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Summary In experiments with a sufficiently great number of observers, using our spectral colour integrator, it has been shown thatone colour containing a maximum of chromatic power (chroma) can be chosen out of a series of optimal colours continuously changeable from white over the fullcolour to black. The determination of such maximal colours, differing in hue, shows their position between fullcolour and spectral colour in the mixing metric colour solid. Their relation to maximal properties of scalemetrically defined chromatic power functions is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary (1) The activation energy of the liver respiration in an interval of temperature between 17.5 and 37.5°C was determined in mice, rats, and guinea pigs. (2) A systematic decrease with increasing body size was observed.  相似文献   

Summary Through a modified trypsin treatment of the surface of beef-erythrocytes, a substance was isolated with precipitation by a mixture of ethanol and ether, which did not contain significant amounts of hemoglobin and trypsin. A 6N HCl hydrolysate revealed with paper-chromatography 8 amino-acids in this substance. The surface of beef-erythrocyte membranes is covered with a protein- or peptide-layer.  相似文献   

Summary For the isolation of chloroplasts in non-aqueous media the following organic solvents are suitable: pentane, hexane, heptane, petroleum ether and carbon tetrachloride. These solvents cause a minimum loss of lipids.The loss of lipids and some lipid components of frozendried and ground shoots fromElodea canadensis during the isolation of chloroplasts in non-aqueous media (petroleum ether b. r. 60–80°C and petroleum ether-carbon tetrachloride mixtures) is reported.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungOlten, den 9. November 1947.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions are discussed which influence Rf1 on thinlayer chromatograms, and directions are given to guarantee good reproducibility. Variance of Rf on thinlayer chromatograms is of the same order of magnitude as on paper chromatograms.

Der Ausdruck Rf-Wert ist bei häufiger Wiederholung umständlich. Wir gebrauchen an seiner Stelle: das Rf (Singular), die Rf (Plural).

Die Mittel zur Durchführung dieser Arbeit verdanken wir Arbeitsbeschaffungskrediten des Bundes (M.B.) sowie einer Studienbeihilfe vom Land Baden-Württemberg (A.N.).  相似文献   

Summary The activity of hexokinase has been determined in the presence of different metal ions. Besides Mg2+, the ions Co2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ show remarkable activation. The differences are explained by superposition of an activating and an inhibiting function. The specifity problem is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary An exact analysis of the coordination of movements in arthropods and vertebrates leads to the rejection of older explanations in terms of reflex physiology and to a dynamic conception of the process in the central nervous system, which admits of representation by a physical model (as well as of a mathematical formulation). This conception carries with it the implication that locomotion is caused by automatic elements that work in the rhythm of locomotion and are prior to the motor elements.This view stands in close relation to the physiology of the nervous system and to Gestalt psychology.  相似文献   

Summary Two possible objections against the diffusion theory of water permeability in protoplasm1 are discussed. One is refuted, while the other is valid. But it causes no change of the formula which has been derived for the calculation of water permeation constants strictly comparable to the constants of permeating osmotica.  相似文献   

Summary 31 lungs of cases of infectious anemia and 7 lungs showing other diseases of horses, all with a good clinical history based on personal observation, were studied.All subacute and chronic cases of infectious anemia showed distinct swelling and proliferation of endothelial cells both in the capillaries and small blood vessels. These changes were absent in other diseases as well as in old latent and very recent acute cases of infectious anemia.  相似文献   

Summary X-rays have proved exceptionally useful in the investigation of the structure of matter, especially since the discovery of X-ray diffraction in crystals. A survey is given of the development of research into crystal structures and stress is laid on the value of the international co-operation achieved in this field. The use of X-ray diffraction, at first restricted to the determination of crystal structures, has in the course of time been extended far beyond the limits of crystallography. Today diffraction methods offer a widely applicable means of scientific research and one particularly adapted to the technical testing of materials. Further important applications of X-rays in science and technology are provided by radiography and X-ray spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Summary From experiments on the uptake of phosphorus by excised barley roots, the temperature function of the rate-constant of this uptake reaction was determined and the enthalpy, free enthalpy and entropy of activation were calculated.  相似文献   

Summary The biosynthesis of pentacyclic triterpenes has been followed in germinating soja-beans with the aid of isotopic tracers.  相似文献   

Summary Absorption tests have shown that those receptors of the erythrocytes which can be oxydised with JO4-ions cannot be regarded as identical with the virus receptors.  相似文献   

Summary Within the animal kingdom, two kinds of circulatory systems can be distinguished: those in which the circulation of the blood is seemingly congeneric in both directions, and those in which it flows, if not constantly at least chiefly, in one direction. In the latter case, all those factors must influence it which regulate the direction of the flow. They may be divided into active and passive factors. The active factors are the intervention of muscle fibres, while the passive factors are the arrangement of the heart as regards fore- and after-portions as well as the formation of the valves. By the interference of active or combined mechanisms the blood may be periodically hindered from circulating, sometimes even stopped for a longer period, a process which is of the utmost importance for the distribution of the blood in the organism. The higher the species ranks in the animal kingdom, the more complicated are the ways in which this can take place.From these facts, a general law can be established: if a circulatory system is built symmetrically, the circulation of blood in it can go in both directions, as is the case with various worms and tunicata. In the case of asymmetry in the arrangement, the flow will be especially in one direction.  相似文献   

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