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论述了一种集成射极耦合电流控制振荡器的原理,以此为基础设计出一种集成电流-频率转换器电路.模拟研究表明:这种转换器线性度好,频率范围宽,具有较广泛的使用价值  相似文献   

论述了一种单片集成温度传感器电路的原理,并用 P S P I C E 对所设计的传感器电路进行了模拟分析.这种传感器以本征禁带参考电流源作为感温的核心,将感温元件与外围电路集成在同一芯片上,具有体积小、功耗低、精确度高的特点,适用于生物医学.  相似文献   

Control of enzyme steps during the bacterial cell cycle   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
W D Donachie 《Nature》1965,205(976):1084-1086

Joo HY  Zhai L  Yang C  Nie S  Erdjument-Bromage H  Tempst P  Chang C  Wang H 《Nature》2007,449(7165):1068-1072
Post-translational histone modifications have important regulatory roles in chromatin structure and function. One example of such modifications is histone ubiquitination, which occurs predominately on histone H2A and H2B. Although the recent identification of the ubiquitin ligase for histone H2A has revealed important roles for H2A ubiquitination in Hox gene silencing as well as in X-chromosome inactivation, the enzyme(s) involved in H2A deubiquitination and the function of H2A deubiquitination are not known. Here we report the identification and functional characterization of the major deubiquitinase for histone H2A, Ubp-M (also called USP16). Ubp-M prefers nucleosomal substrates in vitro, and specifically deubiquitinates histone H2A but not H2B in vitro and in vivo. Notably, knockdown of Ubp-M in HeLa cells results in slow cell growth rates owing to defects in the mitotic phase of the cell cycle. Further studies reveal that H2A deubiquitination by Ubp-M is a prerequisite for subsequent phosphorylation of Ser 10 of H3 and chromosome segregation when cells enter mitosis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Ubp-M regulates Hox gene expression through H2A deubiquitination and that blocking the function of Ubp-M results in defective posterior development in Xenopus laevis. This study identifies the major deubiquitinase for histone H2A and demonstrates that H2A deubiquitination is critically involved in cell cycle progression and gene expression.  相似文献   

利用集成运算放大器可以方便地实现电路运算,通过对放大器的同相、反相输入端进行适当的扩展,便可实现任何加减法运算,本详细介绍一种利用集成运算放大器来设计加减电路的方法。  相似文献   

The integrated circuit chip with high performance has a high sensitivity to the defects in manufacturing environments.When there are defects on a wafer,the defects may lead to the degradation of chip performance.It is necessary to design effective detection approaches for the defects in order to ensure the reliability of wafer.In this paper,a new method based on image boundary extraction is presented for the detection of defects on a wafer.The method uses island model genetic algorithms to perform the segme...  相似文献   

The integrated circuit chip with high performance has a high sensitivity to the defects in manufacturing environments. When there are defects on a wafer, the defects may lead to the degradation of chip performance. It is necessary to design effective detection approaches for the defects in order to ensure the reliability of wafer. In this paper, a new method based on image boundary extraction is presented for the detection of defects on a wafer. The method uses island model genetic algorithms to perform the segmentation of wafer images, and gets the optimal threshold values. The island model genetic algorithm uses two distinct subpopulations, it is a coarse grain parallel model. The individuals migration can occur between the two subpopulations to share genetic materials. A lot of experimental results show that the defect detection method proposed in this paper can obtain the features of defects effectively.  相似文献   

为了简化位置伺服系统的位置控制模板,减少元器件,提高系统的可靠性,介绍了集成电路LM628的功能,并对采用LM628实现伺服电机的半闭环控制进行了实验研究。实验结果表明:以LM628为核心的位置控制模板设计简单,选用的外围元件少,从而提高了系统的可靠性,控制精度达到了数控实际加工的要求,且软件编程简单,易于实现。因此,在实际数控系统中采用高集成度、高性能的专用位置控制电路是可行的。  相似文献   

研究目的在于分析光电集成电路( O E I C)光接收机中电感技术的作用和原理,以及最佳电感设计规则。基于精确的有源器件(包括金属半导体金属光电探测器和高电子迁移率晶体管)噪声等效电路模型和微波单片集成电路( M M I C)无源方型螺旋电感等效电路模型,提出了一种简单的计算光接收机跨阻特性和噪声特性的矩阵分析方法,讨论了电感对光接收机性能的影响,指出了电感的设计需要在光接收机稳定性、跨阻特性、噪声特性三方面基础上折衷考虑  相似文献   

随着信息科技的发展,双极型集成电路得到广泛应用,双极型集成电路的版图设计工艺成了改进集成电路性能的一个指标.可从版图设计原则、整体版图设计、元件版图设计、布局布线几个方面对双极型集成电路版图设计工艺进行研究.  相似文献   

G North 《Nature》1989,339(6220):97-98

Regulation of cell motility by cyclic AMP   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
G S Johnson  W D Morgan  I Pastan 《Nature》1972,235(5332):54-56

Growth of the bacterial cell   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
W D Donachie  K J Begg 《Nature》1970,227(5264):1220-1224

通过一个典型的二阶系统为例介绍了FPGA在电路瞬态特性测试中的应用.系统以Xilinx公司的EXCD-1开发板为控制核心,由FPGA模块、键盘输入模块、液晶显示模块、数模转换模块、模数转换模块等功能模块组成.在设计方法上采用SOPC技术,大大提高了系统设计的灵活性和稳定性.本测量系统结构简单,并进行了抗干扰设计,使其具有较好的抗干扰能力,保证系统可靠工作.  相似文献   

模拟电路在传感器匹配、信号转换和数据采集等仪器仪表子系统中起着不可替代的作用,而人为优化一个模块需要耗费大量的时间和精力;文章提出的基于遗传算法的电路自动进化是解决这一问题的有效途径,可以大大节省模拟电路的设计周期,在电路设计初期具有很好的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

数字集成电路使用的若干问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对数字电路实验所用到的集成电路的型号,功能检测及正确使用方法等问题进行了讨论,提出了一些具体措施,并就实验中出现的异常情况进行了分析。  相似文献   

王咏梅  王印松 《实验室科学》2012,15(4):25-26,30
分析了单片机实验教学存在的根本问题及改革的必要性,提出了新的改革方案,有利于培养学生自主学习、分析问题和解决问题的能力,提高学生的创新能力和综合素质。  相似文献   

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