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柴达木盆地西部第三系油气晚期成藏特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
柴达木盆地西部第三系盐湖相烃源岩成熟期为晚第三纪,成烃期相对较晚;盆地西部大部分构造圈闭是在晚第三纪末—第四纪形成,只有少数构造圈闭是在早第三纪末期形成,总体上讲构造圈闭形成比较晚;流体包裹体均一化温度测定结果表明,盆地西部油气藏存在两次充注,第一次是在晚第三纪早期,第二次是在晚第三纪末期,充注期次相对比较晚;对成藏期次综合分析后确定盆地西部油气成藏时期比较晚,为柴达木盆地油气藏形成的一大特点.  相似文献   

应用层序地层学理论和方法,通过对大量钻井和测井资料的整理分析,进行了鄂尔多斯盆地南缘晚古生代地层层序划分。研究区太原组和山西组可划分出5个三级层序。在陆表海盆地的3个层序中,每个层序由海侵体系域和高水位体系域组成,缺失低水位体系域。而在河流一三角洲充填序列中,可划分出低水位、水进和高水位体系域。  相似文献   

The Arctic region, with magnificent ice cover on the surface of the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas, is not only extremely sensitive to but also has strong amplification effects on climate change. Observations during the past decades have documented substantial retreat and thinning of the Arctic sea-ice cover, a process that is accelerating. Its feedback and impact on the global climate has become an important subject of current climate change research. Calcite tests of planktonic foraminifers are major constituents in pelagic sediments, and they provide valuable materials for the reconstruction of past oceanographic conditions. However, research is still sparse in the Arctic sea area because of limited availability of the materials for investigation. Here, we present a study of modern foraminifers from the plankton tow samples taken in the Makarov Basin of the Arctic Ocean during the fourth Arctic expedition of China. We have analyzed ecological information stored in the modern planktonic foraminifers and in their stable isotope signals, and established a relationship between the distribution of the main taxa and the environment. Our main observations are as follows:(1) in the Makarov Basin, the polar species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma(sinistral coiling) dominates the [150 lm planktonic foraminiferal assemblages.(2) The planktonic foraminifers live mainly in the upper halocline at a water depth of 50–100 m and less in the depth interval of 100–200 m.(3) Temperature change in the halocline can affect the absolute abundance of planktonic foraminifers and their distribution in the water column. The warmer halocline is more favorable to the development of planktonic foraminifers.(4) A lighter d18O value(2.11 %) of N. pachyderma(sin.) is recorded in the depth interval of 100–200 m, which is likely related to the isotopically light brines separated out during sea ice freezing. The relatively heavy d18O value(1.68 %–2.68 %, average 2.27 %) in the depth interval of 50–100 m may be influenced by the low salinity water with the relatively heavy d18O value formed during the sea-ice melting in the surface layer.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地风成地貌类型与晚全新世古风况恢复   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用遥感图像的风成地貌形态和高分辨率古季风指标, 恢复柴达木盆地晚全新世以来的古风况, 揭示青藏高原抬升时期东亚季风变迁的历史。结果表明, 柴达木盆地晚全新世以来盛行西北风, 同时有少量西风和北风, 主要由亚洲冬季风控制, 夏季风和西风环流的影响甚微。盆地东部沙丘和雅丹地貌记录了末次盛冰期西风环流的风向, 中西部地区的风成地貌指示晚全新世以来盆地发育西北向的亚洲冬季风。青藏高原的抬升阻挡西风环流进入柴达木盆地, 并加强亚洲冬季风, 造成盆地内古风向的改变, 大气环流模式的转变发生在4000 aBP左右, 此时是柴达木盆地气候从暖湿转向冷干的重要节点。  相似文献   

Despite its importance in regulating the global climate, the past deep ocean circulation in the western North Pacific has still been poorly understood. Nd isotopes of ferromanganese crusts have been proven to be a good proxy to monitor paleoceanic circulation changes. In this study, late Cenozoic Nd isotopic records are recovered from two ferromanganese crusts located near Mariana arc but at different water depths (MKD13: 1530 m, MDD53: 2700 m), and their implications for paleocirculation change in this area are explored. From the early to late Miocene, Nd isotopic compositions of MDD53 remained stable, and they were also characterized by the least radiogenic signatures ( Nd4.0 to5.0) compared to crusts of similar water depths in the Miocene North Pacific. Afterward, an abrupt increase in its Nd value occurred in the Pliocene. In contrast, Nd isotopes of MKD13 became more radio- genic with time in the Miocene and were almost invariable thereafter. The continual increase in Nd of shallower crust MKD13 is interpreted as reflecting progressive closure of Indonesian Seaway in the Miocene, while the deep western boundary current sourced from the Southern Pacific may have dominated Nd isotopes of deeper crust MDD53 during the same time interval. The lack of Nd isotopic variation of MKD13 in the Pliocene indicates that there were no changes in Nd sources in shallower waters and the final restriction between the Indian and Pacific may have only occurred since then. Therefore the observed large shift to more radiogenic Nd isotopes of MDD53 in the Pliocene should not be resulted from changes in vertical input from shallower to deeper water. Instead, a decreased ventilation of deep southern component current along the studied water depth range (~2700 m) may have continued in the Pliocene.  相似文献   

龙门山造山带-川西前陆盆地系统构造事件研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过对构造事件形成的产物 (岩浆岩、各种矿物等 )进行氩 -氩年龄测定、裂变径迹年龄测定、ESR年龄测定和计算机模拟 ,得出龙门山造山带 -川西前陆盆地系统自印支期以来 ,共发生了 7次构造事件 :(1)卡尼期末的构造事件 (D1 ) ,形成 S1 和 F1 ,并有区域低温动热变质作用 ;(2 )诺利期末的构造事件 (安县运动 ,D2 ) ,产生川西前陆盆地上三叠统须四段与下伏地层不整合接触和须四段砾岩的分布 ,并有较强的岩浆作用 ;(3)燕山期 (12 0~ 130 Ma,D3) ,有较强的岩浆作用和变质作用 ;(4 )喜马拉雅期 6 0 Ma左右的构造事件 (D4) ;(5 )喜马拉雅期 30~ 40Ma的构造事件 (D5 ) ;(6 )喜马拉雅期 2 0~ 2 5 Ma的构造事件 (D6 ) ;(7)喜马拉雅期 10 Ma的构造事件 (D7)。后 4次构造事件使龙门山造山带 -川西前陆盆地系统发生强烈的冲断作用和隆升作用  相似文献   

宁夏清水河下游晚更新世冰卷泥的发现及意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在宁夏清水河下游(北纬37.4°,海拔1230m左右)晚更新世湖相地层中,发现了晚更新世晚期的冰卷泥,表明当时多年冻土的南界在宁夏一带可扩展到北纬37.4°附近,与现今相比,年均气温降低了8~9℃。青藏高原东北缘的弧形山地中,晚更新世强烈的构造抬升以及末次冰期的干冷气候最终导致清水河堰塞成湖并在湖泊边缘的沉积物中形成了冰卷泥。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地轮古西地区奥陶系古岩溶储层特征   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
为了进一步挖掘轮古西区古溶岩探区潜力 ,利用常规薄片、扫描电镜、图像分析、同位素等测试手段 ,对该区古岩溶储层特征进行了研究 .结果表明 :轮古西地区下奥陶统碳酸盐岩基质具有低孔低渗特点 ,多属非有效储层 ;古岩溶储层的有效储集空间主要是溶蚀孔、洞和裂缝 .洞穴规模变化大 ,主要分布于距古风化壳面深度为 0~ 2 0 0m范围内 ,中、大型洞穴多分布于古岩溶剖面中下部 .各岩溶相带中 ,表层岩溶带的洞穴最发育 ,其次为水平潜流带和季节变动带 ,垂直渗流带洞穴较不发育 .裂缝类型以构造缝为主 ,以发育立缝和低角度缝为主 ,高角度缝和水平缝发育次之 .纵向上 ,季节变动带和水平潜流带的裂缝最为发育 ,表层岩溶带和垂直渗流带的裂缝发育程度较低 .储层类型主要包括孔洞型、裂缝型、裂缝—孔洞型及洞穴型 4种 .其中 ,洞穴型、裂缝—孔洞型储层的产能好 ,是该区的重要储层类型  相似文献   

目的 研究吐鲁番一哈密盆地台北凹陷黄山街组和郝家沟组的地层特征和孢粉组合.方法 利用该区4口钻井52块岩心样品进行孢粉化石分析、鉴定、统计和比较.结果 鉴定出孢粉化石5l属56种;建立了黄山街组Aratrisporites-Apiculatisporites-Piceites组合和郝家沟组Osmundacidites-Aratrisporites-Cycadopites组合.结论 台北凹陷黄山街组和郝家沟组的地质时代为晚三叠世.  相似文献   

川东北三叠系飞仙关组储层为一套鲕粒细晶白云岩、细晶白云岩、生屑细晶白云岩,经后期成岩作用和构造运动的作用改造而成,溶孔(洞)和裂缝十分发育。根据层序地层学的基本原理,结合大湾区块飞仙关组取心井岩心、测井等数据,对典型剖面进行了分析研究。大湾飞仙关组可划分出2个三级层序、7个四级层序和16个五级层序。研究区内层序控制不同沉积的发育,沉积相控制有利储层的展布范围。有利沉积相带位于三级层序的高位体系域中,鲕粒滩微相的鲕粒细晶白云岩为最有利岩相,溶蚀较发育,物性最好。  相似文献   

以研究澳大利亚北卡那封盆地中生代沉积环境与烃源岩特征的关系为目的,根据盆地内400余口钻井及分析测试资料,首次系统开展了盆地中生代沉积演化规律研究,评价了北卡那封盆地有效烃源岩发育特征,深入探讨了沉积环境对烃源岩有机质发育的影响。研究认为,受构造活动的影响,北卡那封盆地中生代沉积格局发生多次转变:晚三叠世发育大型三角洲沉积,侏罗纪为隆拗相间的浅海、局限海沉积,早白垩世局部发育三角洲-海底扇沉积,晚白垩世为开阔海、半深海-深海沉积。盆地中生代发育两套优质烃源岩:上三叠统Mungaroo组三角洲平原沼泽环境倾气型烃源岩和上侏罗统Dingo组局限海环境倾油型烃源岩,其中Mungaroo组倾气型烃源岩为盆地主要的供烃层系。  相似文献   

首次系统应用化学-生物地层学对长期遗留的、严重阻碍了油气勘探开发步伐的塔里木盆地重大疑难地层问题:晚奥陶世-志留纪-泥盆纪-早石炭世地层划分对比和东河砂岩时代等进行了综合研究,厘定了几条重要的相关地层界线,并将东河砂岩的时代确定为泥盆纪晚泥盆世弗拉斯期。这些研究成果表明,化学-生物地层学对高分辨率地层划分对比、尤其是对在化石缺乏地区和层段进行地层划分对比工作有重要的意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

Water and soil loss are the major causes of the land degradation in the hilly area of the Sichuan Basin, China, where purple soil (FAO, Calcaric Regosols) is widely distributed. Little research has been conducted on changes in overland flow and sediment during rain events on sloping cropland in this area. In this study, 45 artificial rainfall events were applied to five runoff plots with slopes of 9%, 18%, 27%, 36%, and 47%, respectively. Results showed that erosion processes on purple soil of sloping cropland are complex, because the sediment concentration changes with time under different situations. According to correlations between runoff discharge and sediment concentration, all erosion events were classified into three types: (1) positive correlation; (2) negative correlation; and (3) no correlation. Positive correlations were dominant, accounting for 60% of all events. Rainfall intensity, slope gradient, and tillage treatment were the main factors that influenced erosion events.  相似文献   

中—下奥陶统鹰山组碳酸盐岩古岩溶储层是塔里木盆地轮古西地区的主要油气产层 .为了弄清储层的成因类型、储层古岩溶过程中的流体性质和古水文条件 ,为预测和评价此类储层提供有关的地球化学信息 ,讨论了储层形成过程中记录的碳、氧稳定同位素特征 .结果表明 :轮古西地区奥陶系鹰山组碳酸盐岩古岩溶储层中的δ13C和δ18O值的变化范围较大 ,δ13C值为 -0 .70‰~ -6.5 0‰ ,平均值 -1 .76‰ ;δ18O值为 -3 .75‰~ -1 7.1 0‰ ,平均值 -9.42‰ .碳酸盐岩基质、冲积岩和方解石胶结物的δ13C和δ18O分布具有一定的差异 .三类样品的δ18O值均具有明显偏负特征 ,表明在碳酸盐岩成岩过程中受到大气成因的淡水影响 ,反映了当时的风化壳岩溶成岩环境 .冲积岩样品的δ13C值的偏负程度较高 ,其物源可能来自石炭—二叠系地层  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地西缘古峰庄-红井子地区地跨西缘逆冲带和天环坳陷两大构造。通过地震资料解释、地层对比和构造对比等识别发现该区存在两种类型的断层,早期的逆断层位于研究区的西部,呈南北向和北西-南东向展布;晚期的正断层分布于区的中部,呈北西-南东向展布。天环坳陷的形成与长7烃源岩分布及生烃高峰期在时空上匹配,促进了油气侧向运移并成藏。古峰庄-红井子地区长9油藏发育3种类型油藏:早期鼻状隆起带成藏、西缘逆冲带逆断层成藏和晚期天环坳陷内正断层成藏。前两种类型同期形成于早白垩世末期,形成时间较早,为原始油藏;后者形成喜山期,时间较晚,属改造型油藏。晚期断层对油藏进行重新调整,造成断层下盘油藏被破坏。建立了古峰庄-红井子地区长9油藏的成藏模式,总结其成藏规律为断层是油气运移的通道、异常压力和底水浮力驱动是油气运移的动力、连通宽广的砂体是油气运移的载体、泥岩和断层阻挡以及构造高点是油气运移的最终落脚点。  相似文献   

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