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F Rupp  H Acha-Orbea  H Hengartner  R Zinkernagel  R Joho 《Nature》1985,315(6018):425-427
T lymphocytes involved in the cellular immune response carry cell-surface receptors responsible for antigen and self recognition. This T-cell receptor molecule is a heterodimeric protein consisting of disulphide-linked alpha- and beta-chains with variable (V) and constant (C) regions. Several complementary DNA and genomic DNA clones have been isolated and characterized. These analyses showed that the genomic arrangement and rearrangement of T-cell receptor genes using VT, diversity (DT), joining (JT) and CT gene segments is very similar to the structure of the known immunoglobulin genes. We have isolated two cDNA clones from an allospecific cytotoxic T cell, one of which shows a productive V beta-J beta-C beta 1 rearrangement without an intervening D beta segment. This V beta gene segment is identical to the V beta gene expressed in a helper T-cell clone specific for chicken red blood cells and H-21. The other clone carries the C beta 2 gene of the T-cell receptor, but the C beta 2 sequence is preceded by a DNA sequence that does not show any similarity to V beta or J beta sequences.  相似文献   

M P Lefranc  A Forster  T H Rabbitts 《Nature》1986,319(6052):420-422
Selective cloning procedures for T-cell-specific complementary DNAs have revealed the existence of a gene designated gamma as well as the main antigen receptor alpha- and beta-chain genes. The gamma-chain genes undergo rearrangement during T-cell differentiation but the patterns and complexity of such rearrangements differ markedly in mouse and human. In mouse, a panel of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte clones exhibit the same rearrangement pattern with a gamma-chain gene probe and a set of three gamma-chain variable (V) genes have been identified in the DNA. Clonal diversity in mouse seems to be confined to V-J (joining) regions. In contrast, human T-cell lines exhibit diverse rearrangements suggestive of a family of differing V gamma genes variously rearranging to the two gamma-chain constant (C) region genes. Here we report the cloning of two very different V gamma genes rearranged to J segments upstream of the two human C gamma genes. Both V gamma genes are rearranged productively but nucleotide sequence comparison shows that they possess very little homology with each other. This shows that human T-cell V gamma genes exist which differ significantly from each other at the nucleotide level and that such diverse genes can be usefully rearranged in different T cells.  相似文献   

The epidermis of normal mice contains two distinct populations of dendritic cells derived from the bone marrow, Ia+ Langerhans cells and Ia- cells that express the Thy-1 alloantigen. The Thy-1-bearing dendritic epidermal cells (Thy-1+ dEC) have a surface phenotype similar to that of very early T-lineage cells, produce IL-2-like growth factors and exhibit cytotoxicity which is not restricted by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The relationship of Thy-1+ dEC to the T-cell lineage is unclear. Most T lymphocytes bear a receptor for antigen composed of an alpha chain and a beta chain associated with a nonpolymorphic complex termed CD3 (T3). A minor population carries a receptor in which CD3 is associated with a gamma/delta complex. We have analysed clones of Thy-1+ dEC for rearrangement and expression of the genes for the alpha-, beta- and gamma-chains of the T-cell receptor (TCR). They do not express alpha or beta but do carry a gamma/delta complex. Activation of the cells with Con A is associated with a rapid decrease in the steady-state level of gamma-chain RNA. Because Thy-1+ dEC resemble early stage T lymphocytes, down-regulation of TCR expression may reflect a necessary event during T cell differentiation.  相似文献   

A multitude of different antigens can be recognized by T cells through specific receptors. Both the alpha- and beta-chains of the T-cell receptor contribute to the antigen recognition portion. The repertoire of beta-chain variable region (V beta) gene segments is limited to some 20 elements which seem to be used randomly in different T cells. Diversity at the beta-chain level can be created in several ways: a multiplicity of germline gene segments; combinatorial diversity by rearranging different V, diversity (D), joining (J) and constant (C) region elements; junctional diversity by joining gene segments at different sites; N-region diversity, that is, insertion of random nucleotides at junctional sites; and somatic mutation. However, the major sources and the extent of diversity of the T-cell receptor are unclear. To address this issue, 42 H-2Kb-restricted, 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (TNP)-specific cytotoxic T-cell (Tc) clones from C57BL/6 mice were characterized with respect to expression of different beta-chain gene segments in messenger RNA using specific oligonucleotide probes. We report here that nearly half of the Tc clones use identical elements for productive beta-chain gene rearrangement. Thus, there is a restriction in the use of beta-chain gene segments in this panel of Tc clones which favours a particular V beta--D beta--J beta--C beta combination with a defined D beta element.  相似文献   

Untransformed T-cell clones maintained in culture are dependent on signals transmitted through their antigen receptors (Ti; alpha and beta chains associated with the CD3 molecules) for growth and effector function. For cytolytic T cells (CTL), Ti stimulation also activates the killing machinery and induces synthesis of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) messenger RNA and IFN-gamma secretion. The Thy-1 molecule, expressed on all murine cells of the T-cell lineage, has been suggested to function in transmembrane signalling, based on the ability of some anti-Thy-1 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to activate T cells. Recently, it was suggested that Thy-1 could function as a signal-transduction molecule when expressed in B-cell lymphomas after transfection of the gene, leading to speculation that the molecule was part of an activation pathway independent of the Ti/CD3 structures. Here we report the immunoselection of a variant CTL clone which has lost expression of mRNA for the alpha-chain of the Ti. The Ti- variant was defective in lectin-mediated activation whether measured by increase in intracytoplasmic Ca2+, CTL effector function or IFN-gamma synthesis. The variant, which expressed normal levels of Thy-1, was also unresponsive to Thy-1 mAb activation as measured by IFN-gamma secretion, whereas it responded to calcium ionophore plus phorbol ester. These results indicate that in a non-transformed, functional mature T-cell, Thy-1 mediated signalling is not an alternative to, but might depend on elements associated with the Ti/CD3-mediated T-cell activation pathway.  相似文献   

L M Ching  R G Miller 《Nature》1981,289(5800):802-804
The role of the thymus in T-lymphocyte differentiation remains unclear. The demonstration that the thymus can restrict the T-lymphocyte specificity repertoire suggests that T cells acquire specificity within the thymus. However, the demonstrations of immunocompetent helper T cells and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursor cells (CLPs) in athymic nude mice suggest that the acquisition of some T-cell reactivity may occur without the thymus. We have been using T-cell colonies grown in vitro as a model system for studying various aspects of T-cell differentiation in both mouse and man. In one study we showed that CLPs can be found in T-cell colonies grown from spleen cells of normal mice, each colony containing CLPs of several different specificities. The colonies containing CLPs are not clonal, appearing to have a colony-forming unit (CFU-T) of two (perhaps three) cells. Here we provide direct evidence that the CLPs are spontaneously produced in the colonies. In addition, the cells of the CFU-T were characterized with antisera directed against the cell-surface marker Thy-1, which is present on all murine T cells, and the cell-surface markers Lyt-1 and Lyt-2, which are differentially distributed on different T-cell subclasses. We found that the CFU-T contains both a Thy-1+ and a Thy-1- cell, neither of which seems to carry either Lyt-1 or Lyt-2 surface markers.  相似文献   

G Gromo  R L Geller  L Inverardi  F H Bach 《Nature》1987,327(6121):424-426
The generation of effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes from resting precursors proceeds through a series of steps in a pathway that, in aggregate, involves both proliferation and development of cytotoxicity. To understand the relationship of the various signals (mitogens and/or lymphokines) that bring about progress along this pathway, it is desirable to define a series of 'minimal signals', each of which stimulates the cell to proceed to a further stage in this process of differentiation. Stimulation of lymphocytes with two different monoclonal antibodies directed against the CD2 surface molecule induces a proliferative response; we report here that both CD4+ and CD8+ cells proliferate in response to such a stimulus but do not develop cytotoxicity. Addition of recombinant gamma-interferon (rIFN-gamma) or recombinant IL-2 (rIL-2) to the activated cells leads to acquisition of cytotoxic status by the CD8+ cells but not the CD4+ cells. The availability, in addition to precursors and effectors, of an apparently intermediate stage in the form of proliferating CD8+ cells that are non-cytotoxic should facilitate both cellular and molecular studies of this maturation pathway; the differences between CD4+ and CD8+ cells in development of cytotoxicity under these experimental conditions is a valuable model for understanding differentiation of T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) seem to provide the major line of defence against many viruses. CTL effector functions are mediated primarily by cells carrying the CD8 (Ly-2) antigen (CD8+ cells) and are triggered by interactions of the T-cell receptor with an antigenic complex, often termed 'self plus X', composed of viral determinants in association with class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The mechanism(s) of induction of virus-specific CTL in vivo is poorly understood, but data from in vitro experiments suggest that their generation is strictly dependent on functions provided by CD4+ helper T cells (also referred to as L3T4+; or TH) that respond to antigens in the context of class II (Ia) MHC determinants. The prevailing opinion that induction of most functions of CD8+ cells requires help provided by CD4+ cells has recently been challenged by the observation that CD8+ cells alone can mediate a variety of responses to alloantigens in vitro and in vivo; however, the possibility that CTL to self plus X could be generated in vivo in the absence of TH cells has not been evaluated. We report here that C57BL/6J (B6) and AKR/J mice, when functionally depleted of CD4+ cells by in vivo treatment with the CD4+-specific rat monoclonal antibody GK1.5 (refs 8-14) responded to ectromelia virus infection by developing an optimal in vivo virus-specific CTL response, and subsequently recovered from the disease (mousepox) that was lethal for similarly infected nude mice (CD4-, CD8-).  相似文献   

The vertebrate immune system has evolved to protect against infections that threaten survival before reproduction. Clinically manifest tumours mostly arise after the reproductive years and somatic mutations allow even otherwise antigenic tumours to evade the attention of the immune system. Moreover, the lack of immunological co-stimulatory molecules on solid tumours could result in T-cell tolerance; that is, the failure of T cells to respond. However, this may not generally apply. Here we report several important findings regarding the immune response to tumours, on the basis of studies of several tumour types. First, tumour-specific induction of protective cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) depends on sufficient tumour cells reaching secondary lymphatic organs early and for a long enough duration. Second, diffusely invading systemic tumours delete CTLs. Third, tumours that stay strictly outside secondary lymphatic organs, or that are within these organs but separated from T cells by barriers, are ignored by T cells but do not delete them. Fourth, co-stimulatory molecules on tumour cells do not influence CTL priming but enhance primed CTL responses in peripheral solid tumours. Last, cross priming of CTLs by tumour antigens, mediated by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules of antigen-presenting host cells, is inefficient and not protective. These rules of T-cell induction and maintenance not only change previous views but also rationales for anti-tumour immunotherapy.  相似文献   

J Tschopp  D Masson  K K Stanley 《Nature》1986,322(6082):831-834
Cytolysis mediated by complement or cytolytic lymphocytes results in the formation of morphology similar lesions in the target membrane. These lesions, formed by the polymerization of C9 or perforin respectively, contribute the major killing action by causing osmotic lysis of the target cell. Following the suggestion of Mayer that the mechanisms of humoral and cell-mediated cytotoxicity might be related, studies into the morphology of the membrane lesions formed, and the proteins responsible for causing the lesions, have shown several similarities. While the lesion caused by natural and T-killer cells is a little larger than that caused by complement, its overall shape is similar and in both cases the cylindrical pore is formed by polymerization of a monomeric subunit, C9 (relative molecular mass, Mr = 71,000) for complement, and perforin (Mr = 66,000) for cell-mediated cytotoxicity. C9 has an absolute requirement for a receptor in the target membrane formed by the earlier membrane attack complex components, C5b, C6, C7 and C8 (ref. 8). For perforin, polymerization in a target membrane requires no receptor, specificity being derived from the specific recognition between killer and target cell. Both proteins can be made to polymerize in vitro by the addition of divalent cations (Zn2+ for C9 (ref. 16) and Ca2+ for perforin) and the resultant complexes closely resemble their physiological counterparts. Antibodies raised against lymphocyte-killed targets have also been shown to cross-react with complement proteins, but the antigenically related proteins were not determined in these studies. We show here using purified proteins that perforin, C9 and complexes involving C7 and C8 share a common antigenic determinant which is probably involved in polymerization.  相似文献   

A M Fry  L A Matis 《Nature》1988,335(6193):830-832
The influence of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene products on the T-lymphocyte alpha beta receptor (TCR) repertoire is well documented, but how specificity is also generated for a diverse array of foreign peptide antigens is unknown. One proposed mechanism is that the TCR repertoire is selected by the recognition of processed self-antigens bound to MHC molecules. Here, we examine the influence of non-MHC-encoded self-antigens on the TCR repertoire expressed in an antigen-specific immune response. Most pigeon cytochrome c-specific, Ek alpha Ek beta (Ek) Ia-restricted T cells from B10.A mice express a product of the V alpha 11 gene family in association with a V beta 3 gene-encoded protein. We therefore examined V alpha 11 and V beta 3 gene expression in cytochrome c-specific T-cell lines derived from various mouse strains with different non-MHC genetic backgrounds. T cells from several strains failed to express any V beta 3 due to tolerance induced by Mlsc-encoded self-antigens. Variable levels of V alpha 11 messenger RNA (mRNA) were expressed by antigen-specific T cells from all the strains. In one strain V beta 3 was expressed in the relative absence of V alpha 11. These results directly demonstrate that self-tolerance alters TCR gene usage in the immune response to a foreign antigen, and indicate that TCR V alpha and V beta proteins may, in part, be independently selected.  相似文献   

K Ota  M Matsui  E L Milford  G A Mackin  H L Weiner  D A Hafler 《Nature》1990,346(6280):183-187
Multiple sclerosis is thought to be an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system mediated by T cells specific for a myelin antigen. Myelin basic protein has been studied as a potential autoantigen in the disease because of its role as an encephalitogen in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and post-viral encephalomyelitis and because of the presence in the blood of multiple sclerosis patients of in vivo-activated T cells reactive to myelin basic protein. Immune involvement in multiple sclerosis has been further suggested by the association with the major histocompatibility complex class II phenotype DR2, DQw1. To define the T-cell specificity toward myelin basic protein, 15,824 short-term T-cell lines were established from multiple sclerosis subjects, subjects with other neurological diseases, and normal controls. Here we report a higher frequency of T-cell lines reactive with a DR2-associated region of myelin basic protein between residues 84-102 in patients with multiple sclerosis compared with controls. A second region, identified between residues 143-168, was recognized equally in multiple sclerosis patients and controls and was associated with the DRw11 phenotype. These DR2 and DRw11 associations were also observed among T-cell lines generated from family members of a multiple sclerosis patient. The immunodominant 84-102 peptide from myelin basic protein was both DR2- and DQw1-restricted among different T-cell lines. These results raise the possibility that this immunodominant region may be encephalitogenic in some DR2+ individuals.  相似文献   

T H Watts  H E Gaub  H M McConnell 《Nature》1986,320(6058):179-181
Helper T cells recognize foreign antigen displayed on antigenpresenting cells which also express self-molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). A single T-cell receptor mediates recognition of both MHC and foreign antigen. A proposed ternary complex between T-cell receptor, foreign antigen and MHC antigen has not yet been demonstrated (see ref. 1 for review). Here, we show that a fluorescein-labelled synthetic peptide, together with Texas red-labelled class II MHC antigen, I-Ad, stimulates the production of interleukin-2 by a peptide-specific I-Ad-restricted T-cell hybridoma when reconstituted in a lipid membrane on a glass substrate. Under the same conditions, resonance-energy transfer from donor peptide to acceptor I-A can be stimulated in an evanescent wave-field only in the presence of the specific T-hybrid. Our results show that the T cell stabilizes an association between peptide antigen and class II MHC protein to within a distance of about 40 A.  相似文献   

目的 :评价抗精子抗体 (anti -spermantibody ,AsAb)与反复自然流产 (recurrentspontaneousabortion ,RSA)小鼠模型CBA/J×DBA/ 2生殖力特点的关系 .方法 :对CBA/J×DBA/ 2小鼠的生殖力特点做为期 6 0d的观察 ,与生殖力正常的BALB/c×DBA/ 2小鼠进行比较 ,并检测上述雌鼠血清AsAb水平 .结果 :CBA/J×DBA/ 2小鼠平均每窝产仔数和雌雄同笼至第 1窝鼠仔出生的平均时间均与BALB/c×DBA/ 2小鼠有显著差异 ,分别为 (3 0± 1 1)只与 (6 1± 1 6 )只 ,P <0 0 0 1,和 (33 5± 7 1)d与 (2 5 8± 3 2 )d ,P <0 0 1.在这些CBA/J×DBA/ 2和BALB/c×DBA/ 2组合的雌鼠血清中均未检测出AsAb .结论 :CBA/J×DBA/ 2小鼠生殖力的下降可能并非由于雌鼠血清中存在AsAb所致  相似文献   

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