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Gelman and Bloom found that adults and children's object naming was sensitive to how an object was created (man-made or not), but they did not reveal on which specific level of conceptual system this effect was. Using a free-naming task and a force-choice task, two experiments were conducted to test a hypothesis that this effect was specifically on domain level ("artifact/non-artifact" distinction), in Experiment 1, participants were asked to name shortly-depicted objects, rate their confidence, and report their reasons for each naming response. Resuits showed that most of the naming responses in "man-made" condition were in artifact domain, and most in "natural" condition were in non-artifact domain, although in both conditions names were very divergent on basic level. In Experiment 2, another group of participants were asked to choose one from two names (one in artifact domain and the other in non-artifact domain) to match the same shortly-depicted objects presented in the first experiment. Results of Experiment 1 on domain level were replicated in Experiment 2. These convergent findings supported the hypothesis that the effect of object's origin is specifically on domain level of conceptual system of objects. Reasons explicitly reported for naming responses in Experiment 1 suggested that participants might automatically infer objects' functions in "man-made" condition but not in "natural" condition. Here the function-based hypothesis of artifacts classification is discussed.  相似文献   

The relics of ancient rice have been regarded as the most important objective evidence of the origina- tion and spread of rice cultivation.Based on the records of 280 rice relics sites and the rice cropping regionalization as well as the distribution map of paddy soils,the current study compiled the temporal and spatial distribution map of ancient rice distribution in China.The map shows that the distribution of ancient rice is spatially extensive and meantime comparatively concentrated,temporarily covering a long and relatively continuous time-span.The rice relics in the Central China double and single rice cropping regions are among the earliest and the most abundant ones,possessing continuity in time sequence.Combined with the discovery of ancient rice and paddy filed relics,soil micromorphology, pollen combination and element geochemistry,it is suggested that Central China was the origin center of rice cultivation in China.Rice had been spread to the rest part of China in three major waves,also to the East Asian part like Korea and Japan.The temporal and spatial distribution of ancient rice reflects the past environmental change,which is also meaningful to the current rice regionalization and plan- ning as well as food security in China.  相似文献   

The 14th international conference on the “origin of life” opened at Tsinghua on June 20, bringing together more than 300 scientists from home andabroad for the week-long meeting.  相似文献   

The origin of arthropods has long been one ofthe most hotly-debated subjects. Arthropods used to bethought closely related with annelids, but the two groups arenow believed to be separated into two major realms withinProtostomia on the basis of new molecular data. Although itis generally held by paleontologists that arthropods should berooted in the early lobopods-.a kind of worm-like creaturewith non-segmented legs, no intermediate forms have beenfound to bridge them. Here we report an organism with amixture of characters, including features characteristic ofarthropods (e.g., primary cephalization with paired eyes,paired antennae, and preliminary tagmosis) and of lobopods(e.g., worm-like body design, the dorsal spines, andnon-segmented limbs or lobe-like legs). The discovery of therare transitional form may throw new light on the origin ofarthropods and suggests that the most primitive arthropodsbegan with paired uniramous legs and the biramous onesevolved later.  相似文献   

随着改革开放不断深入,人们对于保护名族文化的情感进一步加深,毕演生用自己平凡的一生写下了对名族艺术无限的热爱,他十年如一日的苦心研究民族器乐,终于使呜嘟申遗成功,并走向了世界。  相似文献   

The origin and sedimentary environment of theLate Tertiary (Neogene) Red Clay Formation in northernChina had long been controversial. A new mollusk recordfrom the Xifeng red clay (red-earth) sequence in the centralLoess Plateau provides the biological evidence for addressingquestions of its origin and environmental implication. Thestudy of composition and preservation condition of seventymollusk fossil assemblages reveals the initial ecological con-dition of the red clay formation, avoiding the effect ofpost-deposited alteration. The result shows that all of identi-fiable mollusk species are composed of terrestrial taxa, mostof them are the common species found in the overlying Qua-ternary Ioess-paleosol sequence. Most of fossil individualspreserved in the red clay strata are in living conditions basedon the investigation of fieldwork, indicating the originalpopulation. Thus, the mollusk fossil assemblages can be usedas an indicator of primary environment of the red clay for-mation. The mollusk record from the Xifeng red clay se-quence supports the view that the red clay is an aeolian ori-gin, similar to the overlying Quaternary loess deposits. Ourdata also reveal the history of environmental changes atXifeng from 6.2--2.4 Ma, which is coupled in phase with theformation and development of the Arctic ice sheets and theprocess of the Tibetan Plateau uplift. Both may be the majorcause and forcing mechanisms of the late Tertiaryenvironmental changes in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

TheclimaticvariationsanddevelopmentofyellowsoilinBeibeisincetheHoloceneepochFuWali,LuDeren,LiuZongqun,XuMaoqi(DepartmentofGeo...  相似文献   

Neurotrophic factors are traditionally thought to be secretory proteins that regulate long-tern survival and differe, ntiation of neurons. Recent studies have revealed a previously unexpected role for these factors in synaptie de velopment ami plasticity in diverse neuronal populations. Here we review experimeuts carried oul in our own laboratory in the last few years.. We have made two important discoveries.First,we were among the first to report that brain-derived. neurotrophie faclor (BDNF) facilitates hippocampal hmg-term potentiation (LTP), a form of synaptic plaslicity believed to be involved in learning and memory. BDNF modulates LTP al CAI synapses by enhaneing synaptic responses to high frequency, tetanic slimulalion. This is achieved primafily by facilitating synaptie vesicle doeking, possibly due to an in crease in the levels of the vesicle prolein synaptobrevin and synaptoplysin in the nerve terminals. Gene knockout study demonstrates thai the effects of BDNF are primarily mediated through presynaptic mechanisms. Second, we demonstrated a form of long-term, neurotrophin-mediated synaptic regulation. We showed that long-term treatment of the neuromuscu lar synapses with neurotrophin-3 (NT3) resulted in an enhancement of both spontaneous and evoked synaptic currcuts, as well as profound changes in thc number of synaptic varicosities and syuaptic vesicle proteins in motoneurons, all of which are indicative of more mature synapses. Our current work addresses the following issues:(i) activity-dependent trafficking of neurotrophin receptors, and its role in synapse-specific modulation; (ii) signal transduction mechanisms medialing the acute enhancement of synaplic transmission by neurotrophins; (iii) acute and long-tenn synaptie actions of the GDNF family; (iv) role of BDNF in late-phase LTP and in the development of hippocampal circuit.  相似文献   

《左传》既是历史著作 ,又是文学著作 ,具有双重性质和双重功能。文章从历史写作和叙事文学存在着部分交叠关系入手 ,就写作材料、材料的加工方式、作品成就、社会功能等方面 ,对《左传》叙事文学的特点和成就作了深入剖析 ,高度肯定了《左传》在叙事文学历史中的地位和价值  相似文献   

《左传》“君子曰”史评形式内容丰富,形式独特,自成一格,对后世史学和文学都产生了深远的影响。司马迁《史记》继承创新,以“太史公曰”取而代之,成为历代正史所效仿的典范。唐传奇作者评论和宋元话本、拟话本小说之“以诗入话”、“以诗结论”均为“君子曰”史评形式的发展,到《聊斋志异》中“异史氏曰”可谓发展到一个极致。  相似文献   

从句型变换的角度来看,位于动词前和句末的两种“无(有)以”结构,它们二者因在句中所处的位置不同而产生了分化。  相似文献   

本文建立了与气动实验相应的全桥样条模型,以分析吊桥颤振。根据片条假定以及所取用的力学模型,导出颤振微分方程和关于颤振导数的空气动力矩阵(气动阻尼阵和气动弹性阵)。在样条有限元条法分析吊桥固有振动的基础上,进一步计算吊桥的颤振频率和临界风速。以旧Tacoma桥为例,计算结果与现场实测值相一致。  相似文献   

《左传》不仅是一部史学名,同时也是以辞见长的优秀学作品,在我国古代学发展中外占有重要的地位,《左传》的作在谋篇布局时善于巧妙地蕴伏笔于记言和叙事中,并 通过占卜、梦境和天象、童谣等方式在前中埋下伏笔,前伏后应,用以 预示社会变化、时事动态以及个人命运的发展,使得整部作品脉络清晰、结构谨严,具有鲜明的艺术特色和独特的创作风格。  相似文献   

西晋是一个儒家礼教束缚相对较弱的时期,此时孕育出一代才女左棻,她走出封建礼教的藩篱彰显其卓越的才华。左棻的创作以散文为主,虽多应诏之作,但仍无法埋没其惊人的才情以及作品中所蕴含的文学价值。所作的赋、诔、颂、赞等文章典雅委婉,不失个性,数量居先唐诸女性作家之冠,令人折服,更为可贵的是,她文章中表现出女性强烈的解放意识,追求独立人格的夙愿。  相似文献   

在《左传》所叙写的一系列谏说、外交行为活动中,一方为表明个体的隐性意愿,往往辅助性地采取了一些超出常理的行为方式,诸如奇异行为,巧作暗示;设疑诱问,寓谏于答;以谬制谬,克敌制胜;动之以行,感彼藉泪;极端行为,假威慑强,等等。这些行为蕴含着施动者的原始动机,参与辞令所产生的对应作用力的展开,使得辞令接收者在为言语的指示力所感召的同时,进一步或为行为的潜在效力所影响,或从中悟出行为者的深意,从而接受施言者之建议,在一定程度上满足对方的欲望。行为收到辞令所不能及之奇效,理应予以重视。  相似文献   

基于挠度理论以及等代梁法,分析矢跨比和高跨比对主缆和索塔用量的经济性影响和结构受力变形的影响,得出矢跨比和高跨比在经济性和结构刚度方面的各自适用范围.为验证建议范围内的矢跨比和高跨比可以满足结构经济性的同时亦满足结构的受力变形要求,试设计一座独塔双主跨悬索桥,并与中国某三塔悬索桥进行比较分析.结果表明:独塔悬索桥主缆用...  相似文献   

在介绍悬索桥理想状态的各种计算方法基础上,提出了一种在ANSYS中实现理想成桥状态的简单方法——坐标更新法,并通过工程实例进行比较验证,结果表明其与主缆应变调整法的计算结果接近,但更易于实现,可应用有限元对悬索桥进行受力分析.  相似文献   

《史记》与《左传》是我国历史上著名的两部历史著作,为我们保留了大量的珍贵资料,中国早期女性形象的记载也大多留于此。但不论从形象塑造内容、人物塑造方法,以及各种形成原因等方面来看,二者都有较大的不同。  相似文献   

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