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A cyclic GMP-sensitive conductance has recently been observed with patch-clamp recording in excised inside-out patches of plasma membrane from frog and toad rod outer segments. This conductance has properties suggesting that it is probably the light-sensitive conductance involved in visual transduction. We now report a similar conductance in the outer segment membrane of catfish cones. Cyclic GMP showed positive cooperativity in opening this conductance, with a Hill coefficient of 1.6-3.0 and a half-saturating cGMP concentration of 35-70 microM. Cyclic AMP at 1 mM, or changing Ca concentration (in the presence of Mg), had little effect on the conductance. In physiological solutions the cGMP-induced current had a reversal potential near +10 mV; the current amplitude increased roughly exponentially with membrane potential in both depolarizing and hyperpolarizing directions. Our results suggest that cGMP is also the internal transmitter for phototransduction in cones. 相似文献
Light-suppressible, cyclic GMP-sensitive conductance in the plasma membrane of a truncated rod outer segment 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Recent experiments by Fesenko et al and ourselves have shown that excised membrane patches from retinal rod outer segments contain a cyclic GMP-sensitive conductance which has electrical properties similar to those of the light-sensitive conductance. This finding supports the notion that cGMP mediates phototransduction (see ref. 3) by directly modulating the light-sensitive conductance. However, some uncertainty remained about whether the patch experiments had discriminated completely between plasma and intracellular disk membranes; thus the cGMP response in an excised membrane could have resulted from contaminating disk membrane fragments, which are known to contain a cGMP-regulated conductance. Furthermore, the patch conductance has not yet been shown to be light-suppressible, an ultimate criterion for identity with the light-sensitive conductance. We now report experiments on a truncated rod outer segment preparation which resolved these issues. The results demonstrated that the cGMP-sensitive conductance was present in the plasma membrane of the outer segment, and that in the presence of GTP the conductance could be suppressed by a light flash. With added ATP, the effectiveness of the light flash was reduced and the suppression was more transient. The effects of both GTP and ATP were consistent with the known biochemistry. From the maximum current inducible by cGMP, we estimate that approximately 1% of the light-sensitive conductance is normally open in the dark; this would give an effective free cGMP concentration of a few micromolar in the intact outer segment in the dark. 相似文献
Calcium and light adaptation in retinal rods and cones 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
Retinal rods and cones respond to light with a membrane hyperpolarization. This hyperpolarization is mediated by an ionic conductance (the light-regulated conductance) that is kept open in darkness by cyclic GMP acting as a ligand, and which closes in the light as a result of an increase in cGMP hydrolysis triggered by illumination. Calcium ions appear to have a role in this phototransduction process: they provide negative feedback between the conductance, which is permeable to Ca2+ (refs 4, 5), and the concentration of cGMP, which is sensitive to Ca2+ (refs 6-8). This feedback down-regulates the sensitivity to light of a photoreceptor and probably contributes to the important phenomenon of light adaptation in vision. It is still not clear, however, how much of the light adaptation is actually attributable to this Ca2+ feedback. We have examined the responses of amphibian rods and cones to light with the Ca2+ feedback removed. Normally, the response of a cell to a step of light rises transiently to a peak, but rapidly relaxes to a lower level, indicative of light adaptation. When the feedback is removed, however, the relaxation of the response is completely absent; furthermore, the steady response levels at different light-step intensities are well predicted by a statistical superposition of invariant single-photon responses. We therefore conclude that the Ca2+ feedback underlies essentially all light adaptation in rods and cones. 相似文献
Effect of ions on the light-sensitive current in retinal rods 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
The effect of ions on the light-sensitive current of retinal rods was studied by sucking the inner segment into a tightly fitting capillary with the outer segment projecting into a flowing solution. This new method showed that the light-sensitive pathway, in which Na+ is the normal carrier of current, has an ionic selectivity different from that of other known sodium channels. Externàl calcium has a striking effect on the current, which increased about 20-fold when all calcium was removed. Reducing the sodium concentration gradient greatly prolonged the response to a flash of light, as would be expected if internal calcium blocks sodium channels and if light releases calcium which is subsequently extruded by a sodium-calcium exchange mechanism. 相似文献
Depolarizing bipolar cells (DBCs) of the retina are the only neurons in the vertebrate central nervous system known to be hyperpolarized by the neurotransmitter glutamate. Both glutamate and its analogue L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (APB) hyperpolarize DBCs by decreasing membrane conductance. Furthermore, glutamate responses in DBCs slowly decrease during whole-cell recording, suggesting that the response involves a second messenger system. Here we report that intracellular cyclic GMP or GTP activates a membrane conductance that is suppressed by APB, resulting in an enhanced APB response. In the presence of GTP-gamma-S, APB causes an irreversible suppression of the conductance. Inhibitors of G-protein activation or phosphodiesterase activity decrease the APB response. Thus, the DBC glutamate receptor seems to close ion channels by increasing the rate of cGMP hydrolysis by a G protein-mediated process that is strikingly similar to light transduction in photoreceptors. 相似文献
Like retinal rods, cone photoreceptors contain cyclic GMP and light-activated phosphodiesterase. The cGMP phosphodiesterase cascade is thought to mediate phototransduction in rods. Biochemical assays of nucleotide content in cone-dominant retinas, however, have failed to demonstrate light-induced changes in cGMP. Changes in cyclic AMP following light exposure have been reported, leading to the suggestion that in cone phototransduction cAMP assumes a role analogous to that played by cGMP in rods. Cyclic GMP introduced from tight-seal pipettes into isolated cones of the larval tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum, rapidly increases light-modulated membrane current more than 10-fold. In cones, as in rods, cGMP also causes an approximately 10-fold increase in photocurrent duration and a 5- to 10-fold increase in light-sensitivity. Cyclic AMP has no effect on cone photocurrents under the same conditions. Because cGMP has similar effects on photocurrent magnitude and kinetics in both rods and cones, we conclude that cGMP plays corresponding roles in transduction in both vertebrate photoreceptor classes. 相似文献
Calcium-dependent regulation of cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase by a protein from frog retinal rods. 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
In vertebrate photoreceptors, light reduces cyclic GMP concentration and closes cGMP-activated channels to induce a hyperpolarizing response. As Ca2+ can permeate the channels and the Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger continuously extrudes Ca2+, closure of the channel results in a reduction of the inter-rod Ca2+ concentration. This is believed to be one of the mechanisms of light-adaptation produced by activation of guanylate cyclase. Effects of Ca2+ on the cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) have been reported, but their physiological significance has remained unclear. We have perfused the inside-out preparation of a frog rod outer segment (I/O ROS, originally termed truncated ROS, and find that Ca2+ in a physiological range regulates the light-activation of PDE. Therefore, PDE regulation by Ca2+ must be involved in light-adaptation in rods. The effect is mediated by a newly found protein which binds to disk membranes at high Ca2+ concentrations and prolongs PDE activation. 相似文献
Induction by cyclic GMP of cationic conductance in plasma membrane of retinal rod outer segment 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
Vertebrate rod photoreceptors hyperpolarize when illuminated, due to the closing of cation-selective channels in the plasma membrane. The mechanism controlling the opening and closing of these channels is still unclear, however. Both 3',5'-cyclic GMP and Ca2+ ions have been proposed as intracellular messengers for coupling the light activation of the photopigment rhodopsin to channel activity and thus modulating light-sensitive conductance. We have now studied the effects of possible conductance modulators on excised 'inside-out' patches from the plasma membrane of the rod outer segment (ROS), and have found that cyclic GMP acting from the inner side of the membrane markedly increases the cationic conductance of such patches (EC50 30 microM cyclic GMP) in a reversible manner, while Ca2+ is ineffective. The cyclic GMP-induced conductance increase occurs in the absence of nucleoside triphosphates and, hence, is not mediated by protein phosphorylation, but seems rather to result from a direct action of cyclic GMP on the membrane. The effect of cyclic GMP is highly specific; cyclic AMP and 2',3'-cyclic GMP are completely ineffective when applied in millimolar concentrations. We were unable to recognize discrete current steps that might represent single-channel openings and closings modulated by cyclic GMP. Analysis of membrane current noise shows the elementary event to be 3 fA with 110 mM Na+ on both sides of the membrane at a membrane potential of -30 mV. If the initial event is assumed to be the closure of a single cyclic GMP-sensitive channel, this value corresponds to a single-channel conductance of 100 fS. It seems probable that the cyclic GMP-sensitive conductance is responsible for the generation of the rod photoresponse in vivo. 相似文献
It is generally accepted that the light response in retinal rods involves a reduction of ionic permeability (predominantly to Na+) in the plasma membrane of the outer segment and that this is mediated by an internal messenger which diffuses between the disk and plasma membranes. There is controversy, however, over the identity of the diffusible substance; two alternative schemes have received widespread support (for review see refs 1,2). According to the 'calcium hypothesis', light stimulates the release into the cytoplasm of calcium, leading to the blockage of channels which are normally open in darkness, whereas based on the 'cyclic nucleotide hypothesis', cyclic GMP causes the opening of channels in the dark, but is hydrolysed by a light-activated phosphodiesterase. We report here effects of introducing calcium buffers and cyclic GMP into the rod cytoplasm by means of a patch pipette, which seem to be inconsistent with the calcium hypothesis. 相似文献
Fertilization potential in golden hamster eggs consists of recurring hyperpolarizations 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The fertilization potential, or activation potential, has been demonstrated in the eggs of various species, and it has been shown to block polyspermy in echinoderm, echiuran and frog eggs, but no studies have been reported of electrical phenomena occurring when mammalian eggs are fertilized. We report here the fertilization potential of golden hamster eggs in vitro. To correlate the change of potential with the interaction between sperm and egg, only one sperm was attached to each egg. We found that a sperm induces recurring hyperpolarizations, constituting a fertilization potential which differs from that in the eggs of other species. 相似文献
研究了两相关部件并联系统可靠性模型,其寿命服从二维指数分布。修理时间均服从一般分布。部件不能“修复如新”,运用几何过程和补充变量法,求解系统各状态下的可用度,并进一步导出系统的一系列可靠性指标。 相似文献
Percec V Dulcey AE Balagurusamy VS Miura Y Smidrkal J Peterca M Nummelin S Edlund U Hudson SD Heiney PA Duan H Magonov SN Vinogradov SA 《Nature》2004,430(7001):764-768
Natural pore-forming proteins act as viral helical coats and transmembrane channels, exhibit antibacterial activity and are used in synthetic systems, such as for reversible encapsulation or stochastic sensing. These diverse functions are intimately linked to protein structure. The close link between protein structure and protein function makes the design of synthetic mimics a formidable challenge, given that structure formation needs to be carefully controlled on all hierarchy levels, in solution and in the bulk. In fact, with few exceptions, synthetic pore structures capable of assembling into periodically ordered assemblies that are stable in solution and in the solid state have not yet been realized. In the case of dendrimers, covalent and non-covalent coating and assembly of a range of different structures has only yielded closed columns. Here we describe a library of amphiphilic dendritic dipeptides that self-assemble in solution and in bulk through a complex recognition process into helical pores. We find that the molecular recognition and self-assembly process is sufficiently robust to tolerate a range of modifications to the amphiphile structure, while preliminary proton transport measurements establish that the pores are functional. We expect that this class of self-assembling dendrimers will allow the design of a variety of biologically inspired systems with functional properties arising from their porous structure. 相似文献
讨论了循环矩阵和分块循环矩阵的逆矩阵,给出了用初等变换求循环矩阵和分块循环矩阵的逆矩阵的简便方法. 相似文献
M R Botchan 《Nature》1974,251(5473):288-292
Ca(2+)-release-activated Ca(2+) (CRAC) channels underlie sustained Ca(2+) signalling in lymphocytes and numerous other cells after Ca(2+) liberation from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). RNA interference screening approaches identified two proteins, Stim and Orai, that together form the molecular basis for CRAC channel activity. Stim senses depletion of the ER Ca(2+) store and physically relays this information by translocating from the ER to junctions adjacent to the plasma membrane, and Orai embodies the pore of the plasma membrane calcium channel. A close interaction between Stim and Orai, identified by co-immunoprecipitation and by F?rster resonance energy transfer, is involved in the opening of the Ca(2+) channel formed by Orai subunits. Most ion channels are multimers of pore-forming subunits surrounding a central channel, which are preassembled in the ER and transported in their final stoichiometry to the plasma membrane. Here we show, by biochemical analysis after cross-linking in cell lysates and intact cells and by using non-denaturing gel electrophoresis without cross-linking, that Orai is predominantly a dimer in the plasma membrane under resting conditions. Moreover, single-molecule imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Orai expressed in Xenopus oocytes showed predominantly two-step photobleaching, again consistent with a dimeric basal state. In contrast, co-expression of GFP-tagged Orai with the carboxy terminus of Stim as a cytosolic protein to activate the Orai channel without inducing Ca(2+) store depletion or clustering of Orai into punctae yielded mostly four-step photobleaching, consistent with a tetrameric stoichiometry of the active Orai channel. Interaction with the C terminus of Stim thus induces Orai dimers to dimerize, forming tetramers that constitute the Ca(2+)-selective pore. This represents a new mechanism in which assembly and activation of the functional ion channel are mediated by the same triggering molecule. 相似文献
为获取弹性导波在螺旋结构中的传播规律,建立了螺旋坐标系下的弹性力学基本方程,得到了螺旋结构中半解析有限元形式的弹性波频散方程.频散计算结果验证了在钢绞线外层螺旋圆杆中弹性导波的L(0,1),T(0,1)和F(1,1)等模态存在频率截止,并进一步计算了圆柱螺旋弹簧和螺旋天线结构的频散中的相速度和能速度曲线.结果表明:a.不同螺旋结构的频散曲线中普遍存在着频率截止和模态分支现象;b.所推导的螺旋坐标系下的弹性力学方程可以满足对螺旋结构的弹性导波频散分析计算;c.钢绞线外层螺旋圆杆的弹性导波能速度频散曲线在中间频段部分与直杆上频散曲线的对应频段部分的特征相近,圆柱螺旋弹簧与同旋绕比的圆环结构之间的能速度频散特征相近;d.不同螺旋天线的结构形式差别较大,其弹性导波频散特性须要根据具体结构特点作具体分析. 相似文献