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The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology (known as China Historical Materials of Science and Technology from 1980 to 2004) is the official publication of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology and the Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Science. It is foremost vehicle for the scholarship of professional historians of science in China, published quarterly by China Science and Technology Press.  相似文献   

Honorable Council members of the DHS, Chairs of Delegations, Distinguished Guests, Lances and Gentlemen : On behalf of the Chinese host, I sincerely and warmly welcome you to Beijing and the 22^nd International Congress of the History of Science. To my knowledge, in the 76 years of its history, this is only the second time that the Congress is being held in the Far East, and is also the second time the Congress is meeting in a developing country.  相似文献   

Honorable Council members of the DHS, Chairs of Delegations, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the Chinese host, I sincerely and warmly welcome you to Beijing and the 22na International Congress of the History of Science. To my knowledge, in the 76 years of its history, this is only the second time that the Congress is being held in the Far East, and is also the second time the Congress is meeting in adeveloping country. For both of these reasons, we are deeply honored that you are here, and we appreciate the tremendous responsibility that comes with hosting the 22nd International Congress of the History of Science.  相似文献   

What is Globalization? When we speak of globalization of knowledge, it is an unfortunate fact that the text books and monographs in western countries generally trace their ideas to ancient Greece but go no further. They do not always acknowledge that there were other civilizations who nurtured great knowledge of science and technology long before Grecian civilization. I refer to the ancient civilizations of both China and India, as well as the Egyptians and the Baylonians whose ideas and inventions were copied by the societies of Greece and Rome much later①.  相似文献   

The accelerating circulation of information and knowledge is one of the most str iking features of the age of globalization .Exchanges of knowledge across region al and linguistic boundaries are one of the distinguishing traits of the emerging “knowledge society”.Yet the issue's topicality must not eclipse the fact that the historical roots of such exchanges, in East Asia as well as in Europe and other regions of the world,can be traced back to antiquity.Exchanges of scientific and cult…  相似文献   

Science & Culture Review is devoted to the study of interactions between science-technology and culture-society and the promotion of dialogues between sciences, humanities and social sciences. The journal is international in scope and interdisciplinary in contents.  相似文献   

1 Biology for the 21st Century In a recent article in the New York Times (3/23/05), reporting on yet another upset to received views of the ways in which cells make use of their DNA, a prominent geneticist is quoted as remarking, "biologists have gotten used to the unexpected." Indeed, they have, as indeed, they have had to. Over the last few years, our understanding of molecular and developmental genetics has mutated dramatically in response to ever more complex analyses of ever more abundant and more complex data.  相似文献   

Historians of modem science have good reasons to be grateful to Paul Arthur Schilpp, professor of philosophy and Methodist clergyman but better known as the editor of a series of volumes on“ Living Philosophers”, including several on scientist-philosophers. His motto was: “The asking of questions about a philosopher's meaning while he is alive.”  相似文献   

That Maxwell' s electrodynamics the way in which it is usually understood leads to asymmetries that do not appear in the phenomena is well known. Albert Einstein The painter' s studio should be a laboratory. There one does not make art in the manner of a monkey, one invents. Painting is a play of the mind.  相似文献   

Historians of moden science have good reasons to be grateful to Paul Arthur Schilpp, professor of philosophy and Methodist clergyman but better known as the editor of a series of volumes on “Living Philosophers,” including several on scientist - philosophers. His motto was:“The asking of questions about a philosopher‘s meaning while he is alive.” And to his everlasting credit,  相似文献   

艾哈迈德.哈桑与唐纳德.希尔合著的《伊斯兰技术简史》阐明了各种涉及自然科学领域的技术进步也是伊斯兰文明的重要组成部分。从阿拉伯阿拔斯王朝的"翻译运动"一直延续到十五世纪欧洲海外活动的扩张这段时期内,伊斯兰世界在技术上一直保持着领先的地位。伊斯兰世界的衰落和欧洲的崛起都不是偶然的事件,面对技术和科学的态度在其中起到了关键性的作用,而这实际上与宗教的态度有着密切的关联。  相似文献   

伊斯兰文明的崛起来源于其内在对知识的渴求,并通过知识研究平台的搭建得以实现。大翻译运动使伊斯兰文明融合理性与务实,从而推动人类科学研究的发展,特别是促进理论与实践的紧密结合。从一定角度来看,中世纪的伊斯兰文明拉开了世界的发现和人的发现的序幕。伊斯兰文明中的科学研究更成为文艺复兴的重要知识储备,为近代科学之树的生根发芽提供了必要的土壤。  相似文献   

对元明时期有关中国伊斯兰天文机构的两个问题进行专门论述,认为元明政府设置伊斯兰天文机构的主要动机是利用其人的星占术;伊斯兰天文机构的禜星与星占有关,是一种祭祀星辰的活动。上述问题的探讨有助于深入了解伊斯兰天文学在华流播、变迁的政治文化背景,全面认识伊斯兰天文家在华工作的多样性。  相似文献   

Philosophy of Science是美国科学哲学协会的官方刊物,美国科学哲学协会"两年一度会议记录"占所发表的论文总量的比例较高,Philosophy of Science呈现出的发展态势基本反映了美国科学哲学的现状。从1988-2007年发表论文关键词的统计看,量子理论的研究最受关注,进化、生物学是另一个研究热点,逻辑、数学、认知科学等方面的研究也备受关注;从影响力的角度上看,在1996-2007年间,Philosophy of Science的影响因子常年保持在0.3以上,但在JCR公布的2000-2007年影响因子排名上,其下降态势十分明显;在作者方面,90%以上的论文为个人独立成果。  相似文献   

新发现的1951-1952年任鸿隽、竺可桢相关中国科学社往来信函六通,聚焦于《科学》停刊、中国科学社改组两个问题.信函内容不仅解决了末期中国科学社的一些谜团,更反映了国家科学政策探索时期科学家之间的复杂面相:《科学》停刊的矛盾背后是民国时期科学家代际冲突在新形势的新表现;任鸿隽、竺可桢对《科学》停刊特别是中国科学社改组...  相似文献   

本文介绍了日本、澳大利亚和韩国政府吸引海外优秀研究人员的政策措施,并重点介绍了这3个国家具体资助科学研究的机构如日本学术振兴会、澳大利亚研究理事会、韩国科学与工程基金会吸引海外研究人员的项目类别和具体做法,其成功的经验对我国制定吸引海外人才的政策措施和计划有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

一般认为:科学是工具理性,伦理是价值理性;原本这二者是和谐的,但随着时空的转换,似乎其矛盾不可调和;今天的结果是价值理性不仅没有规范工具理性而且沦落为婢女;科学就是主体,拥有支配权力。在哲学史上,列维纳斯独树一帜,第一次提出了绝对先在性的他者哲学,从而不仅批判了西方传统的为我的自我授权的权力哲学,而且为哲学之思打开了一条新的通道——他者责任伦理学——他人的存在权比我自己的更重要。但这种他者的声音既是弱者的声音也是脆弱的呻吟——你不能杀人。或许,列维纳斯他者哲学的魅力正在这里——他者伦理学是第一哲学,而且在本源上看,人——无论我、你,还是他者,都是弱者;从唯科学角度看,人——无论我、你,还是他者,都是非支配的客体。  相似文献   

李约瑟在其论述中国科学和文明的系列巨著中,展示了他对迷人的古代文明之一-中国文明的概念细微差别与成就的敏锐。另外,他就思想与实践从一种文化传播到另一种文化所作的思考可谓不同凡响。尤为人注目的是,他在天文学、数学、炼丹术及其它方面对印之间科学传播的阐述。虽然为了解印度科学,他大体上依赖于其他学者的研究,但他对待印度科学的客观态度却令人耳目一新,并且由于其巨著对古代印度科学的某些方面提供了相当透彻的见解,因此这部巨著对印度科学史家来说确有价值。事实上,李约瑟精心筹划的多卷本系列形式以及各卷本内容上的旁征博引乃是印度科学史家们灵感之源泉。  相似文献   

中华自然科学社的前身为华西自然科学社,1927年9月在南京中央大学成立,以"研究及发展自然科学"为宗旨,1951年宣告解散。作为民国时期影响较大的一个全国性、综合性科技社团,中华自然科学社通过创办《科学世界》、编纂科学书籍、召开年会、举办演讲等途径,在宣传和普及科学知识的同时,积极致力于中国科学的体制化。与此同时,就中国科学落后的原因、科学研究路径、科学大众化等问题,中华自然科学社社员阐发了自己的见解。  相似文献   

科学技术具有丰富而深刻的哲学人类学意义。它能够开启和拓展人的“身外的自然”,创造人所特有的人工工艺和“工艺学”;还能延伸和放大人的“自身的自然”,使人真正以类的力量进行活动;科学技术还是人类自我超越的重要维度,人类就是通过科学技术的发展而逐步实现和占有了自己的全面本质。  相似文献   

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