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暗物质粒子产生于宇宙大爆炸,它是由一个兆子和两个次能子合成的独立兆子系。由这种兆子系在本体贝粒子流循环输入或输出的增益过程中构成的五维弥散态络合物,就是暗物质又称暗物质云。暗物质云具有质量、引力,但与磁和光均不发生反应。它只能存在于物质态的负引力空间(惰性空间,第五维空间),并与所在宇宙单元区按相同轨迹运动。在单元区中,显物质和暗物质所占的比例大体相同,两者之间通过能量辐射、爆炸的形式实现质量互为转换。地球与具有阻光特性的暗物质云团在相互运动中相遇,应是冰河期的成因之一,这会给地球生态带来毁灭性的破坏。暗物质中蕴含着巨大的能量。对暗物质这一自然存在如何避害趋利是科技界应该考虑的问题。  相似文献   

宇宙中存在暗物质已经得到大量天文观测的证实,但关于暗物质粒子的本质我们仍旧一无所知。为了理解暗物质的性质,许多暗物质探测实验正在展开。直接探测实验探测的是暗物质粒子与探测器物质碰撞所留下的信号,而间接探测实验则寻找暗物质湮灭的产物,如高能伽马射线、高能中微子、正电子和反质子等。理解暗物质所产生的这些信号需要我们了解暗物质的微观粒子的性质,同时也需要了解暗物质在星系或星系团中的分布形式等宏观性质。随着更大规模、更高灵敏度的实验不断投入运行,暗物质之谜有可能在不久的将来得以破解。  相似文献   

宇宙中物质的压力对宇宙年龄的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在标准宇宙学模型中,非相对论性物质(以下简称为物质)被视为无压的尘埃粒子[1],然而其合理性并未定量地证实过.Peebles[2]也曾提到过考虑宇宙中物质压力的必要性.目前的研究表明,在冷暗物质宇宙学模型基础上,宇宙中大尺度结构形成的高精度计算机数值模拟和理论分析都预言,在星系和星系团的中心应该有一个致密的核;然而这与目前的观测如星系团的引力透镜观测等相矛盾.最近Spergel等[3]假定冷暗物质之间存在着相互作用力,即存在着热压力,并对其做了深入研究,但也并未涉及其对宇宙年龄的影响.  相似文献   

 暗物质和暗能量是宇宙主要的组成部分,被认为是"笼罩在21世纪物理学上的两朵乌云",是基础物理与宇宙学研究最前沿的方向之一。对暗物质突破性的研究进展将极大促进人们对基本自然规律以及宇宙演化的理解。国际上对暗物质的研究极为重视,美国和欧洲都为之进行了详细周密的规划,开展了一系列的相关项目规划。中国也将暗物质的研究纳入了中长期规划,在过去的几年中国在暗物质探测方面实现了长足进步,在四川锦屏山地下实验室开展多项暗物质直接探测试验,暗物质粒子卫星作为中国空间科学先导专项的首发星,也是中国发射的第1颗天文卫星,2015年12月成功发射。通过观测暗物质粒子湮灭后的粒子产物,有可能在间接探测方向实现对暗物质研究的革命性突破。本文简介暗物质概念提出的历史与暗物质探测的天文学观测手段。  相似文献   

 暗物质是当今科学研究的前沿热点研究领域。暗物质探测可以分为直接探测、间接探测和对撞机探测3类。其中间接探测是在宇宙线中寻找暗物质湮灭或者衰变产生的信号。2015年12月27号中国发射了第1颗用于暗物质粒子探测的空间科学卫星(DAMPE),它具有能量分辨率高、测量能量范围大和本底抑制能力强等优势,将中国的暗物质探测提升至新的水平。本文介绍暗物质粒子探测卫星的结构、性能优势和科学目标。  相似文献   

Bertone G 《Nature》2010,468(7322):389-393
We know that dark matter constitutes 85 per cent of all the matter in the Universe, but we do not know of what it is made. Amongst the many dark matter candidates proposed, WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) occupy a special place, because they arise naturally from new theories that seek to extend the standard model of particle physics. With the advent of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and a new generation of astroparticle experiments, the moment of truth has come for WIMPs: either we will discover them in the next five to ten years, or we will witness their inevitable decline.  相似文献   

地球弓形激波中的湍动加热   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地球弓形激波过度区的厚度远小于粒子的自由程,是一个无碰撞空间,朗道阻尼引起的无碰撞湍动加热,可以从湍动源转移和分配能量和几乎所有的粒子,太阳风的动能,在如此上的无碰撞空间里,通过无碰撞湍动加热,被转变下游的热能。  相似文献   

 盘点了2016年粒子物理学的研究热点,在希格斯物理、新物理直接搜索方面提高了测量精度,积累了大量数据;中微子物理方面θ13的测量精度提高到了4%;低能强相互作用物理方面确认了5夸克态的存在,同时发现多个可能的4夸克态;暗物质搜索方向全面压低WIMP粒子及其他类型暗物质粒子同普通物质相互作用的截面。  相似文献   

Ordinary baryonic particles (such as protons and neutrons) account for only one-sixth of the total matter in the Universe. The remainder is a mysterious 'dark matter' component, which does not interact via electromagnetism and thus neither emits nor reflects light. As dark matter cannot be seen directly using traditional observations, very little is currently known about its properties. It does interact via gravity, and is most effectively probed through gravitational lensing: the deflection of light from distant galaxies by the gravitational attraction of foreground mass concentrations. This is a purely geometrical effect that is free of astrophysical assumptions and sensitive to all matter--whether baryonic or dark. Here we show high-fidelity maps of the large-scale distribution of dark matter, resolved in both angle and depth. We find a loose network of filaments, growing over time, which intersect in massive structures at the locations of clusters of galaxies. Our results are consistent with predictions of gravitationally induced structure formation, in which the initial, smooth distribution of dark matter collapses into filaments then into clusters, forming a gravitational scaffold into which gas can accumulate, and stars can be built.  相似文献   

暗物质暗能量的性质与相互关联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近英国学者据帕拉纳尔天文台的观测数据分析,对宇宙暗物质暗能量研究取得了一些进展.若认为宇宙暗物质是费米型中微子v0eF及其超对称伴子中性微子U-0eB组成,则据天体演化的2类自由流阻尼标度给出的质量、半径计算式,总结出暗物质特性,结果与观测基本相符,支持热暗物质说,同时也讨论了暗物质与暗能量的相互关联.  相似文献   

据核子、暗物质粒子(中微子归入暗物质)退耦为近相对论状态的两类自由流阻尼标度理论及微观粒子遵守的自然性法则,计算了从现时宇宙到Planck粒子的天体、核子、轻子、光子等费米型粒子和它们的超对称玻色型粒子、磁单极子的质量和半径,与现有的实验数据较好相符.由Dirac的量子化条件及单元磁荷、单元电荷规范式也能给出磁单极半径.首次否定了所谓"大沙漠"区存在,它分布着三代费米子的超对称伴子(玻色子),阐明宇观天体、微观粒子的内在联系.  相似文献   

Dekel A  Stoehr F  Mamon GA  Cox TJ  Novak GS  Primack JR 《Nature》2005,437(7059):707-710
There is strong evidence that the mass of the Universe is dominated by dark matter, which exerts gravitational attraction but whose exact nature is unknown. In particular, all galaxies are believed to be embedded in massive haloes of dark matter. This view has recently been challenged by the observation of surprisingly low random stellar velocities in the outskirts of ordinary elliptical galaxies, which has been interpreted as indicating a lack of dark matter. Here we show that the low velocities are in fact compatible with galaxy formation in dark-matter haloes. Using numerical simulations of disk-galaxy mergers, we find that the stellar orbits in the outer regions of the resulting ellipticals are very elongated. These stars were torn by tidal forces from their original galaxies during the first close passage and put on outgoing trajectories. The elongated orbits, combined with the steeply falling density profile of the observed tracers, explain the observed low velocities even in the presence of large amounts of dark matter. Projection effects when viewing a triaxial elliptical can lead to even lower observed velocities along certain lines of sight.  相似文献   

The cold dark matter model has become the leading theoretical picture for the formation of structure in the Universe. This model, together with the theory of cosmic inflation, makes a clear prediction for the initial conditions for structure formation and predicts that structures grow hierarchically through gravitational instability. Testing this model requires that the precise measurements delivered by galaxy surveys can be compared to robust and equally precise theoretical calculations. Here we present a simulation of the growth of dark matter structure using 2,160(3) particles, following them from redshift z = 127 to the present in a cube-shaped region 2.230 billion lightyears on a side. In postprocessing, we also follow the formation and evolution of the galaxies and quasars. We show that baryon-induced features in the initial conditions of the Universe are reflected in distorted form in the low-redshift galaxy distribution, an effect that can be used to constrain the nature of dark energy with future generations of observational surveys of galaxies.  相似文献   

Kormendy J  Bender R 《Nature》2011,469(7330):377-380
Supermassive black holes have been detected in all galaxies that contain bulge components when the galaxies observed were close enough that the searches were feasible. Together with the observation that bigger black holes live in bigger bulges, this has led to the belief that black-hole growth and bulge formation regulate each other. That is, black holes and bulges coevolve. Therefore, reports of a similar correlation between black holes and the dark matter haloes in which visible galaxies are embedded have profound implications. Dark matter is likely to be non-baryonic, so these reports suggest that unknown, exotic physics controls black-hole growth. Here we show, in part on the basis of recent measurements of bulgeless galaxies, that there is almost no correlation between dark matter and parameters that measure black holes unless the galaxy also contains a bulge. We conclude that black holes do not correlate directly with dark matter. They do not correlate with galaxy disks, either. Therefore, black holes coevolve only with bulges. This simplifies the puzzle of their coevolution by focusing attention on purely baryonic processes in the galaxy mergers that make bulges.  相似文献   

近年来的天文观测表明,宇宙中只有约5%的物质是我们所了解的重子物质,其余约25%是暗物质,约70%是暗能量。暗物质和暗能量已成为现代科学中最重要的问题之一。介绍了当前暗物质研究的进展。  相似文献   

Alfven波对日冕的随机湍动加热   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
来自太阳光球层的Alfven波沿着日冕环的拱形磁感线两足向上传播,在冕环的顶部两反向传播的波相遇,强烈的不稳定性可能激发起等离子体湍动。Alfven波的能量可能转移给快磁声波并衰减和耗散。在一定条件下可以形成无碰撞波;当粒子的热速度接近于无碰撞波的相速度时,可以通过朗道阻尼引起的无碰撞随机湍动加热,使日冕等离子体湍动区的温度迅速上升,对日冕平均温度的增加有一定的贡献,是日冕快速加热的重要机制。  相似文献   

As an essential mechanism in large scale fast magnetic energy releases and field reconfigurations processes in space,astrophysical, and laboratory plasmas,magnetic reconnection,particularly collisionless magnetic reconnection,has been studied for more than 65 years.Many progresses have been achieved in recent years and basic features of the process have been well understood,largely due to more and more satellite observation data available in the last decade.However,a few outstanding issues are still remained unresolved.We in the paper review the development of collisionless magnetic reconnection studies and major achievements in recent years,and also briefly discuss the open questions remained to be answered in studies of collisionless magnetic reconnection.  相似文献   

综述了暗物质间接探测和对撞机探测实验的现状和最新进展,并对现有主要实验的最新结果和限制进行了归纳总结。自2008年以来,宇宙线正负电子谱的反常超出被多个实验组相继报道出来。尽管存在一些争议,暗物质效应是这些超出现象的一种自然解释。另一方面,反质子-质子比和γ射线观测结果均未呈现反常信号,这为暗物质的性质给出很强的限制。此外,也可以通过对撞机探测实验上的零信号来限制暗物质性质。在不久的将来,AMS-02和LHC的新数据可能会为暗物质研究提供新的启示。  相似文献   

Most of the matter in the Universe is not luminous, and can be observed only through its gravitational influence on the appearance of luminous matter. Weak gravitational lensing is a technique that uses the distortions of the images of distant galaxies as a tracer of dark matter: such distortions are induced as the light passes through large-scale distributions of dark matter in the foreground. The patterns of the induced distortions reflect the density of mass along the line of sight and its distribution, and the resulting 'cosmic shear' can be used to distinguish between alternative cosmologies. But previous attempts to measure this effect have been inconclusive. Here we report the detection of cosmic shear on angular scales of up to half a degree using 145,000 galaxies and along three separate lines of sight. We find that the dark matter is distributed in a manner consistent with either an open universe, or a flat universe that is dominated by a cosmological constant. Our results are inconsistent with the standard cold-dark-matter model.  相似文献   

Bennett CL 《Nature》2006,440(7088):1126-1131
Cosmology is undergoing a revolution. With recent precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, large galaxy redshift surveys, better measurements of the expansion rate of the Universe and a host of other astrophysical observations, there is now a standard, highly constrained cosmological model. It is not a cosmology that was predicted. Unidentified dark particles dominate the matter content of our Universe, and mysteries surround the processes responsible for the accelerated expansion at its earliest moments (inflation?) and for its recent acceleration (dark energy?). New measurements must address the fundamental questions: what happened at the birth of the Universe, and what is its ultimate fate?  相似文献   

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