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Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles that project from the surface of nearly every animal cell. Although important functions of primary cilia in morphogenesis and tissue homeostasis have been identified, the mechanisms that control the formation of primary cilia are not understood. Here we characterize a zebrafish gene, termed duboraya (dub), that is essential for ciliogenesis. Knockdown of dub in zebrafish embryos results in both defects in primary cilia formation in Kupffer's vesicle and randomization of left-right organ asymmetries. We show that, at the molecular level, the function of dub in ciliogenesis is regulated by phosphorylation, which in turn depends on Frizzled-2-mediated noncanonical Wnt signaling. We also provide evidence that, at the cellular level, dub function is essential for actin organization in the cells lining Kupffer's vesicle. Taken together, our findings identify a molecular factor that links noncanonical Wnt signaling with the control of left-right axis specification, and provide an entry point for analyzing the mechanisms that regulate primary cilia formation.  相似文献   

The Notch-signalling pathway is important in establishing metameric pattern during somitogenesis. In mice, the lack of either of two molecules involved in the Notch-signalling pathway, Mesp2 or presenilin-1 (Ps1), results in contrasting phenotypes: caudalized versus rostralized vertebra. Here we adopt a genetic approach to analyse the molecular mechanism underlying the establishment of rostro-caudal polarity in somites. By focusing on the fact that expression of a Notch ligand, Dll1, is important for prefiguring somite identity, we found that Mesp2 initiates establishment of rostro-caudal polarity by controlling two Notch-signalling pathways. Initially, Mesp2 activates a Ps1-independent Notch-signalling cascade to suppress Dll1 expression and specify the rostral half of the somite. Ps1-mediated Notch-signalling is required to induce Dll1 expression in the caudal half of the somite. Therefore, Mesp2- and Ps1-dependent activation of Notch-signalling pathways might differentially regulate Dll1 expression, resulting in the establishment of the rostro-caudal polarity of somites.  相似文献   

Although advances have been made in understanding cell differentiation, only rudimentary knowledge exists concerning how differentiated cells form tissues and organs. We studied liver organogenesis because the cell and tissue architecture of this organ is well defined. Approximately 60% of the adult liver consists of hepatocytes that are arranged as single-cell anastomosing plates extending from the portal region of the liver lobule toward the central vein. The basal surface of the hepatocytes is separated from adjacent sinusoidal endothelial cells by the space of Disse, where the exchange of substances between serum and hepatocytes takes place. The hepatocyte's apical surface forms bile canaliculi that transport bile to the hepatic ducts. Proper liver architecture is crucial for hepatic function and is commonly disrupted in disease states, including cirrhosis and hepatitis. Here we report that hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha (Hnf4alpha) is essential for morphological and functional differentiation of hepatocytes, accumulation of hepatic glycogen stores and generation of a hepatic epithelium. We show that Hnf4alpha is a dominant regulator of the epithelial phenotype because its ectopic expression in fibroblasts induces a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. Most importantly, the morphogenetic parameters controlled by Hnf4alpha in hepatocytes are essential for normal liver architecture, including the organization of the sinusoidal endothelium.  相似文献   

A centrosomal mechanism involving CDK5RAP2 and CENPJ controls brain size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly is a potential model in which to research genes involved in human brain growth. We show that two forms of the disorder result from homozygous mutations in the genes CDK5RAP2 and CENPJ. We found neuroepithelial expression of the genes during prenatal neurogenesis and protein localization to the spindle poles of mitotic cells, suggesting that a centrosomal mechanism controls neuron number in the developing mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Epithelial organs, including the lung, are known to possess regenerative abilities through activation of endogenous stem cell populations, but the molecular pathways regulating stem cell expansion and regeneration are not well understood. Here we show that Gata6 regulates the temporal appearance and number of bronchioalveolar stem cells (BASCs) in the lung, its absence in Gata6-null lung epithelium leading to the precocious appearance of BASCs and concurrent loss in epithelial differentiation. This expansion of BASCs was the result of a pronounced increase in canonical Wnt signaling in lung epithelium upon loss of Gata6. Expression of the noncanonical Wnt receptor Fzd2 was downregulated in Gata6 mutants and increased Fzd2 or decreased beta-catenin expression rescued, in part, the lung epithelial defects in Gata6 mutants. During lung epithelial regeneration, canonical Wnt signaling was activated in the niche containing BASCs and forced activation of Wnt signaling led to a large increase in BASC numbers. Moreover, Gata6 was required for proper lung epithelial regeneration, and postnatal loss of Gata6 led to increased BASC expansion and decreased differentiation. Together, these data demonstrate that Gata6-regulated Wnt signaling controls the balance between progenitor expansion and epithelial differentiation required for both lung development and regeneration.  相似文献   

Nephronophthisis (NPHP), an autosomal recessive cystic kidney disease, leads to chronic renal failure in children. The genes mutated in NPHP1 and NPHP4 have been identified, and a gene locus associated with infantile nephronophthisis (NPHP2) was mapped. The kidney phenotype of NPHP2 combines clinical features of NPHP and polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Here, we identify inversin (INVS) as the gene mutated in NPHP2 with and without situs inversus. We show molecular interaction of inversin with nephrocystin, the product of the gene mutated in NPHP1 and interaction of nephrocystin with beta-tubulin, a main component of primary cilia. We show that nephrocystin, inversin and beta-tubulin colocalize to primary cilia of renal tubular cells. Furthermore, we produce a PKD-like renal cystic phenotype and randomization of heart looping by knockdown of invs expression in zebrafish. The interaction and colocalization in cilia of inversin, nephrocystin and beta-tubulin connect pathogenetic aspects of NPHP to PKD, to primary cilia function and to left-right axis determination.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases often have critical roles in particular cell lineages by initiating signalling cascades in those lineages. Examples include the neural-specific TRK receptors, the VEGF and angiopoietin endothelial-specific receptors, and the muscle-specific MUSK receptor. Many lineage-restricted receptor tyrosine kinases were initially identified as 'orphans' homologous to known receptors, and only subsequently used to identify their unknown growth factors. Some receptor-tyrosine-kinase-like orphans still lack identified ligands as well as biological roles. Here we characterize one such orphan, encoded by Ror2 (ref. 12). We report that disruption of mouse Ror2 leads to profound skeletal abnormalities, with essentially all endochondrally derived bones foreshortened or misshapen, albeit to differing degrees. Further, we find that Ror2 is selectively expressed in the chondrocytes of all developing cartilage anlagen, where it essential during initial growth and patterning, as well as subsequently in the proliferating chondrocytes of mature growth plates, where it is required for normal expansion. Thus, Ror2 encodes a receptor-like tyrosine kinase that is selectively expressed in, and particularly important for, the chondrocyte lineage.  相似文献   

Modulation of tumor suppressor activities may provide new opportunities for cancer therapy. Here we show that disruption of the gene Ppm1d encoding Wip1 phosphatase activated the p53 and p16 (also called Ink4a)-p19 (also called ARF) pathways through p38 MAPK signaling and suppressed in vitro transformation of mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) by oncogenes. Disruption of the gene Cdkn2a (encoding p16 and p19), but not of Trp53 (encoding p53), reconstituted cell transformation in Ppm1d-null MEFs. In vivo, deletion of Ppm1d in mice bearing mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter-driven oncogenes Erbb2 (also called c-neu) or Hras1 impaired mammary carcinogenesis, whereas reduced expression of p16 and p19 by methylation-induced silencing or inactivation of p38 MAPK correlated with tumor appearance. We conclude that inactivation or depletion of the Wip1 phosphatase with resultant p38 MAPK activation suppresses tumor appearance by modulating the Cdkn2a tumor-suppressor locus.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor substrates (Irs proteins) mediate the pleiotropic effects of insulin and Igf-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1), including regulation of glucose homeostasis and cell growth and survival. We intercrossed mice heterozygous for two null alleles (Irs1+/- and Irs2+/-) and investigated growth and glucose metabolism in mice with viable genotypes. Our experiments revealed that Irs-1 and Irs-2 are critical for embryonic and post-natal growth, with Irs-1 having the predominant role. By contrast, both Irs-1 and Irs-2 function in peripheral carbohydrate metabolism, but Irs-2 has the major role in beta-cell development and compensation for peripheral insulin resistance. To establish a role for the Igf-1 receptor in beta-cells, we intercrossed mice heterozygous for null alleles of Igf1r and Irs2. Our results reveal that Igf-1 receptors promote beta-cell development and survival through the Irs-2 signalling pathway. Thus, Irs-2 integrates the effects of insulin in peripheral target tissues with Igf-1 in pancreatic beta-cells to maintain glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

The relationship between the neurosensory photoreceptors and the adjacent retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) controls not only normal retinal function, but also the pathogenesis of hereditary retinal degenerations. The molecular bases for both primary photoreceptor and RPE diseases that cause blindness have been identified. Gene therapy has been used successfully to slow degeneration in rodent models of primary photoreceptor diseases, but efficacy of gene therapy directed at photoreceptors and RPE in a large-animal model of human disease has not been reported. Here we study one of the most clinically severe retinal degenerations, Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). LCA causes near total blindness in infancy and can result from mutations in RPE65 (LCA, type II; MIM 180069 and 204100). A naturally occurring animal model, the RPE65-/- dog, suffers from early and severe visual impairment similar to that seen in human LCA. We used a recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) carrying wild-type RPE65 (AAV-RPE65) to test the efficacy of gene therapy in this model. Our results indicate that visual function was restored in this large animal model of childhood blindness.  相似文献   

Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a blinding retinal disease that presents within the first year after birth. Using exome sequencing, we identified mutations in the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) synthase gene NMNAT1 encoding nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 1 in eight families with LCA, including the family in which LCA was originally linked to the LCA9 locus. Notably, all individuals with NMNAT1 mutations also have macular colobomas, which are severe degenerative entities of the central retina (fovea) devoid of tissue and photoreceptors. Functional assays of the proteins encoded by the mutant alleles identified in our study showed that the mutations reduce the enzymatic activity of NMNAT1 in NAD biosynthesis and affect protein folding. Of note, recent characterization of the slow Wallerian degeneration (Wld(s)) mouse model, in which prolonged axonal survival after injury is observed, identified NMNAT1 as a neuroprotective protein when ectopically expressed. Our findings identify a new disease mechanism underlying LCA and provide the first link between endogenous NMNAT1 dysfunction and a human nervous system disorder.  相似文献   

A substantial percentage of human pregnancies are lost as spontaneous abortions after implantation. This is often caused by an inadequately developed placenta. Proper development of the placental vascular system is essential to nutrient and gas exchange between mother and developing embryo. Here we show that alpha(2)-adrenoceptors, which are activated by adrenaline and noradrenaline, are important regulators of placental structure and function. Mice with deletions in the genes encoding alpha(2A)-, alpha(2B)- and alpha(2C)-adrenoceptors died between embryonic days 9.5 and 11.5 from a severe defect in yolk-sac and placenta development. In wildtype placentae, alpha(2)-adrenoceptors are abundantly expressed in giant cells, which secrete angiogenic factors to initiate development of the placental vascular labyrinth. In placentae deficient in alpha(2A)-, alpha(2B)- and alpha(2C)-adrenoceptors, the density of fetal blood vessels in the labyrinth was markedly lower than normal, leading to death of the embryos as a result of reduced oxygen and nutrient supply. Basal phosphorylation of the extracellular signal regulated kinases ERK1 and ERK2 was also lower than normal, suggesting that activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) pathway by alpha(2)-adrenoceptors is required for placenta and yolk-sac vascular development. Thus, alpha(2)-adrenoceptors are essential at the placental interface between mother and embryo to establish the circulatory system of the placenta and thus maintain pregnancy.  相似文献   

We report heterozygous mutations in the genes encoding either type I or type II transforming growth factor beta receptor in ten families with a newly described human phenotype that includes widespread perturbations in cardiovascular, craniofacial, neurocognitive and skeletal development. Despite evidence that receptors derived from selected mutated alleles cannot support TGFbeta signal propagation, cells derived from individuals heterozygous with respect to these mutations did not show altered kinetics of the acute phase response to administered ligand. Furthermore, tissues derived from affected individuals showed increased expression of both collagen and connective tissue growth factor, as well as nuclear enrichment of phosphorylated Smad2, indicative of increased TGFbeta signaling. These data definitively implicate perturbation of TGFbeta signaling in many common human phenotypes, including craniosynostosis, cleft palate, arterial aneurysms, congenital heart disease and mental retardation, and suggest that comprehensive mechanistic insight will require consideration of both primary and compensatory events.  相似文献   

Many human Y-chromosomal deletions are thought to severely impair reproductive fitness, which precludes their transmission to the next generation and thus ensures their rarity in the population. Here we report a 1.6-Mb deletion that persists over generations and is sufficiently common to be considered a polymorphism. We hypothesized that this deletion might affect spermatogenesis because it removes almost half of the Y chromosome's AZFc region, a gene-rich segment that is critical for sperm production. An association study established that this deletion, called gr/gr, is a significant risk factor for spermatogenic failure. The gr/gr deletion has far lower penetrance with respect to spermatogenic failure than previously characterized Y-chromosomal deletions; it is often transmitted from father to son. By studying the distribution of gr/gr-deleted chromosomes across the branches of the Y chromosome's genealogical tree, we determined that this deletion arose independently at least 14 times in human history. We suggest that the existence of this deletion as a polymorphism reflects a balance between haploid selection, which culls gr/gr-deleted Y chromosomes from the population, and homologous recombination, which continues to generate new gr/gr deletions.  相似文献   

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