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LIUYan WANGShiying 《系统科学与复杂性》2004,17(1):33-38
The maximum matching graph of a graph has a vertex for each maximummatching and an edge for each pair of maximum matchings which differ by exactly oneedge. In this paper, we prove that the connectivity of maximum matching graph of abipartite graph is equal to its minimum degree. 相似文献
SUN Liuquan 《系统科学与复杂性》2001,(1)
1 Illtroduction and Main ResultsIn medical follow-up or engineering life testing studies one may not be able to observethe variable of inferest, referred to hereafter as the lifetime. Among the differellt forms inwhich incomplete data appears right censoring and left truncation are two common ones. Lefttruncation mad occur if the time origin of the lifetime precedes the time origin of the study.Only subjects that fail after the start of the study are being followed, otherwise they are lefttru… 相似文献
罗平 《系统工程与电子技术》1997,(6)
平稳序列的自相关矩阵R(n)是非负定的。利用斯梯阶积分和纯跳跃函数的性质,本文通过积分谱F(ω)表达了R(n)为正定的充分必要条件,并得到了平稳过程的对偶结论。 相似文献
YU Dan 《系统科学与复杂性》1995,(1)
SUNBing GUOBaozhu 《系统科学与复杂性》2005,18(3):285-301
This paper is concerned with an optimal control problem of an ablationtranspiration cooling control system with Stefan-Signorini boundary condition. The existence of weak solution of the system is considered. The Dubovitskii and Milyutin approach is adopted in the investigation of the Pontryagin‘s maximum principle of the system. The optimality necessary condition is presented for the problem with fixed final horizon and phase constraints. 相似文献
1.IntroductionInthisreportwewillpresentsomecomputationalresultsforthekinematicsolutionofanin-parallelmechanismplatformdesignedattheUniversityofFlorida.Thefigureoftheplatformanalysedhereisasfollows.Figure1Theconnectingpointsjoinvenicestosidesofthepairoftriangles.Thisisaspecialcaseofwhatwehaveconsideredin[l].Sincebothofthefixedandmovingplatformsaretriangles,andsomejointcenterslieonthecorrespondingsidesofthem,wecanspecifysomeparametersin[1]foranalysis.Itturnsoutthatmorecomputationalresultscanbe… 相似文献
CHENG Jin-San GAO Xiao-Shan 《系统科学与复杂性》2014,(6):1320-1344
In this paper, a multiplicity-preserving triangular set decomposition algorithm is proposed for a system of two polynomials, which involves only computing the primitive polynomial remainder sequence of two polynomials once and certain GCD computations. The algorithm decomposes the unmixed variety defined by two polynomials into square free and disjoint (for non-vertical components, see Definition 4) algebraic cycles represented by triangular sets which may have negative multiplicities. Thus, the authors can count the multiplicities of the non-vertical components. In the bivariate case, the amthors give a complete algorithm to decompose tile system into zeros represented by triangular sets with multiplicities. The authors also analyze the complexity of the algorithm in the bivariate ease. The authors implement the algorithm and show the effectiveness of the method with extensive experiments. 相似文献
In this paper we give weaker conditions to ensure the strong uniform consis-tency of multi-dimensional nearest neighbor (N.N.) estimates with non-uniform kernel andobtain the convergence rates of these estimates on an arbitrary bounded set. The ratescan not be improved in some sense. Obviously, the problem of strong convergence rates ata given point is its special case. The range of applications of estimates is extended. 相似文献
LIANG Hua 《系统科学与复杂性》1995,(1)
ONTHEBESTUNIFORMCONVERGENCERATEOFEBESTIMATORSLIANGHua(InstituteofSystemsScience,AcademiaSinica,Beijing100080,China)YUANYahua(... 相似文献
PU Dingguo 《系统科学与复杂性》1997,(4)
1.IatroductionWeknowthatthevariablemetricalgorithms,suchastheBroydenalgorithms[1],areveryusefulandefficientmethodsforsolvingthenonlinearprogrammingproblem:min{f(x);xERn}.(1.1)Withexactlinesearch,Powelll2]provedthattherateofconvergenceofthesealgorithmsisone-stepsuperlinearfortheuniformlyconvexobjectivefunction,andifthepoiedsgivenbythesealgorithmsareconvergeal,PnandYul3]provedthattheyaregloballyconvergelitforthecolltinuousdifferentiablefunction.Withoutexactlinesearchseveralresultshavebeenobtai… 相似文献
WANG Jun 《系统科学与复杂性》2004,(2)
In this paper, we study the problem on the fixed points of the lth power of linear differential polynomials generated by second order linear differential equations. Because of the control of differential equation, we can obtain some precise estimate of their fixed points. 相似文献
Zi-yan WUDepartment of Civil Engineering Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi''''an China 《系统科学与系统工程学报(英文版)》2003,12(3)
A discrete optimum mathematical model to derive the "maximum capacity" of people in a roomor in a space used for public gatherings is developed. There are two outcomes in the model. One isfocused on whether the person farthest from exits can escape from the room. The other concentrateson the evacuation time of all the people in the room. According to the results of the two outcomes, amore reasonable "maximum capacity" can be worked out in a simple way. 相似文献
CHEN Hongjian 《系统科学与复杂性》2000,(4)
1. IntroductionBecause of its applications ill biological science and econometrics as well as in experimental nuclear physics, some authors[1'2] have studied the unbiased estimation of the inverse ofpopulation mean! 1/m. Srivatava and Bhatnagar used the statisticXti '~ ~ k > 0, (1.1)X. k(4)'where k is a scalar constant abed s: is the unbiased sample variance, to estimate 1/m forany distribution with the third moment. They proved that ti is an asymptotically unbiasedestimator with bias of or… 相似文献
GAO Xiaoshan 《系统科学与复杂性》1999,(Z1)
1.IntroductionSomefrequentlyusedalgebraicalgorithmssharethesamepropertythattheytransformasetofpolynomialequationstoasinglepolynomialequationsuchthatthezerosetofthepolynomialsetandthehypersurfacedefinedbythesinglepolynomialareequivalentincertainsense.FOralgorithmswiththisproperty,wemaymention'thealgorithmtofindaprimitiveelementforafinitelygeneratedalgebraicextensionfield[1],thealgorithmtofindaplanecurvewhichisbirationaltoaspacealgebraiccur.e[2]!etc.Inthispaper,wepresentageneralalgorithmwhichcan… 相似文献
YANG Xiaojing 《系统科学与复杂性》1999,(1)
1.IntroductionInmanyapplications,oneneedstoknoworestimatetherootsofapolynomialwithrealcoefficients.Thewell--knownRouth--Hurwitzcriterionisanefficienttool,butitappliesonlytotherobustcases;ifsomeofthedeterminantsarezerotitfailstotelliftheseeigenvaluesstillhavenegativerealpartsornot.ThispapergeneralizestheRouth-Hurwitzcriteriontothecriticalcases,wheresomeoftheeigenvaluesofthepolynomiallieontheimaginaryaxis,thispolynomailiscalledasemistablepolynomial.Thetheoremspresentedinthispapergiveanefficien… 相似文献
1.IntroductionStochasticapproximation(SA)iswidelyappliedinoptimization,systemindelltification,adaptivecontrolandsignalprocessing.ThebasicproblemofSAistoseektherootsoreXtremaofafunctionf(.)calledregressionfunctionwhichcanbeestimateattimekandletthe(k 1)thobservationi,e,Yk 1~f(Xk) ek 1,(1)whereek 1istheobservationnoise.RobbinsandMonroll]in1951proposedthefollowingalgorithmxk l=xk akyk 1,(2)toestimatetherootsofj(.),whereahisthestepsize.ThisalgorithmisnowcalledRobbinsMonro(RM)algorithm.Denoteb… 相似文献
ZENGLuchuan 《系统科学与复杂性》2004,17(1):64-74
In this paper, we are devoted to the convergence analysis of algorithms forgeneralized set-valued variational inclusions in Banach spaces. Our results improve, extend,and develop the earlier and recent corresponding results. 相似文献
HUANGZhengda ZHENGShiming 《系统科学与复杂性》2003,16(1):133-144
In this paper,an invariant determined by a function used to guarantee the convergence of all members with ι≤κ in the family of deformed Halley iterative methods for solving nonlinear equation in complex field is given.Results include some known ones as this special cases.We get not only the error estimates of the iterative sequences {zn,ι} but also those of f(zn,ι) for all ι≤κ. 相似文献
LIANG Hanying 《系统科学与复杂性》2000,(2)
1. Introduction and Main ResultsSince the definition on complete convergence of real random variables was introduced by Hsuand Robbins[1], there have been extensive literature on the complete convergence of i.i.d. realvalued random variables, see Baum and Katz ([2]), Bat and Su ([3]). In 1989, Yul4] extendedsome results in Bat and Su ([3]) to real valued independent but not necessarily identicallydistributed case. The main purpose of this paper is to extend the results of Yu[4] to B-value… 相似文献