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Pteridophte resources are rich in Guizhou, China. More than 700 species, belonging to 150 genera and 53 families, have been known so far Many of them are of edible, medicinal and ornamental value, and the rare and endemic species attract pteridologists being engaged in their research. Pteridophyte protection is much necessary and natural reserves provide an efficient method for most of them in Guizhou. For better study and use, the establishment of special fern section or garden is of significance. A project of setting up a fern section in Guizhou Botanioal Garden is being carried out. It is hopeful that it will be one of the ideal bases as a gone pool of subtropical ferns in China.  相似文献   

贵州植物园珍稀濒危蕨类植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍引种自贵州各地及我国华中、华东和华东的贵州植物园内的珍稀濒危蕨类植物。除列表表示来源、现状等情况外,还对桫椤Alsphila spinulosa (Hook)Tryon,扇蕨Neocheiropteris plamatopedata (Bak.)Chsist,宽叶水韭Isoetes japonica A.Br.,中华水韭I.sinensis Palmer和截基盾蕨Neolepisorus  相似文献   

The rise of angiosperms during the Cretaceous period is often portrayed as coincident with a dramatic drop in the diversity and abundance of many seed-free vascular plant lineages, including ferns. This has led to the widespread belief that ferns, once a principal component of terrestrial ecosystems, succumbed to the ecological predominance of angiosperms and are mostly evolutionary holdovers from the late Palaeozoic/early Mesozoic era. The first appearance of many modern fern genera in the early Tertiary fossil record implies another evolutionary scenario; that is, that the majority of living ferns resulted from a more recent diversification. But a full understanding of trends in fern diversification and evolution using only palaeobotanical evidence is hindered by the poor taxonomic resolution of the fern fossil record in the Cretaceous. Here we report divergence time estimates for ferns and angiosperms based on molecular data, with constraints from a reassessment of the fossil record. We show that polypod ferns (> 80% of living fern species) diversified in the Cretaceous, after angiosperms, suggesting perhaps an ecological opportunistic response to the diversification of angiosperms, as angiosperms came to dominate terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

【目的】了解南京宁镇山脉南支蕨类植物区系及生态类型,分析蕨类植物在园林景观配置中的应用型。【方法】以南京将军山为对象,通过野外调查和室内标本鉴定等方法统计出该区蕨类植物种类,分析了该地蕨类植物区系的组成和分布区类型,并将该区系与其他蕨类植物区系的相似性系数、综合系数及物种丰富度进行了比较,最后总结了将军山蕨类植物的生态类型及其园林应用。【结果】南京将军山地区共计有蕨类植物19科24属33种; 区系综合系数为0.442,物种丰富度指数最高,为25.54。该区蕨类植物优势科为金星蕨科,没有明显的优势属,具有古老性和残遗性的特征。将军山蕨类植物区系与浙江龙王山、江苏云台山蕨类植物区系关系近,与安徽黄山、河南高乐山蕨类植物区系关系比较近,与江西庐山蕨类植物区系关系比较疏远。根据蕨类植物的生境和分布,将军山蕨类植物可分为浮水、石生及土生共3种生态类型。【结论】南京将军山蕨类植物区系组成比较丰富,具有热带向温带过渡的特征,东亚分布物种在该区系占有主要优势。该区观赏蕨类植物资源较为丰富,但是许多观赏价值较高并有应用前景的蕨类植物还未被认知和开发利用。  相似文献   

32种云南蕨类植物中的总黄酮测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 采用分光光度法,以芦丁为标准品,对32种云南蕨类植物中总黄酮进行了测定.结果表明:所研究的32种云南蕨类植物中均含有黄酮类化合物,而且其中18种植物的总黄酮质量分数超过3%,总黄酮质量分数低于1%的仅有6种,表明蕨类植物是黄酮类化合物的极好资源,有待进一步开发利用.  相似文献   

蕨类植物铁线蕨科中的假鞭叶铁线蕨(Adiantum malesianum)、灰背铁线蕨(A. myriosorum)、团羽铁线蕨(A.capillus-junonis)、铁线蕨(A.capillus-veneris)、鞭叶铁线蕨(A. caudatum)、白背铁线蕨(A. davadii)、月牙铁线蕨(A. deentulum)、普通铁线蕨(A. edgeworthii)、肾盖铁线蕨(A. erythrochlamys)等9种植物具有较高的观赏价值,在城市景观和绿化建设方面具有潜在的应用前景。为了解它们对我国34个省会城市的气候适应特点,以便为它们的栽培推广提供理论指导。本文应用基于RCP45CO2排放情景下的11个当前生物气候数据,以及假鞭叶铁线蕨等9种观赏蕨类在中国的694个分布记录,应用MaxEnt模型和ArcGis9.3软件,定量地预测了它们在我国的潜在分布范围,计测了它们对各省会城市的气候适应指数。结果表明,9种铁线蕨属植物在我国34个省会城市的气候适应能力有较大差异。假鞭叶铁线蕨、灰背铁线蕨、团羽铁线蕨、铁线蕨、月牙铁线蕨、普通铁线蕨在中国西南地区(四川东南部、重庆、云南、贵州)气候适应性很好,潜在分布范围广;假鞭叶铁线蕨、团羽铁线蕨、铁线蕨、鞭叶铁线蕨对中国华南地区的气候条件有较高的适应性;灰背铁线蕨、团羽铁线蕨、铁线蕨、白背铁线蕨和普通铁线蕨在中国华中的气候有较高的气候适应性;团羽铁线蕨和普通铁线蕨的潜在分布范围覆盖了华北地区的北京、天津和石家庄,它们的综合气候适生指数的平均值达到0.60。  相似文献   

Efficient photosynthesis is essential for plant survival. To optimize photosynthesis, plants have developed several photoresponses. Stems bend towards a light source (phototropism), chloroplasts move to a place of appropriate light intensity (chloroplast photorelocation) and stomata open to absorb carbon dioxide. These responses are mediated by the blue-light receptors phototropin 1 (phot1) and phototropin 2 (phot2) in Arabidopsis (refs 1-5). In some ferns, phototropism and chloroplast photorelocation are controlled by red light as well as blue light. However, until now, the photoreceptor mediating these red-light responses has not been identified. The fern Adiantum capillus-veneris has an unconventional photoreceptor, phytochrome 3 (phy3), which is a chimaera of the red/far-red light receptor phytochrome and phototropin. We identify here a function of phy3 for red-light-induced phototropism and for red-light-induced chloroplast photorelocation, by using mutational analysis and complementation. Because phy3 greatly enhances the sensitivity to white light in orienting leaves and chloroplasts, and PHY3 homologues exist among various fern species, this chimaeric photoreceptor may have had a central role in the divergence and proliferation of fern species under low-light canopy conditions.  相似文献   

贵州特有植物及其种质保存研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目前贵州特有或仅在贵州分布的种子植物共计280种(含变种),占贵州省种子植物总数的5.3%.它们分别隶属66科、144属.贵州特有植物,分布范围狭窄,环境恶化,它们不仅稀少,而且濒危.为此,三年来,我们择其具有显著代表性和开发应用前景较好的15种植物进行种质资源的保存研究工作.  相似文献   

移栽成活的10种贵州乡土蕨类植物在4个土壤水分梯度下处理30天后,测定植株生长(叶片相对数、幼叶萌发率和幼叶成活率)和叶片生理指标(叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量、游离态脯氨酸含量和丙二醛含量)的变化。结果表明:干旱显著降低蕨类植物叶片相对数、幼叶萌发率和幼叶成活率,显著降低叶绿素含量,增加叶片可溶性糖、游离态脯氨酸含量和丙二醛含量。10种蕨中,耐旱种为巢蕨、刺齿贯众和庐山石韦,不耐旱种为蟹爪盾蕨、光石韦和大瓦韦。干旱条件下(特别是重度干旱)蕨类植物耐旱性选择的适宜指标为叶片相对数、叶绿素含量降幅和丙二醛含量增幅。  相似文献   

研究了不同水分条件对3种不同演化地位的蕨类植物(海金沙(Lygodium japonicum)、水蕨(Ceratopteris thalictroides)、狗脊(Woodwardia japonica))的配子体形态发育的影响.结果表明:1)随着水分的增加,海金沙、水蕨和狗脊孢子的萌发速率加快,丝状体的长度增长; 2)在缺水条件下,配子体易发育成雄性配子体,而在水分充足条件下,配子体易发育成两性配子体或雌性配子体; 3)次生假根的形态及毛状体的数量等受到水分条件的影响; 4)孢子萌发类型、配子体发育类型及成熟原叶体和毛状体的形态结构是相对稳定的性状,可作为蕨类植物分类鉴定的依据.  相似文献   

佛坪自然保护区蕨类植物地理分布和区系分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
佛坪自然保护区的蕨类植物水平分布与这一地区的森林分布格局是一致的,垂直分布分为4个带谱。该区蕨类植物区系组成共95种,隶属于20科43属。在区系结构上表现出3个特征:①种系密度大,成分多样;②属的地理成分多样,以温带成分为主,兼具热带、亚热带性质;③该区属于“耳蕨—鳞毛蕨植物区系”  相似文献   

为了改善南海湿地生态环境,提出一种新的南海湿地生态长效补水优化控制方法。针对包头市南海湿地景区,依据圣维南方程组建立水动力模型,通过双扫法完成数值计算,构造水量及水质模型。求出各网格的水位和水流变化情况,将质量守恒方程与动量方程作为依据进行补水,保证补水后南海湿地符合质量守恒方程,实现南海湿地生态长效补水优化控制。对其进行离散处理,通过有效差分法中的追赶法对组成不同网格的方程组进行计算。在求解的过程中,若对流过程占主导,则求解过程中采用高阶空间离散较为合适。若扩散过程占主导,则采用低阶空间离散。选择控制点,研究水质变化情况、经济效益变化情况及生态环境改善情况,发现所提方法能够改善水质及生态环境,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

中国贵州与日本蕨类植物区系之比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王筱英  王培善 《贵州科学》1997,15(2):142-150
中国贵州与日本基本上具有相同科、属的蕨类植物,两地的大科完全一致,日本比贵州有较多的热带与温带属,反映了其温和海洋性气候有南伸北延的岛屿跨越纬度范围较大,贵州则因地处大陆及亚热带气候而有不同的蕨类植物。  相似文献   

湖南省武陵源区蕨类植物初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了湖南省武陵源区蕨类植物255种、85属、37科,对区系特征和垂直分布作了初步分析,并指出对湘西北蕨类有必要作进一步研究,  相似文献   

我国湘西大马-亥冲口-峨梨塘地区有大量三叶虫化石产出,它是我国南方已知含丰富化石产地之一.此地同样也是我国寒武系地层出露最完整的地区之一.特别是黔东和湘西交界处,寒武系岩石出露相当好,未变形,易辩认.部分产自亥冲口剖面的多节类三叶虫由现作者近年出版在别处,本文重点介绍几个近年新发现产自大马剖面的三叶虫.  相似文献   

截至2005年,以贵州高原为中心的中国南方喀斯特地区石漠化土地总面积已经达到12.96×104km2,中国南方石漠化与西北地区的沙漠化、黄土高原的水土流失成为我国三大生态灾害。以黔东南自治州为主要对象,研究了生态综合治理下黔东南州2000~2005年石漠化的变化特征,应用空间转移矩阵预测未来发展趋势。数据表明:黔东南州石漠化面积从2000年1 638.46km2发展到2005年的1 753.60 km2,5年间平均每年增加23km2,到2050年石漠化面积将达到2 634.45 km2,占全州国土面积的8.68%。虽然黔东南州石漠化低于贵州平均水平,但是石漠化防治工作不容忽视,要建设黔东南生态文明试验区,石漠化治理仍是一个长期、艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

The genus Ovatoryctocara Tchernysheva, 1962 and its key species Ovatoryctocara granulata Tchernysheva, 1962 are revised. Ovatoryctocara granulata occurs near the base of the Ovatoryctocara Zone and ranges up into the lower portion of the Kounamkites Zone in the Siberian Platform. O. granulata also appears in southeastern Guizhou, South China, but, O. granulata in northern Greenland may represent an indefinite species. Specimens of Ovatoryctocara from Newfoundland cannot be identified to species level. Specimens including two cranidia and three pygidia from the lower part of the Aoxi Formation at Yaxi Village, Shizhu Town, eastern Tongren, northeastern Guizhou, were previously assigned to O. granulata , which is now reassigned as a new species O. yaxiensis sp. nov. It bears following main features: glabella club-shaped, slightly expanded medially, with 4 pairs of lateral furrows, of which S1-S3 triangular pits, S4 shallow , connecting with axial furrow; shorter palpebral lobe situated a little anterior to midway of facial suture across the fixigenae, longer posterolateral area (exsag.); semielliptical pygidium consisting of seven axial rings with a terminal piece and with eight pairs of marginal tips giving a sawtooth-like shape of the lateral margins in dorsal view. Although O. granulata is a widely distributed species, the FAD of O. granulata, for a global stage boundary has still some disadvantages. First, its distribution is not as wide as that of Oryctocephalus indicus (Reed, 1910). Second, specimens of O. granulata are only common in Siberia. Third, the stratigraphic range of the species has not been studied in detail in all continents. Fourth, O. granulata is relatively small and easily affected by post-burial distortion. Last but not least, there exists obviously a facies change between the Ovatoryctocara Zone ( lower Amgan Stage; deeper water facies) and underlying Anabaraspis splendens Zone (Toyonian Stage; shallow water facies) in Siberian Platform. Nevertheless, the stratigraphic correlation utility of O. granulata in South China and Siberia is discussed.  相似文献   

通过对贵州主要药用蕨类植物的野外调查、资源搜集和引种栽培试验研究,介绍了贵州丰富的药用蕨类植物资源,阐明了其地理分布、形态特征、栽培特性等状况.采用植物分类法、物候观测法、资源调查和引种栽培等方法,探讨和试验研究贵州药用蕨类植物的保护与利用技术,为药用蕨类植物的资源保存以及进一步合理开发利用提供依据.  相似文献   

贵州蕨菜的营养成份提取及其开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以遍及贵州全省的廉价的蕨菜为主要原料,运用食品营养原理精制而成的,风味独特的绿色保健饮品--蕨菜汁,是极具开发价值产品,探讨生产工艺和产品稳定性,及农村绿色资源转化为经济资源的诸多问题。  相似文献   

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