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美国航空航天局的一项声明,将彻底推翻科学界争论了几十年的"宇宙大坍缩"理论,从而引发宇宙学革命. 美国航空航天局(NASA)将宣布一项新发现,证实宇宙中"暗能"的确存在.这种暗能将抵消宇宙星系重力的作用,使宇宙一直不断膨胀下去,永远也不会发生如剑桥大学物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金教授所预言的那种"宇宙大坍缩"结局.  相似文献   

据《青年参考》引述英国《每日电讯报》报道说,美国航空航天局(NASA)的一项新发现表明,宇宙中的确存在“暗能”。这种暗能将抵消宇宙星系重力的作用,使宇宙一直不断膨胀下去,永远也不会发生如剑桥大学物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金教授所预言的那种“宇宙大坍缩”结局。这一新发现将彻底推翻科学界争论了几十年的“宇宙大坍缩”理论,从而引发宇宙学革命。  相似文献   

<正>伽马射线暴是宇宙中最剧烈的爆炸,由濒死的巨恒星坍缩爆炸所形成。自20世纪60年代末首次被发现以来,就令天文学家着迷不已。而今,科学家成功抓拍到了伽马射线暴的详细过程。这场剧烈爆炸在几秒内释放的能量相当于太阳100亿年释放的能量总和。据记录此次射线暴的团队称,它的亮度即使在相隔100亿  相似文献   

东汉都城洛阳在周秦故城基础上营建而成,但汉明帝为了彰显东汉政权的正统性,有意在都城的营建过程中"象天设都"。东汉都城洛阳南北宫制的形成,一定程度上法象了"太一"紫宫与太微宫的布局;洛阳金市则因取法"天市"的布局而改变了都城"面朝后市"的规制,使洛阳城内两宫、一市的格局与"三垣"形成对应。围绕洛阳南北宫而建造的三公府、离宫、别苑、太仓、武库、监狱等宫苑、机构,则与"三台"、"营室"、"咸池"、"天枪"、"天棓"、"贵人牢"、"贱人牢"等星宿相对应。通过"象天设都"观念在洛阳城营建过程中的实践,东汉统治者将"天命在汉"的观念贯彻到了都城的空间布局中。  相似文献   

海洋多糖材料的功能化、高值化利用是近年来的研究热点之一,尤其是将其制备成粒径均一的微球,在生物及医药领域具有重要的应用价值。本文重点介绍了在制备粒径均一的海洋多糖微球方面已取得突出成绩的膜乳化法以及微流控技术的机理、影响因素以及应用方面的最新进展,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

文章研究煤矿井工开拓开采模式,创新了深部煤层群连续卸压开采及煤与瓦斯协调共采方法,提出了强采动条件巷道顶板安全控制、无煤柱沿空留巷结构控制、钻孔法煤与瓦斯协调共采、基于光纤光栅传感的煤矿巷道围岩实时监测等关键技术,形成了深井煤层群安全高效的科学开采模式。  相似文献   

2015年11月8日至12月17日,香山科学会议陆续召开了主题为:"限域传质:前沿科学问题与关键技术"、"空间辐射物理及应用"、"新形势下中医理论发展的方向和策略"、"特殊环境因素的损伤机制与系统干预"、"锕系材料科学与技术"和"高性能电机系统的共性基础科学问题"的第546~551次学术讨论会。  相似文献   

<正>在我们可观测到的宇宙中,几乎每一秒都有恒星在灾变过程中毁灭。这些过程包括恒星的脉动、恒星间的碰撞、恒星坍缩成黑洞或者以超新星的形式爆炸等等。这些宇宙中激烈的活动长久以来一直被看似平静的夜空所掩盖,不久前才成为天文学关注的焦点。在近一个世纪的岁月中,科学家孜孜不倦地探索宇宙数十亿年的演化历程,但直至最近才  相似文献   

一、主要技术内容 液体金属锌对几乎所有的单金属和大多数合金都有强烈的腐蚀,而个别耐腐蚀材料也因成本高、脆性大无法应用.该研究通过筛选上百种金属及合金,优选出与锌液不润湿、不互溶的脆性FeB金属间化合物作为耐锌蚀的基础材料.通过复合催化方法分解稀土合金,在熔炼过程中使稀土元素熔入FeB中,形成一种以FeB为基的、具有良好耐锌蚀性和成型性的稀土-硼化铁新型韧性金属间化合物,经喷雾制粉工艺将其制成细粉,然后通过粉末冶金方法和材料复合技术制成双层复合材料,使其同时具有耐液锌腐蚀性和足够高的强度.利用这种复合材料制成耐锌蚀复合管,内置加热体并填充高导热性材料,最终制成大功率耐锌蚀内加热器,率先在世界范围内实现热镀锌的内加热.  相似文献   

面向水环境监测国家重大需求,针对无线网络微传感器芯片系统急需解决的领域前沿问题,围绕着三维微纳结构传感效应及尺度效应、敏感材料与载体相互作用机理及表面增强效应、多靶标可逆特异性响应机理与信号转换机制、能量产生及耗散机理与自循环复合换能机制等核心科学问题进行探索性研究,深入研究和认识敏感机理,探索和研究新的敏感效应和敏感方法,获得提高微纳生物化学传感器灵敏度、选择性、稳定性的科学方法与技术途径;发展微纳加工、集成与封装新方法,研制出水环境监测关键微传感单元、微弱信号检测与传输极低功耗电路、环保型长效微型电源;通过微传感单元、极低功耗集成电路、微型电源的集成,结合样品预处理微流控芯片,实现水环境监测无线网络微传感器芯片系统,突破和解决水环境现场、实时、网络化自动监测关键技术。获得一批自主知识产权和前沿性成果,造就一支具有国际水平的研究队伍,营造不断创新的环境,为使我国在传感技术领域进入国际先进和领先水平,为我国信息技术的长远发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

生态危机已成为全球性关注的重大问题.<自然辩证法研究>作为由中国自然辩证法研究会主办的并在我国科学哲学界最具典型性和权威性的国家级核心期刊之一,其生态哲学的载文状况也具有一定的代表性和影响力.我们对其自创刊20年来关于生态哲学相关文章的载文状况进行必要的统计分析,以此从某个侧面回顾并展示我国科学哲学界对生态哲学的研究状况及其关注度,从而更深层把握生态哲学这一新的哲学形态的研究进展状况、有效启示价值以及未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

2009年第7届国际地貌学大会上,由大会主席提议,国际地貌学家协会批准设立"IAG丹霞地貌工作组".2010年第34届世界遗产大会"中国丹霞"成功申遗.这两大事件标志着中国土生土长的丹霞地貌走向了世界,登上了国际学术舞台.但是,丹霞地貌提出的原定义缺乏专业规范的科学表述,产生了不应有的认知误区,引起了后期丹霞地貌研究的...  相似文献   

Our interest focusses on the idea, that consciousness is a powerful acting entity. Up to now there does not exist a scientific concept for this idea. This is not due to problems within the field of psychology or brain research, but rather in resisting theories of modern physics. That is, why we have to search for a solution in the field of physics. A solution can be found in a new understanding of the basics of physical theory. That could be given by abstract and absolute quantum bits of information (AQI bits). To avoid the popular misunderstanding of “information” as “meaningful” it was necessary to find a new word for the free-of-meaning AQI bits: the AQI bits establish a quantum pre-structure termed “Protyposis” (Greek: “pre-formation”), out of which real objects can be formed, starting from energetical and material elementary particles. The Protyposis AQI bits provide a pre-structure for all entities in natural sciences. They are the basic entities, whereof the physical nature of the brain, on the one hand, and the mental nature of consciousness, on the other hand, were formed during the cosmological and the following biological evolution. A deeper understanding of quantum structures may help to overcome the resistance against quantum theory in the field of brain research and consciousness. The key for an understanding is the concept of Protyposis, which means an abstract quantum information free of any definite meaning. With the AQI bits of the Protyposis, both, massless and massive quantum particles can be constructed. Even quantum information with special meanings, in example grammatically formulated thoughts, eventually could be explained. As long as the fundamental basis of quantum theory is misunderstood as being formed by a manifold of some small objects like atoms, quarks, or strings, the problem of understanding consciousness has no solution. If instead we understand quantum theory as based on truly simple quantum structures, there would be no longer fundamental problems for an understanding of consciousness.  相似文献   

In many areas of the eighteenth century was a starting point for the quantification of science. It was a period in which the mania for collecting led to the first attempts in systematization and classification. This penchant for collecting was not limited to natural history specimens or curiosities. Due in part to the development of mathematical and physical instruments, which became more widely available, scholars were confronted with the informative value of numbers. On the one hand, sequences of measurements appeared to be the key to the advancement of scientific knowledge, yet on the other hand the mathematical apparatus to deal with these data was still largely lacking. As a result of this the first meteorological networks organized in the eighteenth century all became bogged down in the large amount of information that was collected but could not be processed properly. This development is illustrated in a case study of an early Dutch meteorological society, the Natuur-en Geneeskundige Correspondentie Soci?teit (1779-1802). What were the factors that triggered this interest in the weather in the Netherlands? What were the goals and expectations of the contributors? What were their methodological strategies? Which instruments were used to measure which meteorological parameters? How was the stream of numbers generated by these measurements organized, collected and interpreted? An analysis of this process reveals that limits on the advancement of meteorology were not only imposed by eighteenth-century Dutch Republic and the lack of a proper theoretical insight were also crucial factors that eventually frustrated the breakthrough of meteorology as an academic science in the Netherlands. This breakthrough was only achieved in the second half of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the research of British naturalists in China during the period between the Opium War and the collapse of the Qing dynasty (1839-1911). China was defeated in the Opium War and forced to open treaty ports for trade with the Westerners. The foreign powers, particularly Britain, imposed upon the Qing government treaties, concession leases, favourable trade conditions, legal privileges and so on to reduce its political autonomy. In the shadow of the informal empire, not only did the British have more freedom to travel in China, first at the treaty ports and later in the interior, but they successively established diplomatic , commercial and missionary institutions in dozens of Chinese cities. The most important of them - the British Consular Service, the Chinese Maritime Customs and the Protestant missionary organizations - provided the talent and infrastructure for natural historical research and became networks for scientific information. The research into China's natural history epitomized the characteristics of British research on China in general: it engaged in collecting and circulating an ever-increasing amount of information and aimed at producing 'factual' and 'useful' knowledge about China. The paper modified current literature on scientific imperialism, which has dealt primarily with the colonial context, by examining the role of nineteenth-century British imperial science in the context of informal empire.  相似文献   

针对多重实现论题,夏皮罗构造了一个两难:在一个多重实现案例中,如果两个物理实现者是同一种类型,那么功能类型实际上被单一实现,功能类型应该被还原为物理类型;如果两个物理实现者是真正不同的类型,那么不存在任何经验定律能够将这两种物理类型归为同一种功能类型,功能类型应该被取消.无论是还原还是取消,研究功能类型的特殊科学的自主...  相似文献   

自然科学界近年来掀起了一场前所未有的研究意识问题的"文艺复兴"运动.物理学、生物学、人工智能等科学范式的约束与启发,使当前意识科学研究的重点内容及问题类型发生了许多显著的变化,呈现出了对意识解释的不同水平、层次与性质.蓬勃发展中的意识科学研究也面临着不少困境,需要进一步确立适合于意识研究的新的科学现,提高自然科学与人文科学这两大基本向度的整合水平,加强对关键性的基础问题研究的理论力度.  相似文献   

Lately there has been a growing interest in evolutionary studies concerning how the regularities and patterns found in the living cell could have emerged spontaneously by way of self-assembly and self-organization. It is reasonable to postulate that the chemical compounds found in the primitive Earth would have mostly been very simple in nature, and would have been immersed in the natural dynamics of the physical world, some of which would have involved self-organization. It seems likely that some molecular processes self-organized spontaneously into a hierarchy of complex behaviours. Our conceptual search herein reaches back to the time when prebiotic phenomena began to take shape. This was before the origin of life, so in this paper we hope to shed new light on some of the theoretical issues that surround the ways in which cellular organization might have evolved without the aid of replicated information.  相似文献   

与儒家"向内觅理"有别,道家重视外向的"天之道",对自然之源和万物之本多有探讨,形成了独特而深刻的自然哲学思想,诸如"道""朴""无""有""阴阳"等自然哲学概念,在此基础上形成了"道生万物"的宇宙创生观,"负阴抱阳"的自然运行观,"道通为一"的世界统一观等自然哲学思想.这些概念和思想被现代物理科学,特别是量子物理学所...  相似文献   

由于地球生态环境的剧烈恶化,造成生物的多样性迅速减少,这使人类也面临着生存危机,而人类又在全力改造自身的营养和医疗水平等生存条件,使目前人类的生存环境达到了极其优越的程度,从而使自然选择对人类的作用松懈到了极点,导致人类出现了遗传病种类和患的数量剧增,生育能力下降,抗病机能骤减等多种不断退化的现象,从而使人类的生存和繁衍受到了严重威胁。并且这种现象正在日益加剧,却又无法逆转,使人类逐渐走向深渊。据此本作提出了人类的最终归宿是走向终结的观点,并阐述了通过应用环境生物技术改善地球环境、以人工选择代替自然选择等对策,可以防止人类的退化,延缓人类的终结。  相似文献   

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