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产业生态学和生态产业转型   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
本文分析了产业生态学出现的背景,详述了产业生态的基本概念,研究方法和研究热点,提出生态产业是按生态经济原理和知识经济规律组织起来的基于生态系统承载能力、具有高效的经济过程及和谐的生态功能的网络型进化型产业。它通过两个或两个以生产体系或环节之间的系统耦合,使物质、能量能多级利用、高效产出,资源、环境能系统开业、持续利用。本文还提出了生态产业建设的8个原则和方法。并提出了产业生态管理的5种方法:生命周期评价(面向产品环境管理);产品生态设计(面向绿色产品开发);生态产业园规划(面向区域的规划);生态产业孵化(面向生态产业开发);生态管理(面向持续发展)。  相似文献   

农业生态学近年研究动向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农业生态学近年的发展一方面受到生态学发展的带动,另一方面受至改善农业生态环境的需求的推动。近年研究活跃的方向有:农业可持续发展与农业生态系统模式方面,作物与土壤系统的养分、水分及有机质关系方面,群体生产中的作物冗余问题方面,农业的化学生态学方面,农业分子生态学方面,农业生产的生态环境管理与品质管理方面,农业生态信息综合分析与评价方面。  相似文献   

药用植物羌活现状及其民族植物学调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
羌活为重要的传统中药和藏药常用药材,大量的汉藏药方和成药均作为重要的配伍药材加以使用。羌活传统产区主要是藏族、羌族和其它少数民族的聚居的高寒山区,经济较为落后,交通不便。由于难以驯化栽培,药材来源主要依赖野生资源采挖,但由于受到种子发育不完全、后熟期长等本身繁殖特性的限制,羌活繁殖和种群恢复主要是通过无性繁殖实现,野生资源恢复受到严重制约。道地产区的调查发现,羌活野生生境正受到前所未有的破坏,包括生境丧失、破碎化、土壤退化、土地利用模式改变和环境变化等;调查还发现近年来羌活药材价格与采挖量之间的关系,以及当地民族植物学方面的状况。羌活野生资源的破坏受到利益驱使、致使采挖时间和方式等利用模式发生改变,极不利于羌活野生资源的保存和种群恢复,若不规范羌活野生资源的利用和引种驯化,进行人工栽培,羌活野生资源不但难以实现可持续利用,而且还将遭到毁灭性破坏,并有灭绝的危险。本文最后提出了药用羌活属植物的保护性开发和可持续利用可能途径。  相似文献   

西藏藏药产业现代化发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述考察了西藏藏药产业的资源利用,生产和科技现状,指出了 在西部大开发的大背景下西藏发的产业并确立其为支持产业的必然性和可能性,并在此基础上提出了藏药产业现代化发展的方向。  相似文献   

中国的能源问题和出路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文扼要回顾中国能源面临的形势和存在的问题,认为形势比较严峻。主要问题是人均资源不足,条件不利,一次能源以煤为主,能源利用效率低浪费大,能源开发受资金和环境保护的制约,难以满足国家经济发展和人民生活改善的需要,供震缺口较大,并提出以下解决措施:1.切实实现两个根本性转变,改变经济增长模式,励行节约,提高效率,使在有限的能源供应下实现现代化;2.因地制宜开发多种能源,优化结构,降低煤的比重,节约油气资源,以保障能源最低需求;3.增加科技投入,解决能源生产和利用中的重大问题,特别是环境保护和新能源开发问题;4.利用外国的资源、技术和资金,作为辅助手段,为此,要在国家统一研究安排下,制定倾斜政策,坚决贯彻实施,以求走上良性循环,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

大熊猫主食竹群落系统生态学过程研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大熊猫主食竹是大熊猫生存繁衍的基础,同时也是大熊猫栖息地林下最为优势的层片,深刻影响着大熊猫主食竹群落系统生态功能的发挥。目前,各专家学者围绕大熊猫主食竹的生物量生产、制约大熊猫主食竹生物量生产的生物因素和非生物因素、大熊猫主食竹群落系统的养分循环、大熊猫主食竹种群的克隆生长与群落更新、大熊猫主食竹开花机理假说等方面作了大量的研究,但研究结果还具有许多不确定性,这对大熊猫主食竹群落系统生态学过程的深入了解还非常不够,同时也很难满足大熊猫及其栖息地保护的需要。因此,建议在以后的研究中,加强不同环境条件下大熊猫主食竹生物量生产以及养分循环的动态研究、大熊猫主食竹克隆生长与群落更新互动过程的研究以及大熊猫主食竹开花机理的控制实验研究。  相似文献   

恢复生态学与热带雨林的恢复   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文论述恢复生态学的学科内涵、学科发展及其意义。指出恢复生态学的研究对象是那些在自然灾变和人类活动压力条件下受到破坏的自然生态系统的恢复和重建问题,并形成迅速发展的现代生态学的分支学科和世界关注的焦点学科。学科的发展与应用对提高区域生产力、改善生态环境、使资源得以持续利用、经济得以持续发展具有重要的意义。文章进一步对地带性顶极类型的植被的恢复,尤其是对被誉为地球肺部的热带雨林的可恢复性问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

生物入侵生态学:成就与挑战   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
全球化不仅带来了世界政治和经济格局的变化,而且也改变了生物分布的空间格局--导致生物种群的重新分布,由此而产生的生物入侵入已成为各国政府,国际社会和学术界所共同关心的全球变化问题,也是当前最辣手的三大环境问题之一;生物入侵的生态学因此成为了当代生态学的一个新的分支和研究热点。概述了近年来的主要研究热点及其进展,包括生物入侵的定义,生物入侵与全球变化的关系,生物入侵的特征,入侵的扩散,生物入侵的进化后果等,我国已于去年正式加入WTO,生物入侵无疑将成为我国入世后愈来愈突出的环境问题之一,结合国际上的研究前沿和我国的实际情况,提出了今后的优先研究领域和应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

家蚕基因组研究对蚕业学科和产业发展的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来,蚕业科学技术一直处于平台期,没有大的突破。影响产量、质量的关键性技术难题得不到有效解决,蚕丝业整体生产效益低下,严重影响产业稳定和持续发展。但是,随着家蚕基因组的完成,将为其注入新的活力与创新源泉,将使我们掌握参与蚕茧产量和质量形成的相关功能基因,了解这些基因的作用方式和特征,比较全面、准确地认识家蚕生物特性的遗传基础和分子调控机制,为提高蚕茧产量、改善蚕茧品质提供理论基础和技术支持。同时,家蚕作为模式昆虫,其基因组研究以及比较基因组学研究在农林科学与人类疾病研究等学科发展中意义重大,并将发挥着越来越重要的作用。因此家蚕基因组研究,在蚕丝产业与模式生物的研究方面均具有重要的科学价值。  相似文献   

西藏自治区旅游产业发展研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文从西藏自治区发展旅游产业面临的良好宏观环境入手,分别对西藏旅游资源开发潜力,旅游市场和旅游产业可持续发展这些热点问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

Two new phenotypes of Aspergillus flavus which exhibit novel patterns of aflatoxin production have been identified and characterized. In one of the new variants of A. flavus, aflatoxin is made in the absence of carbohydrate and concomitantly with growth, without a lag period. A second variant did not produce aflatoxin in the presence or absence of carbohydrate. Chemical mutagenesis of this nonaflatoxigenic strain resulted in mutant strains which produced aflatoxin on carbohydrate-containing media. The aflatoxin production pattern observed in these mutants resembled the typical production scheme, with a lag period through log phase growth.  相似文献   

Two new phenotypes ofAspergillus flavus which exhibit novel patterns of aflatoxin production have been identified and characterized. In one of the new variants ofA. flavus, aflatoxin is made in the absence of carbohydrate and concomitantly with growth, without a lag period. A second variant did not produce aflatoxin in the presence or absence of carbohydrate. Chemical mutagenesis of this nonaflatoxigenic strain resulted in mutant strains which produced aflatoxin on carbohydrate-containing media. The aflatoxin production pattern observed in these mutants resembled the typical production scheme, with a lag period through log phase growth.  相似文献   

Two different models describe the development of definitive hematopoiesis and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). In one of these, the visceral yolk sac serves as a starting point of relatively lengthy developmental process culminating in the fetal liver hematopoiesis. In another, the origin of adult hematopoiesis is split between the yolk sac and the dorsal aorta, which has a peculiar capacity to generate definitive HSCs. Despite a large amount of experimental data consistent with the latter view, it becomes increasingly unsustainable in the light of recent cell tracing studies. Moreover, analysis of the published studies supporting the aorta-centered version uncovers significant caveats in standard experimental approach and argumentation. As a result, the theory cannot offer feasible cellular mechanisms of the HSC emergence. This review summarizes key efforts to discern the developmental pathway of the adult-type HSCs and attempts to put forward a hypothesis on the inflammatory mechanisms of hematopoietic ontogenesis.  相似文献   

提出了一种确定适合于不同地区的风力机的方法。首先利用WAsP软件对当地风能资源评估,分析计算得到风谱图,建立模拟风力机站;然后拟合4种类型的400W风力机的输出功率特性曲线;最后计算不同风力机在不同地区风资源下的单位面积月发电量及其变动率。在保证满足供电负荷的条件下,单位面积月发电量的变动率最小的风力机确定为该地区风力机。  相似文献   

Summary The variations of the dorsocentral and scutellar bristle patterns founded in two bidirectionaly selected lines are discussed in terms of the Richelle and Ghysen model. The phenotype obtained through selection for bristle suppression can be accounted for by a decrease in chaetogen production. Extra bristles can be accounted for by an alteration of the response of the cells to positional information.  相似文献   

The univariate quarterly Dutch series of industrial production and money stock are both modelled with a periodically integrated subset autoregression (PISA). This model for a non-stationary series allows the lag orders, the values of the parameters and the cyclical patterns to vary over the seasons. The PISA models are found by applying a general-to-simple specification strategy, which deals with non-stationarity and periodicity simultaneously. It is found that the two series show a common asymmetric cyclical behaviour. This paper further proposes a test for periodicity in the errors, with which it is argued that a non-periodic model for the industrial production and money stock is misspecified and that seasonal adjustment does not remove periodicity in the autocorrelation function.  相似文献   

为解决造船企业管子生产线各工序间资源负荷比例的不稳定性所导致的在制品量多、加工周期长的问题,基于船舶管子制造的特征现状,以加工周期最短为目标,描述了一种多生产线柔性资源分配问题.建立柔性资源分配变量矩阵并提出工序当量生产能力的计算公式,采用离散事件仿真平台Arena12.0提出该问题的求解方法及步骤.最后以国内某造船厂碳钢管子和不锈钢管子生产线为工程背景,应用Arena12.0进行了仿真实例分析,验证了该方法的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

Molecular farming of recombinant antibodies in plants   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Antibodies represent a large proportion of therapeutic drugs currently in development. In most cases, they are produced in mammalian cell lines or transgenic animals because these have been shown to fold and assemble the proteins correctly and generate authentic glycosylation patterns. However, such expression systems are expensive, difficult to scale up and there are safety concerns due to potential contamination with pathogenic organisms or oncogenic DNA sequences. Plants represent an inexpensive, efficient and safe alternative for the production of recombinant antibodies. Research over the last 10 years has shown that plants can produce a variety of functional antibodies and there is now intense interest in scaling up production to commercial levels. In this review, we discuss the advantages of plants over traditional expression systems, describe how antibody expression in plants is achieved and optimized and then consider the practical issues concerning large-scale molecular farming in plants. The first plant-produced therapeutic antibodies are already in clinical trials, and, given the economic benefits of this production system, we are likely to see many more recombinant antibodies produced in this manner in the future.  相似文献   

一定的自然环境条件孕育着与之相对应的资源利用方式,而不同的资源利用方式常常深刻地影响着不同地区人们的社会、经济、文化活动,同时资源利用方式也常常对少数民族文化的保留和传承产生着重要的影响。此种现象在川西北的民族地区(如阿坝藏族羌族自治州)表现尤为突出。本文通过对藏、羌、回三个不同民族的五个村寨进行的入户调查揭示出这一规律。  相似文献   

Plasticity is a well-known property of macrophages that is controlled by different changes in environmental signals. Macrophage polarization is regarded as a spectrum of activation phenotypes adjusted from one activation extreme, the classic (M1), to the other, the alternative (M2) activation. Here we show, in vitro and in vivo, that both M1 and M2 macrophage phenotypes are tightly coupled to specific patterns of gene expression. Novel M2-associated markers were characterized and identified as genes controlling the extracellular metabolism of ATP to generate pyrophosphates (PPi). Stimulation of M1 macrophages with PPi dampens both NLR and TLR signaling and thus mediates cytokine production. In this context extracellular PPi enhanced the resolution phase of a murine peritonitis model via a decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokine production. Therefore, our study reveals an additional level of plasticity modulating the resolution of inflammation.  相似文献   

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