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Summary Blinded crabs (Carcinus maenas andMaja verrucosa) show compensatory eye stalk movements on rotation about a vertical axis, in water and in air. On a sudden arrest of the turntable typical after-effects are observed, which show a striking resemblance to those known from vertebrates. All these reactions are abolished after bilateral elimination of the so-called thread hairs within the statocysts (experiments onMaja). In fresh preparations these hairs can be seen to follow the slightest movements of the surrounding fluid, swaying around their point of attachment.Elimination of the thread hairs does not diminish, but does markedly delay the compensatory eye stalk movements of a blinded crab on rotation about horizontal axes. The latter reactions are abolished if in addition the hook hairs (i.e. the sense hairs of the statolith-bearing type) are destroyed.It is concluded that the statocyst of crabs is a staticdynamic sense organ: the hook hairs are position receptors, the thread hairs react to angular displacements about all three main body axes; the group hairs may have no sensory function at all.Rotation sense may be expected to occur in other Crustacea possessing thread hairs or similar receptors in their statocysts as well.  相似文献   

Summary A new alkaloid from the lyophilized mycelia of aClaviceps purpurea strain, N-[N-(d-Lysergyl)-l-valyl]-l-phenylalanyl-d-prolin-lactam, has been isolated and characterized. From its fast methanolysis it is deduced that the previously reported N-(d-Lysergyl)-l-valinmethylester is actually an artefact. The biogenetic significance and its possible role in biogenesis of Ergocristine is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Cortisol-21-sulphate has been identified in the urine of three patients with Cushing's syndrome before and after total adrenalectomy (substitution with 200 mg F orally). The identification was based upon the following data: Identical behaviour of the standard cortisol-21-sulphate and the unknowns in two different paper chromatographic systems; positive methylene blue reaction and UV-contact-photogram; identical absorption spectra in concentrated sulphuric acid; correspondence with free cortisol of the steroid moiety liberated by dioxan solvolysis and formation of adrenosterone following treatment with chromic acid. The data support evidence that cortisol-21-sulphate may originate not only from the human adrenal gland but also from extra-adrenal sources, presumably the liver.  相似文献   

Summary The teratogenicity of optical antipodes of phthaloyl-glutamic acid, a metabolite of thalidomide, was determined by administering i.p. to pregnant mice. The injected solution contained Tween 20 as solubilizer. Under the conditions of experiment thel-isomer was found to be embryotoxic; whereas thed-form was devoid of any embryopathic properties.  相似文献   

Summary In a series of model reactions, it is shown that residues of-aminoacids may be inserted by a particular rearrangement into certain carboxyl or carbonylamido groups. Repeated insertion results in the formation of a peptide derivative. It is concluded that natural peptides or proteins must not necessarily be formed by head to tail combination of aminoacids. Other implications of the new principle are discussed.

Vorgetragen am XIV. Internationalen Kongress für Reine und Angewandte Chemie, 21. bis 27. Juli 1955, Zürich.  相似文献   

Summary Homogenation of very small amounts of biological material (e.g. single cells) can be carried out without losses by using a loop of stainless steel thread inside of a capillary. A useful device is described.  相似文献   

Summary An apparatus for automatic scanning of radioactive parts of the body is described (scinti scanner). A lead protected scintillation counter is moved over the organ to be examined. The registered impulses are recorded on a special paper with a writing mechanism rigidly fixed with the counter.Three scanning sizes, scanning speeds and ray collimators are provided. The measuring time varies between 4 min and 4 h.Measurements are mainly done with iodine 131 (inorganic or linked to serum albumine or di-iodofluorescein) and gold 198.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelium of the epididymal duct (corpus region) of the rat after hypophysectomy and after androgen substitution has been examined by light and electron microscopy. The epithelium consists of 3 different cell types: principal, accessory (Nebenzellen), and basal cells. The characteristics of these cells disappear after hypophysectomy and redifferentiate after androgen application. The alterations of the principal and accessory cells in course of time (from the 1st week up to 9 weeks after injection of 20 mg testosterone propionate) are the subject of this report.  相似文献   

Summary A new Arc Spark Stand is described in which the sample electrode can be rotated in the shape of a plate.  相似文献   

Summary Induction of DNase I by total-body X-irradiation and/or 2,4,6-triethyleneimino-1,3,5-triazine within kidneys of mice has been inhibited by heparin-like polyanions and enhanced by nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Summary Rat hypothalami were isolated and incubated at 37 °C in Ringer solution. Both calcium and acetylcholine enhance the release of noradrenaline. The effect of acetylcholine is dependent on the presence of calcium ions.

Durchgeführt mit. Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary (1) Doubly refracting lipoid droplets can be demonstrated in normal and pathological sera by means of alcohol ether extraction. This is not possible with ether extraction alone.(2) These lipoid droplets can be demonstrated only, or almost only, when they are precipitated out of alcohol or ether alcohol  相似文献   

Summary Complexes of bivalent tin with polyoxybenzene-polysulfonic acids have a diuretic effect, when injected subcutaneously in dogs or rabbits. The same compounds also sensibilize the cardiotonic effect of digitalis-substances on the isolated heart or on fragments of the isolated heart as usually employed for testing digitalis-substances.In a small number of patients suffering from heart disease, a rapid increase of their till then lowered diuresis was induced through subcutaneous injections of a solution of the above mentioned tin complex.  相似文献   

Summary The central rhabdomere in certain marginal ommatidia of the compound eyes of 20 species, representing 7 families of the flies, differs in its organization from the central rhabdomere of the neighbouring non-marginal ommatidia. Moreover, at least in the Tabanidae, Rhagionidae, and Syrphidae, this rhabdomere complex is composed of the interdigitating segments of the rhabdomere 7 and 8. The morphology and topography of this new type are described.  相似文献   

Summary A synthetic Medium for the isolation ofListeria monocytogenes is described. The experimental examination showed that in contrast toListeria practically all the bacteria that appear physiologically in the organism do not grow this solid selective agar.  相似文献   

Summary It has been stated that chlortetracyclin causes a depletion of ascorbic acid in rat adrenals.  相似文献   

Summary The recently discovered vitamin T complex can be extracted from different kinds of yeast and ascomycets, but also from insects that feed on such micro-organisms. In case of a sufficient amount of protein in the food, vitamin T causes an acceleration of development; thus it is possible that insects may attain new and varied proportions of their bodies, such as would never occur in nature (Great modification). With vertebrates, the assimilation of protein is increased by vitamin T. The result is an enlargement of the body and an increase in weight of from 10 to 20%, in spite of the same or even a smaller amount of nourishment. Also with human beings an increase in weight of 3 to 7 pounds was observed within 20 days, though the small rations were not increased. Besides, vitamin T has a favourable influence on healing wounds. The importance of vitamin T for agriculture and medicine is obvious.  相似文献   

Summary A nomograph is presented, which gives (according toFisher's formula) the pooled probabilities for the combination of two, three, and four independent experiments respectively.   相似文献   

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