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We put forward the hypothesis that there exist three basic attitudes towards inconsistencies within world views: (1) The inconsistency is tolerated temporarily and is viewed as an expression of a temporary lack of knowledge due to an incomplete or wrong theory. The resolution of the inconsistency is believed to be inherent to the improvement of the theory. This improvement ultimately resolves the contradiction and therefore we call this attitude the ‘regularising’ attitude; (2) The inconsistency is tolerated and both contradicting elements in the theory are retained. This attitude integrates the inconsistency and leads to a paraconsistent calculus; therefore we will call it the paraconsistent attitude. (3) In the third attitude, both elements of inconsistency are considered to be false and the ‘real situation’ is considered something different that can not be described by the theory constructively. This indicates the incompleteness of the theory, and leads us to a paracomplete calculus; therefore we call it the paracomplete attitude. We illustrate these three attitudes by means of two ‘paradoxical’ situations in quantum mechanics, the wave-particle duality and the situation of non locality. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

量子隐形传态是学术界关注的新焦点。随着量子隐形传态技术不断取得突破,量子通信过程中的信息传输能力和可靠性有望获得极大提升。文章详细阐述了量子隐形传态的实现过程,介绍了量子隐形传态的最新研发成果、专利申请以及应用方向。  相似文献   

从信息传输看量子测量过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
量子测量难题的解决中对于量子测量过程的分析是必不可少的.本文从量子测量过程中的信息传输入手,在区分实在信息与意识信息的基础之上分别分析了测量的实在过程和测量的表征过程,进而认为量子测量是实在信息的转化和传递过程,也是意识信息的转化过程,并从破坏性与非破坏性的统一引出一种客观的信息保持性测量--量子非破坏测量.  相似文献   

In the paper, the proof of the non-locality of quantum mechanics, given by Bedford and Stapp (1995), and appealing to the GHZ example, is analyzed. The proof does not contain any explicit assumption of realism, but instead it uses formal methods and techniques of the Lewis calculus of counterfactuals. To ascertain the validity of the proof, a formal semantic model for counterfactuals is constructed. With the help of this model it can be shown that the proof is faulty, because it appeals to the unwarranted principle of “elimination of eliminated conditions” (EEC). As an additional way of showing unreasonableness of the assumption (EEC), it is argued that yet another alleged and highly controversial proof of non-locality of QM, using the Hardy example, can be made almost trivial with the help of (EEC). Finally, a general argument is produced to the effect that the locality condition in the form accepted by Stapp and Bedford is consistent with the quantum-mechanical predictions for the GHZ case under the assumption of indeterminism. This result undermines any future attempts of proving the incompatibility between the predictions of quantum theory and the idea of no faster-than-light influence in the GHZ case, quite independently of the negative assessment of the particular derivation proposed by Stapp and Bedford.  相似文献   

计算复杂性、量子计算及其哲学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
量子计算机具有超越经典计算机的能力。量子计算具有并行性和整体性,某些量子算法具有加速性。量子计算揭示了:数学与物理学之间的紧密关系,量子力学的波函数具有实在性。量子计算具有克服计算复杂性的能力。  相似文献   

波函数具有可控性。量子算法是幺正算法,能够对一个量子系统进行变换(量子控制),且变换前后的经典物理意义并不发生变化。格罗夫算法具有放大波函数的系数的能力。量子算法对被测量子系统的控制,在一定程度上体现为对量子测量进行控制,于是,测量后显现的经典实在并不是量子实在的任意所为。量子控制是面对实事本身,是一种现象学式的处理方式,它不去追究量子系统有什么样的结构。  相似文献   

量子纠缠及其哲学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代以来,兴起了量子信息论,量子纠缠从理论走向实践.量子纠缠是量子信息与量子隐形传态的关键.量子纠缠是一个特殊的超空间、非定域的量子关联.它涉及非定域性、内部时空、个体性、纠缠资源、相互作用、对称性、同一性等一系列重大的哲学问题,拓展出新的哲学意义.  相似文献   

量子通信是量子物理与信息科学相结合的新兴产物。量子力学的基本原理保证了通信的绝对安全,从而将在本质上提升通信安全,其实用化和产业化也将给未来的通信产业带来一场革命。目前,实用化的量子通信在国际上的竞争非常激烈。本项研究在合肥实现了基于诱骗态方案的绝对安全的3节点链状量子通信网络,并进一步实现了全通型的星形量子通信网络。所实现的通信网络,在通信距离和通信速率上都处于国际领先水平,标志着我国在实用化量子通信领域已具备和欧美发达国家竞争的能力。  相似文献   

量子密钥分发和量子隐形传态不断取得的新突破,使量子通信实用化问题日益成为关注的焦点。本文简析了量子通信研究的发展历程,并对量子通信的实用化现状进行了概括:实用化量子密钥分发技术已近在眼前,但量子隐形传态的实用化仍尚需时日。针对认识和理解量子通信时的典型误区,本文做了简要澄清。根据量子通信实用化发展态势,为我国量子通信的发展提出了4点对策和建议  相似文献   

关于世界的划分,有本体论层面,也有逻辑学层面,还有这两个层面的纠缠。纠缠形成悖论,无论是波普尔的世界3理论,还是此前的一元论、二元论,以及后来诸多形态的世界4理论,都为这种悖论所纠缠。世界的划分者主要留意的是对于世界的本体论划分,然而划分却有很深的逻辑学内涵。从世界4的话题出发,关注划分的逻辑学层面,以及本体论和逻辑学层面的微妙关系,正视、接纳和解放悖论,是本文的主旨。  相似文献   

皮亚杰改造数理逻辑并用来刻画儿童的认知结构.这一改造过的逻辑受到的多是指责和批评.这些批评有其合理性,但却过于专注于细节和系统的不完美.立足于当代各门认知科学的发展,我们应该对此做出新的、整体的评价.从逻辑学来看,皮亚杰的逻辑更新了我们对逻辑的观念,成为解决逻辑认识论问题的基础;从心理学来看,用逻辑结构来刻画认知结构,开辟了心理学研究的新方向;从认知科学来看,皮亚杰逻辑的跨学科研究为认知科学的跨学科合作提供了样板等.  相似文献   

In quantum computation non classical features such as superposition states and entanglement are used to solve problems in new ways, impossible on classical digital computers.We illustrate by Deutsch algorithm how a quantum computer can use superposition states to outperform any classical computer. We comment on the view of a quantum computer as a massive parallel computer and recall Amdahls law for a classical parallel computer. We argue that the view on quantum computation as a massive parallel computation disregards the presence of entanglement in a general quantum computation and the non classical way in which parallel results are combined to obtain the final output.  相似文献   

本文系统地考察了量子测量的相对态解释语境,阐述了解读相对态解释的两种意义语境——多世界解释与多心解释——的主要观点。  相似文献   

论证可分为形式论证(人工语言论证)与非形式论证(自然语言论证)。前者是形式逻辑的研究对象,后者是非形式逻辑的研究对象。我们从几个代表性逻辑学定义出发,分析了非形式逻辑产生的背景,讨论了形式逻辑与非形式逻辑的区别,并从非形式逻辑角度探讨了自然语言论证评价的标准。  相似文献   

本文通过对不同量子测量解释的共同基本特征的考察,系统地阐述了量子测量解释中隐含的实在观的三个基本信条,(1)在本体论意义上,承认世界的独立存在性;(2)可以对物理过程进行统计因果性的说明;(3)物理世界具有非分离性或整体性.提出了以这种整体性实在观为前提,对量子力学的实在论解释要求重新审查传统真理观的观点.  相似文献   

量子场论的还原性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述粒子物理学的核心语言是可重整化的量子场论。重整化最初是应对量子场论中数学计算无穷大问题的有效策略,是解决理论物理学中“突现”问题的有力手段。本文从重整化操作在量子场论中产生的影响出发,回顾了有效场论思想产生的历史,叙述了重整化方法所引起的哲学争论,旨在对还原论和反还原论在解释量子场论中涉及的“还原”、“突现”、“层次性”等问题予以方法论考察,最后从语境的视角对重整化方法进行诠释,指出对基础理论及理论间关系的探讨是具有境遇性的。  相似文献   

"罗斯悖论"是道义逻辑中的第一个"悖论",对此中外学者有过诸多研究,见解纷呈.在评述以往学界研究成果的基础上,通过语境原则的讨论和"悖论度"概念的引入,可以进一步澄清罗斯悖论的实质及其方法论价值.  相似文献   

科技术语翻译是科技信息的沟通,也是文化元素的传递。术语概念形成机制和语言表达式都要受到文化认知的制约和影响。从等值传递专业概念的目标出发,术语翻译应当从文化认知原理、文化对应性等方面深入理解,通过对比分析,探讨术语翻译的实用方法和技巧。  相似文献   

In this essay I examine various aspects of the nearcentury-long debate concerning the conceptualfoundations of quantum mechanics and the problems ithas posed for physicists and philosophers fromEinstein to the present. Most crucial here is theissue of realism and the question whether quantumtheory is compatible with any kind of realist orcausal-explanatory account which goes beyond theempirical-predictive data. This was Einstein's chiefconcern in the famous series of exchanges with NielsBohr when he refused to accept the truth orcompleteness of a doctrine (orthodox QM) which ruledsuch questions to be strictly inadmissible. I discussthe later history of quantum-theoretical debate withparticular reference to the issue of nonlocality,i.e., the phenomenon of superluminal(faster-than-light) interaction betweenwidely-separated particles. Then I show how thestandard `Copenhagen' interpretation of QM hasinfluenced current anti-realist orontological-relativist approaches to philosophy ofscience. Indeed, there are clear signs that somephilosophers have retreated from a realist positionvery largely in response to just these problems. So itis important to ask exactly why – on what scientificor philosophical grounds – any preferred alternative(causal-realist) construal should have been ruled outas a matter of orthodox QM wisdom. Moreconstructively, my paper presents various arguments infavour of one such alternative, the `hidden-variables'theory developed since the early 1950s by David Bohmand consistently marginalised by proponents of theCopenhagen doctrine.  相似文献   

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