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采用晶体取向分布函数(ODF)研究和分析了在高纯铝中分别加入不同含量的微量稀土或铍对成品高纯铝箔立方织构的影响.研究结果表明添加微量稀土和铍,能改变高纯铝箔变形织构组分含量,单独加稀土时,形变织构变化不大;在单独加铍时,其S取向{123}<634>和Cu取向{112}<111>变化较大,随铍含量增加,其S取向密度f(g)减少,Bs{110}<112>取向密度增加.再结晶退火后,随稀土加入量增加,立方织构{100}<001>取向密度增加,R织构{124}<211>取向密度减少;铍添加较少时能增加成品箔材中立方织构{100}<001>强度,但随铍含量增加,立方织构含量急剧减少,R织构强度相应增加.稀土和铍在铝中溶解度都极小,与铁等微量杂质元素可能形成化合物析出后,能净化基体,减小铁对形成立方织构的阻碍作用,促进再结晶立方取向核心的形成与长大,增加立方织构比例.  相似文献   

当固体表面被荷能离子轰击时,表面貌相发生变化,早在Wehner的实验中就观察到被溅射的球形靶变成为圆锥形状,后来Stewart等对圆锥的形成进行了讨论,指出最终圆锥的底角应为使溅射率Y(θ)取极大值的角度θ_P.本文导出了离子束刻蚀固体表面貌相变化的特征曲线方程,利用微机对球形靶表面貌相变化进行了模拟.其结果和实验基本一致,但圆锥底角为θ_,即是对应于刻蚀速率v(θ)为极值的角度.并从理论上给了初步说明.  相似文献   

采用异步轧制工艺制备出工业纯铝极薄带,并利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)对其织构演变和微观组织进行分析。结果表明,随着变形程度的增加,工业纯铝的晶粒主要向β取向线聚集,形变织构中铜型织构(C){112}〈111〉和黄铜型织构(B){011}〈211〉逐渐增强,轧至100μm厚时试样中晶体取向密度达到最大值26,轧至30μm厚时其取向密度值下降至16,并逐渐形成旋转立方织构(RC){100}〈011〉;形变储能剧烈增加诱发工业纯铝在室温下发生再结晶过程,使系统能量降低,导致织构强度下降。  相似文献   

轧制油对铝箔退火表面质量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对铝箔轧后退火时,轧制油对铝箔表面的污染进行分析研究.首先利用热重与差热分析仪对轧制油和添加剂的退火失重和差热曲线进行测定,发现轧制油随温度增加,经历了两个阶段变化:先大量挥发,后发生氧化.退火油斑的形成取决于后者,这从理论上解释了轧制油在退火时的热物性变化对铝箔退火表面的影响.  相似文献   

高纯铝箔主要用于制作高压电容器的阳极材料,电容器的比电容大小与阳极箔材中立方织构的含量密切相关立方织构含量越高,箔材腐蚀后有效表面积越大,其比电容也相应越大.作者采用晶体取向分布函数(ODF)研究和分析了成品退火工艺制度及冷却速度对不同铁含量高纯铝箔立方织构的影响.研究结果表明含Fe0.0011%的高纯铝箔在二级退火190℃/3h+520℃/2h条件下立方织构含量较高,R织构比例较小.由于铁的含量及存在状态严重影响了高纯铝箔的立方织构含量,当铁含量较高或过饱和固溶在基体中时,成品退火时主要出现原位再结晶,立方织构较弱,R织构较强.因此,含Fe0.0016%的高纯铝箔成品退火后虽在空冷时立方织构含量较高,但其立方织构含量均低于含Fe0.0011%的高纯铝箔中的立方织构含量.  相似文献   

材料表面的疏水性决定了其耐蚀及防污性能.采用电化学刻蚀技术在2024铝合金表面制备具有微-纳米尺寸的粗糙结构,再利用等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术在其表面制备类金刚石薄膜,采用半球法计算刻蚀及镀膜后的接触角,利用扫描电镜观察刻蚀后的表面形貌,研究刻蚀电流密度及刻蚀时间对薄膜疏水性能的影响机制.结果表明,电化学刻蚀能够明显改善2024铝合金的表面疏水性.本实验范围内,刻蚀时间为100 s且电流密度为2.6 A/cm2时,试样表面微/纳浮突结构相对均匀,疏水性能较高;镀DLC膜后,表面自由能为32.32 mN/m,仅为基体的一半;低自由能进一步提高铝合金表面疏水性能.  相似文献   

珍珠花丛生芽的诱导及生根条件的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
诱导珍珠花(Staphylea bumalda DC)丛生芽的最佳培养基为MS基本培养基附加NAA0.2mg.L^-1和BA5MG.l^-1,无菌苗在1/2MS培养基中附加NAA1mg.L^-1、活性碳0.45g.L^-1、硫胺素1mg.L^-1、蔗糖20g.L^-1能长根形成完整植株。  相似文献   

The effect of dislocation structure evolution on low-angle grain boundary formation in 7050 aluminum alloy during aging was studied by using optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and electron backscatter diffraction analysis of misorientation angle distribution, cumulative misorientation and geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) density. Experimental results indicate that coarse spindle-shaped grains with the dimension of 200 μm×80 μm separate into fine equiaxed grains of 20 μm in size as a result of newborn low-angle grain boundaries formed during the aging process. More specifically, the dislocation arrays, which are rearranged and formed due to scattered dislocations during earlier quenching, transform into low-angle grain boundaries with aging time. The relative frequency of 3°-5° low-angle grain boundaries increases to over 30%. The GND density, which describes low-angle grain boundaries with the misorientation angle under 3°, tends to decrease during initial aging. The inhomogeneous distribution of GNDs is affected by grain orientation. A decrease in GND density mainly occurs from 1.83×1013 to 4.40×1011 m-2 in grains with 〈111〉 fiber texture. This is consistent with a decrease of unit cumulative misorientation. Precipitation on grain boundaries and the formation of a precipitation free zone (PFZ) are facilitated due to the eroding activity of the Graff etchant. Consequently, low-angle grain boundaries could be readily viewed by optical microscopy due to an increase in their electric potential difference.  相似文献   

结合隧道直流聚焦地质超前预报电法技术,选取掘进机数个刀头作为主电极,通过刀盘的旋转进行扫描模式的地质超前探测,预测掘进掌子面前方潜在灾害体.采用ANSYS参数化设计语言(APDL)进行二次开发,对聚焦电场进行有限元仿真,求解不同地电条件下的三维电阻率模拟的异常特征,同时观察稳定电流场的变化.结果表明:该方法能实时、直观、准确反映出隧道掘进掌子面前方异常地质体的位置,有效减少旁侧干扰物对探测结果的影响.  相似文献   

针对多目标优化问题,提出一种改进的差分进化算法(DE).该改进算法首先将DE与粒子群优化算法(PSO)结合,提高DE的收敛速度,然后引入多种群进化策略,有利于维持Pareto解的多样性.同时,在综合考虑机理与工艺的基础上建立铝电解多目标优化模型,并应用改进算法进行求解.仿真结果表明:在电流效率为92%时,改进算法所得的直流功耗为14.03 MW.h/t,比NSGA-Ⅱ的直流功耗降低了1.45%,比传统DE的直流功耗降低了1.75%.表明本文改进算法有效地提高了传统进化算法的性能.  相似文献   

The morphology of etched aluminum foil was observed using scanning electron microscopy, which led to the establishment of a cylindrical model and two merged models, considering the fixed weight loss of etching. The maximum of specific capacitance and the corresponding optimum values for tunnel sizes at various anodization voltages were predicted. The increased size distribution and taper of tunnels were demonstrated to decrease the specific capacitance, whereas the addition of polymeric additive into the tunnel widening solution was demonstrated to increase the capacitance. The formation of merged tunnels on the etched aluminum surface, irrespective of the presence of row-merged tunnels or cluster-merged tunnels, resulted in a dramatic decrease in the specific capacitance. It is concluded that, enhancing the uniformity of tunnel size and distribution and avoiding the formation of merged tunnels are the effective approach to achieving the higher capacitance for the tunnel etched and formed aluminum foil.  相似文献   

冻融循环对阳曲隧道黄土细观损伤演化规律影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究冻融环境对黄土工程特性的影响,对山西阳曲1号黄土隧道施工过程进行了监测,可知冻融循环会通过对土中水的作用改变黄土特性,从而导致黄土工程特性的改变。以山西阳曲1号黄土隧道掌子面黄土为研究对象,运用损伤力学的研究方法,对土样进行了冻融循环后的CT扫描试验并分析,结果表明:冻融循环会造成土样原孔隙扩展、伸长、分叉、贯通;冻融循环对试件的破坏作用与初始孔隙分布密切相关;冻结过程发生水分向低温端(由内向外)迁移,土样发生明显的冻胀密减现象;随着冻融循环次数的增加,黄土CT数均值减少,方差增大,当15次冻融循环后,CT数均值趋于平缓。总体上来看,土样ME随冻融循环次数的增加而降低,SD随冻融循环次数的增加而增加。  相似文献   

本文针对铝电解工艺制造系统难以卓有成效地提升电流效率、降低直流能耗的多目标优化问题, 提出了基于函数型进化算子的NSGA-II算法. 该方法在系统稳定运转基础上求出满足铝电解增效减耗需求的Pareto非劣解集合;利用拥挤熵排序更新种群, 准确预算各级前沿解集分布;引入算术交叉并构造新型α函数交叉算子, 减少破坏优秀解集的可能性;再根据高斯柯西变异特性产生与迭代次数相关的扰动, 扩大搜索范围和精度;最后使用标准测试函数检测算法性能并用三种对比算法求解铝电解实例. 实验结果显示, 本文所提算法能获得分布均匀的Pareto最优解集, 利于铝电解工厂参考决策, 实现提效减耗的目的.  相似文献   

The LY12CZ aluminum alloy specimens were corroded under the conditions of different test temperatures and exposure durations. After corrosion exposure, fatigue tests were performed. Scanning electron microscopy and optical microscope analyses on corrosion damage were carried out. The definition of surface corrosion damage ratio was provided to describe the extent of surface corrosion damage. On the basis of the measured data sets of the corrosion damage ratio, the probabilistic model of corrosion damage evolution was built. The corrosion damage decreased the fatigue life by a factor of about 1.25 to 2.38 and the prediction method of residual strength of the corroded structure was presented.  相似文献   

采用圆环压缩法检测Al-Fe-V-Si系合金在喷射沉积高温时变形的摩擦因数,研究未加润滑剂、加石墨+机油润滑、加纯铝润滑、加纯铝+石墨+机油润滑4种条件下的摩擦因数随变形温度变化的情况,并探讨其润滑机理。研究结果表明,纯铝润滑以及纯铝+石墨+机油润滑均能有效地改善摩擦状况,其摩擦因数只有未加润滑剂时的1/3~1/4。采用纯铝润滑制备出外径×内径×长度为417 mm×340 mm×300 mm的正挤压管材,采用纯铝+石墨+机油润滑反挤制备出外径×内径×长度为520 mm×460 mm×1 000 mm的管材。  相似文献   

We have experimentally determined the as-cast structures of semi-continuous casting 7075 aluminum alloy obtained in the presence of dual-frequency electromagnetic field. Results suggest that the use of dual-frequency electromagnetic field during the semi-continuous casting process of 7075 aluminum alloy ingots reduces the thickness of the surface segregation layer, increases the height of the melt meniscus, enhances the surface quality of the ingot, and changes the surface morphology of the melt pool. Moreover, low-frequency electromagnetic field was found to show the most obvious influence on improving the as-cast structure because of its high permeability in conductors.  相似文献   

为了确保邻近地铁线路结构安全,检验基坑施工采用的特殊地铁保护措施是否达到要求,对基坑的施工过程进行了空间分析,计算结果表明在该基坑的施工过程中,隧道二次衬砌结构及车站结构处于安全状态,为工程施工提供依据.  相似文献   

使用光学和电子显微镜技术研究了纤维在氧化和碳化过程中的形态学结构.结果得出粘胶纤维的直径分布离散率和横截面圆形率显著地影响最终获得之碳纤维的力学性质.研究发现粘胶纤维内部存在大量微孔,表面则有稠密的沟槽,它们在氧化和碳化过程中得以部分地保留.皮芯结构是粘胶纤维形态学结构的另一重要情景.  相似文献   

隧道洞口通常处于浅埋、偏压、围岩破碎等复杂地质、地形条件,施工中容易发生仰坡坍塌、冒顶、衬砌结构变形开裂、难于安全进洞等情况.以厦蓉高速公路老寨隧道为例,针对浅埋、偏压及洞口段围岩破碎的情况,采用FLAC3D数值计算软件对洞口段隧道支护结构的应力、塑性区发生发展规律、变形等进行研究,得出了隧道洞口段开挖过程中应力分布规律、塑性区的分布及破坏特点、变形与隧道开挖的关系等.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the stop-action technique to experimentally investigate the material flow and microstructural evolution of alclad 2A12-T4 aluminum alloy during refill friction stir spot welding.There are two material flow components, i.e., the inward-or outward-directed spiral flow on the horizontal plane and the upward-or downward-directed flow on the vertical plane.In the plunge stage, the flow of plasticized metal into the cavity is similar to that of a stack, whereby the upper layer is pushed upward by the lower layer.In the refill stage, this is process reversed.As such, there is no obvious vertical plasticized metal flow between adjacent layers.Welding leads to the coarsening of S(Al_2CuMg) in the thermo-mechanically affected zone and the diminishing of S in the stir zone.Continuous dynamic recrystallization results in the formation of fine equiaxed grains in the stir zone, but this process becomes difficult in the thermo-mechanically affected zone due to the lower deformation rate and the pinning action of S precipitates on the dislocations and sub-grain boundaries, which leads to a high fraction of low-angle grain boundaries in this zone.  相似文献   

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