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IntroductionTheannualincreaseofnonwovenfabricsproductionisabout2 0 %[1] ,whichisthehighestinthefieldoffabricproducts.Themostpopularfibersofnonwovenfabricsarepolyethylenetereph thalate (PET) ,polypropylene (PP) ,polyvinylalcohol (PVA )andNylon .BecausePETandPPbelon…  相似文献   

应用光技术测量原理研究了非织造布的激光散射强度与面密度的关系,并应用计算机程序控制非织造布激光散射强度测定系统测定和分析了3种加工方法的非织造布试样。结果表明:非织造布面密度与激光散射强度之间存在十分密切的关系,这里所述的方法具有无放射性和易于采用计算机测量的优点,可用于薄型非织造布面密度的测量。  相似文献   

The filtration coefficient before filtration (λ-0)is intro-duced and a mathematical model for the leukocyte filtra-tion process, which relates to the filtration efficieney,capacity and leukoeyte concentration, filter thickness and fliter surface area, is established according to the mass balance for particles in a filter and the particle concen-tration decrease per unit of filter depth. The model can be uded to calculate the filtration efficiency or capacity.It is found that the filtration performance observed dur-ing the experiments could be explained well by the mod-el.The established model can be applied to the design and optimization of ungrafted and grafted melt blown nonwoven filtration materials.  相似文献   

The nonwoven composites have sandwich structure, with the first and third layers being nonwovens and the middle layer of woven fabric. On the basis of tests of the single rip tearing strength and drawing out resistances of both the nonwoven composites and the woven fabric, the single rip tearing failure mechanism of the composites were analyzed. Then theoretical calculation model for the single rip tearing strength was established, which indicates that the breaking strength of warp and weft yams in the nonwoven composites, the density of warp and weft yarns and drawing out resistances are the main influencing factors. In the end, experimental verification was made, which shows that theoretical values conform to the measured values well.  相似文献   

Nonwoven geotextiles have been widely used as drains orfilters in many civil engineerings.The hydraulic charac-teristics of geotextiles are the basic function in these ap-plications.The in-plane permeability of nonwoven geo-textiles was discussed in this paper.The results of in-plane permeability coefficient of nonwoven geotextilesfrom measurement were analyzed.  相似文献   

根据白细胞过滤过程中的质量守恒方程、白细胞浓度递减律,引入过滤系数,建立起血液中白细胞浓度关于过滤系数、滤材厚度、滤材面积、滤材最大捕获量及滤材过滤量的数学过滤模型。通过过滤模型计算得到的仿真值和实测的过滤效率具有很好的一致性。所建立的过滤模型可在理论上指导白细胞过滤器的设计和优化。  相似文献   

In this paper, the factors to influence the dynamic heat - moisture comfort of summer clothing fabrics have been studied. It is pointed out that, when the wind speed outside is high, or the air permeability is very good, the sweat of human body will evaporate mainly through turbulent diffusion. Because of the rapid sweat evaporation, human body will feel cold, and then, the difference in temperature and humidity of the micro - climatic section will be very slight. On the contrary, when the wind speed outside is slow or the air permeability is unsatisfactory, the sweat of human body will evaporate mainly through molecular diffusion, and in this case, the humidity of the micro - climatic section will be depended on the hygroscopicity of the fabric, that' s to say, the better the hygroscopicity, the lower the humidity. It is difficult for pure wool fabric to loss heat because of its giving out much heat during the course of moisture - absorption in the initial stages of sweating. For pure polyester fabric,  相似文献   

改性PP非织造布的抗菌机理探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了含吡啶盐基团的改性聚丙烯(PP)非织造布的抗菌机理,分析了大肠杆菌在改性聚丙烯非织造布上的粘附热力学过程。发现对于不含吡啶盐基团的聚丙烯非织造布表面,粘附过程中的自由能变化越负,对粘附细菌越有利;改性聚丙烯非织造布对大肠杆菌(E.coli)的滤除作用主要是其表面的吡啶盐功能基团与大肠杆菌之间的静电相互作用的结果;活性检测结果显示这种粘附作用是一种生态捕捉作用。  相似文献   

运用热传导理论来建立城市交通分布模型,并通过平面热传导方程来对建立城市交通分布模型的可行性进行了研究,给出了热传导分布模型及初始条件和求解方法.  相似文献   

利用自制的织物动态热湿性能测试仪测定了不同透气性和不同原料的夏季服用织物在皮肤干燥-出汗-蒸发-干燥的过程中的皮肤热损失、微气候区温湿度变化的情况,研究了影响夏季服用织物动态热湿舒适性的因素,指出在外界风速较大或织物的透气量较大时,汗液蒸发是通过紊流扩散进行,由于汗液的快速蒸发,可能使人体产生冷感,此时不同织物的微气候区温湿度差别很小,当外界风速小或织物的透气性小时,汗液的蒸发通过分子扩散进行,此时微气候区的湿度主要受织物吸湿能力的影响,吸湿能力较强时湿度低,纯涤织物在出汗后,由于微气候区湿度较高,将使人产生闷热感,在出汗结束后降温较多可能产生冷感,不宜作为夏季服用织物,纯毛织物因吸湿放热多在出汗初期升温较高,不利于散热,夏季以穿着纯棉、涤棉、毛涤混纺织物的服装为宜.  相似文献   

本文根据热力学原理推导出高分散度金属的熔化热与其粒度的关系式,并从一系列金属的有关热力学量数值计算证明:高分散度金属粉末的熔化热小于其非分散状态的熔化热。  相似文献   

利用两步模型,计算了在不同碰撞能量下30^Si+^238U反应的准裂变质量碎片分布.这是第一次尝试用两步模型去计算准裂变碎片质量的分布.计算结果与实验数据相比,符合得非常好,说明了该模型的合理性.  相似文献   

介绍了空冷凝汽器的数值计算方法及其优越性,建立了凝汽器中蒸汽流场和热传递的数学模型,并给出了模型中分布阻力、分布质量汇的处理方法。详细描述了凝汽器壳侧汽相的流动和传热过程,对于凝汽器的设计、改造和运行具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

Warp knitting technology gets rapid development at present and becomes one of the most important parts of the textiles.But it is less known how the parameters of warp knitting technology affect the mechanical properties of warp-knitted fabrics.This paper presents discuss a research on the relationships between run-in ratio and mechanical properties of the two-bar warp-knittedfabrics through the measurement and analysis of the mechanical properties of various samples with different run-in ratios.The optimal run一in ratios for the reasonable mechanical properties are obtained from above dis-  相似文献   

通过对型臂晶体及枝晶臂的力学分析,提出了晶体游离的条件,进而研究了各种游离模型的适用范围。结论认为,型壁晶体及枝晶臂都可能是游离晶的来源。凝固初期,型壁晶体的机械剥离为主,后期则主要是枝晶臂游离。枝晶臂游离随流动系数的不同可以有颈缩- 熔断和颈缩- 折断两种模式。无颈缩枝晶臂游离在搅拌条件下也几乎是不可能的。  相似文献   

以国家号型标准及企业设定规格的规律确定理论人体尺寸及分配方案.通过号型归档计算用料成本、裁剪时间等多种指标,得出各企业合理的号型规格数,作为各企业制定号型规格的参考。  相似文献   

PBX炸药粘弹性损伤本构关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用广义能量释放率及动态断裂理论,结合粘弹性效应建立了PBX炸药的统计细观损伤本构模型,将该模型嵌入到Ls-dyna有限元程序中对平面撞击实验进行了数值计算.通过与实验结果比较表明,建立的细观损伤本构模型能较好地描述PBX炸药在冲击作用下的动态损伤力学行为.  相似文献   

利用自行搭建的蒸汽–兰炭气固换热实验系统,研究了整个料层内兰炭与蒸汽的换热及余热回收特性,分析了颗粒平均粒径、料层厚度、蒸汽流量对兰炭余热回收量和蒸汽?增的影响规律。实验结果表明:随着换热时间的增长,料层整体平均温度以先快后慢的趋势逐渐降低,有效换热系数逐渐减小,热回收量和蒸汽的?增上升;增加料层厚度、减小兰炭颗粒的粒径、提高蒸汽流量有利于有效换热系数的增加,有效换热系数的范围在3.5~52.0 W/(m~2·K)之间。此外,拟合出了粒径、料层厚度、蒸汽流量、料层整体平均温度与有效换热系数的实验关系式。  相似文献   

随着中国进一步扩大对外开放,高校教师管理也需要建立一整套开放的管理运行机制。文章通过对高等教育开放化特征的阐述,从分析开放化对高校教师管理机制提出的新要求入手,对开放化高校教师管理机制提出了一些基本思路,作了一些初步的探索。  相似文献   

基于误差反向传播算法,建立发光二极管(LED)散热体冲压成形尺寸和形状误差数学模型.阐述MATLAB神经网络工具箱求解误差数学模型的具体过程.针对某具体LED散热体产品,基于其相关的仿真数据与设计的MATLAB程序,求解出该LED散热体尺寸和形状误差数学模型.验证结果表明:实验的壁厚分布值与文中数学模型预测的壁厚分布值走势整体吻合,局部偏差不大;所建立的LED散热体冲压成形尺寸、形状误差数学模型具有一定的实用性.  相似文献   

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