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Integrin-mediated signal transduction   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Integrins, expressed on virtually every cell type, are proteins that mediate cellular interactions with components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell surface integral plasma membrane proteins. In addition, integrins interact with the cytoskeleton and through this process participate in cell migration, tissue organization, cell growth, haemostasis, inflammation, target recognition of lymphocytes and the differentiation of many cell types. Signals generated from ligand-integrin interactions are propagated via the integrin cytoplasmic tails to signal transduction pathways within the cell (outside-in signalling). Information from within the cell can also be transmitted to the outside via integrin affinity modulation (inside-out signalling). Protein tyrosine phosphorylation has a central role in integrin-initiated cell signalling, leading to cytoskeletal organization and focal adhesion formation. This review will examine the current understanding of integrin function, focusing on the intracellular consequences of integrin-ligand interaction.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides and signal transduction   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Phosphoinositides comprise a family of eight minor membrane lipids which play important roles in many signal transducing pathways in the cell. Signaling through various phosphoinositides has been shown to mediate cell growth and proliferation, apoptosis, cytoskeletal changes, insulin action and vesicle trafficking. A number of advances in signal transduction in the last decade has resulted in the discovery of a growing list of proteins which directly interact with high affinity and specificity with distinct phosphoinositides. Equally important, a number of phosphoinositide binding domains such as the pleckstrin homology domain have emerged as critical mediators of phosphoinositide signaling. Here, recent advances in phosphoinositide signaling are discussed. The aim of this review is to highlight particularly exciting advances made in the field over the last few years. The regulation of phosphoinositide metabolism by lipid kinases, phosphatases and phospholipases is reviewed, and considerable emphasis is placed on phosphoinositide-binding proteins. Finally, the role of these lipids in regulating signaling pathways and cell function is described.  相似文献   

Growth hormone signal transduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth hormone (GH) promotes animal growth by stimulating bone and cartilage cell proliferation, and influences carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Some of these effects are brought about indirectly via somatomedin induction in hepatocytes, others by acting directly on the target cells. In either case, GH first binds to specific receptors on cells to trigger a sequence of biochemical events culminating in a biological response. Recently much has been learnt about the molecular structure of GH receptor, its binding to ligand, and the ensuing signal transduction events.  相似文献   

Signal transduction pathways transduce information about the outside of the cell to the nucleus, regulating gene expression and cell fate. To reliably inform the cell about its surroundings, information transfer has to be robust against typical perturbation that a cell experiences. Robustness of several mammalian signaling pathways has been studied recently by quantitative experimentation and using mathematical modeling. Here, we review these studies, and describe the emerging concepts of robustness and the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

MAP kinases in plant signal transduction   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are modules involved in the transduction of extracellular signals to intracellular targets in all eukaryotes. Distinct MAPK pathways are regulated by different extracellular stimuli and are implicated in a wide variety of biological processes. In plants there is evidence for MAPKs playing a role in the signaling of abiotic stresses, pathogens and plant hormones. The large number and divergence of plant MAPKs indicates that this ancient mechanism of bioinformatics is extensively used in plants and may provide a new molecular handle on old questions.  相似文献   

Negative regulators of cytokine signal transduction   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

Plexins: axon guidance and signal transduction   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Axon guidance represents a key stage in the formation of neuronal network. Axons are guided by a variety of guidance factors, such as semaphorins, ephrins and netrin. Plexins function as receptors for the repulsive axonal guidance molecules semaphorins. Intracellular domains of plexins are responsible for initiating cellular signal transduction inducing axon repulsion. Recent advances have revealed molecular mechanisms for plexin-mediated cytoskeletal reorganization, leading to repulsive responses, and small GTPases play important roles in this signaling. Plexin-B1 activates Rho through Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factors, leading to neurite retraction. Plexin-B1 possesses an intrinsic GTPase-activating protein activity for R-Ras and induces growth cone collapse through R-Ras inactivation. In this review we survey current understanding of the signaling mechanisms of plexins.Received 13 January 2005; received after revision 3 February 2005; accepted 15 February 2005  相似文献   

Angiogenesis and signal transduction in endothelial cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Endothelial cells receive multiple information from their environment that eventually leads them to progress along all the stages of the process of formation of new vessels. Angiogenic signals promote endothelial cell proliferation, increased resistance to apoptosis, changes in proteolytic balance, cytoskeletal reorganization, migration and, finally, differentiation and formation of a new vascular lumen. We aim to review herein the main signaling cascades that become activated in angiogenic endothelial cells as well as the opportunities of modulating angiogenesis through pharmacological interference with these signaling mechanisms. We will deal mainly with the mitogen-activated protein kinases pathway, which is very important in the transduction of proliferation signals; the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/protein kinase B signaling system, particularly essential for the survival of the angiogenic endothelium; the small GTPases involved in cytoskeletal reorganization and migration; and the kinases associated to focal adhesions which contribute to integrate the pathways from the two main sources of angiogenic signals, i.e. growth factors and the extracellular matrix.Received 13 February 2004; received after revision 25 March 2004; accepted 19 April 2004  相似文献   

ROPs in the spotlight of plant signal transduction   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Small guanine nucleotide binding proteins of the Rho family called ROP play a crucial role as regulators of signal transduction in plants. They participate in pathways that influence growth and development, and the adaptation of plants to various environmental situations. As members of the Ras superfamily, ROPs function as molecular switches cycling between a GDP-bound ‘off’ and a GTP-bound ‘on’ state in a strictly regulated manner. Latest research provided fascinating new insights into ROP regulation by novel guanine nucleotide exchange factors, unconventional GTPase activating proteins, and guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors, which apparently organize localized ROP activation. Important progress has also been made concerning signaling components upstream and downstream of the ROP cycle involving receptor-like serine/threonine kinases and effectors that can manipulate cytoskeletal dynamics, intracellular calcium levels, H2O2 production and further cellular targets. This review outlines the fast developing knowledge on ROP GTPases highlighting their specific features, regulation and roles in a cellular signaling context. Received 28 April 2006; received after revision 2 June 2006; accepted 29 June 2006  相似文献   

Cell surface receptors are used to transmit extracellular information. The activation of cell surface receptors initiates signal transduction and receptor endocytosis. Signal transduction and the endosomal transport of activated receptors require precise regulation. New concepts for the integration of endocytosis and signaling arise from recent findings that suggest bidirectional interplay of these two processes. This review discusses the following questions: (i) do activated cell surface receptors modify the endosomal system to promote internalization and endosomal traffic, and (ii) do internalized cell surface receptors use specifically localized signaling complexes to generate specific biological signals?  相似文献   

Several independent groups have shown that lipid-dependent signal transduction systems operate in the nucleus and that they are regulated independently from their membrane and cytosolic counterparts. A sizable body of evidence suggests that nuclear lipid signaling controls critical biological functions such as cell proliferation and differentiation. Diacylglycerol is a fundamental lipid second messenger which is produced in the nucleus. The levels of nuclear diacylglycerol fluctuate during the cell cycle progression, suggesting that such a molecule has important regulatory roles. Most likely, nuclear diacylglycerol serves as a chemoattractant for some isoforms of protein kinase C that migrate to the nucleus in response to a variety of agonists. The nucleus also contains diacylglycerol kinases, i.e. the enzymes that, by converting diacylglycerol into phosphatidic acid, terminate diacylglycerol-dependent events. A number of diacylglycerol kinases encoded by separate genes are present in the mammalian genome. This review aims at highlighting the different isotypes of diacylglycerol kinases identified at the nuclear level as well as at discussing their potential function and regulation. Received 4 December 2001; received after revision 28 January 2002; accepted 31 January 2002  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal regulation of intracellular signaling is determined by the spatial and temporal organization of complexes assembled on scaffold proteins, which can be modulated by their interactions with additional proteins as well as subcellular localization. The scaffold KSR1 protein interacts with MAPK forming a complex that conveys a differential signaling in response to growth factors. The aim of this work is to determine the unknown mechanism by which VRK2A downregulates MAPK signaling. We have characterized the multiprotein complex formed by KSR1 and the Ser-Thr kinase VRK2A. VRK2A is a protein bound to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and retains a fraction of KSR1 complexes on the surface of this organelle. Both proteins, VRK2A and KSR1, directly interact by their respective C-terminal regions. In addition, MEK1 is also incorporated in the basal complex. MEK1 independently interacts with the CA5 region of KSR1 and with the N-terminus of VRK2A. Thus, VRK2A can form a high molecular size (600–1,000?kDa) stable complex with both MEK1 and KSR1. Knockdown of VRK2A resulted in disassembly of these high molecular size complexes. Overexpression of VRK2A increased the amount of KSR1 in the particulate fraction and prevented the incorporation of ERK1/2 into the complex after stimulation with EGF. Neither VRK2A nor KSR1 interact with the VHR, MKP1, MKP2, or MKP3 phosphatases. The KSR1 complex assembled and retained by VRK2A in the ER can have a modulatory effect on the signal mediated by MAPK, thus locally affecting the magnitude of its responses, and can explain differential responses depending on cell type.  相似文献   

The peptide hormones, prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH), are known to regulate numerous target tissues. Among such targets are cells of the immune system, including T cells, B cells, macrophages and natural killer cells. We have cloned a panel of PRL- and GH-inducible T cell genes for use in studies to understand how these hormones through the expression of these genes modulate the biology of immune function cells. This article focuses on the signalling pathways emanating from the PRL receptor (PRL-R) and GH receptor (GH-R), and the expression of PRL-inducible target genes.  相似文献   

When odorants bind to the sensory cilia of olfactory sensory neurons, the cells respond with an electrical output signal, typically a short train of action potentials. This review describes the present state of knowledge about the olfactory signal transduction process. In the last decade, a set of transduction molecules has been identified which help to explain many aspects of the sensory response. Odor-induced second-messenger production, activation of transduction channels, the central role of the ciliary Ca2+ concentration, as well as mechanisms that mediate adaptation, are all qualitatively understood on the basis of a consistent scheme for chemoelectrical transduction. This scheme, although necessarily incomplete, can serve as a working model for further experimentation which may reveal kinetical aspects of signal transduction processes in olfactory sensory neurons.  相似文献   

T-cell signal transduction and the role of protein kinase C   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The T lymphocyte has a vital part to play in maintaining the host response to bacterial and viral infection and also appears to play a key pathological role in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. In this review, we summarize the signalling pathways which trigger antigen-driven T-cell proliferation and examine the evidence which suggests that protein kinase C (PKC) is fundamental to this process. Finally, we discuss the therapeutic potential that PKC inhibitors may have in the treatment of autoimmune disease. Received 31 March 1998; received after revision 19 May 1998; accepted 19 May 1998  相似文献   

The role of endocytosis in activating and regulating signal transduction   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Endocytosis is increasingly understood to play crucial roles in most signaling pathways, from determining which signaling components are activated, to how the signal is subsequently transduced and/or terminated. Whether a receptor-ligand complex is internalized via a clathrin-dependent or clathrin-independent endocytic route, and the complexes' subsequent trafficking through specific endocytic compartments, to then be recycled or degraded, has profound effects on signaling output. This review discusses the roles of endocytosis in three markedly different signaling pathways: the Wnt, Notch, and Eph/Ephrin pathways. These offer fundamentally different signaling systems: (1) diffusible ligands inducing signaling in one cell, (2) membrane-tethered ligands inducing signaling in a contacting receptor cell, and (3) bi-directional receptor-ligand signaling in two contacting cells. In each of these systems, endocytosis controls signaling in fascinating ways, and comparison of their similarities and dissimilarities will help to expand our understanding of endocytic control of signal transduction across multiple signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Role of Sam68 as an adaptor protein in signal transduction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sam68, the substrate of Src in mitosis, belongs to the family of RNA binding proteins. Sam68 contains consensus sequences to interact with other proteins via specific domains. Thus, Sam68 has various proline-rich sequences to interact with SH3 domain-containing proteins. Moreover, Sam68 also has a C-terminal domain rich in tyrosine residues that is a substrate for tyrosine kinases. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Sam68 promotes its interaction with SH2 containing proteins. The association of Sam68 with SH3 domain-containing proteins, and its tyrosine phosphorylation may negatively regulate its RNA binding activity. The presence of these consensus sequences to interact with different domains allows this protein to participate in signal transduction pathways triggered by tyrosine kinases. Thus, Sam68 participates in the signaling of T cell receptors, leptin and insulin receptors. In these systems Sam68 is tyrosine phosphorylated and recruited to specific signaling complexes. The participation of Sam68 in signaling suggests that it may function as an adaptor molecule, working as a dock to recruit other signaling molecules. Finally, the connection between this role of Sam68 in protein-protein interaction with RNA binding activity may connect signal transduction of tyrosine kinases with the regulation of RNA metabolism.Received 16 July 2004; received after revision 12 August 2004; accepted 18 August 2004  相似文献   

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