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通过对已发现油气藏系统研究和统计,发现乌尔逊—贝尔凹陷的油气藏几乎都与断层发育相关,据此将油气藏划分为断层相关背斜型(FA)、断层相关地层型(FS)、断层相关岩性型(FL)和断块型(FB)等4大类。对油气成藏控制因素进行研究后认为,断层控藏作用明显:(1) 圈闭高点到断层的距离控制油气分布,90%以上的工业油气流井所在圈闭的高点到断层的距离小于1km;(2) 断层断距大小控制油气聚集规模,当断距为200~400m时与断层相关的圈闭油气富集程度最高;(3) 与NNE、NEE方向断层有关的圈闭容易聚集油气;(4) 当与圈闭相关的断层断距小于盖层泥岩视厚度而大于储层砂岩视厚度时,圈闭容易聚集油气。  相似文献   

乌尔逊-贝尔凹陷是海拉尔盆地中沉积岩最厚、面积最大的2个凹陷,该区油气资源十分丰富,但构造复杂,断裂发育,油气勘探风险较大.针对乌尔逊-贝尔凹陷的油气成藏规律复杂的问题,从烃源岩特征、储层特征、盖层特征及生储盖组合特征、油气运移条件、圈闭特征和油气运聚期次及成藏过程等方面研究该区的油气成藏条件,认为该区暗色泥岩厚度大、横向变化快,以大一段-南屯组最为发育;砂岩和砂砾岩是最重要的储集岩体,浊流沉积和三角洲沉积是发育储集岩体的最重要相带;大一段是该区的区域性盖层,南一段和伊一段构成局部盖层,生储盖组合有下生上储型、自生自储型和上生下储型3种类型,油气主要沿断裂运移到小面积构造圈闭中聚集成藏.预测出有利油气勘探区为苏仁诺尔断裂带、巴彦塔拉构造带、乌南次凹、苏德尔特构造带、呼和诺仁构造带、敖瑙海次凹、贝西次凹和霍多莫尔构造带.  相似文献   

乌尔逊凹陷油气成藏与分布控制因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对乌尔逊凹陷构造、沉积、源岩、盖层、断层、运移路径和圈闭条件与油气藏的叠合的研究 ,分析了乌尔逊凹陷油气成藏与分布的控制因素 ,认为构造反转带是油气成藏有利构造区 ;扇三角洲和浊积扇是油气成藏的有利环境 ;盖源空间质量匹配控制着油气的空间分布 ;断裂控制着油气的运聚成藏及分布层位 ;油气运移路径的汇聚区位于南屯组烃灶内或其附近 ,有利于乌尔逊凹陷油气的运聚成藏 .因此可以得出结论 :源岩、盖层和断裂及其时空匹配关系是乌尔逊凹陷油气成藏与分布的主控因素  相似文献   

吐哈盆地鄯善油田油气运聚期次及成藏过程研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
吐哈盆地鄯善油田储层流体包裹体明显分为盐水包裹体和有机包裹体。三间房组包裹体均一化温度明显分为两期,春对应的地质时间分别为早白垩世和早第三纪末一晚第三纪;西山窑组储层流体包裹体均一化温度也明显分为两期,其对应的地质时间分为32.8~71.8Ma、26.4~45.7Ma,其对应的地史时期分别为早第三纪和晚白世末--早第三纪中期,反映了三间房组成藏时间晚于西山窑组成藏时间。综合分析油气生排烃史和运聚期  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷大下段泥岩盖层的封闭性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过确定海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷声波时差与泥岩排替压力、声波时差与泥岩孔隙流体压力之间的函数关系,利用大量的声波时差资料研究了该区域泥岩盖层毛细管封闭和压力封闭能力.研究结果表明:该地区泥岩盖层有着纵横向上的封闭性特征;纵向上排替压力和过剩孔隙流体压力高值区一般出现在大下段地层;横向上乌北地区排替压力高、过剩孔隙流体压力低,排替压力高值区出现在西北部;而在乌南地区,排替压力低、过剩孔隙流体压力高,过剩压力高值区集中分布在东部,且明显高于乌北地区.  相似文献   

利用伊利石K Ar测年确定油气成藏期 ,能够得出其绝对年龄 ,因而备受人们重视。可是在解释K Ar测年资料时 ,存在一些问题和假设。如果解释者对这些问题和假设没有足够的认识 ,其解释结果就会有误。文中以几个具体实例讨论了利用伊利石K Ar测年确定成藏期时对油气的充注时间和特征进行正确解释的方法  相似文献   

伊利石K—Ar测年在确定油气成藏期中的应用   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
利用伊利石K-Ar测年确定油气成藏期,能够得出其绝对年龄,因而备受人们重视。可是在解释K-Ar测年资料时,存在一些问题和假设。如果解释者对这些问题和假设没足够的认识,其解释结果就会有。文中以几个具体实例讨论了利用伊利石K-Ar测年确定成熟期时对油气的充注时间和特征进行正确解释的方法。  相似文献   

通过有机相分析、二次生烃机理研究、油气成藏静态要素和动态要素分析,对苏北盆地白驹凹陷深层油气成藏进行研究。认为:白驹凹陷深层烃源岩有机相包括B、B1和D亚相,下寒武统幕府山组(∈1mu)、下志留统高家边组(S1g)烃源岩为B亚相,生油气潜力大;无论一次生烃还是二次生烃,烃源岩总的产烃能力是一定的,二次生烃与一次生烃有一定连续性;白驹凹陷深层烃源岩二次生烃史极为复杂,大致经历了加里东期、海西—印支期、燕山期、燕山晚期—喜山期;根据成藏基本要素的不同,白驹凹陷深层油气成藏模式可分为下部油气成藏模式(下古生界)和上部油气成藏模式(上古生界)。  相似文献   

阐述了传统的油气成藏期分析方法的概念及其局限性,介绍了油气成藏期分析方法的新进展,主要包括流体包裹体法、有机岩石学法、同位素年代学法、磁性矿物古地磁学法、储层沥青和油藏地球化学法等,其中许多方法属于“反演”,基本实现了由传统的定性(定期)研究到定量或半定量研究的转变,可以较准确地确定油气藏形成时间。  相似文献   

基于流体历史分析技术的成藏过程反演对含油气系统的持续勘探具有重要意义。本文应用包裹体岩相学、均一温度、储层定量荧光等技术和方法,对渤海海域黄河口凹陷北部陡坡带沙河街组储层中的流体包裹体进行了深入研究,在此基础上,剖析了油水界面变迁,再结合生烃史和有机地球化学资料研究了北部陡坡带沙河街组储层的油气成藏史。结果显示,黄河口凹陷北部陡坡带具有2期源自沙河街组烃源岩的油气充注,第Ⅰ期充注时间为7 Ma,表现为褐色低熟的轻-中质单一液相烃类包裹体;第Ⅱ期开始于2Ma,沙河街组烃源岩大量生烃,表现为浅蓝色荧光的中质气液两相烃类包裹体,为主要成藏期。储层定量荧光样品QGF大多体现古油层荧光光谱特征,油藏规模较大,后期由于构造活动油藏泄漏,形成现今3885 m典型的油水界面。黄河口凹陷北部陡坡带的构造活动与烃源岩生排烃史的时间匹配决定了研究区两期充注,后期为主的成藏特点。新构造运动后期,古油藏规模减小,形成了现今油藏格局。  相似文献   

台北凹陷侏罗系储层次生孔隙特征及形成机理   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过台北陷侏罗系储层岩石学特征、孔隙发育特征的分析,得出其原生孔不发育,次生孔隙是主要孔隙类型和油气聚集的主要空间,进而分析了次生孔隙的微观、宏观识别标志以及空间分布特征。通过孔隙水中有机酸和碳酸含量与来源的分析,探讨了次生孔隙的形成机理,认为有机酸对骨架颗粒长石和岩屑的溶解是形成次生孔隙的根本原因。该研究对台北凹陷及至整个盆地株罗系的油气勘探和开发具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

通过系统分析断层形成和演化过程,研究松辽盆地王府凹陷断层对油气成藏的控制作用.将王府凹陷断层划分为4种类型,即断陷期伸展断层、坳陷期拉张断层、反转期挤压断层和长期活动断层.确定断层活动主要有3期:火石岭组至营城组沉积时期形成断陷期伸展断层;青山口组沉积时期形成坳陷期拉张断层;嫩江组至新近系沉积时期形成反转期挤压断层.研究结果表明:断层活动强度不同造成断陷期和坳陷期源岩有机质类型和砂体分布及类型存在差异.断陷期断层活动强度较大,有机质类型接近Ⅲ型,形成扇三角洲和辨状河三角洲等快速沉积;坳陷期断层活动强度较小,有机质类型趋向Ⅰ型,形成与长期活动断层平行的储集砂体;断层除作为油气垂向运移的通道外,与砂体组合成断层-岩性输导脊指示王府凹陷平面油气优势运移方向为NNE向和SSW向.  相似文献   

Despite many studies concerning the forming age, evolution characteristics and the age of petroleum charging in the Fuxin upheaval of southern Songliao Basin, no consensus has been reached so far. This paper presents the first K-Ar dating of autogenetic illite from stratigraphic petroleum reservoirs in the Fuyu oil layer of the Fuxin upheaval belt. Isotopic test and age calculation were carried out based on the separation and purification of illite mineral, X-diffraction analysis and the detection of scanning electron microscopy. The evolution characteristics of structure, sedimentation, reservoir-forming about the Fuxin upheaval belt were interpreted in terms of the synthetical analysis of "six-type geological history" evolution in southern Songliao Basin. The geologic background of petroleum evolution and reservoir formation are similar in the entire central depression region of southern Songliao Basin. The Changling sag and the Fuxin upheaval belt brought about obvious upheaval-sag separation after the hydrocarbon-generation peak of K2qn^1 and the main reservoir-forming period of the Fuyu oil layer, namely reservoir-forming happened before the Fuxin upheaval belt extensively raised. The reservoirs have three characteristics: the hydrocarbon source rock above the reservoir, the oil source in the locality, and the vertical migration. The geological cognition is corrected, that is, oil source came from the Changling sag and migrated from the side direction. The bulk process of petroleum charging in the stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Fuxin upheaval belt of southern Songliao Basin is determined according to the isotopic age of autogenetic illite in combination with the method of fluid inclusions. The cognition is helpful to exactly evaluate the resource potential and exploration direction in the Fuxin upheaval belt, Changling sag and their peripheral areas. The present results indicate that the combination of the two methods (the K-Ar dating of autogenetic illite and fluid inclusions) is an effective way to lay bare petroleum charging history and ascertain reservoir age.  相似文献   

Despite many studies concerning the forming age, evolution characteristics and the age of petroleum charging in the Fuxin upheaval of southern Songliao Basin, no consensus has been reached so far. This paper presents the first K-Ar dating of autogenetic illite from stratigraphic petroleum reservoirs in the Fuyu oil layer of the Fuxin upheaval belt. Isotopic test and age calculation were carried out based on the separation and purification of illite mineral, X-diffraction analysis and the detection of scanning electron microscopy. The evolution characteristics of structure, sedimentation, reservoir-forming about the Fuxin upheaval belt were interpreted in terms of the synthetical analysis of "six-type geological history" evolution in southern Songliao Basin. The geologic background of petroleum evolution and reservoir formation are similar in the entire central depression region of southern Songliao Basin. The Changling sag and the Fuxin upheaval belt brought about obvious upheaval-sag separation after the hydrocarbon-generation peak of K2qn1 and the main reservoir-forming period of the Fuyu oil layer, namely reservoir-forming happened before the Fuxin upheaval belt extensively raised. The reservoirs have three characteristics: the hydrocarbon source rock above the reservoir, the oil source in the lo- cality, and the vertical migration. The geological cognition is corrected, that is, oil source came from the Changling sag and migrated from the side direction. The bulk process of petroleum charging in the stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Fuxin upheaval belt of southern Songliao Basin is deter- mined according to the isotopic age of autogenetic illite in combination with the method of fluid inclu- sions. The cognition is helpful to exactly evaluate the resource potential and exploration direction in the Fuxin upheaval belt, Changling sag and their peripheral areas. The present results indicate that the combination of the two methods (the K-Ar dating of autogenetic illite and fluid inclusions) is an effec- tive way to lay bare petroleum charging history and ascertain reservoir age.  相似文献   

储层综合评价是油田开发地质、油藏工程研究的重要组成部分,搞好此项研究工作,对提高开发效果和开发水平、实现科学管理油田,都有重要的现实意义。乌尔逊凹陷作为海拉尔盆地最重要的含油气凹陷之一,油气资源丰富。通过对乌尔逊凹陷南一段储层特性的分析,应用自适应神经模糊推理系统对其进行综合评价,建立其反映储层特性的非线性评价参数体系。并将该评价模型用于乌尔逊凹陷中两个井区进行有利储层预测,预测结果与实际情况一致,从而为油田储层评价提供一套便捷有效的研究方法。  相似文献   

油气充注历史的研究一直是石油地质学和油藏地球化学的重点和难点,而近年来流体定年技术的兴起为人们解决油气充注期次和时间提供了定量分析手段.利用伊利石K-Ar定年技术和流体包裹体均一温度分别研究了大民屯凹陷油气充注史.前者确定出的主充注期略晚于后者的分析结果.结合生烃史模拟资料认为:伊利石K-Ar定年结果可能更精确,但其样品挑选难度大,且只能用于砂岩油藏成藏史分析.而流体包裹体均一温度可用于碎屑岩和非碎屑岩油藏成藏史的分析.大民屯凹陷下第三系和太古界潜山油藏主充注时期为沙一二—东营早期,其中北部安福屯洼陷成藏期(沙一二期)略早于南部荣胜堡洼陷(东营早期).  相似文献   

库车坳陷东部下—中侏罗统砂岩储层中发育丰富的液烃包裹体.对与液烃包裹体共生的含烃盐水包裹体特征和显微测温数据的系统分析表明,该地区自中新世中—晚期以来油气持续充注,并存在2期主要的充注过程.第一期发生在早成岩阶段晚期,主要为低成熟油气充注,充注时间为12~10 Ma(大致相当于中新世吉迪克期);第二期发生在中成岩阶段早期,充注时间为9~7 Ma(大致相当于中新世康村期),主要为低成熟油气充注,并伴有少量的发浅黄色荧光的成熟油气充注.不同层位包裹体的丰度有明显差别,下侏罗统阿合组(J1a)和阳霞组(J1y)包裹体丰度(GOI)明显比中侏罗统克孜勒努尔组(J2k)和恰克马克组(J2q)高,这可能与砂岩的粒度有关.下侏罗统砂岩粒度较大,发育比较优质的储层,有利于包裹体发育;中侏罗统砂岩粒度较细,储层物性较差,不利于包裹体发育.  相似文献   

Lunnan area in the Tarim Basin has become animportant onshore oil production base in China. Formationof the oil and gas pools in the low uplift of Lunnan has ex-perienced a comparatively complex process of dynamics.Based on the hydrocarbon generation period of source rocks,the formation period of cap rocks and traps, the analysis oforganic inclusion and the analysis of bitumen in the reservoir,this paper draws the conclusion that the low uplift area ofLunnan has experienced three pool formation periods: thePermian period, the Cretaceous-Early Tertiary period andthe Late Tertiary-Quaternary period and two oil and gasreservoir adjustment periods: the Late Permian period andthe Late Tertiary-Quaternary period. The comprehensivestudy indicates that the large-scale Ordovician buried hill,formed in Early Hercynian, became the reservoir during thePermian period, because the Cambrian-Lower Ordovicianoil was discharged laterally into the reservoir along the topof the Ordovician weathering crust from south to north. Thereservoir experienced a complicated process—reconstruc-tion in the end of Permian, adjustment in Cretaceous-EarlyTertiary and re-discharging process in Late Tertiary-Qua-ternary, leading to the early original heavy oil reservoir ofmarine facies and the late original light oil reservoir and gaspool. Carboniferous, Triassic and Jurassic oil and gas reser-voirs result from upward adjustment and re-distribution ofOrdovician oil and gas reservoirs. Of those results, the for-mation of Triassic-Jurassic oil and gas pools came under theinfluence of the northward-tilting structure. The oil and gassourcing from the different hydrocarbon source rock inter-vals vertically migrated into the base unconformity of Trias-sic system. Then the oil and gas migrated laterally fromnorth to south and accumulated into the reservoir.  相似文献   

A method has been suggested which is based on the homogenization temperatures and other data of fluid inclusions from a reservoir rock, with the combination of burial and geothermal history of the hosted rock, to date the gas reservoir formation. On the basis of this, a case study of the Carboniferous-Permiangas pools in the Ordos Basin has been conducted. The results have shown that the reservoir sandstones of the gas pool were filled by gases during 125-150 Ma, earlier in the southern area and later in the northern area, which is consistentwith the basin's geological and geochemical background under which the gas pools formed.  相似文献   

通过综合分析地震、测井和钻井等资料,对乌尔逊凹陷南部地区大磨拐河组进行了层序分析,识别出二级层序界面,首次湖泛面,最大湖泛面,分析了层序内三个体系域——低水位体系域、水进体系域和高水位体系域特征。在层序地层单元划分和对比的基础上,结合不同体系域的沉积体系分析,建立了该区的层序地层学模式,研究了油气分布特点,在有利的构造配合下,指出了工区发育的四种油气藏类型。  相似文献   

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