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Hu Jun  Yin Xieyuan 《自然科学进展》2007,17(12):1389-1396
Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard flows in binary fluids with Soret effect are directly simulated by a mixed finite element method. A temperature perturbation is used as an initial disturbed source for the basic parallel flows. The whole spatio-temporal evolution of the binary fluid flows is exhibited: initially only the disturbed mode with the wavenumber k=π is amplified while others are damped, and continuously the amplified mode grows further and the nonlinear effect becomes important; after a nonlinear evolution transition the flow system evolves finally into a periodic right traveling wave.  相似文献   

双流体Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard流动中脉冲扰动的时空演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用混合有限元方法考察了计及Soret效应的双流体Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard流动在初始脉冲扰动下的时空演化过程.计算表明,在不同的参数下流动有着不同时空演化特征(稳定,对流不稳定或绝对不稳定),这些数值结果与由正则模方法的线性稳定性理论分析结果是完全一致的.  相似文献   

The present paper employs the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to study the Rayleigh-Bénard flows, where the temperature ratio of the upper to lower plate is fixed to 0.1. For a Knudsen number (Kn) of 0.01, as the Rayleigh number (Ra) increases, the flow changes from the thermal conductive state to the convective state at about Ra=1700, and the calculated relation of heat flux through the lower plate versus Ra is in good agreement with classical experimental and theoretical results. For Kn=0.05, ...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheproblemonthecontinuabilityofsolutionsofcertaindifferentialequationshasbeenstudiedbymanyauthors,withrespecttowhichweherereferto[1~13].Inpartic-ular,aswecanseeintheliteraturementionedabove,fortheLiénardsystem      dxdt=y-F(x)dydt=-g(x)…  相似文献   

The spectral-element approach is used to simulate the gas-solid two-phase flow behind of the circular cylinder. Based on the method of a high accuracy calculation for the gas phase flow, the particle dynamic field is put into practice. Two key influence factors, Stokes number and Reynolds number, are investigated. The simulation results give a clear pattern of the physical characteristics of gas-particle flow. Due to the construction properties of the eddies in the wake of the circular cylinder, the suction is the main dispersion mechanism of particles near to the centric axis. This effect can make the small particle sucted to the near wake of the circular cylinder. The particle dispersion is also induced by the pressure gradient which is caused by the strong velocity gradient of gas phase.  相似文献   

To express human phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) in eukaryotic cells and to study its antiviral effect against Coxsackievirus B3m (CVB3m) in vitro, PHGPx cDNA was amplified from a human testis library using specific primers and cloned into expression vector pcDNA3.1His. Expression of PHGPx was performed in COS-1 cells. The antiviral effect was studied by the treatment of HeLa cells with the recombinant PHGPx. Results showed that the activity of PHGPx expressed in COS-1 cells was 5-fold higher than that in control group, and it inhibited the cytopathic effect on HeLa cells caused by CVB3m. It can be concluded that recombinant PHGPx expressed in COS-1 cells has antiviral effect against CVB3m in vitro.  相似文献   

The gas-phase flow field in a cyclone separator with a volute inlet is numerically simulated based upon the Reynolds stress model (RSM) on the platform of commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, FLUENT 6.1. The asymmetric characteristics of the flow field are analyzed in this paper. The results indicate that the gas?phase flow field is slightly asymmetric in the tube and cone spaces, but remarkably asymmetric in the annular space. Meanwhile, it can be seen that the axial center of the gas flow vortex deviates from the geometric center of the cyclone. This swirling eccentricity results from the asymmetrical inlet structure and the instability of the swirling flow. The deviated distance, and direction varies with the axial position and the maximal deviated distance is approximately 0.07R. The offset of two centers makes the radial velocity of the gas?phase flow field have a remarkable asymmetrical profile. The asymmetric characteristics of the radial velocity distribution are first explained in this study. The above results are in fair agreement with the experimental data from the literature.  相似文献   

The mixing of samples in heterogeneous microchannels with a periodically stepwise surface potential was analyzed numerically using the control volume method. The equations describing the wall potential and external potential were solved first to get the distribution of wall potential and external potential, respectively, then the momentum equation was solved to get the developed flow field. Finally, the mass transport equation was solved to get the concentration field. The simulation results show that the distribution of samples at the inlet of the microchannel determines its theoretical value of concentration, therefore, the pattern of the distribution of samples at the inlet and its corresponding velocity can be changed to get the desirable concentration of solute. The heterogeneous wall potential almost has no effect on the mixing of samples in two-inlet microfluidic devices. For three-inlet microfluidic devices, the comprehensive ability of transportation and mixing has an optimization when the ratio of periodic length of wall potential to the height of the microchannel is about 4.88. The above conclusions are helpful to the optimization of the design of microfluidic devices.  相似文献   

Introduction  Intheearly1980s,LeggettandCaldeirapredictedthatquantumphenomenacouldtakeplaceonthemacroscopicscaleifdissipativeinteractionswiththeenvironmentweresmallenough[1,2].Recentadvancesinbothmaterialpreparationtechniquesfornanometer-sizemagneticparticlesandinlow-temperaturemagnetometryhavemadeitpossibletoobservenewmacroscopicquantumphenomena(MQP)inmagneticsystems.Particularexamplesarethequantumtunnelingofthemagnetizationvectorinsmallsingle-domainferromagnetic(FM)particles[3-5],quantu…  相似文献   

The silk of lotus root is a kind of natural biomaterial with the advantages of easy absorbing and dis-solving and poisonless. It may become a new engineering material for clinic and tissue engineering. However, the relationship between its electricity parameters and the pH values of the liquor that the silk is dipped in is unknown presently. The electricity parameters of inductance, capacitance and imped-ance of the silk were measured in the environment with the temperature ranging from 23℃ to 25℃ and the humidity ranging from 45% to 55% when it was dipped in the liquor with different pH values for 24 h. The results show that the inductance and impedance vary in U shape curves with the liquor pH value, and the capacitance varies in Ω shape curve. The minimal value of the U curves and the maximal value of the Ω curve appear at the point where the pH value equals to 7. The phenomena are called the U/Ω effect. It means that the silk has perfect biocompatibility with human tissues. The study results may imply that the silk have broader potential applications in biomedicine, tissue engineering and bioelec-tronics. silk of lotus root, biomedicine engineering material, U/Ω effect, pH value of liquor  相似文献   

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