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Each giant planet of the Solar System has two main types of moons. 'Regular' moons are typically larger satellites with prograde, nearly circular orbits in the equatorial plane of their host planets at distances of several to tens of planetary radii. The 'irregular' satellites (which are typically smaller) have larger orbits with significant eccentricities and inclinations. Despite these common features, Neptune's irregular satellite system, hitherto thought to consist of Triton and Nereid, has appeared unusual. Triton is as large as Pluto and is postulated to have been captured from heliocentric orbit; it traces a circular but retrograde orbit at 14 planetary radii from Neptune. Nereid, which exhibits one of the largest satellite eccentricities, is believed to have been scattered from a regular satellite orbit to its present orbit during Triton's capture. Here we report the discovery of five irregular moons of Neptune, two with prograde and three with retrograde orbits. These exceedingly faint (apparent red magnitude m(R) = 24.2-25.4) moons, with diameters of 30 to 50 km, were presumably captured by Neptune.  相似文献   

Adam D 《Nature》2000,407(6807):931

10月龄非洲鸵鸟胴体性状的测定及其相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对饲养于陕西关中地区的23只10月龄非洲鸵鸟胴体性状进行测定及其相关回归研究.结果表明,屠宰率平均为0.785 9±0.018 1%;半净膛率平均为0.904 9±0.012 6%,全净膛率平均为 0.712 5±0.027 7%.10月龄非洲鸵鸟体重与体尺之间回归方程:Y=-52.155 07 0.701X1- 0.166X2 2.879X3(n=23,R2=0.643 418,0.05相似文献   

Canup RM 《Nature》2010,468(7326):943-946
The origin of Saturn's rings has not been adequately explained. The current rings are more than 90 to 95 per cent water ice, which implies that initially they were almost pure ice because they are continually polluted by rocky meteoroids. In contrast, a half-rock, half-ice mixture (similar to the composition of many of the satellites in the outer Solar System) would generally be expected. Previous ring origin theories invoke the collisional disruption of a small moon, or the tidal disruption of a comet during a close passage by Saturn. These models are improbable and/or struggle to account for basic properties of the rings, including their icy composition. Saturn has only one large satellite, Titan, whereas Jupiter has four large satellites; additional large satellites probably existed originally but were lost as they spiralled into Saturn. Here I report numerical simulations of the tidal removal of mass from a differentiated, Titan-sized satellite as it migrates inward towards Saturn. Planetary tidal forces preferentially strip material from the satellite's outer icy layers, while its rocky core remains intact and is lost to collision with the planet. The result is a pure ice ring much more massive than Saturn's current rings. As the ring evolves, its mass decreases and icy moons are spawned from its outer edge with estimated masses consistent with Saturn's ice-rich moons interior to and including Tethys.  相似文献   

A class of irregular wavelet frames   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The two newly discovered satellites of Pluto (P1 and P2) have masses that are small compared to both Pluto and Charon-that is, between 5 x 10(-4) and 1 x 10(-5) of Pluto's mass, and between 5 x 10(-3) and 1 x 10(-4) of Charon's mass. This discovery, combined with the constraints on the absence of more distant satellites of Pluto, reveal that Pluto and its moons comprise an unusual, highly compact, quadruple system. These facts naturally raise the question of how this puzzling satellite system came to be. Here we show that P1 and P2's proximity to Pluto and Charon, the fact that P1 and P2 are on near-circular orbits in the same plane as Pluto's large satellite Charon, along with their apparent locations in or near high-order mean-motion resonances, all probably result from their being constructed from collisional ejecta that originated from the Pluto-Charon formation event. We also argue that dust-ice rings of variable optical depths form sporadically in the Pluto system, and that rich satellite systems may be found--perhaps frequently--around other large Kuiper belt objects.  相似文献   

针对非规则循环应用中存在的一次迭代访问多个间接数组的问题,给出了超图数组的形式化描述,提出了三种基于超图的数据重排算法,即基于超图的非重复编码数据重排算法、基于超图的回溯搜索数据重排算法和基于超图的先划分再回溯数据重排算法,以及两种基于超图的迭代重排算法,即基于超图的非重复编码迭代重排算法和基于超图的回溯搜索迭代重排算法.通过对典型的非规则应用实例——流体力学问题进行实验,表明单独的重排算法提高程序执行速度约25.4%.在最好的数据重排与迭代重排的组合算法下,一级和二级高速缓存的平均命中率分别增加到91.7%和96.5%.  相似文献   

异形桂框架结构是一种适应目前城市住宅建设发展需要、抗震性能较好的结构体系,文章结合工程实例,对异形柱框架结构的使用范围、受力分析、结构布置、结构计算、构造要求等方面作了一些探讨,并对工程设计提出了一些建议,供结构设计人员参考.  相似文献   

In order to solve high encoding complexities of irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, a deterministic construction of irregular LDPC codes with low encoding complexities was proposed. And the encoding algorithms were designed, whose complexities are linear equations of code length. The construction and encoding algorithms were derived from the effectively encoding characteristics of repeat-accumulate (RA) codes and masking technique. Firstly, the new construction modified parity-check matrices of RA codes to eliminate error floors of RA codes. Secondly, the new constructed parity-check matrices were based on Vandermonde matrices, this deterministic algebraic structure was easy for hardware implementation. Theoretic analysis and experimental results show that, at a bit-error rate of 10×10−4, the new codes with lower encoding complexities outperform Mackay’s random LDPC codes by 0.4–0.6 dB over an additive white Gauss noise (AWGN) channel. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(60496315, 60572050)  相似文献   

结合工程设计实践,分析单榀钢筋混凝土竖向非规则框架的受力机理:传力路线长,受力构件多;刚度变化:水平刚度沿着高度方向有突变,应力集中现象严重;变形特点:各柱的竖向变形差异较大,必须考虑对结构整体内力的计算影响;抗震设防要求:采用强柱弱梁设计,形成延性结构。通过与规则框架的比较,提出竖向非规则框架属于抗震不利的结构形式,实际问题的处理应从结构布置、内力与配筋计算、构造措施等方面加以综合考虑。  相似文献   

介绍了利用.NET进行图形界面设计的三种方式,其中API方式是多媒体设计的传统方式,但扩展性有局限,而后两种方法调用的是.NET的图形服务,可更灵活地实现个性化窗体.  相似文献   

介绍了利用.NET进行图形界面设计的三种方式,其中API方式是多媒体设计的传统方式,但扩展性有局限,而后两种方法调用的是.NET的图形服务,可更灵活地实现个性化窗体。  相似文献   

M Robertson 《Nature》1984,312(5989):16-17

李艳芳 《科学技术与工程》2012,12(36):9919-9923
考虑一个已经获得最优决策的PSIC问题。由于费用函数、完成事件所需时间和项目中事件总数三个参数或函数发生变化后,在保证费用最小化和尽可能只对原计划做局部修改的前提下,解决扰动恢复问题。首先对问题进行数学描述、分析和建模。然后再用扰动恢复理论对各种情况进行讨论。最后给出了各种情况的解决方案。  相似文献   

It is proved that if a function can bc completely reconstructed by tempered splines which satisfy the real Kiesz basis condition as the degree of spline goes to infinity, ihcn the function is band-limited.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土不规则板的极限分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于不规则板边界条件的多样性、受力性能的复杂性,要得到其弹性理论解非常困难.板的极限分析方法能有效地解决不规则板在特定条件下的受力分析问题.作者通过选择板的合理内力函数,对钢筋混凝土"L"形不规则简支板在均布荷载作用下可能出现的弯矩和扭矩分布状态,按照极限分析的方法,使板满足平衡方程与边界条件,并使其不违背屈服准则,推导出钢筋混凝土"L"形不规则板极限分析的一般下限解.研究结果表明,推导出的极限荷载值与4块"L"形钢筋混凝土板的试验值比较接近,证明所推导的一般下限解是正确的.  相似文献   

高强  严俊  陆宏兰 《科学技术与工程》2011,11(27):6670-6673
当航班计划受到扰动时,航空公司不仅要制定飞机与机组路线恢复计划以保证航班执行,更要尽快对旅客流进行恢复,以减少旅客延误或取消行程带来的经济损失。在飞机与机组路线恢复计划基础上建立旅客流恢复模型,通过以路径流量为变量的线性整数规划构造出受扰OD对集合,然后用深度优先算法构造出所有可行行程以单纯形法求解。实例结果表明,建立的模型和算法能够快速恢复旅客流,并且能够大量减少损失。  相似文献   

基于二阶波势流理论,建立了一个非线性不规则波浪二阶分离模型.通过求解频域内一、二阶成分之间的传递函数,建立起二阶项求解关系式,将二阶项变换到与一阶项同一个傅里叶频域空间,采用Newton-Raphson迭代方法分别求解出目标波浪中一阶、二阶和频与二阶差频.利用所建立模型分别对规则波和二阶非线性不规则波进行了数值验证,并对波浪非线性的影响进行了分析,典型数值计算结果表明模型是有效的.  相似文献   

张广清 《科学技术与工程》2011,11(33):8165-8169,8177
根据低渗透油藏压裂现状,将压裂技术与油藏工程相结合,通过数值模拟方法分析了低渗透油田压裂中不规则人工裂缝与排状交错井网的匹配性。研究结果表明,从开采10年的单井日产量、累积产量来看,不规则裂缝的采油井或注水井两侧都未完全压开时的产量要比只压开一侧时的效果要好。同时,未完全压开的井数目越多,对产量的影响越大。  相似文献   

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