numerous enigmatics such asGigantonoclea andPsygmophyllum, and abundant precursors of Mesozoic gymnosperm. Furthermore, stresses affecting these plants survival are suggested to be paleoatmospheric CO2 concentration, water stress, wind and fire activities, und fungal infection. Consequently, a preliminary analysis accounts for the ecological strategies of these gymnosperms to the P-Tr event.  相似文献   

通过对肥城煤田晚石炭-早二叠世小有孔虫动物群的研究,共鉴定出小有孔虫化石25属73种。自上而下可建立三个小有孔虫组合:ⅢMultidiscustalimuensis-Glomospira-Palaeotextularia组合,ⅡTetrataxis-Nodosaria-Palaeotextularia组合,ⅠEotuberitina-Bradyina组合。通过与其它地区小有孔虫组合对比,肥城煤田这三个小有孔虫组合的时代应分别为晚石炭世晚期(组合Ⅰ)和早二叠世早期(组合Ⅱ和组合Ⅲ)。  相似文献   

模因论是一种基于达尔文进化论的观点解释文化进化规律的新理论,现被借用到语用学研究中,为揭示语言发展规律提供了全新的视角。语用模因现象有着悠久的历史渊源,研究者普遍认为,模因通过模仿而传播,是文化的基本单位,同时根据语用功能,研究者将模因分为强模因与弱模因、利模因与弊模因等类别。  相似文献   

山东淄博煤田晚石炭世—早二叠世植物化石经鉴定,共计37属104种,其中包括11个新种。分析了本区植物化石的埋藏类型,根据各类植物的生活习性和生境,将晚石炭世—早二叠世植物群划分为五个植物群落,讨论了它们的多度、成分、结构和生活型等特征,并采用信息函数数理统计方法,应用电子计算机对各植物群落的分异度和均衡度进行了计算。  相似文献   

广州地区前华夏植物群研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广州地区晚泥盆世至早石炭世植物群计 2 3属 4 1种,以真蕨纲和种子蕨纲为主,石松纲居次,另外还有少量楔叶纲、科达纲及种子化石.按地层分布当前植物群可分为沙水岗组植物组合、龙江组植物组合及测水组植物组合.分析该植物群的组成特征,其性质属前华夏植物群  相似文献   

The origin of new structures and functions is an important process in evolution. In the past decades, we have obtained some preliminary knowledge of the origin and evolution of new genes. However, as the basic unit of genes, the origin and evolution of exons remain unclear. Because young exons retain the footprints of origination, they can be good materials for studying origin and evolution of new exons. In this paper, we report two young exons in a zinc finger protein gene of rodents. Since they are unique sequences in mouse and rat genome and no homologous sequences were found in the orthologous genes of human and pig, the young exons might originate after the divergence of primates and rodents through exonization of intronic sequences. Strong positive selection was detected in the new exons between mouse and rat, suggesting that these exons have undergone significant functional divergence after the separation of the two species. On the other hand, population genetics data of mouse demonstrate that the new exons have been subject to functional constraint, indicating an important function of the new exons in mouse. Functional analyses suggest that these new exons encode a nuclear localization signal peptide, which may mediate new ways of nuclear protein transport. To our knowledge, this is the first example of the origin and evolution of young exons.  相似文献   

记述了福建西部龙岩、宁化等地晚石炭世及早二叠世地层中发现的四射珊瑚5个新属及其典型种。它们分别是:黄龙组的Yinophyllum crassus,Ninghuaphyllum typicum,马平阶的Pseudobothrophyllum fujianense,Paraantheria irregularis,Jingyangophyllum。  相似文献   

The petrochemical as well as zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic studies of granulite facies metamorphic rock from the Tao'xi Group in eastern Nanling Range, Central Cathaysia indicate that its protolith is the sedimentary rock with low maturation index. The clastic materials are mostly from middle Neoproterozoic (-736 Ma) granitoid rocks with minor Neoarchaean and Paleoproterozoic rocks. The timing of this Neoproterozoic magmatism is in agreement with the second period of magmatism widespread surrounding the Yangtze Block. Hf isotopic data indicate that the Neoproterozoic granitoids resulted from the recycled Paleoproterozoic mantle-derived crustal materials. The sedimentary rock was deposited in Late Neoproterozoic Era, and carried into low crust in Early Paleozoic. The partial melting of the meta-sedimentary rock took place at about 480 Ma and subsequently granulite facies metamorphism occurred at ca. 443 Ma. The zircons forming during this time interval (Early Paleozoic) show large Hf isotope variations, and their ZHf(t) values increase from -13.2 to +2.36 with decreasing age, suggesting the injection of mantle-derived materials during partial melting and metamorphism processes in the Early Paleozoic. Calculation results show that this metamorphic rock, if evolved to Mesozoic, has similar isotopic composition to the nearby Mesozoic high Si peraluminous granites, implying that this kind of granulite facies metamorphic rock is probably the source material of some Mesozoic peraluminous granitoids in eastern Nanling Range.  相似文献   

A combined study of zircon U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes and trace elements has been carried out for granodioritic neosomes of migmatites from the Tianjingping area in northwestern Fujian Province. Zircons are characterized by zoning, higher Th/U ratios (mostly≥0.1), HREE enrichment, and positive Ce and negative Eu anomalies, and show features similar to magmatic or anatectic zircons. Apparent ^206Pb/^238U ages for the zircons are 447±2 Ma (95 % conf., MSWD=0.88), corresponding to a Caledonian event. εHf(t) values are -13.3 to -9.7, indicating a crustal source. Two-stage Hf model ages are 1.7 to 1.9 Ga, suggesting that protolith of the migmates was probably formed in the Paleoproterozoic. The granodioritic neosomes have the characteristics of peraluminous calc-alkaline granite, and their REE patterns and trace elements spidergrams show features of middle to upper crustal rocks. Together with previous studies, we conclude that the protolith of the Cathaysia basement in the Tianjingping area was likely formed in the middle-late Paleoproterozoic and experienced partial melting during the Caledonian period. The recognition of Caledonian reworking of the Paleoproterozoic basement in the Cathaysia Block provides a new insight into the tectonic evolution of the Cathaysia Block in the Caledonian period and the interaction between the Cathaysia Block and the Yangtze Block.  相似文献   

按时间序列论述服装表演的起源与变迁,探讨其发展历程与演变趋势.结果表明,时装表演来源于一种称之为"玩偶模特"的法国宫廷礼品及其随后出现的玩偶时装表演.19世纪中叶,英国服装设计师C.F.沃思开创了真人时装表演之先河,造就了"模特小姐"职业.20世纪初,商业活动、经济发展与科技进步促使时装表演从街头走向舞台,从单纯的商业行为演变为一种新型艺术表演形式.近年来,经济全球化,电视、互联网的普及以及商业竞争的加剧使得时装表演向多元化方向演变:专业性服装表演不再局限于高档次、高规格、大规模的舞台展示,而且出现在街头与露天,追求标新立异与轰动效应;业余表演反而更加关注舞台、灯光、乐队的层次,刻意迎合演出的主题、档次与水平.模特大赛、选美大赛以及艺术院校、模特培训机构造就了一批专业名模,但超级名模的发现与成长,"星探"的作用不可小觑.模特行业与舞蹈、戏剧、艺术、体育运动等行业相互交融,模特职业已渗透到文化、艺术、公关等社会领域.在中国内地,表演的服装存在着过分重视艺术性而忽视商业性、实用性问题.年轻设计师甚至艺术院校大学生的作品充满了奇思妙想,但很难实现批量生产和走进市场.  相似文献   

右江盆地晚古生代白云岩与层序地层的关系及其储集性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广西右江盆地晚古生代白云岩为研究对象,详细研究了白云岩在剖面上的分布与产出的形态, 归纳起来包括5种类型:(1)与硅质岩互层;(2)与灰质泥岩互层;(3)与灰黑色中层含光壳节石的微晶灰岩互层;(4)与灰白色厚层块状生物屑灰岩互层;(5)与厚层块状灰质白云岩、白云质灰岩互层.在此基础上讨论了白云岩的分布与层序地层学的关系,即与LST有关的白云岩主要为一套角砾状白云岩;与TST有关的白云岩主要为薄层状的硅质粉-细晶白云岩或细晶白云岩;与HST有关的白云岩主要为厚层块状中-粗晶白云岩或含残余生物屑结构白云岩.进而研究了白云岩的储集性,讨论了不同类型的白云岩和不同体系域内的白云岩的储集性.这为全面研究白云岩储层提供了基础资料.  相似文献   

陆生植物的起源和维管植物的早期演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆生植物的起源和演化是地球生命中的重大事件,它影响到地球上所有的其他生命和全球环境。在过去的20年中,从中奥陶世历经整个志留纪至早泥盆世的岩层中,化石植物(微化石和大化石)的新发现改变了人们对陆生植物起源的认识,并且为陆生植物和维管植物早期演化分异提供了基部类群分化的时间框架。据此人们识别出地史中的3个陆生植物的时代:始胚植物时代、始维管植物时代和真维管植物时代。另一方面,分子系统的研究使人们深入认识了植物的系统发育和早期分支。通过比较形态学研究和基因序列的共同努力,建立了植物系统发育树。总结了最近的进展和新的认识,评价了基于分支分析的系统发育研究。  相似文献   

As one of the representative members of the Late Palaeozoic Cathaysian flora, Cathaysiodendron has been previously recorded from the Early Permian Taiyuan and Shanxi Formations in north China. The species of Cathaysiodendron presented here are from the lower member of Chouniugou Formation of Ciyao, Jingyuan, Gansu. The overlying marine beds yield fusulinids that are of Visean age in western Europe and conodonts of the Datang Stage in south China, so that the age of the bed containing Cathaysiodendron as Visean, Early Carboniferous, is well constrained. Such a record of Cathaysiodendron is significant in terms of Carboniferous phytogeography and the evolution of the Cathaysian Lepidophytes. A new species, Cathaysiodendron jingyuanense Wang & Wu sp. nov. is described and a second one mentioned.  相似文献   

昆虫起源、进化及其原因模糊性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据现代昆虫学,生物进化论成就,对昆虫起源,昆虫进化,昆虫行为进化及其原因中模糊问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

为进一步探明河东煤田离柳矿区沉积地层和岩石学特征,通过野外实测剖面和显微岩相学方法研究了离柳矿区枣林沟地层和岩石学特征。结果表明:该区石炭系厚约14.5m,仅存上石炭统本溪组C2b和太原组下段C2t;二叠系厚度超过112m,包括太原组上段P1t、山西组P1-2s、下石盒子组P2x和上石盒子组P2-3s(未见顶)。可见该区沉积地层主要为二叠系,并以陆源碎屑岩为主,含少量碳酸盐岩和铁质岩。铁质岩主要组成矿物为褐铁矿,碳酸盐岩仅见于太原组上段。  相似文献   

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